Chapter 34: Teamfight or Nexus?
The final pick is?
Nasus by Godlike.
He thinks I will let him farm easily in the top lane huh?
Yeah headbutt that black dog(Nasus).
他们真的认为他们能够赢得胜利.(They really think they can win by the Alister top.)
那么让我们告诉他们,愚蠢的选择只会得到愚蠢的结果.(Then lets show them that a stupid pick will only get stupid results.)
What a big bal-
Guts guts what a big guts play by All Stars.
"Shelly cuts off JJ to make the commentary family friendly".
And the gaaaame begins!
Royal! Royal!
The crowd seems to be in the favor of Royal.
Yup but All Stars won't back down they want the glorious cup that only the best in the world could lift.
But the main question is what build will King opt for?
Will it be ap or defensive?
It will be ap Alister he wants to one shot Royal's players.
Let's go boys especially you King you will need to keep that Nasus away from stacking too much ok?
Hm I'll knock him back as soon as he tries to freeze the lane.
And you Alex how are you gonna play against that
What's there to play I just have to kill him isn't that what an assassin is for?
Yes assassin is for killing but you need to scale up and get some damage Yasuo doesn't really have the early game damage.
*Minions have been spawned*
And Alex and Whit3zz clash in the mid at level one.
Alex uses his wind shield to block Whitezz's ball and he wins the minion war.
Hmm unlocking your second ability on yasuo is interesting but it payed off.
On the top
你跑到哪儿去啦?你以为我会带走你的小兵,但是不,我会先伤害你. (Where are you running bull? you thought I'll take the minions but no I'll damage you first.)
Hehe he is slowly falling into my trap Itachi come gank me fast.
Yup after I take the scruttle I'll be right there.
But! In the river Itachi and Lucky collide with each other Lucky's Elise has a slight advantage as he has the red buff.
But Itachi is also not going to back down he is going straight for the kill.
稍等一下,我会尽快来加入.(Just wait I'm coming to join in as soon as possible.)
在清除中波之后,我也会 com - 糟糕!(After clearing mid wave I'm also com- shit!)
Let's go Alex kill that spider.
Alex and Itachi both chase Lucky into his forest and all three flashes are burned and Lucky is killed.
操,他们真的联合起来对付我了.(Fuck man they really ganged up on me.)
真的很抱歉兄弟我刚刚来而且亚索刚刚快了一秒.(I'm really sorry bro I was just coming and that Yasuo just was a 1 second faster.)
"Royal 的教练将手放在 Whit3zz 的肩膀上并重复了他的句子"你的意思是 Yasuo 只是杀得更快?("Royal's coach puts his hands on Whit3zz's should and repeats his sentence" you mean Yasuo was just a kill faster?)
确实是的.(Yes indeed.)
And the game goes on as Alex recalls to heal himself while Whit3zz pushes the mid turret.
Very nice Johan just keep hitting him with your arrows and soon he will have to recall.
Hm that is true but I think we should target lulu first cause 'he' literally has no damage after building manamune, on the other hand I can build manamune, Rod of ages or ludan's eccho I have three options while he can do one.
We have a amazing early game advantage let's keep this advantage up.
Even though Royal has better all rounder champions but All Stars is still ahead in farm it will mostly depend on the blunders they make in the late game.
Yess indeed even I who are not playing can feel the pressure of so many people watching and judging just one slip is all it takes to lose the cup isn't that nerve wrecking?
解说员说对了一半,主要的压力来自于对手的强大,聪明和强大.(The commentator is half correct but the main pressure comes from the opponents on how formidable, clever, strong they are.)
壓力大吧? 你把精力投入到你關注的事情上,不再關注自己的弱點或對手的強項,你的表現就會大幅提升.(The pressure huh? you give your energy to the things you focus on stop focussing on your weakness or your opponent's strengths and your performance will increase drastically.)
*Baron has been spawned*
The purple beast enters the arena.
And both teams seem to take a great interest in it as well they have already warded baron.
他們來找男爵了,我該怎麼辦? 如果我離開,你們將處於極大的不利地位.(They are coming to the baron what should I do? you guys will be at a great disadvantage if I were to leave.)
別擔心,像上帝一樣,他們不會接受我們的 Uzi 和 Tabe 的戳刺相當強大,即使拿下 75% hp 的男爵也是一個錯誤.(Don't worry Godlike they won't take it our Uzi's and Tabe's poke is quite strong taking a baron with even 75% hp is a blunder.)
看起來他們已經知道他們要回到自己的車道了.(Seems like they already know it they are going back to their lanes.)
And the Baron is left alone both teams prefer not to start Baron.
Hey Alex.
What is it? King.
You know you can ult with my knock up right?
I do so what?
Want me to flash onto those two idios in the bush?
Ohhh do it flash and knock them up.
