Chapter 14: ÁMEN
"Both Michael and Vincent walks into Jeff's room".
Look what I have got for you "holds up the up in excitement" oh he is asleep better not wake him.
Oh he is the boy who got spitroasted by two african men.
"Jeff wakes up" You fucking bald "coughs" cunt you are here again and how many times did I tell you "coughs" I am a virgin "heavy enhale and exhale".
Jeff you should show some respect and Michael you too look at his condition he might not be able to play his dream championship and you are making fun of him?
I mean I'm not making fun of anyone I'm just addressing the fact that he got fucked by two black men just look at his neck he probably deepthroted them that's why he is doing "ahuh ahuh" from his sore throat.
"Both Jeff and Vincent looks angry".
I mean no one would admit to doing such things but when you look at his face he do kinda looks like that and look at his ass his ass says more about him then his mouth.
Michael get out "Vicent yells in a soft tone".
He ain't got no malaria he has got AIDS I am sure of it the black men accidently fucked a posivite prostite then him.
Get OUT!! "in a harsh tone".
"Michael gets out and goes over to his team".
Yo coach Mic where were you we just finished our first game with Alex and he is bomb like Tsar bomba he will blow up.
"Michael walks over with a disappointing look and puts his hand on Itachi's shoulder"
"Stomach rumbling".
You fine Mic? have you eaten since morning? "Ross confronts Michael with a concerned look".
"Rumbling intensifies".
Yeah I did it's just I have a upset stomach that's all no need to worry about it just take a break and keep practicing and bonding with Alex.
Well he is the only problem he works distant from the whole team in the first match he played very passively but in the second when he analyzed all four of us then he started playing alone as if he is 1v9ing.
NOTE: 1v9 is a term used when your entire team is feeding or completely useless in other words "shit" and you have to carry their sorry asses.
Is he playing good solo?
Yeah but we would feel way better only if he played with us not against us.
Well he is a kid afterall if I talk to him he will understand "Micael says with low energy".
Yeah if he understands thats for the good friendship and champanionship is the most important thing in the world.
"Small rumble" I'll go to bed.
But don't you have sea sickness?
Guess I'll have to sleep on the floor.
"2:29 AM Michael wakes up and sneaks into Jeff's room".
I'll get my Saltine Crackers at all costs.
"He walks slowly on his toes and goes to Jeff's bed".
This fucking twink bitchboi how dare he take my Crackers.
"Michael steals or confiscate his cracks".
This nooooooooooooob ate 4 of them! "His eyes open wide His pupils enlarge to search for any particle of light being there and he stares at Jeff for 1 hour while eating his remaining crackers".
"To get his revenge Michael goes out the bootcamp and looks for a STD positive women and extracts her saliva into a plastic container and her blood with a vaccuum syringe".
Now you will see what it's like to have my Saltine Crackers.
"Michael goes back to Jeff at 4:12 AM as he walks towards Jeff's room he stumbles into".
"Yaaaawn" "finger snap" hi coach- "waits for micky to finish".
Michael I'm coach Michael.
Yeah yeah coach Michael おはよう(good morning).
Fucking jap "turning his face to the back".
What did you say?
"The japanese didn't understood american very well".
Don't worry we will not bomb you anymore so don't hold a grudge against me.
"Michael is so used to seeing non asian faces that he mistakens the japanese player's small eyes and non wrinkled face to be angry because of this he confronts him".
ああ,私たちのチームには翻訳者がいます(there is a translator in our team) Nagasaki! ここに来て (come here).
一体何がしたいの (what is it?).
こちらはコーチマイケルです.彼への私の言葉と彼の言葉を私に翻訳してほしいです (This is coach michael I want you to translate my words to him and his words to me).
とにかく早くしてください,私たちの試合は18分で始まります (whatever just make it quick our match is starting in 18 minutes).
What you the hell are you talking about japs?
"Michael scratches his bald head in confusion".
"Nagasaki translates their conversation as a middle man".
My name is Hajime Shun it's a pleasure to meet you Coach Michael.
Nice to meet you too "Nagasaki thoughts to himself oh I can't translate 'that' this bald guy is insane".
彼は何を言っていますか (What is he saying?).
He is also very pleased to meet you "Nagasaki answers hesitantly".
So coach Mike your team um um All Stars when will they start practicting?
At 10 why?
I want to play a friendly custom against them, if you don't mind it will help both our teams to improve and perform better in the championship "Chun gives a friendly scrim offer with a smile".
Sure you will be an amazing sport "this man has no shame what so ever I'm getting out of here ASAP".
So guys I have to prepare the booth you should probably get going as well Michael. 早く来ないとコーチに怒られるよ(I'm going come fast or coach will yell at you).
お時間をいただきまして誠にありがとうございます.またお会いできるのを楽しみにしています (Thank you so much for your time hope to see yo-).
Whose that a chinese? "both look at that chinese kid". Great before a Japanese and now a chinese these fking asians wakes up at 4 and ruins my entire plan".
