Chapter 34: Chapter 35
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Concern. That's what I observed on the faces of my colleagues and part-time, subordinates. The news that a certain drug V is being produced by Vought and can make anyone a super has put society in a stupor. After all, now there is no God-given gift and it has become as much a myth as incorruptible bodies. Just bones, with bits of skin that have been carefully stuffed into wax figures. Yes, when a miracle has an explanation, it ceases to be a miracle and becomes a grey commonplace.
The corporation's stock has plummeted downward and continues this unhappy trend. If this continues, coupled with negative public opinion, everything will go to hell and the corporation will suffer losses on an unbelievable scale. And as far as I know, right now they need to make a statement to the press and either deny or confirm that they've been drugging children for decades. And this Wout situation was affecting pretty much everyone on her staff, including the superheroes.
Even the usually carefree Noir's face was brooding now, but he was the easiest to deal with. So was Maeve, who had long ago hardened her temper to the point where such news could only cause her annoyance. They wouldn't cause her any trouble. But the reaction of the others was mixed.
Starlight looked pale and overly concerned. Her blank stare spoke best of the state she was in. Should talk to her after another urgent meeting, of which for some reason there were more and more as time went on. Which was not a good thing.
Things were better with Train-A, the guy was clearly worried about what had happened, but not enough to get worked up about it. He certainly had nothing to do with leaking information about the drug, because he wouldn't sabotage the work of a corporation that literally floods him with money.
The obvious problems I saw were on the part of Deep, who could barely contain the panic that was bursting out of him. He would have to be spoken to privately and calmed down. He'd been hit harder by the drug than anyone here, excluding Noir.
And lastly, the new girl. Her attitude is completely indifferent to the whole thing, as if... No, who am I kidding? She definitely knew about the drug before this news, and she's most likely involved with some of Edgar's business that I don't know about. This is highly suspicious and I need to find out how Stormfront is connected to him.
- All right, everyone," Stan Edgar entered the room, himself, looking very animated. - First of all, I'd like to welcome you.
- Get straight to the point. I don't think you have much time right now, Stan.
I kindly asked him to hurry up and get this farce over with and get to the point.
I didn't believe that he was coming here for nothing, supposedly to keep his spirits up or something. For him, each member of the Seven is just a product that brings profit, nothing more. His indifferent gaze with a short nod only convinced me more strongly that he had come to ask us for something.
- Yes, I'm not a frequent visitor to this floor, for which I apologise. But desperate times make a lot of things clearer. Don't they? - He picked up his clipboard to point at a picture of an Asian man, seemingly snapped in some supermarket.
It immediately alerted all those in the know about Kenji. And it couldn't escape Stan Edgar, who noticed any change in our facial expressions. He couldn't help but take advantage of it. And Madeline, standing modestly in the corner, had definitely enlightened him on the current situation, so he was definitely aware of everything he needed to know.
- We are all bound together as partners... you and I are symbiont organisms, part of an organism called Vaught. That's how we overcome challenges as Wout. - In a well-practised voice, the CEO of the company.
- Go on.
My voice broke through the awkward silence as Stan waited for our reaction.
- Catching this fugitive supervillain is a priority for us, because it will change the balance of power.
- And we're supposed to catch him? - Train-A smiled nervously, looking at him. - Now? I mean, we have to talk about it first with the lawyers and... PR people. Without that, the public will eat us up.
- We don't have time.
- I'm sorry. But we don't have to go looking for this supervillain to cover your fuck-up. - Maeve declared emphatically, raising her voice for the first time.
Starlight was probably just at a loss for words, while Deep was always the softest among us. With Black Noir the situation is clear. He'll take the side I take, no questions asked. The same goes for almost everyone else, and they are only waiting for my decision.
- I would advise you not to be so categorical," Stan smiled indulgently. - Without Wout, you wouldn't have the benefits you have now.
Maeve was clearly angered by this attitude, and she was about to respond with a caustic response when I interjected.
- Are you saying that you and I are in the same boat? That everything we have is because of Wout. Right, Stan?
The young man gave me a long look and nodded silently.
- Are you sure you've come to the right place? I just don't understand why you think any of us owe you anything. Given the news that has brought to light the carefully concealed circumstances... we at least have the right to dictate our terms.
- Well, what do you want?
- Of course, an increase in interest for everyone here, say four per cent. You can take me off the list, I've got enough money.
- Me too.
Maeve joined in, giving me a suspicious look. Black Noir didn't stay away either, raising his hand. Stan looked at that nonchalantly and shifted his gaze to me, waiting for me to continue.
- Next, Kenji will be kept in the tower, on the lower floors. In time, he may well become one of the superheroes or just a US citizen.
- That could be problematic.
- And that's clearly not our problem, Stan. You came here, and you came here to ask, because you have no right to demand. Seven and Vaught are partners, we'll get him. But if our terms aren't met.
- They will be met.
- I certainly hope so. Now you can go, and we'll take care of business.