Royal's duo laners are still waiting in the bush and King comes to check and he re-
No he lashes out knock up Alex ults them both.
超我超我快!(Ult me ult me fast!)
我不能,我在空中,我甚至不能使用閃光燈.(I can't I am in the air I can't even use my flash.)
And double kill for Alex King did not come to check but initiate their combined damage is too mcuh to handle almost 3 seconds of knock up in the air.
Like it was all planned King baited Uzi and Tabe to seem friendly.
Well done boys now come and start baron fast!
Yes Mic.
All Stars is starting baron and Royal cannot do anything to stop it.
不不不不不不不不,這不可能發生「皇家教練勃然大怒」.(No no no no nooooo! noooo! this can't be happening "Royal's coach goes into a violent rage".)
幸運的是你能偷東西嗎?(Lucky you will be able to steal?)
我不知道偷竊是否有用,他們可以推動我們的中路不是嗎?(I don't know if stealing will be beneficial they can just push our mid lane can't they?)
現在你們兩個理性思考一下好嗎? 做出錯誤的假設只會損害我們的決策 教練我們該做什麼?(Now now you two think rationally ok? making wrong assumptions will only harm our decision making Coach what should we do?)
抱歉尖叫,但忘了男爵去推他們所有的車道,如果他們沒有小兵,他們會對誰使用男爵增益?(Sorry for the screaming but forget the baron go and push all their lanes if they have no minions on whom will they use the baron buff?)
哦,你是對的,如果我們清除了小兵,他們將不得不等待下一波,直到我們的雙人車道恢復.(Oh you are correct if we clear the minions they will have to wait for the next waves until then our duo lane will be revived.)
Royal ignores the baron and goes straight to the turrets if All Stars is not careful they won't be able to utilize their baron buff.
You all attack baron I'll go defend the turrets ok?
Yup go and knock them back.
King is coming to save the minions but he is not able to Royal's players clears the waves and are running off into the jungle.
拿走他们的红色增益并记住我们将在下一场冲突中处理他们.(Take their red buff and recall we will handle them in the next skirmish.)
The Baron has been taken down now let's see how All Stars clears Royal's turrets.
2 into the middle 2 top and 1 bottom split into these variations.
And who will go with whom?
Johan and Max on the top Alex and King the middle and you on the bot now clear?
Yup let's do lets get to the finals.
All Stars is marching down taking turrets after turrets.
The question is who will initiate the fight that will end the game?
先生,我们无法阻止他们,他们会慢慢摧毁我们所有的炮塔,我们该怎么办?(Sir we can't hold them off they will slowly destroy all of our turrets what should we do?)
你是对的,等一下,他们分开了,所以我们可以根据人数杀死其中两个.(You are correct wait a second they are split so we can kill two of them by our numbers.)
谁?中层还是顶层.(Whom? mid or top.)
最好杀死那两个人.(Top kill those two.)
What is this all the members of Royal are creeping towards Johan and Max will they be able to escape.
Johan don't run from them.
What? Mike why?
Keep them distracted and believe in me use everything you have to keep them at bay.
If you say so C'mon Max lets become martyrs.
Hehehe why not?
Ohhh All Stars duo is not retreating instead they are fighting 2v5 so-
Yup so their teammates could take down the nexus and they succeed.
Even though Uzi gets the double kill on Max and Johan All Stars gets the nexus!
Oh so that's why you wanted me to die.
Yes indeed.
All Stars are going to the finals!
哦,不,我们没有计算出他们推进的速度有多快,他们比我们更聪明.(Oh no we didn't calculate how fast they could push they outsmarted us.)
"教练点头"所有的比赛,数小时的训练只是为了进入决赛,只要一次失误我们就输了.("The coach nods his head" all the matches, hours of training just to not even get to the finals just one slip up and we lost.)
操,我们甚至没有机会展示我们最好的表现啊?(Fuck we didn't even got a chance to show our best plays huh?)
兄弟,别太难过,我们比前一年好多了,想想过去的自己会怎么看待你?(Don't be too upset bro we are way better than the year before just think what would your past self think of you?)
他会感到自豪并成为一名粉丝,呵呵.(He would be proud and be a fan hehe.)
(Me too I also feel like if my past self knew that he would be soo ahead in just one year he wouldn't be able to sleep for days.)
如果你们孩子有这样的感觉,那么我不会后悔,我为你们感到骄傲,这只是生命中的一个季节.(If you kids feel like that then I have no regrets I am proud of you all this was just one season of life.)
Royal's booth is surprisingly happy to what they have achieved for their team, for their fans, for their country a truly heart warming moment.
All Stars are celebrating their win as if they knew this was going to happen.
Yes on the world stage there are no accidents, lucky wins or fate they have to get it by force, determination, skills, teamwork and much more.
Wanna go and practice for the finals?
