Chapter 95: Gym Challenge
"OH! Ugh! Yes!!!"
Shinobu screamed, her fingers clawing onto Dante's naked back and her legs clamped onto him, preventing him from pulling out.
Soon, her limbs loosened and she gasped for breath. Her eyes blearily opened with satisfaction, a dopey smile on her face from the post-orgasmic pleasure.
She took in the face of the man who suddenly swooped into her life, stealing her heart and letting her experience what it's like to be a woman.
Looking down, she feasted her eyes at the contour of her boyfriend's muscles, from his neck to his pecs, down to his ripped abs, and to his still erect…cock?
Shinobu's eyes instantly regained their luster as she glared in frustration at the stupid, fat lump of meat.
"That's bullshit! There's no way you still have some juice left after 20 times!? Tell me, are you some half-human half-Pokemon hybrid!?"
Shinobu panted. She tried to sit, to prop her body against the head of the bed. However, her arms were unable to muster enough force, too tired after the 4 hours of continuous sex.
"It just goes to show how attractive you are, babe."
Dante joked as he helped Shinobu prop her body up. After, he took the glass of water on the bedside table and held it to her open mouth.
Meanwhile, his other hand languidly fondled one of her boobs.
"*Sigh*, I surrender. It seems I still can't take care of your sex drive yet."
Shinobu weakly slapped Dante's hands away, learning from past experience that his act would most likely escalate if left unchecked.
Still, looking at Dante's throbbing cock, she couldn't help feeling guilty. She had been feeling this way ever since they first had sex with each other.
The feeling of not being able to satisfy her partner, when he always fucked her brains out, is so unpleasant.
Her guilt intensified even more when she woke up after passing out and saw Dante masturbating by himself.
She had tried searching for solutions on the Pokenet, and even consulted Erika about it!
All of her research culminated tonight.
She cosplayed as his favorite character, wore her sexiest underwear, and tried every technique she learned, ensuring she spent less energy than Dante. Her efforts were rewarded, seeing as she made Dante cum the most today out of all other periods. But it seems that still wasn't enough.
"You know, other women would just celebrate that their men can last longer than them, right?."
"…let's try again next week, I'll definitely be able to defeat you then."
"Well, don't let me stop you from trying~ though I doubt you could ever beat me all by yourself."
Dante cockily smiled and tapped Shinobu's nose. As he was about to carry her inside the bathroom to clean up, a knock came on their door.
"*Sigh* That should be Teddy. It seems Pikachu and the others failed to convince him."
Dante complained amidst Shinobu's amused eyes.
"Well, you had it coming. What do you expect to happen after choosing to hatch an egg?"
"I know they would be more intimate towards their Trainer, but it never said I would suddenly become a parent!"
"Oh, quit making a fuss. Hurry and ask the poor child what he's here for."
"Fine, fine, he probably just wants to sleep with us."
Dante got up from the bed and put on his shorts, which were on the ground. Then, he walked towards the door, which was still constantly being knocked.
Sure enough, after opening it, he saw Teddiursa standing behind the door while holding his pillow.
"Rarr?" (Dad, can I sleep together with you and mom?)
"Aren't you together with your big brothers? I told you earlier that your mom and I are doing some private things."
"Urrawr!" (B-but, I can't sleep without you beside me. Please, Dad!)
Looking at the tears forming in Teddiursa's eyes, Dante's heart began to soften.
"Alright Teddy, but just this once, alright? Your mom and I will tidy up the room, first. Go back to your big brothers and we'll call you after we're done, okay?"
"Raaa…" (*yawwnn* okay…)
Teddiursa rubbed his eyes as he reluctantly nodded his head.
"Rawr." (You and Mom really need to clean up, Dad. It stinks.)
Teddiursa complained as he walked back into the living room while dragging his pillow.
Dante chuckled and closed the door. When he told Shinobu what Teddiursa said, she showed a sheepish smile.
The two of them took a quick bath and replaced the sheets, with Dante mostly doing it due to Shinobu still feeling weak. After spraying an air freshener and smelling no more scent of their sexual activity, Dante went out to call Teddiursa.
