Chapter 35: Mark of Greatness
Oh my step son Alex you have made my monotonous life into a roller coaster I don't know how to thank you enough.
Don't worry about it my life has also became a rollercoatser but what happens after this finals?
What? Don't worry you can easily leave or stay it is your choice no one is going to stop you and if you need any help contact us and we will give you a helping hand or if you wanna rule the world you can for as many years as you like.
Thank you.
What? hey Niel have my ears started hearing stuff.
No Giovanni I'm thanking you for giving me such a big opportunity I have always played games but to explore the joys of competing and getting cheered is something else.
Hehehe good very good but let me warn you don't let your previous success blind you to your future same as your previous failures the future is quite uncertain and if you can manage that uncertainty you win.
Hmm that's a very nice point of view but not quite accurate the more accurate way of putting it out is focus on growing the tree not the fruit, the fruit will be a byproduct and reward for your hardwork.
You are quite smart Neil anyway Alex the reason I came here was to give you something.
What is this?
Your merch.
All Stars have launched a merch and this one is specifically for your it has your name printed on it's back and it's high quality is a reminder for your outstanding performance.
Oh wow this is quite cool the red and white color pallets are quite complimentary to each other and the font is unique and-
Wear it and show the world what you can do and keep on doing grasp it the Real of Gods.
Real of Gods? What is that?
It is a realm only for those who have exceeded others so amazingly that others could not even think to compete with them and if you win you will get a straight away ticket to this realm.
That's interesting but what's above that?
Hehehe oh my no one knows because no one has ever crossed it why don't you be the first?
"Alex looks up at the sky avoiding the blinding sunlight to glimpse at the realm Giovanni is referring to".
Get ready for the finals I will be cheering for ya.
아아아! "하품". (Aaaah! "yawn".)
형 이번이 여섯 번째, 일곱 번째, 여덟 번째 하품이에요. 가서 잠 좀 자세요. (Bro this is your sixth seventh no eighth yawn go get some sleep for god's sake.)
난 죽고 나면 마음껏 자면 돼, 알았지? (I will sleep all I want once I'm dead ok?)
바보야, 잠 안 자면 죽는다. (Idiot if you don't sleep you will die.)
뭐, 그게 문제야? 잠 못 자면 죽을 수도 있어 (What, that is a thing? you can die from no sleep)
네, 잠을 자면 뇌는 취한 정보를 처리하고 뇌척수액을 제거합니다. 그것이 제거되지 않으면 미세수면, 현기증, 뇌 혼미 등 온갖 증상이 나타납니다.) (Yeah when you sleep your brain processes the information you took and clears out the Cerebrospinal fluid if that is not cleared you get all sorts of things like micro sleep, dizziness, brain fog.)
맙소사 지금 당장 잘 자고 3시간 후에 깨워주세요. (Holy sheet I'm going to sound sleep right now wake me up in 3 hours.)
3시간만 빡치냐? (Just 3 hours are you nuts?)
내가 지금 자고 있는 게 뭐야? (What I'm sleeping now what?)
아니요, Piglet은 4단계 수면을 모두 완전히 취하려면 8시간의 수면이 필요합니다. (No Piglet you need 8 hours of sleep to fully get all 4 stages of sleep.)
8 시간? 누가 잠을 자게 했는지 내가 그 사람을 죽일 거야. (8 Hours? who the fuck made sleep I'll kill him.)
흠 "누구나 볼을 부풀려 웃음을 숨기려 한다". (Hmf "everyone tries to hide their laughter by inflating their cheeks".)
나를 비웃는 게 뭐야? 내가 이상한 말을 했나? (What are you laughing at me? did I say something funny?)
아니, 너무 극단적인 말을 했나? (No you said something extremely)
극도로? "Piglet은 팀원의 응답을 기다립니다".
(Extremely? "Piglet waits for his teammates response".)
매우 바보입니다. (Extremely stupid.)
알다시피 난 제대로된 컴백이 생각나지 않는데- (You know I can't think of a proper comeback bu-)
그럼 가서 잠을 좀 자세요. (Then go and get some sleep.)
*피글렛을 침실로 보낸 후* (*After sending Piglet to the bedroom*)
코치님은 어떻게 생각하시나요? 올스타즈에 대해서. (What do you think coach? about All Stars.)
생각할 게 있으면 좋겠지만 지금 당장 집중해야 할 것은 오류를 최소화하고 주저하지 않고 열린 공간을 활용하는 것뿐입니다. (I would think if there was something to think about but right now all you have to focus on is minimizing errors and non hesitantly taking advantage of any openings.)
그렇다면 우리 모두는 실수하지 않는 데 집중해야 할까요? (So we all should focus on not making mistakes?)
그리고 적이 틈을 열 때까지 기다리시겠습니까? (And wait for the enemy to make an opening?)
실수를 하지 않으려고 사고방식을 망치는 일이 일어날 때, 그리고 기회를 잡고자 할 때 실수에 대한 두려움이 우리를 멈추게 할 때 우리 두뇌가 가장 많이 애쓰는 두 가지가 바로 역효과가 아닐까요? (Those are the two things our brains struggle the most with when we want to make no mistakes something happens that ruins the mentality and when we want to take the opportunity the fear of making a mistake stops us isn't that counter productive?)
