HARRY POTTER :flash forward.

Chapter 186: CH 186

The next morning, Sunday, the three were woken by Luna walking into their room and climbing up onto the bed.

Harry was woken by a cry of, "Luna!" from Hermione, causing him to suddenly flip to his back before sitting bolt upright in bed.

He had to wipe his eyes a couple of times before he saw that Luna was calmly sitting cross-legged on the foot of the bed. Hermione was also sitting upright but was trying to hold the covers up to cover her bare breasts while staring back in shock at Luna.

"What're you doing in near-whining Hermione.




"I came in to wake you up because Dobby wouldn't," she calmly replied.

"But... we're naked!" exclaimed Hermione. "We could have been... doing things!"

"You weren't," replied Luna. "But, if it's you being naked and me not that has you concerned..."

She reached down and grasped the bottom hem of her jumper and began to pull it up when Hermione realised what she was going to do. "No!" she cried, reaching forward with one hand as if she could reach the girl and physically stop her. Luna stopped with her top halfway up her torso, and looked back. "It's not as if Harry hasn't seen the nude female form, Hermione. After all, he's seen yours and Daphne's," she explained in a quite reasonable voice.

"Yes, but..." Hermione tried.

"My being in the nude won't unnecessarily sexually arouse him, either," Luna continued. "His bond with you is far too strong. If anything, he'll want to have sex with you, again."

"Yes, but..." Hermione tried again.

"He'll show interest. That's because he hasn't seen me nude before. But you won't have to worry about him having sex with me."

"Luna..." Hermione whined again. Harry just watched the byplay, quite amused.

Meanwhile Daphne had groaned, annoyed at the noise, and sat up in bed, herself. Unlike Hermione, she shifted her pillows so she could lean back against them. The covers remained around her waist.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Luna's being logical and it's confusing the Hell out of Hermione," replied Harry.

"No! That's not it!" Hermione spun on them. "It's that she calmly walked in here, sat on the bed and began taking her clothes off."

"No, it's because she came in here and you were worried she might have come in here when we were engaged in hot, passionate sex. That we weren't has no bearing on it for you," corrected Harry. "She only offered to take her clothes off to let you feel more comfortable."

"Hermione, why are you covering your breasts?" asked Luna, suddenly. "I live in a girl's dorm, remember. Up until the start of this year, so did you."

"Because..." Hermione tried. "Because..." she tried again. With a huff she practically yanked the covers back down to her waist.

"I was surprised, is all," she almost growled out.

"Then, I'm sorry I surprised you," Luna solemnly replied. "It was not my intent."

"Why are you in here?" asked Daphne.

"To wake you up. I asked Dobby to, but he wouldn't," replied Luna.

"And why did you want us to wake up?" asked Daphne.

"To check on the wards, of course!" she brightly replied, as if it was obvious to anyone. "I can't do it on my own. It needs someone to stand within the warded area, and someone to stand outside of it."

"Of course," said Daphne, as if the answer was obvious. Suddenly, she swept back the bedding from her side and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Standing, nude, she said, "It looks like there's no sex for you this morning, husband." And headed for the ensuite.

"What?" exclaimed Harry. "Noooo... The morning's not over, yet!" Turning before she walked into the ensuite, Daphne calmly said, "I'll not ask Luna to wait outside while we engage in sexual intercourse." Then, walked in.

With a sigh, Harry turned to Hermione and began, "Herm..."

"No!" Hermione shrilly barked back before he could even finish her name. "The same applies for me."

Luna suddenly said, "The nargles have suggested I have sex with Harry for you, while you shower and get dressed, Hermione. Would that be alright with you?"

Hermione started gaping like a fish with her eyes bugged out staring back at Luna. Harry just roared with laughter because he knew Luna was just teasing her. "Nooo!" Hermione finally half-shrieked.

It wasn't until Luna impudently grinned back that Hermione realised she'd been pranked.

"Why... You... I..." she tried, before she took a deep breath and barked, "Out! You can wait in the living room until we're dressed!" she hissed.

Flicking a grin to Harry, Luna calmly climbed off the bed and walked back to the door. Just before she was about to walk out, and as Hermione swung her legs to the floor, she turned back and said, "You know, I think I might be a lesbian, after all. Because, I think you have very lovely breasts, Hermione." And smirked.

Hermione picked up a pillow, shrieked, "Out!" and threw it at Luna as the younger Ravenclaw quickly stepped out the door. Harry flopped back on the bed and roared with laughter again as the door closed with a thunk/click.

Spinning about while standing nude, Hermione picked up a second pillow and proceeded to beat on Harry with it. "It wasn't funny!" she barked.

"Yes, it was," he shot back, giggling, once he could draw proper breath.

With a huff she tossed the pillow onto the bed, took a moment to glare at him again, and stormed off to the ensuite.

After a final bout of giggling, Harry climbed off the bed and walked into the ensuite, too.

A quick shower with no hanky-panky and the three were quickly dressed and walking into the living room.

Hermione was still a little annoyed with Luna and let it show by quietly glaring at the girl. It didn't seem to faze the young girl any, though. So, Hermione's glares were wasted.


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