Chapter 25: Slowly but Steadily
"The sound of Jax's ultimate hitting the turret made Dyrus fear King in a way that no other player could even come close".
Gank this fucking darius.
On my way King
"Itachi rushes to top lane to finish Dyrus and his top turret".
I'll kill this fucking toad (Note: jax is a toad).
"As Dyrus tries to use his hook to get King into his striking range King always uses is E to get away from Dyrus".
Fuck! This E if only wait a sec he has no flash "Dyrus gets an idea that would later come to haunt him". Hey Turtle I'll intentionally lower my health so this fucker gets here you just have to hold off this monkey?
I can't one v one this monkey(Itachi) but I can assist you when they both try to gang up on you and over extend to your turret.
Why not Let's give it a try.
"As Itachi ganks Dyrus".
Don't let him escape King if we kill him we get the first turret.
"In the hopes of getting first turret Itachi and King turret dives Dyrus".
Idiots get em.
"As soon as Turtle shows himself Itachi uses his ult and sends 'him' flying"
What how did they know? "Turtle was left shocked as he was though to be invisible".
Turtle help! I'm dying.
I'm coming as fast as possible but they are...
"As soon as Turtle showed himself they both left Dyrus alone and lached onto Turtle again killing him in one combo".
Let's dive this guy.
Mid come top I need help fast.
Oh no you are not going anywhere "Alex stops TSM yasuo from advancing any further".
Nice Alex now this turret is ours.
Oh Max I'm getting a little jealous of all the action they are getting at to side of the map.
I agree this slow and passive playstyle really takes a toll on you when you are always looking for kills and advantages in game.
Why not let's wait. For now our chance will come in the end game.
*First turret has been destroyed*
"In the TSM's booth" You fucked up real bad you really gave them the first turrest and two kills over nothing?
We were jus-
Don't even know you have only one hope to rely on
your Hook + Yasuo's ult combo you have to flash hook combo into theri team and you have to get the perfect timing in order to excute them all.
Hmm but how are they gonna come all together?
Wasn't our stratergy to pick them out one vs one?
We are having change of plans in one vs one or even 2 v 2 combat they are better you will have to wait for the right opportunity to grasp and never ever let go understand?
"TSM plan changes from picking All Stars team one by one to a group hunt by the ultimate combo of Lulu's ult on Darius as he flashes into their team hook them this will trigger Yasuo's ult and then Ez will clean the party up.
The mid game has started and All Stars have yet to give even a single kill.
Yes JJ even though TSM only gave 1 kill they still are behind a lot of gold and exp let's see if they are able to catch up.
Or All Stars will widen this gap to a point of no return it will be very "All Stars! All Stars!" Intresting to see.
Hehehe the crowd is so loud that they are supressing the annoucer.
Of course they are their favourite team is playing isn't it?
Don't focus too much on the crowd Maxxy boy the game is yet to be closed.
I know mic I'm just getting even more relaxed.
Are you sure cause I can hear your "thuk" heart beating.
"Thuk" "thuk" "thuk" who is it huh? "Michael goes to each of the boys chest to hear the fast heart beat.
Hey come to bot they are gank us.
Sure I'm coming just after taking a red buff.
No they are finally taking the first drag go on Itachi you can do it.
Huuuff "Itachi takes a deep breath and gets ready to go and steal the drag".
Hey Turtle that monkey is coming don't mess this up ok?
Don't wor- "Itachi comes and uses his ult+smite combo to secure the dragon" -ry.
Well done now let's kick their asses.
No I'm flashing out we are not fighting look at the top.
Oh my King has destroyed two turrets and is going for inhibitor turret.
That fucking toad.
What are you doing Dyrus why didn't you watch your lane.
He tried to tp so did I but that fucker cancled his to the last milisecond "Note: teleport or tp can teletport the player to his turret, players, wards or himself but tp takes 5 seconds to fully charge and it can be cancelled in between".
Nice well done King.
You also Itachi well played bro.
"Max thinks to himself" maybe this game will open Alex eyes to his teammates potential.
Voooo! All Stars iconic jungler steals the dragon and their top laner out smarts Dyrus by cancelling his tp All Stars keep giving us surprise after surprise.
Wtf why didn't you all flashed behind the monkey?
We just though they wanted us to chase 'him' down so they can destroy our turrets more easily.
Yeah Xpecial is correct sir even if we had gone behind him their jax would have taken our inhibitor turret.
If this keeps going on there is literally no hope for you all "TSM's coach loses his hopes on this game".
Sir should we revert back to our old stratergy they are getting seperated can't we kill their jungler he has already used his flash and ultimate.
Catch him in his jungle but Duyrus do not leave your lane we cannot afford to lose any more turrets you understand?