그럼 우리는 어떻게 해야 할까요? 전략을 따르거나 본능에 따라 플레이하십시오. (So what should we do? follow a strategy or play on instinct.)
그렇기 때문에 실수를 피하지 않고 최선을 다해 플레이하는 데 집중해야 합니다. (It is that's why you should focus on playing your best without avoiding mistakes.)
코치님의 지원과 지원이 없었다면 우리는 여기에 없었을 것입니다. (Thanks coach without your support and assistance we would not be here.)
내 손에 모든 힘을 쏟는다는 식으로 적어도 자기 승리에 대해서는 책임을 지라는 말은 하지 마세요. (Don't say that by saying that you are putting all the power in my hands at least take responsibility for your own wins hehe.)
ㅎㅎ 당신은 그렇게 말하기 쉽지만 우리는 그것을 받아들이지 않습니다. (Hehe it's easy for you to say that but not for us to accept that.)
페이커 왜 안돼? 그는 다소 옳지만 총과 총알이 모두 필요하고 다른 하나가 실패하지 않는 한 총을 쏘는 데는 올바르지 않습니다. (Faker why not? he is kind of correct but also incorrect to shoot you need both the gun and the bullet without the other both fail.)
그리고 서로 성공합니다. (And with each other both succeed.)
Piglet이 깨어나면 우리도 좀 자야 합니다. 연습 세션을 계속하겠습니다. (We should get some sleep too when Piglet will wake up we will continue our practice session.)
"All the Skt members to go sleep while All Stars members"
Oh my this Döner kebab is amazing the bread the hot sauce and the cheese are just amazing.
Can you eat without talking Max?
Oh you are getting disturbed while eating huh? or you can't fit this huge meat in your mouth?
It's not that your big mouth is ruining the taste.
Oh ok then Let's make a bet if you can eat your kebab in 2 minutes I'll shut my mouth up till our final starts.
Yeah but if I win you will have to listen to all of my 'annoying' words ok?
Hm let's do it.
And the match between Alex and Max is on.
Eins zwei drei go!
"Chomp" and a large peice of kebab is in Alex's mouth "Chews" but he hesitates to swallow just like your girlfriend huh gotchya.
Mic but I don't have a girlfriend.
Oh nonetheless he swallows just like your dad gotcha.
And another big Chomp 1 minute 34 seconds remaining.
Alex! Alex! Alex!.
Hey why are you all cheering for Alex? "Max angrily confronts his teammates".
You know Ma- Max he is doing a very hard challenge and we have to give him some support.
I wonder "Max gives them a side eye".
And half of the kebab is gone only half remains but his body is rejecting this delicious kebab what will he do?
C'mon body this is it you can save yourself from a lot of headache is you just endure this one thing ok? "Alex tries to convince his inner mind to give him the key to unlock his limitations".
"Chomp" "guurrrrh" "Aaaacht".
Alex teeth are penetrating the final portion of the kebab the chewing the gag reflex from his body can be heard from here.
Yessss he did it!
Hurray bros Alex defied all expectation and completed this kebab in 2 minutes.
Yes he really is- "Alex starts vomitting furiouly".
Oh my god Alex is taking all the Kebab out.
Aaagh "Ross also gets his gag reflex triggered" shit after seeing that I won't be able to eat mine.
That mean? I wi- "Max tries to take advantage of the situation".
No idiot he ate it before 2 min after two minutes he can do whatever wtih the kebab so no you lose now you will have to seal your mouth shut.
Oh man really huh ok then but I can talk if it's important right?
What degree of importance?
Like you know hmm "Max tries to think up a easy way for him to talk again" if I get bit by a bee.
You're allergic to bee sting?
No I get stung every month or so.
Then how is that important?
Then hmm heart attack?
Yeah that is quite important but how do we know you are not just acting?
Hey hey you can't act a heart attack can you?
Aaahh! I ca- n-t brea- "King tries to act out the heart attack" my chest is so tight i'm aa- "thump" "King falls like he can't control his body".
King? King? What happend call an ambulence.
What are you two laughing at he is in serious condition.
Max he is showing you how to act a heart attack.
Ohh that scared the shit out of me.
Are you all done goofing around?
Yeah Mic just a bit.
Then why not start practicing.
Mike but the rank players are you know very weak they could not even get to an even match let alone beat us.
Then let's just hire another team that got eliminated to play against us.
Will they accept that's the question?
They will if I give them this "Michael pulls out a lofty stack of notes".
Oh I forgot we are rich now so we can bribe very easily.
Yes Johan and even more than that now we can even buy a focus proton laser.
But Mike why would be need such a laser for?
Oh to make new elements like 119 and more.
Oh oh why would be need elements for?
You know for-
Michael there are two biggest waste of money first simping on a non achievable person and seconds science experiments you know how many astraunauts has Nasa killed?
14 but they eventually succeeded right and because of that we have satellites, telescopes and much more so you don't know if we get this new element we might be able to find a lot of new stuff about universe.
And why do we have to create it?
Yeah if universe dosen't provide up naturally why do we need to make it?
To get fame and get our name printed in the textbooks.
So students can abuse us after reading our name? Have fun Mike but don't give too much attention to this new discovery.
Ok what ever let me arrange the match and let you guys have some good neck to neck competition ok?