Chapter 24: Passive Aggressive
Team Solo Mid enters the stage with their lineup:
Dyrus, TheOddOne, Wildturtle, Xpecial, and Bjergsen who defeated Lemon dogs to secure their match against
All Stars the rookies who defeated the strong contenders Itachi, King, Max, Phantom and Alex.
Lets go.
Hm "All the members of All Star get ready for their match".
"Oooooohhhhh All Stars!" "the crowd becomes a fan of All Star and starts rooting for them".
Wow I am a bit perplexed that the audience can change teams in a matter of days.
Don't be let's give them all the games to remember till their last breath.
Let's wish both teams to perform their very best and start the round 2 of 2013 Worlds.
All Stars!
Now those bastards wants to cheer us huh?
Yup they are mere spectators there to spectate not to take sides.
Well some are not "Max points at Mic while sitting on his booth".
Huh? Oh I was just watching porn hehe.
You sure? "Ross teasingly questions Michael".
Huuh no I was betting.
Bettting you can bet on us?
Well yeah I registered our team so technically anyone can bet on us.
Isn't that good we will win and take profits both in game and on the betting market?
Yup yup.
Mic "Max raises his voice for mic to be audible admist the crowd" how much did you bet?
Just 5 mil.
Oh WHATTTT? 5mil on a single match.
Yeah so you have to win at all costs.
Ah a- a- "Itachi stutters to say anything".
If you do the math I betted 2.5 mil on the first match so by the last match "2.5 + 5 + 10 + 20 + 40 + 80 + 160 + 240 + 480 is 1.037 billion dollars".
Wtf so why 9 matches?
You will intentionally lose maches to prolong the game isn't that good and make me win more bets.
Isn't that a bit too risky.
Don't worry just believe in yourself and you will be alright now get ready.
"All the players were in pressure of not only to win the match but to not lose the money as well".
Don't worry if we win we all will be billionaires.
I didn't think of that but that's awesome let's win guys let's be richer than anyone else.
The picks have started let's see what TSM will ban Nidalee.
All Stars takes away TSM's sona.
Fizz gone no Fizz for Alex this time.
Alister and Ezreal taken away from TSM.
Ban that red demon "Alex points at Aatrox".
You mean Aatrox? Why him?
I don't like his presence.
Ok then.
All Stars ban aatrox.
And last ban is oooohhhh Malphite.
Both teams have banned the champions that were picked in their last match respectively.
Yeah they just don't want to deal with their enemies most pwerful champion.
The night before the match in the TSM's room:
You guys I have watched their previous game and they are good exceptionally good for a underdog team.
Yeah they have improved drasticaly from the last match we had with them the last winter.
They were really lost we just took them one by one why don't we just do that once again?
We can't it's their new player.
What about him?
Watch his gameplay.
What he didn't die once despite being in all the teamfights.
Not only that he also saved his bottom and top players while shoving his lane.
Their coach has really outdoned himself with his playstyle.
I don't think it's their coach instructing.
Then why is he so fluent while rotating and fighting?
I am not sure but look its like he has a sixth-sense that can detect it's enemy and predict what's going on there mind.
No way just by observing?
Yes Dyrus you can learn a lot about your opponent just by playing against them they will show a lot of things about their personality, mindset, confidence, stratergy and even their next move.
All we can do is play safe till late game then we can pick them out one by one.
Then those bastards will not know how to react.
"TSM's stratergy was to seperate each of All Stars players and kill them one by one".
And the night before the match in the All Stars green room:
You all fit roughly but surely you all 'can' work together it's just sometimes your ego gets a hold of you so forget that ego and fight alongside your comrades understood.
Yess sir is that what you want to hear from us?
Listin we are not sleep deprived, submissive, mentally damaged soldier ok? I'm a warrior we are warriors and that stadium is our arena.
That's even better analogy well whatever the case be I don't think we need any stratergy do we? "King looks at his team for his answer".
No you need a strategy even though you think you can out perform, out smart, out maneuver your opponent every single minute yet still a strategy sets a cadence, rhyme, coordination a set of commands for the team to perform simultaneously.
Then what strategy have you planned this time?
Nothing extraordinary you all will support Ross after he purposefully baits himself to lure their team and while doing so King will split push top.
Wait wait we won't win team fights?
No not at all.
Why will we purposefully sacrifice ourselves for the turrets.
Yup we don't win games by kills we win by destroying enemy nexus understand?
But why are we already strong can't we just fight and win?
You can but I have thoroughly analyzed their play style when 'they' see a player alone they will signal out all of their teammates to follow up on him while using this we will destroy there entire base.
Hey Mic what if we just bait them into thinking that our Jungler is alone and retreat we don't even have to take a fiight.
Um nice Alex I never thought that you could win without even fighting ok you all will take scaling champions and play defensively till the late game until King and Itachi destroy the turrets ok?
You really think I will let them live more than 2 minutes in my lane?
Now now lets not get this under your ego.
Don't worry Mic 'he' will be fine lets win guys.
Lets go a whole stadium full of people is waiting for us.
*In the game*
Now that the bans are done the players will pick their champs.
Jax locked in by All Stars looks like King will be split pushing with this power tank.
Varus and Lulu locked by TSM.
Wow All Star's Max is hesitating 3... 2... Ohhh if he doesn't pick quick he will lose the chance to get his favoured champ Janna and Ezreal.