你们两个在做什么,挡住路,让开 (What are two doing blocking my path step aside).
NOTE: Japanese and Chinese looks a lot alike but isn't japanese is more easy on the eye and does not have any commas whilst Chinese is filled with commas and very sharp letters also chinese have two variations the "tradional" and the "simplified or modern" Iam using the modern version as no one really speaks tradional mandarin and one last thing drink water and stay hydrated thank you.
Great another idiot speaking "monkey language" hey you chinese short kid go to the factory and help in making something.
嘿罗恩!!过来(hey Roy!! come here).
你知道我的煎蛋卷里有一根头发,我太恶心了,我什至都吃不完,那里有人吗?"罗伊一边吃蛋白质棒一边过来" (You know I had a hair in my omlette I was so grossed out I couldn't even finish it who are there people? "Roy comes while eating a protein bar").
翻译我的话"嗯""清清嗓子"我太子命令你们两个去给我拿个草莓味的电子烟,看守人明白吗? (Translate my words "hmh" "clear his throat" I prince Taizi command you two to go and get me a strawberry flavoured vape you understand watchman?).
Da fuck he said huh?
He said could you get him a vape strawberry flavoured if possible.
I'll bring your mama a strawberry flavoured "something something" cheese eating surrender monkey.
他不跑什么?他在反对我吗?他知道我父亲是谁吗? (What he is not running? is he opposing me? does he know who my father is?).
You are not running and fetching my need? now get ready to face my wrath I'll contact my father and I will raid your house and use your head as a Guzheng. *Roy is an asshole friend*.
古筝等等没有说,罗伊你跟这个男人说什么了? (Guzheng wait I did not say that Roy what did you tell this man?).
You chinese boy what you gonna do with your short body tiny eyes and a "kh" stuck in your throat go and go sniff some marker to get high then eat your cat than watch some oh that's banned too bad in europe we have all the stuff to watch, read, enjoy so we can flex on "you" now get lost I have more important stuff to do than roast your ass off and you jap do not anger the chief guest if you love your country OK? good.
あなたは誰ですか,私はハジメ,チュン・ハジメ (who are you? my self Hajime, Hajime Chun) "offers a handshake".
很高兴见到你本人 Taizo Húang"接受握手" (Nice to meet you in person Taizo Húang "Handshake Accepted"). 他在说什么"握手时紧张地与罗伊交谈" (what is he saying "nervously talks to Roy while handshaking").
我他妈会知道吗?(da fuck would I know?) *being an asshole*
"Both asians communicate through emotions despite having a language barrier while Michael goes to initiate his plan".
"He stands at the same position he was 1 hour ago".
Hehe "evil laugh" sleeping like a baby with your mouth open huh? here take this "he puts few drops of the STD blood he took from the prostitute into Jeff's vulnerable mouth". Now have fun you menizer.
"Ting" "Ting" "Ting" sleep too much and you'll grow a third nipple on your forehead.
Realllly!!?? "Max wakes up worried".
Well that'a what my grandma used to say. look you got one. "Johan points at Max forehead".
Huh! where? give me a mirror fast. "Max feels his face in panic".
Hehhahaha you got bamboozled the look on your face was oh I can't breadth "coughs".
I'll kill you Johan.
Oh look at this couple fighting as soon as the sun rises huh huh "eye brow raise".
What oh no no no you are getting this sooo wrong.
I mean you haven't got a girlfriend yet did yaw? "teasing"
It's just umm "Max struggles finding words to defend himself".
Oh is it you are finding the best oppoturnity to propose to Johan?
No way you cunt he is like a bro to me.
Hehe you are blushing and bro so you get stuck very often don't you? "eye brow raise x 3".
Cause you are ashaming me you milk stealer.
Oh sooooooorry that I like to drink a litre of milk everyday but if I don't get my daily milk intake then I will also drink from your mom's - "Michael cuts off Ross".
So all five of you are ready? "Michael comes in at 7 wearing a practice practice practice shirt and a coffee mug with some crackers (not saltine)".
For what "said by max".
For your practice you forgot?
But the practice was suppose to start at 10.
aww Maxxy boy it is at starting at 7:15 now "Michael sways his eyes left and right and lowers his voice as he finishes his sentence" so where is that "red eyed devil".
He was in his room last night.
5 minutes later.
Hmf "Vincent cries uncontrollably" Michael how did you know Jeff had STD?
I mean look at-
He was a very good boy he would've won his dream tournament.
So what happend to him Vincent?
Really he is gone for real? "Did I overdid him with that blood he might not have got the energy to survive malaria with a STD".
"Vincent nods in sadness". Here he is being taken to his home for burial.
So this is a dancing pallbearers creating a positive vibe while sending him off people are going crazy with them some are in suport and dacing like a madman and others stand and send him off peacefully I might do both first I can dance then I will say goodbye.
"While danicng Alex remebers".
His final words were: I'll see you in the championship just you weight I mean wait.
it's ironic that his final words that he is not able to see me.
After dancing for 11 minutes Alex sends him off.