Chapter 15: Ostrich effect
After the celebration of Jeff's funeral every team got back to what they came here for? Yess to practice practice PRACTICE! and win win Win!! and keep on winning until there is no one left in the entire world that cab challenge you.
So Vincent you got any other player? I mean-
Yeah I do he was our extra player but we have to make him a main.
good cause if you didn't I don't think that "they" would let your team play.
Hm "Vincent is deeply saddened from Jeff's death" good luck to your team we.. "Vincent talks after a pause" we will see you in the championship.
Take care "pat on the shoulder" "whisper" and don't let any of your player go near grass or near two black men. See yaw I have to go make them grind.
What the fuck is he saying?
試合をしたいですか?今朝,あなたのコーチが私に相談しました (you want to have a match? your coach consulted me this morning).
I don't know Max oh Coach is here.
Mickey you know him? he has been blabbering in chinese.
No kids this is not chinese this is Japanese.
So you bring your translator Jap? "Michael gives Shun a menacing look".
コーチここに来てください (Coach come here).
Helo mestir-
Michael noob.
Michael-san I'm werry pliased to meat you.
Just bring Nagasaki.
Yuu now Nagasaki?
Yeah he translated your fellow jap's words to me and maybe he can do the same for you.
Yeeh yeeh yuu ar carrekt Nagasaki!
So now tell me japs what you need?
My coach is saying that we could have a friendy scrims with each other it could help both of our team to improve there skills, flaws, team work,
Team work hehe "Silent voice".
What did you say? I didn't hear it?
Nothing nothing continue with your work "translator".
Performance under pressure, timming, rotation and much more and we could learn so much from your gameplay aswell so plrase consider a friendly match coach Michael
"bows down in respect".
"Michael looks down as well" well there isn't anything dropped on the ground what are you trying to pick up?
Sir this is a token of my gratitude towards you and your team to accept my invitation to a match.
Oh oh he my bad why not these lazy nobs know nothing but normal PvP all day so this will be a great excercise thanks for the offer.
NOTE: PvP is a casual mode where all the player no matter the rank can play.
"Except Alex both teams shake hands before there match. Then they both go in there training rooms and make a lobby to invite the other team. once invited the draft begins".
What Ross?
These Japanese tricked us.
How is that?
Look at the speed which I'm tapping the combos but they are resgistering so late.
Which means that this is not Europe server this is Asia and we will have considerably high ping than them.
Oh my fucking god "Michael grabs his head".
Don't panic we will handle it somehow.
Oh no! I just remebered.
The the head of the baby that how to basic signed I forgot it at my home it worked wonders for me i need to retrieve it right now.
Right now coach we have a match "Ross tries to convince Mochael in a serious tone".
Good luck I'm going to get my luck back bye.
"Ross is left speechless".
So what do we do?
Pick easy non complicated champs and the high ping won't be an issue.
Good desicion, there first pick is Jarven 4 Alex pick-
"Thump" Ryze? you sure?
"Alex nods silentlt"
So he picked Janna Max!
Pick Alister.
Yes Sir,
And Pantom pick Tritana to pair up with Max.
Ezreal + Janna vs Alister + Tristana they will win the earl game but in late game and team fights we can easily out- damage them.
King go for- hehe you ready my mind.
Well we have played more than a 1000 games together how can I not know what you will say now let me guess your champ Warwick.
Absolutely Correct now there final picks will be?
hehe they both counter our champs Teemo to counter your Sion and Nidalee to counter my Warwick this will be fun. "Ross rubs his hands in excitement".
Gank my lane when slaying the scruttle crab he will most definetly overcommit.
**Welcome to summoner's rift**
Put wards in the river and don't play aggressive this ping supports passive playstyle rather than flashy and risky.
Got it then let's win.
"As the game progressed Alex ignored all the intructions Itachi gave him at the start of the game and tries to kill J4 and gets ganked by Nidalee".
Oh Alex you got baited he lowered his HP on purpose to lure you into his side of the map so his jg can easily gank you be more careful next time.
Hey Alex I just noticed but why you holding your keyboard like that?
None of your business kid.
"A vein pops out of Max forehead".
**Dragon has been spwaned**
Alex tries to gank duo lane but.
I'm comming bot to kill the Ez.
No don't Nida- ah too late you got caught again Alex I think I need to keep and eye on you 24/7 oh wat?
"Two veins pop out of Alex's forehead".
Now we have to fight a 4 v 5 team fight.
No 4 v 4 Teemo is up split pushing.
NOTE: split pushing is a tactic in which a player chooses to destroy the turrets rather than participating in the team fights there are two main advantages to this stratergy.
1. When you split push you kill all the minions and get all the turret gold and xp + if you destroy a turret your whole team gets a small boost.
2. Opening up your territory if the enemy solo laner leaves you to split push you can destroys and control those areas or destroy the Nexxus if they don't notice but it is extremely rare in competetive games.
And two main disadvantages:
1. Your team has to fight 4v5 team fights.
2. It can be countered easily if the other solo laner does not leave the lane.
After Alex respawns his team has lost the fight and decided to retrear except Itachi as he wants to steal the drag.
All of you recall and come back i'll steal it for sure um why you with me?
Don't question just do it.
Both player stand on a blastcone which when blasted proples the players, using the blastcone Alex and Itachi jumps into dragon pit where Alex uses his Rise ult escape and Itachi uses his smite to steal the dragon.
