Chapter 389: End of Day -2: Aidan
[ Date: Sunday, June 4th, 2022 ]
[ 09:20 p.m. ]
At first, I don't know what to do about this, but...
" Hah! Father is it too much for me? " Aidan asks as he and his father are in their old Villa in District M.
[ District: M ]
[ Location: Adler's Family Residence Villa ]
" Yeah, it's too much for you to become an S-Rank, despite your short days of being the top A-Rank... " said Mr. Alan, Aidan's father as he's already in the Villa while Aidan is busy doing his Hunter stuff this week.
" Tch, Hunter Association... " Mr. Alan disses the notion.
" They're just for the popularity, aren't they? " Mr. Alan says that while Aidan could only sigh.
" Yes, and now I felt like regretting becoming one, Dad. "
" I felt myself becoming an S-Rank in the most uncertain of times... " Aidan looks at his palm, as his palm still has a fiery wound on it.
" New upgrades from Lord Agni? " Mr. Alan asks Aidan.
" Even better, Dad. " Aidan replied, emitting blue flames from his palm.
" I got Ardan's ability now (Tier V)..., even Lord Agni promised to Gift me more, choosing me as his Avatar on top of it. "
" Tomorrow's the procession of me becoming one, so- "
" Congratulations then..., Praise to Lord Agni! " Mr. Alan gives his praise.
" But the Azure Flames you were given..., is it as strong? " He asks Aidan if the Azure Flame he holds now is stronger than that of his Cousin, Ardan Adler, currently imprisoned for his academic crimes.
" If Lord Agni give me the privilege, then it will... " Aidan politely responded which made Mr. Alan smile.
" If your Mom's awake, then she will likely be proud of your achievement. " Mr. Alan mentions Mrs. Aida all of a sudden.
" Mom's still in her coma, isn't she? "
" I remember you calling me during the end of the Abyss Tower, back then I was still in my medium position on my A-Rank. "
" I was helping the injured during the battle and after it, so I'm sorry if I know it all late. "
" Hey Son, that one's my fault... "
" The Abyss Tower was such a huge event, it's my fault for thinking the Association would not deploy a Healer like you. "
" Well, despite my Deployment, many were doing the work alongside me..., don't forget to mention Dr. Liao Mei, she's drained at the time, hence I had to step in... "
" Hence, Lord Loki sees my work, interested in my abilities, and decides to tell Mr. Wayne to give me the top A-Rank position. "
" Well, you deserved it. "
" You work your ass with the ways of the 'Healing', damn... "
" But still... "
" Are you just here to tell me these accomplishments and ask about your mom, Aidan? " Mr. Alan asks after hearing Aidan talking to him at this place.
" No..., there's more Dad. "
" About Ragna... " Aidan mentions the name to him, making Mr. Alan sharpen his sight.
" Your friend? I thought I saw his name mentioned as the Heretics that entered the Tower, was I..., wrong? "
" You sure they were Heretics...? " Aidan asks him.
" I know the names, Dad..., they're all Hunters, Hunters... "
" Not just Hunters, there are also Priests such as the Battle Maiden... "
" 'The' Battle Maiden, one of the Honored Divine Avatars, Dad..., I checked the files. "
" You're telling me, that a Divine Avatar, chosen and monitored by the Gods, can have another side as a Heretic? " Aidan asks Mr. Alan to think about it despite him already accepting what he was told by the news.
" I don't know about that, that's your thing after all. "
" What I know is..., if the new S-Rank is telling me it's not, then it's not like that... " Mr. Alan quickly believes Aidan due to his new credibility.
" So, Aidan..., what about your friend, Ragna? " Mr. Alan asks.
" Remember my other Junior High friends; Jan Faustin, Roy Baker, and Walt West? "
" I ask them to do some research over Ragna, especially researching his old House in this District... "
" The one I bought back using your money for research..., that one. " Aidan reminds him.
" Oh that one, I remember now, we went there before, didn't we? "
" Yes, I was so pissed when I heard you want to buy a house, I only gave you the money since the price is negotiable at the time of your 14th Birthday. "
" My thoughts are, like hell I'm buying you a House, I almost thought you had a kid behind my back even... "
" Dad...! "
" Right, right... "
" Yes, I still remember those three, what about them? What's with the house? What does that have to do with this research of yours? " Mr. Alan asks it curiously as any parent should.
" How many times have I told you that this research is about Ragna's connection to the White Demon? "
" You know the clues I've found, didn't I send you some? "
" Yeah, you did... " Mr. Alan responded.
" I see the old photos of him and the Demon's photos..., the Demon has his other eye covered, but from the looks and the standing hair (ahoge) they both possess. "
" From those who met Ragna before like us, we could tell that this is him with a new hair and skin color, not to mention powers. "
" But for the scientific results, that will have to wait. "
" So send your three friends here, I'll have them taken care of in this Villa or perhaps I should visit them if they need to sleep in that House during their research. "
" Besides, I remember correctly if their parents had more money, they should be scientists by now, their Science is top notch back then, right? "
" Just like you and Ragna, those three are all Acceleration Kids. Thus you five became the 'Accel Group' back in your Junior High. "
" That was years ago, Dad. "
" But thank you, I appreciate you having them by since I'm going to busy, you know... "
" Yes Son, go become Lord Agni's Avatar and face the White Demon. "
" If it's your Friend, give me the hardest punch before the gods deal with him for the mess he made. "
" Thank you, Dad. " Aidan ended his day, as he finished asking his father for some permissions he should do before his critical days started.
[ Aidan's Room ]
" Lord Agni... " Aidan calls Agni as the Lord of Fire himself appears in his room.
" You already had your permission? " Agni calmly asks despite his flaming entitlement.
" Of course, My Father trusted me, always. "
" Besides, as My Father trusted me..., do you also do that? " Aidan asks the Lord.
" Yes, but your intentions on doing this made me worried... "
" If the 'Demon's your 'friend'... " Agni asks while Aidan just shows him a punching gesture.
" This is what I'll do... "
" That one f*ker needs to have his head punched for returning to me as an a*hole Demon after being gone for so long. "
" That is why I ask Father's permission..., for he and Ragna are also close before the Abyss Tower, you hear it, My Lord. "
" I do... " Agni responds, for he indeed heard the conversation earlier, from the start.
" If that's the story, then I shall entrust you with my flames... "
" No need to make it exalted and glamourous like your beautiful ice-forged Senpai..., for the Fire needs no celebration to spread its blaze. " Agni's hand then touches Aidan's chest.
" May my flames blaze your body. " Agni says it as he touches the chest, touching it to enter his overall existence to Aidan's Gift Core within, entrusting Aidan with all that he had as the two Syncs and Resonate with each other.