"TSM's coach smile's so hard his eye wrinkles reach his ears" Nice take Darius and Evelyn we will kill that Jax that we would not get a chance to scale into the late game.
Fuck they are targeting you King.
Hehe isn't that good that just mean their attention will not be on mid and bot we can use King as a bait to lure those idiots.
You are correct wait a second can you play...
Ahri is picked by Alex and Max picks Wukong for Itachi I am waiting to see what TSM will pick to counter these strong late game champs.
Oh my "Shelly is shocked by what TSM had chosen for their mid lane" Yasuo it is.
The game will shortly start as it is rolling we would like to tell you about the sponser of this tournament...
That have really good combination with Yasuo being able to use uses ult to initiate his own.
And the fact he just released and their mid laner is already choosing it to play in a world champion match is kind of mid boggling isn't what you would think that you should play your best champ?
I mean "Itachi happily points at Alex" Do I even have to say?
Hehehe no not at all let's do it.
Alex play defensively till you get your e than you could use your combo and you should ward the enemy rapter like you did in the first game you played remeber?
I do I stole all of their rapters on the 3rd level after that their jungler got titled and wasted the game you want 'them' to waste their game as well?
You could try but they are pro and they posses incredibly good patience their a huge difference between a high rank player and a 'pro' player.
When you first told me this I though that was all bull shit but when I myself became a pro the difference was day and night the pressure, the hopes of everyone that wants to watch you win, the money everything is riding on your performance.
True when you lose a game of rank it's just a less rank but when you lose in competetive its engraved in the record your failures your mistakes your own thoughts it is presented to everyone to see, crirticize, cheer, and much more Alex don't you feel the pressure? Or are you shaking underneath your calm composure?
What's pressure? you really think that a crowd bunch of stupid people a coach filled with expectations and a ton of money is enough to put pressure on 'me' then you are gravely mistaken my teammate.
Wow I didn't expected such a cocky answer I-
Itachi the match is starting.
Oh ops I got too carried away now then "Itachi cracks his knuckles" let's mop their floor clean.
*Summons welcome to summoners rift*
"As soon as the game begins Alex goes to TSM's jungle and plants a ward but in doing so he gets hit by Evelyn's (Bjergsen) q".
That purple girl is doing no damage that mean it's a late game champ.
"Alex is correct as Evelyn is a late game champ BUT! Evelyn's level 6 is especially dangerous as she becomes invisible to her enemies".
Hey guys "Michael dances like take the L emote from fortnite" I gotta "stomach rumbling" go.
Ok so now we all are without a coach.
He taught you the strategy implimenting it is your job not his.
Yeah you are correct but look at their coach looks awefully happy about Mike leaving.
Focus on the game idiot you can look at that geezer after the match has ended in our victory.
*At level 6*
This champ is kinda op I can poke and deal good damage with my q I can dodge his attact by my w and my e is the ultimate combo starter.
Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.
Ahri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies.
Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, instantly stopping movement abilities and causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.
Now let's kill this samurai "As Alex begins his combo he is abruptly interrupted by his opponen't (Yasuo)'s w".
Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.
What da fuck "Alex escapes Bjersen attacks by using his ult(r)" he blocked all my attacks with just one skill?
"In Alex memory" Yo guys there is a new update they will add a new champion its name is Ya ya
Yasuo I heard he is the most difficult champion added to league yet.
"Michael walks in excited" So there is a new threat to mid laners.
Mike is talking about you Alex.
Me? How?
He can block all of your projectile abilities isn't that just broken?
So it can block Fizz's ult.
101% it can.
So how do you counter it?
It's quite easy you just go around it's air wall.
Huh? It has a hole in his wall?
Nice pun but no there is non you litrally have to go around it or wait for it to expire.
Soo now that his wall is gone I can- his jungler is not showing up on the map what is the matter.
Hey Max you did warded enemy blue didn't you?
Yeah I did.
Then why isn't there jungler showing up on the ward?
It has invisiblity.
What? Invisiblity like full on invisible?
Yeah be careful about him.
"On the top lane" Fucker is trying to hook me in but I ain't gonna fall for such a simple trick even if I get hooked I can just q my way out of it simple.
Hehehe Hey bro gank this start ganking this Jax we can shut thus guy down even before he reaches level 6 and unlocks his ultimate.
Coming did you ward his bushes? Their Monkey can always come and ruin the mood you know.
No way just gank I'll handle the monkey if we have to.
Hey monkey come to mid and help me get rid of this lice haired japanese half beard man.
You talking to me Alex? How dare you insult me like that you fox.
Ya ya whatever just come fast their Jungler is ganking top.
"Alex baits of Yasuo's w than" now go and ult him. "As soon as Itachi ults Yasuo Alex charms him and he is dead".
Now let's destroy the turret fast.
Hey Wildturtle where were you? I got fucked.
Didn't you hear us were at top.
Enough already go and save mid.
I am recalling the wave is pushed the Jax won't be able to touch my top turret.
"As soon as Dyrus recalls King hammers his way through the minion waves" "thuk" "thuk" "thunk".
What no way he reached my turret so fast I have to tp this instant.
They took half my mid also? Bro why did you not protect my mid turret?
I was-
What going on bro they are not even at late game and we are losing trust in our friendship belive in each other bros.
Yeah you correct we cannot be bothered with little mistakes we have to look at the bigger picture.