Chapter 187: CH 187
Daphne asked her, "Have you checked to see if the charging runes are fully charged?"
"Yes, and they are," replied Luna.
"Well let's go test what we can before heading for breakfast," suggested Daphne.
Once outside, Harry stood back a little from the statue and asked it, "Can you hear me, Professor?" "I most certainly can, young master," the statue replied.
"Does it sound a little muffled and low in volume to you?" he asked.
"No, not at all," replied the statue.
"Is the ward affecting you in any way?" he asked.
"I can sense it's there; but, that's all," replied the Professor. "It does not negatively impact upon me."
"Well, that's one worry we no longer need to be concerned about," said Harry to the others. Hermione had started to slowly back away and said, "Start talking or singing or something and don't stop until I tell you to."
Harry started singing. "It's a world of laughter, a world or tears; it's a world of hopes, it's a world of fear; there's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware, it's a small world after all.
"It's a small world..."
Hermione suddenly held her hand up and Harry immediately stopped. She then took half a pace back and asked, "Can you still hear me?"
He nodded back.
She then turned to look at the walls and saw the runes were a good couple of feet inside where she could suddenly no longer hear Harry.
Walking back into the field she said, "Good. The ward boundary is a good couple of feet beyond the runes. That means it goes right to the floor, at least."
Drawing her wand she cast at Harry. "Confundus!" she cried.
With a frown he asked, "Don't you think you should have asked, first?" "You teased me, this morning," she replied. "Consider this payback."
Suddenly she snapped her wand back at him again. And again, nothing happened.
"What this time?" he asked.
"A stinging hex," she replied. Drawing his own wand with a smirk, Hermione started to look a little worried. He held his wand before himself and cried, "Tempus!" as Hermione jumped sideways in fright.
The red glowing digits of the actual time glowed just above his wand as he smirked at her.
"You prat!" she grouched.
"At least we know the ward doesn't affect those sorts of charms," he shrugged, still smirking before banishing the time.
"How's the charging wards, Hermione called to the other girl.
"No change. Not even a blip," replied Daphne. "Alright, let's try something stronger," said Harry. Incantless, he raised a Protego shield and held it.
"That works," he said. "Hermione would you do the honours and cast a couple of mid-level curses and hexes at me?"
With Harry's shield held between them, Hermione began casting curses. "Reducto!... Bombarda!... Stupefy!" she cried.
Harry's shield held through it all, and there was no light to show a curse had been cast.
"Daphne?" asked Hermione.
"No change," replied a quite smug Daphne. "But there was just the faintest blip as you said each three, and were only there for a moment. The charging runes had recharged before you cast your next one."
"That just leaves the Imperius block ward, right?" asked Harry.
Hermione walked to the wall and attempted to cast a listening charm onto it. It failed. "Yep. That's it bar the Imperius," she said with a big sigh of relief before grinning.
She turned to Luna and said, "Very well done, Luna. It works."
Luna was clearly happy with the praise and asked, "Does that mean I can turn the report in to Professor Babbling now?"
"It does," replied Hermione.
With a squeal she almost leapt into Hermione's arm to give the older girl a huge hug. Then she hurried over to Daphne and did the same. Finally, she jumped into Harry's arms and hugged him.
Stepping back she exclaimed, "I cannot wait to hand the report to Professor Babbling! She'll be ever so pleased."
"Why not see if you can hand it to her at breakfast, this morning?" asked Daphne.
"I'll do that," she said. "But, I've left it in my trunk."
"Go get it," suggested Daphne. "We'll wait."
While they waited for the young girl outside the Ravenclaw entrance, Harry was looking around.
"Trying to think of where to put the boundary runes, love?" asked Hermione with a smirk.
Harry grinned back and said, "Yep."
Daphne raised her hand and pointed. "There, there, there and there," she said before turning the other direction. "And, there, there, there and there,"
Both Hermione and Harry paid attention to where she was pointing. They couldn't disagree.
"Nice," said Harry.
When Luna returned they were discussing where to engrave the control runes.
For a Sunday, breakfast in the Great Hall seemed a little crowded. "It's not," replied Luna when Harry pointed it out. "You're just used to being down here earlier."
As the four were about to sit at the Ravenclaw table, Luna gave a little squee sound before she excitedly said, "Professor Babbling's here. I'll just go and see if she'll accept the report before I sit for breakfast." Then hurried off to the head table.
While Harry was busy digging in to hash browns, friend tomatoes on toast, and bacon; and was washing it down with a cup of tea; Hermione kept suggesting adding an egg 'dish' to his meal. She just couldn't understand he just didn't feel like eggs, that morning. Luna returned.
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