After waiting for both of our "leaders" to leave, I turned to Maeve, who could make a hole in my skull if she had heat vision.
- That's it? We're just going to go along and do his bidding?
- Yeah, that would appear to be it. I won't deny it," he got up from his chair and walked calmly to where Edgar had been standing before. - We might well have refused, but in that case, we could easily have been stymied. I don't think I need to mention that the entire analysis department works entirely for Wout. Which means Stan Edgar himself. I hope we all realise the consequences of such a momentary impulse.
- Capturing Kenji will be impossible, and we won't be able to effectively prevent the high-profile crimes that will be covered by the media. - Starlight finally spoke, quickly illuminating for the not so bright what consequences awaited us in this case.
- Let's get to work, then.
With a smile, he slammed his palm against the other palm. We should take Kimiko with us, to try to convince her little brother to surrender at least in the beginning. And if that didn't work, then force would have to be used. One would have to hope that it wouldn't be too damaging.
Huey rubbed his eyes, yawning heavily and occasionally drinking the coffee he'd bought at the airport. For some reason he hadn't been able to sleep on the plane, and now he had to pour strong coffee down his throat. He didn't like it, but now he needed all the vigour he could get from this drink. He wished he had something to replace this popular drink, but he disliked energy drinks much more.
The car drove slowly along the road, through protected forests and farms where horses, cows and donkeys grazed. On either side of the road were the houses of the locals, mostly one-storey, weatherboarded houses. The view wasn't bad, Huey admitted. The drive wasn't long enough to want to finally fall asleep, but it was enough time to finally perk up for the meeting.
Passing a checkpoint with no one inside, he drove up a small hill and parked in a car park specifically reserved for visitors to the prison. Huey got out of the car, looking around with interest. Cell blocks, the administration building, it was closer to the car park, huge industrial air conditioning units on its roof. To the right was a large area surrounded by several rows of barbed wire - it looked like a prison yard for prisoners to walk around. He'd seen it in many films and TV series, back when he could watch something on TV without a care in the world.
The visiting room was a little over two hundred square metres. There are three rows of chairs and stools with numbers from one to forty for the prisoners, and opposite them are rows of chairs stapled together, as in an old cinema hall, for the visitors. Near each "numbered" chair there are stools: on them prisoners put drinks and food bought by relatives from the vending machine here. Any other transfers are forbidden: prisoners can only send books bought online or money to the prison account. Huey specifically enquires about this before the meeting.
The duty officer tells him that chair number fourteen has been prepared for Billy. Heading there, he sits down opposite. Several prisoners in identical red jumpsuits were already chatting with family and friends. Upon entering the hall, Butcher notices him immediately. Huey smiles awkwardly, except that the prisoner himself only sighed. It became clear that he was the last person the Brit would want to see. As he approached, he ignored the outstretched hand and simply sat down across from him. Except that instead of saying a word, Butcher just stared at him.
- How are you doing here? - Huey began, breaking the oppressive silence.
- Not bad. I get pussy on a regular basis.
After his words and a wry grin, Huey noticed that his companion had several new scars on his face that he hadn't seen before.
- Wait, you're getting beaten up? Did Vaught organise this? If...
- I organised it. Those cunts don't care about me, if you mean Wout," Butcher interrupted him. - But why are you here? Forget about me, live your life.
- If I could, I would," Huey said, his lips tight. - Can I buy you anything?
- Cigarettes.
- Yeah, they're a big seller around here. - He smiled hesitantly, and his companion grinned wryly.
- What the hell are you talking about? I'll just smoke them.
- Erm... okay.
Practically whispering his answer, Huey found a cigarette machine and went and bought two packs of some brand. To his shame, he had no idea what people liked to smoke. Asking if he knew what kind of cigarettes Butcher smoked wasn't even worth asking. Returning, he placed both in front of the Brit.
- That'll do. How's Marvin? He's not in trouble?
- He's fine. We cross paths sometimes on business. - The kid's face lit up, while Butcher frowned.
- Knock it off. I'm not sitting here for you to put a noose round your own neck.
- We did. - Huey ignored his words.
- You did what?
- Everyone knows about the V drug now. We were able to get it by blackmailing a super--
- And what? Proud of yourself?
Butcher's smirk silenced him immediately. Huey frowned, realising he didn't care about such an achievement.
- You can't even be happy for us.
- The living conditions don't allow it. It's a small room with a tiny window you can't even put your hand in," the Briton grinned, looking at him with disappointment. - It's waiting for you if you don't stop. And if the Homelander wants you, you're fucked. You know what they're capable of.
- They'll pay for everything. But--the legal way. I got a job with Newman, a congresswoman who wants it too.
- Just stay out of the way.
Huey pressed his lips together again, staring at him in silence.
- Time. - A guard approached them, taking Butcher back. He stood up calmly and took his cigarettes in his hands and walked towards the exit of the hall.
- See you later. - Mumbled Huey, feeling like he'd talked for at least a couple of months.
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