Yeah I'll kill this fucker.
"TSM ganks Itachi in his jungle while he is clearing monsters".
Hey they are coming to Ross let's help him.
No you go and take mid and bot turrets I will find a way "Itachi runs back to his turrets".
Hey ult him in.
"Varus uses his ult to restrain Itachi".
Nice now let's kill him.
"TSM members kill Itachi but at what cost?".
*Turret has been destroyed*
Oh no!
*Turrert has been destroyed*
"Alex tries to go top and kill Dyrus" No Alex he is my prey "King goes and stuns Dyrus with his W and gets Dyrus pretty low" "But Alex steps in and finishes Dyrus off".
Who decides who is your prey in the wild it's the game of probablity this time the probablity was in my favor so I got the kill.
That's a new way of thinking not bad I kinda like it.
Now let's recall and destroy mid with Itachi.
"After killing Dyrus Itachi and Alex meet up with Itachi to destroy mid".
It seems like you are doing quite good against your counter Alex.
He is what?
You don't know counter picks?
I though you could win with every champ if you played good enough.
That's kind of true but let's see if they are all squishy and you have all assasins do you think they could survive a team fight at world stage.
Of course survive heck they could thrive with their squishy champs.
"Mic became intrigued with Alex's way of thinking".
Alex can you tell me why exactly do you think that way?
Hehe "Alex says smirkingly" after the game has ended.
"The trio meets up at mid and pressures TSM's Yasuo".
Hey guys they all are coming to mid would you all mind if I ask some help?
We can't we all are occupied.
Wait I'm coming.
"But Turtle is too late".
*Turtle has been destroyed*
"Mid has fallen and so has TSM's confidence".
Meet up at mid and combo kill them all fast they are pushing mid.
"All the members of TSM rush to mid" what they retreated?
*Turret has been destroyed*
They tricked us yet again.
Those fuckers are winning without even fighting.
How can this be possible can't we force them to fight us any way possible?
There is only one way possible now.
Dyrus goes to the top river and Bjergson and OddOne hide on the bottom side of the river Xpecial will bait them all in mid and then you all will strike from both sides like a crocodile chomping it's teeth on it's prey.
"And thus TSM's plan begins".
Hey Itachi you wanna slay this Varus?
Sure let's fuck this half man half man up.
What? Did you just say?
Oh that's his character by the lore I know it's weird but Vaurs is actually two people.
Ok one's black and one's white so we only have to kill the black one?
No mike that's not black that's pruple.
Oh I think the power of my lens has increased hehe I will get tested next time.
No way you just mistaken two colors mistaking between two letter and numbers is still fine but two race not cool mic.
Oh my you should focus on the game instead of this bull shit.
Yeah does it even matter if he's black or white he is our enemy and we will kill him.
Na I have my item I'm recalling you guys should also.
You sure Alex he seems to all alone but even if we kill that black white bastard we are not getting too many rewards let's leave him or he will cry.
What da fuck why are they not attacking Xpecial?
Could it be they have a ward here and they know our locations?
No I already scanned the area with a sweeper.
Then they don't wanna kill us?
"TSM confusingly goes back to their repective lanes and start farming for late game".
*Late game starts*
Alex and Jax you both distract them in middle and top and we will take baron nasher.
If they won't wanna fight me then I'll just farm very aggressively.
"Alex goes in the mid and combos vulnerable Varus".
Ahhhh! He is here help.
"But it was too late Alex had already finished Xpecial with his one shot damage".
What are you all doing?
We are ganking their Jax on top.
*Baron Nashor has been slain*
What so fast?
"All Stars members use their baron buff to push lanes".
No we won't be able to defend all lanes at once.
Then what do we do?
Combo there is still our combo let's try Dyrus flash and hook those bastards.
But if- "Dyrus is cut mid sentence".
There are so buts or ifs try give it a try "TSM's coach yells in desperation".
Yes sir "Dyrus follows his coach's orders and flashed onto Ezreal".
That fuck is onto me.
Don't worry man I got yaw "Max uses his Janna ult to push away Darius but it was too late".
Yes "Yasuo's ult lands onto All Stars team".
"Alex and Itachi tries to run but" get that monkey also Ahri will excape with her ult but this Monkey is going down.
Ohh TSM finally gets a successful team fight Darius flash+hook was really the play of the game this single play could turn the tides of the sea.
*Turret has been destroyed*
What? Jax their Jax he is destroyed our nexxus.
Recall fast.
I won't let yaw "Alex goes and cancelas the recall of all TSM's players".
Oh! King was split pushing all along TSM was too fixated on fighting that they ignored their turrets completely and it's done.
All Stars wins the game.
Woohooo! Let's go bros you all did it.