Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

" Please please— have a seat. " Grim asked of him as yugi soon found a chair and sat down in his attire. Although he didn't have a suit on he did the best he could.

Wearing a purple light button collar shirt that was ironed with a dark purple vest over the shirt with some nice solid dark blue jeans and his dress button shoes.

He wanted to try and be presentable, as reading the description of what to wear was both important as it was serious. Grin seemed to also notice the attire as well as he sat down close to yugi.

" alright, alright. So— " Grim started to say as he grabbed some paperwork along with a laptop as well and plugged it in and grabbed a pen.

Opening up the documents as yugi placed his phone on silent as he did so. " tell me about you, Mr Mutou. " he asked.

" Okay— well I'm Yugi Mutou I'm twenty five years old I'm from Los Angeles, California— I graduated from Tech University out in Miami Florida so I have a bachelor's degree in business and in stocks. " Yugi explained, as Grim nodded and listened.

" In my past experiences I have worked in three office settings, mostly dealing with reception type jobs. answering phones and things of that nature. I did take an online business class which I got full credit for and a certificate of completion— but I am seeking a more professional hands on— corporation where I can actually pursue owning my own business. " Yugi finished explaining.

Grim nodded as he finished and smacked his lips a bit before opening his mouth to reply. " well, Mr. Mutou I see from your résumé you most definitely have some experience dealing with customers— and I also do see you graduated with these degrees. Tell me— you were in college for how long? "

" Uh— at least six years. I started college when I was eighteen. " yugi told Grim.

" Right. Right. And I see that you have also accomplished a lot growing up and it indeed looks good. Tell me what qualifications do you believe you have that others don't? " Grim asked of him.

" Well— I am highly technical I believe that I like to go down to the last details in matters and handled them sufficiently. I am motivated every day when I come to work with the ability to learn something new. I also know the ins and outs of business— in regards to stock holding companies where you want to profit in more than taking out. " yugi elaborated.

" And what do you believe are your greatest weaknesses? "

" Independence. I believe sometimes I do have a tendency to want to do things on my own, in my own way, but I try and am willing to work with a team and I have done so in the past many times. "

Grim smiled and laughed a bit as he made a comment. " oh trust me I know about wanting to do things your own way, because you seek a vision and sometimes that vision when dealing with a team isn't how you want it to become. "

" Exactly. " yugi said with a laugh.

" But sometimes as well— remember that we are indeed a corporation and we work as a team to support each other, so that our stock holders are not only benefiting but we are too. And the projects that we do daily, requires numerous hours and people on it because each has an importance to the project right? "

" Right! " yugi said nodding.

" alright. Well Mr. Mutou. I — like you. I think that you are both bright— smart— interesting to listen too, and you remind me of my boss actually with your hair. " he said with a laugh.

" really? Haha— I thought I'd be the only one with this hairstyle. "

" no no. Actually— you'd be surprise. People like numerous colors nowadays. " Grim said laughing a bit, as he finished writing some notes down and slowly rose up.

" okay, so what I'm gonna do now is here in a minute is bring in my boss actually so that they can also speak with you — and tell you about themselves a bit and some other information— but for now I'll give you a briefing of what we do here. "

" okay. " yugi remarked.

" alright— so as you know my name is Grim Baxter I am one of the directors, advisors and principal operators of MCC. Okay? I handling a lot of the filing, the stock sharing, the meeting holding, and record filing things, okay? I have a masters — no sorry I have three masters degrees in business, finances, and stock holding. "

" I have worked with many corporations over the years things I'm sure you are familiar with like, Lyft — Uber — spectrum, Verizon and AT&T, okay. Our business is more of an advance stock company who not only makes but sells our investments but our products. We have been the nations number one marketing and sells company for over twenty eight years now. "

" oh wow. " yugi chimes in.

" yes. Yes. So alot of the things we do here— we like to keep up with our —basically our reputation, okay. "

" yes okay. "

" we are also a multinational and multicultural organization as well, and we are both international and regional partners with many different countries who also sell our products and stock with us too. Our boss has been the number one seller as well for the past decade now. " Grim finished explaining.

" and I'll let him tell you that and more once you meet him okay? so what I'mma do now is go and speak with another colleague of mines, and then speak with my boss in regards to you. So just sit tight and I'll be back okay? "

" okay. Thank you. " yugi stated.

" yeah of course— you're welcome. I'll be right back. " Grim said as he grabbed his papers and laptop and opened the glass door and walked out leaving yugi to himself.

While Grim was gone yugi was extremely nervous, as he watched as Grim left him alone. His eyes wandered around the room, while his left leg continued to tap repeatedly on the ground.

He didn't know what his boss or other colleagues would think as Grim discussed with them. However, yugi hoped that they would consider him at least.

After awhile Grim had came back inside as yugi turned his head around and noticed a woman with him and then another male. A male whom was short in height, along with multicolored hairstyle.

His eyes snatched directly at the male rather than Grim nor the woman. He was surprised to say the least that Grim wasn't lying about another man had his hairstyle.

Yugi rose towards his feet and smiled nicely towards them, as the woman smiled back but the male rather kept a blank expression.

" Yugi this is Melissa Gram she is one of our other directors of principals to the company. " Grim explained.

" hello nice to meet you. " yugi said shaking her hand as she nodded in return.

" nice to meet you as well. " she replied.

" however— this. This is our ceo Mr. Sennen the owner and head boss around here. " Grim said with a smile as Yugi looked at the male, as Yaami looked at him.

It seems they both were shocked about them looking so similar, but nevertheless they most definitely weren't related. The male extended a hand out to yugi to shake, as he did so.

" Hi. It's very nice to meet you. " yugi remarked with a nice smile.