Nice now let's get the fuck out of here.
Alex uses a strict E - W - E - Q combo to obliyerate the Nidalee that tried to bully him.
Holy shit Alex amazing timing deapite the delay you landed every skill perfectly.
This is just the beginning once i get used to their playstyle and weaknesses they are no match for me.
"Every one on the team get's surprised by Alex's confidense".
Ross gank mid at 6:15 this fucker will recall and we can take the turret. and you two start taking rift herlad after rotating top and King protect bot.
"The whole team forgets who their leader is and start unconditionally following Alex's commands".
Nice now take the Herald fast!
NOTE: The Rift Herald is a giant creature which once captured can help you take down a turret or two.
Got the herald run! fast get out of the baron pit.
The Jarven engaged on me.
Do not fight! Max headbutt him and Johan W out of there.
Ok. wow it worked they backed away.
Farm farm till you get 3 items then we fight and win.
彼らが目標を確保し,戦いを無視している場合,私たちは何を指導すればよいでしょうか? (What do we do coach they are securing objectives and ignoring fights?).
そう,コーチ,私たちはこのように勝つことはできません,私たちのチャンピオンは終盤では役に立たなくなります (Yeah coach we can't win like that our champs will be useless in the lategame).
パニックをやめて頭を使ってください.EZ と Teemo がいるのに,どうすれば終盤のゲームに勝つことができるでしょうか?そこだけはライズとワーウィックが良いのですが,(Stop panicking and use your head we have EZ and Teemo how can they possibly win the late game? only there Rise and Warwick is good the oth-)
As the Coach was calming the team King uses his Sion ult to gank Jarven.
ああ,E を使用したのにフラッシュがありません,どうすればよいですか?私が死んだら彼らは砲塔を奪うだろう (Oh no i used my E and I don't have a flash what do i do? if i die they will take the turret).
宿禰と長崎がローテーションして中速で守る!(Sukune and Nagasaki rotate and protect mid fast!).
中央に回転させたら彼らはデュオレーンを破壊するでしょう (Fuck if we rotate to mid they will destroy our duo lane).
Nagasaki and Sukune gets confused in the river as to which way to go and which turret to protect being stuck in this quarrel of thoughts and thus were able to protect neither one.
*Mid lane turret has been destroyed*
*Duo lane turret has been deatroyed*
Let's go these noobs are inting.
Don't celebrate yet the game is not finished.
You are such a fun killer Alex.
今すぐ戦え! (Fight right now!)
しかし,彼らには我々には判断できない大幅なリードがある―― (But they have a substantial lead we can't ju-)
私の言うとおり,理解していますか?(Do as I SAY you understand?)
かしこまりました (Yes Sir).
All the members in there team feel pressured, demotivated, agitated, fristated, yet helpless they curse their luck, fortune, life all while ignoring the fact that they are just playing plane "BAD" without being self conscious they follow their coach shit orders that would ultimately lead them in defeat.
チーム戦で負けたなんてクソ野郎だ,pingが良くてもドラゴン一匹も確保できないのはわかってるだろ?(Fuck we lost the team fight you are just shit you understand Sakamoto even with good ping you can't even secure a single dragon huh? )
ごめんなさい,次は勝てるように頑張ります.(Iam sorry Sir I'll try my hardest to win next time).
ふふふ,ただ単にごめんなさい?君は知恵遅れなのか,私はここに来るためだけに一生の年金を費やしたのに,もう終わってしまったと残念に思っているのかい?(hehehe just a simple sorry? are you fucking retarded I spent my entire life's pention just to be here and you are just sorry you are done for you understand?)
いいえ,いいえ,先生,もう一度チャンスをください,私はとても一生懸命練習しました,世界でプレーすることが私の夢でした,お願いです,それを奪わないでください,お願いします *父の許しを祈るために手を合わせます* (No no no Sir please give me another chance I practiced so hard it was my dream to play in worlds please don't take it away i beg you *joins his hand to pray for forgiveness*)
Now that he is scared he will follow every single thing I say hehe "fear" is really a good tool it can control and maupulate "anyone".
確かに,私はあなたに最後のチャンスを与えます,あなたがすべてのチームの戦いでこの上昇をターゲットにして殺すことができる場合に限り,私たちが勝つか負けるかは問題ではありません,私はその上昇を消してほしいです (Sure i'll give you a final chance only if you can target and kill this rise in every team fight dosent's matter if we win or lose I want that rise gone).
All of Sakamoto's attempt to assasinate Alex fails miserably.
Through these bad decisions made by there Coach the Japanese couldn't compete to All Stars they start to fight among themeselves all these mistake spirall them further into the pit of defeat and All Stars takes the victory.
Hoorah! "high-five" "high-five" "congratulation hug"
Despite of bad ping we win all thanks to Alex um...
"Alex walks towards the japanese room" .
"All the other members follow him silently to extinguish there flames of curiosity".
あなたは今何がしたいですか?(what do you want now? ).
Well played. "Alex congratulates the japanese with a smile".
"Everyone's ears raise as they could not believe what they heard from Alex"
You tried very well to kill me various times you may have succeeded if your team had backed you up more but to the effort you put in every assaination to that i have to give you the credit.
Thank you "Sukune builds up a huge confidense boost and high self esteem from Alex feedback".
One thing I have to ask what is your teams's name?
7 seas.
"Hand shake".