Chapter 86: Chapter 82: Think! Rin, Think!
Locking eyes with him she asked
"What do you mean by seeing all the masters being killed Emiya-kun?"
This threw shirou in for a loop, he had expected her to be surprised to know about Kirei being a master in the 4th Grail War, rather she didn't even consider it but she caught onto the secret he spilled by mistake in the sentence. Well, rin appeared more surprised when she learnt that kiritsugu was the only surviving master according to shirou.
"According to what you told me, you were adopted by Kiritsugu-san and because of your lack of training I assumed he had done so after the war."
"So how did you see all other masters getting killed if you were absent during the war."
Shirou was stuck between a rock and a hard place, on one side he wished to confess everything to her and on the other he wanted to make good on his promise to kiritsugu as well as to keep and solve the oncoming doom by himself. As he was averting his gaze from her she stepped forward and clasped his shoulder as she nearly shouted
"Shirou! Was everything you told me a cover and you were tricking me?"
Well with her penchant for overthinking it appeared Rin had her thought running in a strange direction. Looking at her slightly moist eyes shirou understood that this was a fuck up and she would likely squeeze the truth out of him one way or another like you squeeze a toothpaste tube.
Ignoring his intrusive thought about how she appeared more beautiful with teary eyes rather than her normal stone-cold magus look. bonking the horny he clasped her shoulder in reverse and while looking into her eye said
"I have a form of clairvoyance, a sight-based ability to perceive things."
"You mean mystic eyes ?" asked Rin to which the boy replied
"No, it's rather similar to extrasensory perception and also similar to clairvoyance, hence we call it so."
After this, they had a very magus-like discussion about the limits and principles on which this ability of shirou is working and it nearly drove Rin mad when she found out that the emiya duo had not done any systemic study and data compilation on this supposedly extraordinary and nearly lethal ability. Finally, after this, she wanted to end the covo as she was given too much info in this short period of time and was feeling swamped and confused, still, she fired off one final question that was on her mind.
"Even if Kirei was a master in the 4th Grail war, what has that got to do with me going to clock tower with you?"
He took a deep and hard look at her face to judge whether she knew about what he was about to tell her. finally, when there was no change in her expression except moderate curiosity,he said Solemly
"What I am about to tell you might be unbelievable to you so be prepared."
"You are scaring me now, shirou! Just speak."
"The one who killed the master from the tohsaka family in the 4th holy grail war was his disciple."
Rin`s eyes widened as the realisation set in,
"Kotomine Kirei. He did so using the azoth dagger gifted to him by the same master."
There was no real barrier in her mind that the fake priest could have killed her father, there was always an innate dislike in her for the priest. She always felt like he was wearing a mask and the inside was filled with ugly black mud. Then again, according to the old man of jewels the lineage of his student Nagato Tohsaka has always produced magus with innate good nature. Hence as much as you can trust them to judge the character of their associate, you should be wary as they have been taken advantage of in various ways due to this trait.
She had already gotten a rough idea of how Shirou`s ability worked and verified its truth by cross-referencing the facts she knew. Thus, she concluded that either his ability was genuine or this was such an elaborate lie that it would prove redundant with just a little bit of digging. Trusting her gut, she accepted the fact that the priest was likely guilty.
Fueled by the recent grief of her mother`s loss, she began to suspect that Kirei could have healed her mother but rather chose not to heal her. She couldn't understand what his purpose for doing so could be but she was a well-known impulsive. So as soon as the lines connected in her mind she turned around and wanted to rush to the church to confront the priest about what she had learnt and guessed.
As she stomped out about 2 steps, the boy stopped her. He was the one who actually understood how dangerous the priest could be but he stopped her simply because, as soon as she turned around the image of her broken and blood-stained form lying on the church floor overlapped on her back. Fueled by his demons and fears he wanted her to avoid all kinds of risks while the girl being stubborn as a nail was not ready to listen to reasoning.
So after arguing a little she finally blew over her top and turned her shoulder around in a quick twirl, jumping forward shirou put his hand on her shoulder and then they locked eyes, as he shook his head her eyes grew ablaze with rage.
She wanted to rush home pick up her gems and then try to open the sealed box her father had prepared for her. Then using whatever she could gather, she planned to confront the priest about what she learnt from shirou and her guts told her that, the man would not lie to her and hide it if she directly asked him about her father`s murder.
So when she found shirou dead set on stopping her her intrusive thoughts won and she decided that she could incapacitate him and then run away before he could catch up to her. Her plans were sound in theory as from their practice it was clear that she could one-up him with 80 per cent certainty. But it was about to be seen how it worked in practice.
The magic circuits adorning her form emitted a faint glow as she reinforced her physique according to the principles of Bajiquan. With a fluid motion, she liberated her shoulder and used the resulting momentum to execute a kick directed at the young man standing beside her.
The magic circuits on his body also released a subdued glow but they were much less numerous and just barely glowing, still, they reinforced his body and allowed him to bring the sheathed blade in front of her kick and was pushed back as his feet left marks on the ground.
Looking at the now increasing distance between them he found there were 2 options in front of him and bit the bullet in an instant. His eyes glowed with mana like a flashlight as he closed them, the structure of photospheric fang flashed inside his mind as he easily found many imperfections due to his improved smithing technique but ignoring the blade he focused his senses on the saya.
Magic circuits on his arms flashed erratically and ascended onto the saya in an instant. As the circuits stabilised, the boy had already broken out into a run. As he ran, he pushed mana into his body, treating his body like the sword she condensed mana onto. The circuits stopped flickering and stabilised on his body like a network of webs.
As soon as he came close to her she turned back and was surprised to find the stable reinforcement that he had applied to himself. A few months ago he struggled to even reinforce a rock so his applying it to himself is suicidal at best and an instant death sentence at worst.
Shirou felt his skin burning and a faint burnt smell was released from his hands, during this time a few seconds had passed but due to processing so much information and holding so much mana his circuits had begun to overheat. Still, he had trained the circuits to handle it but his body couldn't get immune to the burning heat by the training.
Then in a blur, shirou appeared behind Rin and she being extremely mana-sensitive felt a sudden disturbance in the atmospheric magical energy like a balloon had popped. As she focused on the source she felt her neck sting and she lost consciousness in an instant.
(A/n: sorry guys, I was kinda busy this time. I had the 1st exams of the year as well as other stuff like projects and parade practice so I was busy AF. And then I got lazy after that and was not able to write.
Anyway, we will finally witness a glimpse of Shirou's current abilities, and then I will likely have a time skip until they are in the clock tower.
Anyway, I feel dead inside now after an 8-hour-long class day. So I hope you people are well