Yaami nodded in return as he looked over at Grim.

" this? This is the boy. " Yaami questioned.

" yes sir. " Grim replies.

" tch.. he looks nothing more than like a child. " he commented. His piercing shimmering gleams glancing over towards yugi with a blank look.

" how old are you. "

" uh- oh well I—I'm twenty five. " yugi replied.

To his astonishment Yami was speechless to an extent not realizing that the male before him would be so much older than what he appeared.

His hands slowly sliding into his pants pockets as he narrowed his eyebrows down into a frown. " have you ever worked at a billion dollar company before? " Yaami asked.

" uh— no sir, but I would love the opportunity to do so, I've heard nothing but great things about this company. " yugi proclaimed.

Yaami shifted his gaze towards Grim again, whom gave him a stern look before slowly turning his back and walking out the room.

Grim followed suit behind him as the woman followed as well, as the three stepped outside away from yugi's ear shot.

" you wish to hire a male who has no experience in a company such as mines. are you trying to drown my company or just make stupid decisions. " Yami stated towards Grim.

Grim speechless as he choked on words before he looked at Yami in his eyes. " forgive me sir like I explained inside your office— I believed he had good qualifications for the position he was applying for. "

" I do strongly believe that he would do well if given the opportunity to show you. " Grim explained further.

Yami grinning his teeth a bit as he bit his bottom lip while Melissa chimed in as well. " I agree sir, we can at least consider the male or something— I mean his qualifications have excelled more than other's we have interviewed. "

" stop. " Yaami said abruptly.

" I'm not running a hundred dollar company, or even a thousand dollar or a million dollar. I am running a billion dollar company. " Yami told them both.

" something that holds a lot of income that pays the bills around this damn building, and also keeps me in the highest ranking stock positions. "

" I do not have the time to deal with inexperienced people who cannot excel those expectations and if he shall fail?! then what— then that looks bad on my entire organization and my reputation. "

Grin and Melissa listened as Yami scolded them for what they were speaking, as they both went silent. Grim putting his head down a bit, as Yami glanced over inside the room looking at the male.

" sir I — "

" but! " Yami said putting his polished and slim fingers up in the air in a pause statement. " since we are in need of another person at the moment for the empty office.... and since his resume isn't total... shit... I suppose I can consider it. "

As Yaami stated his orbs shot over towards Grim in a deadly stare. Inching closer towards them to close the gap between them both.

" however... if he fails. it's on you. Both of you. And I will hold both of you responsible and it'll cost you your ranks in this business or worse. " Yami explained eyeing both him and Melissa.

" y—yes sir.. " the both said at the same time softly as Yaami walked past them both and back into the room where yugi was.

Yugi quickly rose back towards his feet and stood there confidently but still feeling the nerves go up his spine. Yami a confident and cocky male, cocked his head a bit as he opened his mouth to speak.

His accent rolling off his tongue with ease, as he talked to yugi. " .. I have decided that you shall be considered. When are you available to come in for orientation? "

Yugi orbs widened as he was trying to hide his excitement and his happiness, while remaining professional. " I—uh.. well— "

" how about tomorrow. " Yami said not even allowing the male to continue to fumble.

Yugi still stunned a bit, gulped down hard swallowing his spit as he nodded. " uh.. sure yeah. Tomorrow sounds good. Thank you. "

" Grim and Melissa will tell you what to bring, be here tomorrow morning at 8am sharp. or don't show up at all... " Yami said in a serious tone before he walked off not even allowing yugi to reply.

Yugi nodded anyways as the male turned his back and walked off but the male couldn't help but watch the boss walk off before Melissa and Grim came into his eye sight.

" well.. welcome aboard. " Melissa said with a smile as she shook his hand again. Yugi smiling back in response as he nodded as well. " thank you. " he told her.

" yes, please be here on time. Mr. Sennen is very strict with not being late. I cannot stress that enough. Also bring your ID along with your social security card, a passport if you have it as well. " he told him.

" yes— of course! Thank you again. " yugi said happily as Grim smiled and shook his hand. " and welcome to MCC, Mr. Mutou. "

" ha, thank you! Thank you so much! I'll see you all tomorrow. " yugi said again as he walked past them and Grim motioned his hand in the exit direction.

Once yugi was away from them a big grin came against his face as he headed back out towards the lobby area. Sam was still waiting out there as it had been almost two hours since then.

Eventually he saw yugi as Sam sighed and got up from the sit. " Jesus! Took you long enough. My stomach is eating my back — I hope that shit was— "

Noticing yugi's facial expressions the male asked curiously and confused. " what? — why the fuck you smiling like that? " Sam asked as yugi continued to smile and gave Sam a look.

" ... shutup... dude? You— you got the fucking position! " Sam shouted as yugi covered his friends mouth quickly as the woman at the front desk looked up.

" shhh! " yugi stated.

Removing his hand from sam's mouth as yugi nodded as the two both hugged each other tightly and started to head out the room. " yes! Fuck yes! Omgosh! Congrats my guy, my best friend got the position bitches! "

Sam said shouting down the hallway happily as yugi continued to try and shush them while laughing as a few people heard them being loud in the hallways.

Yugi was overjoyed about starting a career he wanted to do, and he was also extremely nervous. The knots inside his stomach continued to twist, as he couldn't shake this feeling from Mr. Sennen.

He gave off the aura he didn't like him very much, but yugi was willing to prove he belong inside that company. The two continued to walk out the building together, as the thoughts of what tomorrow would bring continued to go through the young male's mind.

He could only wonder what he'd be doing tomorrow and the trials he'd face. Nevertheless, he would face them— and hopefully Yaami would eventually take notice in him and begin to like him.

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