I Level Up To Fight The Gods

Chapter 390: End of Day -2: Yukino

( At the same time, while Aidan is with his father, discussing some things. )

" Lady Yukino... " the Inquisitors called her as she was in the middle of her training.

" If it's nothing to do with my preparation, leave! " Yukino orders the Inquisitors.

" Oh, Young Lady Fubuki... "

" This has something to do with your preparation... " One of them began to attack her, but Yukino swiftly froze him with her close-range breeze.

" I assume you want to be volunteers for my preparation? " Yukino asks with her usual intonation.

" So cold..., so bold... " said the Inquisitor with Black Robes and mask, he immediately attacked Yukino with his fists.

" High Inquisitor*? " Yukino sees her opponent, immediately using her breeze to freeze him up, seeing him as foolish to charge at her with bare hands.

" For a 'High Inquisitor', you're so foolish to use fists on against those with the sword..., shouldn't you be better..., ah- "Suddenly the High Inquisitor's body moved, grabbing her and slamming her down, while also punching her.

[Muruga's Fist, Murder's Repent]

[ This ability is a skill to exact Divine Vengeance, this ability will effectively work against pure evil-doers for this Gift Skill will activate god Muruga's judgment fist to judge and punish the evil enemies. ]

Despite the Fist strike, Yukino felt an unbelievable pain, as the fist felt like thousands of attacks given at her with full force.

"( That almost killed you, I have to say it. )" Lord Sal speaks again.

"( I know this ability, 'Murder's Repent'..., for I once knew one particular Divine God who uses the power of Karma to his strength... )"

"( Speaking of 'Karma', can I ask you how many you killed before now? )" Sal asks her but...

" Let me deal with this. " Yukino, releases a burst of the freezing wave, releasing a great blizzard that immediately made the Inquisitors flee from her.

[ Ice Barrier: Frost Petal's Breeze ]

[ An invisible barrier, meant to freeze those near the User's radius, from all directions. ]

"( This barrier...? )" Sal sees the barrier's look from within his place.

"( Why do I see no manifestation of shielding energy to protect you? )" 

"( My Lord, you misunderstand... )" Yukino tells him.

"( Not all barriers are meant for protection... )" Yukino says as he walks calmly towards the Inquisitors.

" I thought you're all here to volunteer, perhaps testing me if I'm worth the new Position or not? "

" Well, here I am, now lock and loaded... " Yukino looks around, seeing the Inquisitors prepared still in their stances and weapons, prepared with caution.

"( The only fight they can give is to do range attacks... )"

"( Seeing their weapons, they must've never thought to see this kind of barrier, a non-protective barrier that they will never get close too. )"

"( If that's the case, then there's no need for the full effort, focus on maintaining the Barrier's effects, and make sure its breeze froze things as intended. )" Yukino slowly approaches them, approaching the High Inquisitor's position who happened to be her primary target.

As she was walking, one of the circling Inquisitors in her behind position decided to charge over her.

" Idiot, don't attack her! " the High Inquisitor called the unrestrained Inquisitors who immediately became cold statues for even trying to do so, despite the attackers having fire-based abilities.

" Fires do melt the snow..., but against the blizzard storm, even the greatest flames will die and be frozen. " Yukino says it to the frozen attackers while the High Inquisitors can only see how dangerous the 'Barrier' is.

"( As simple as death..., using her barrier only to defeat enemies while sustaining no damage. )"

"( To think a simple starting punch of mine will make her do such a thing... )"

"( Besides that, that Barrier is not just invisible, but in seeing my men frozen like that... )"

"( Then that barrier is an invisible Blizzard storm, shown to our eyes as a spreading circling breeze of cold. )" The High Inquisitor sees this, looking at all the other inquisitors while the frozen death sentence slowly approaches him.

" We surrender. " the High Inquisitor raised his hands, and he looked around at the others, ordering them to do so which they followed as they all raised their hands.

" As you should. " Yukino sees it and raises her chin a bit, seeing how useless they were and ineffective the Inquisitors are in the get-go.

But..., as she sees this.

She realized...

" Lord Loki, can this be over? " Yukino asks as Loki suddenly appears before her.

" You taught yourself well. " Loki tells her, seeing how much she improved.

" You can leave now. " Loki orders the Inquisitor to leave after they greet them.

" Those assassins of yours followed your instructions well. " Yukino tells Loki after they leave.

" That High Inquisitor? May I know his name? " Yukino asks immediately holding the place she was punched earlier, which is on her stomach's left side.

" No. " Loki replied.

" But you may know the God he belongs to, it's Lord Muruga, the Divine Repentance. "

" You know, from the 'Svarga' Pantheon... " Loki tells Yukino that which makes her wonder how powerful the god is if their Gifted Mortal managed to harm her with surprise.

"( No, Muruga is actually not that powerful... )" Lord Sal suddenly calls her.

"( If you're talking about his sheer strength and Divine Power, there are many gods that could topple him with ease if it weren't for his ability. )" Sal tells Yukino.

"( What kind of ability this god have? )"

"( [Divine Hands of Repentance], just as he was renowned for. )"

"( Using that, with his hands, he can enhance his strength using the strength of the victim of his enemies... )"

"( Does, enabling him to deal great damage, depends on how evil the enemy he faced is..., hence my question earlier? )"

"( How many you have killed before? )" Sal asks but Loki approaches her suddenly, snapping her out of it.

" You should be proud of yourself for achieving this kind of ability... "

" Despite my attempts on using my 'Gigantic Blizzard', I never once get the ability of an auto-attack freezing barrier. " Loki tells her, reminding his version of Blizzard's ability that Yukino's 'White Blizzard' derives from.

" Where do you learn this, Yukino? " Loki asks, but suddenly, Yukino remembers one of her battles in the Niigata Sea Incident, a battle with a certain Black Shadow she would never forget*.

" Sireena... " Yukino mentions her name.

" ... "

" I simply re-adjust the concept of my abilities... "

" Like my barrier earlier..., it was just me turning my usual 'Ice Barrier' into something more offensive. "

" I simply think if I can use a shield to defend the attacks, then I'll let the Blizzard make the attacks die before they reach me or even better. "

" If I happened to encounter a Water User, then this ability would be the user's death sentence. "

" I assure it. " Yukino says this for Loki, who saw her already at her Blizzard Ability had an upgrade, and immediately smirked in his mind.

"( Good. )"

"( Speaking of Water... )" Loki remembers, he remembers the moment he disguised himself as a fly, flying around during the Atlantis' Ambush.

He witnessed, the White Demon defeating S-Rank Hunter Tristan Torrent, witnessing him having the ability over water.

"( I choose the right person for the job. )" Loki tells himself.

"( Now, I simply need to enhance her more... )"

"( She'll be the White Demon's White Death weapon. )" Loki says this within his mind, witnessing a new weapon has been forged for his ends over the 'Tournament'.

( Meanwhile. )

" What are you planning, Loki? " Sal asks himself despite only being able to see things from his current place.



* High Inquisitor.

He appeared in Chapter 340: Volume 4 Extra Part 4: Greatest Bounty.

* Yukino remembers one of her battles in the Niigata Sea Incident, a battle with a certain Black Shadow she would never forget.

She means her battle in Chapter 306: Sireena's Garganto Part 2.

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