The next morning, Dante woke up feeling a weight on his biceps and stomach.
He opened his eyes to see Shinobu resting his head on his arm, her nightgown hanging down and showing her upper cleavage.
Dante sighed in regret. If it weren't for Teddiursa hugging his stomach, he and Shinobu would have done some morning exercise to start the day.
Usually, he and his Pokemon slept together on the same bed. However, whenever his girlfriend came along, they would gather in a different room and hang out with Accelgor.
But Teddiursa was just born three days ago. He was still very clingy to Dante, his 'father'.
"Wake up, sleepyheads, it's already late in the morning."
When she heard Dante's call, Shinobu's eyes opened in confusion before slowly regaining clarity. In contrast, Dante had to use his free hand to lightly shake Teddiursa awake.
"Hngg, good morning, love."
Shinobu gave Dante a quick peck on the cheek before standing up.
Dante also stood up, hugging the Teddiursa who was only beginning to awaken.
The two of them readied themselves and at 8:45 AM, headed out of their dorms towards the university entrance to wait for their companions.
The day before, their group had a collective discussion on their group chat about what to do for the weekend. After Dante mentioned that he wanted to go for his second Gym Badge, Focalors, Shinobu, and Mualani expressed their desire to also challenge a Gym.
But a problem arose. Shinobu and Mualani wanted to challenge the Grass-type Gym, while Dante and Focalors' is the Ground-type.
Therefore, the group decided to split in two. Candice and Kachina will go with Shinobu and Mualani, while Furina and Dawn will go with Dante and Focalors.
"Hey! You guys are just in time!"
"Ehehe, sorry. Our makeup took longer than expected."
To avoid being recognized, Focalors and Furina wore matching red wigs, black contact lenses, and a biker-style jacket today. With the two looking like delinquents, even Furina's closest fans won't be able to recognize her.
"It looks like everyone's here. Come on! Let's take a picture for commemoration!"
Under Mualani's lead, their group posed together in front of the school's entrance. With Dante being the only male, he was unanimously chosen to stand in the center.
They asked some random passerby to take a picture. After thanking him, their group continued to chat for a while before finally departing.
"Good luck with your match, Shinobu, Mualani."
"Hahaha, good luck with you two, too! Let's have all of us win a Badge today!"
With a smile, their two groups began to walk in the opposite direction.
Unlike the Grass Gym, which is located in Manila, the Ground Gym is in the next city. So, to save time, Dante and the others decided to go via a flying Pokemon.
"You sure you don't want to just use Dragonite?"
"Quite. I wish to try riding other Pokemon."
Dante shrugged his shoulders in acceptance. Currently, he and Focalors are in the Air Rental Services looking through the catalog of available Pokemon.
The rules for Pokemon air transportation are for only 2 people each. Therefore, their group decided to pair themselves, with Furina and Dawn in one group, and Focalors and Dante in the other.
When they were handed the catalog, Furina's eyes lit up and hurriedly called dibs for Altaria, the most expensive and highest quality Pokemon the rental shop had available. Currently, she and Dawn were marveling over Altaria's feathers while waiting for Dante and Focalors to decide.
"It's too bad all their Corviknights are rented. How about Skarmory?"
"With all those pointy feathers? Pass."
"Hmm, I already tried Staraptor before. Same with Pidgeot, Fearow, Pelipper…ah! Here, how about Tropius?"
"Sure. It's a bit slow, but we have plenty of time anyway."
After making their decision, the two called for the staff in charge. They scanned their Trainer IDs and paid 10,000 to rent for a day before the staff gave them the Pokeball containing Tropius.
Tropius is a large, sauropod-like Pokemon with a brown body wrapped in green leaves on its chest and head. It possesses large, broad green leaves on its back, which it uses for flight and for sugar production via photosynthesis.
In addition, Tropius mostly reside in countries with tropical climates like the Philippines, making them rare in France where Focalors and Furina live.
After releasing him from the Pokeball, Dante and Focalors familiarized themselves with Tropius before sitting on the saddle installed on his back.