Sure Max just one thing "Johan whispers into Max's ear" What! That's true?
As far as I know I have seen it with my own eyes.
Oh no if that is true then-
What is true then? "Itachi interrupts Max".
Nothing we were just talking about how you know ask Mikey he knows.
Michael what are they talking about?
They probably can't believe that every human produces more energy than every cm³ of sun.
Oh yeah yeah we were just talking about that.
That is indeed unbelievable no wonder why you couldn't agree.
We will talk about it later.
Hm ok.
안녕하세요 여러분 큰 뉴스 "Skt1의 매니저가 중요한 소식을 발표하기 위해 방으로 뛰어들었습니다". (Hey guys big news "Skt1's manager bolts into their room to announce something important".)
뭐야, 이것 때문에 꽤 흥분한 것 같은데? (What is it you seem pretty excited about this.)
우리의 결승전은 Royal이 아니라 약자 All Stars와 함께 할 것입니다. (Our finals will not be with Royal but the underdogs All Stars.)
내 말이 맞았습니다. "Bengi는 Wolf가 틀렸다고 조롱합니다." (See I was correct "Bengi taunts Wolf for being wrong".)
그래서 그들은 결승까지 살아남았지? 걱정하지 마세요. 곧 그들이 있는 곳을 보여줄 것입니다. (So they did survive towards the finals huh? don't worry we will show them their place very soon.)
아니요, 그들은 살아남지 못했지만 번성했습니다. 일방적인 경기였습니다. (No they did not survive but thrived it was a lop sided match.)
우리가 그들을 상대로 경기를 했을 때 그 말은 사실일 수 없습니다. 그들은 너무 좋지 않았습니다. (No way that can be true when we played against them they were not soooo good you know.)
하지만 우리는 그들에게 졌죠? (But we did lose to them didn't we?)
우리는 그들의 진정한 잠재력을 과소평가했습니다. 이제 우리는 이 피날레를 우리의 대작으로 만들도록 조심해야 합니다. (We underestimated their true potential now we have to be careful let's make this finale our magnum opus.)
So Johan what you were saying was Ross is a necrophile?
Yes I have seen his messages with his necrophiliac friends.
Oh my god that's I don't even know how to react our own friend our leader our role model is a necro.
But there is just one doubt.
If he has done it or not?
What you mean with a corpse?
Hmm "Johan nuds in silence".
We need to tell this to Mike right away.
But what if this whole thing makes him play worse in the finals?
Yes we cannot afford that we have to avoid it no we have to protect Ross's secret from everyone else.
Yes Max but we have to confront him.
Yes even if it seems hard we need to confront him to resolve the issue.
"Both duo go to Ross and requests him to talk to them in somewhere private".
Very well done Johan all you could have thought about is this toilet?
Sorry but we have to do it.
But! "Alex walks in first".
Why is he here?
Why do you come to toilet?
I know but still what a shit timming.
Oh no!
"And Ross enters at the same time".
Oh my jesus "the duo watches from the third stall as the two interact".
Hey Alex how did you feel about today's win you know how to won on a new champ.
Hehe amazing to say the least.
You don't talk much are you shy?
Far from it cause whenever I open my mouth people cover their ears.
Why is that?
If I ask first why was you contribution in the game so low? you know you are the jungler.
Oh sorry about that I'll make an amazing contribution in the finals just wait for it.
I don't think so if you can't play your best with semi final opponents then how will you play your best against the cup cotenders?
You are probably correct but wrong at the same time the past cannot determine the future but the present can certainly do.
What do you mean? Past does not determine the future because of the past you are standing here with me.
Not in that sense "blah blah"
Why are they induldging in philosophical talk in the damn toilet?
"After 2 and a half minutes".
I see well then I'm off.
Finally "as Alex exits the door a feint voice welcomes Ross".
What you two were here the whole time?
Yup so we wanted to ask you are you a necrophile?
What a necro- necr
Necrophile the people who are sexually attracted to dead bodies.
No why are you accusing me of such a disgusting thing?
Cause I saw your messages.
Which ones?
The comes where you asked for porn pics by you friends.
Why are you laughing?
"Ross opens his phone and shows them" look at it's prom I asked for photos of my friend's prom night.
And the photos of dead body?
Oh this one?
Yes this one.
Hehehe this is a halloween cosplay.
What? This looks so real.
Doesn't it?
So you are not a necrophile "Johan contronts Max hesitently".
We are so sorry of accusing you Ross.
Oh no it happens our brain is designed to look for the problem even if there is none so don't feel guilty.
Still by compensation we both will give you our deserts.
Why both you are the one that misunderstood didn't you?
But still you also came with me didn't you?
Now now don't fight you can have your deserts and once we win we will eat ice cream from that cup.
You mean the summoner's cup.
That would be the tastiest ice cream in the world.