Chapter 50: Step by step
Finally arriving at the castle, their steps stopped at the top of the stairs.
In the hall that should lead to the main hall, a group was attracting commotion, glances, whispers and some cordial exchanges.
Nero took the moment to observe everyone. It didn't take long for the eyes to return to them.
Elizabeth and Helena barely paid any attention, while Lennie and two maids took a half step back under the intensity of the looks.
"Wow... I've never seen such a beautiful hall in my life," Nero commented to himself, drawing laughter and some more intense looks.
"It seems like there are more people this year," Elizabeth took a step forward. Arm in arm, the three walked towards the most prominent group there.
Even with their impassive expressions, Nero felt that the looks were a little too heavy.
When he got close enough, one of them caught his attention. Erin looked at him as if she were seeing him for the first time. Her eyes, a little drunk and bright, looked at him with a vain request.
"You're the most beautiful as always, miss."
Since she wanted to play, he would go along with it.
Her expression remained frozen. Her eyes sharpened into a thin line until they formed two half-moons. Her lips trembled until a smile took shape.
Nero smiled and looked to the side. Sofia was there. He didn't look away, just lowered it a little.
"But of course, if I had to praise the beautiful women I met today, I would spend my whole life without finding the words," he really was at a loss for words.
From what he could remember, the red-haired princess never took her appearance too far, always in casual clothes, she and Alice had that in common, the disdain for appearances.
And today, maybe because they all chose clothes together...
"You look beautiful."
She really did. The gray and blue seemed to dance together, but her ruby hair, tied in a bun, crowned her beauty.
The problem was that the room seemed to remain silent for too long. Nero almost regretted having let it slip.
Sofia's expression was frozen, her heartbeat was not. She parted her lips slightly... Nero waited, and perhaps he was mistaken, but he could feel the tightness in his arms increasing.
"Thank you."
... The new guests continued to arrive. He smiled calmly, but looked for an escape in Erin's eyes.
"What a flirt we have here, huh? I wonder what my daughter-in-law will think of this," turning away as if it were none of his business, Erin clasped her hands together, walking elegantly.
Her peaceful aura warned everyone to move away. Following her cue, Nero followed her with light steps.
With the two groups merging around her, the eyes and mouths ready to introduce themselves or take a little of her time finally left her in peace.
"When you told me you were going to get someone, I didn't think you were going to kidnap two princesses...", looking at the two with a smile, Erin said. "You two have grown up, huh? Time flies."
"It's a pleasure as always, Miss Alecto," Elizabeth bowed slightly, her sister following her.
"Call me Erin!" she replied, pleased to see an uncomfortable look on her little fiery princess's face.
"And you, Sofia... You and Alice are a surprise sometimes."
The group resumed walking side by side.
"Why do you say that?" Sofia didn't hide the desire to look away. In fact, she barely stopped herself.
"I didn't think you liked these 'meetings'... Or that you'd become friends someday."
"What part made you think that?
Erin smiled. Her unfocused eyes stared at the door as always. The butlers greeted her before slowly opening them.
"When she chose you to help with the dresses, for example..."
The light illuminated their faces. The hall opened for them. The silence wasn't just following them...
He was already waiting inside the doors. Everyone's eyes, soft and entertained, looking at the same place.
"Oh, it seems we made it in time..."
Nero sighed something tired between his lips. He exhaled deeply and gently let go of the young women's arms.
When he took a step forward, he didn't forget her.
"No drink for you today."
"What? That's not fair...", Nero didn't listen. He crossed the hall with long strides.
"... He knows my favorite whiskey is here today. This evil son of mine."
As Nero walked, he only had that person in his eyes. She had fallen with a red mark on one side of her face. Diana's expression was not good.
Her steps were still calm and elegant, in the center of the room some eyes greeted him in silence. He could imagine what happened, what he really didn't expect was what would happen.
"You have to try these sweets... Hmm...", Ema didn't quite understand what was happening. How that food was so good, she had no idea. But she couldn't stop eating. "T-try this one."
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Carla commented impulsively. Her focus was on the tray in her hands.
"She's really popular, huh?", Diana entertained herself watching a shy version of the imposing huntress.
"I think so. Should we save her?" Carla didn't look back much, but she felt that, surrounded like that, the hunter was crying out for help.
"Shall we wait for Nero to arrive... or for them to stop smiling?"
The girls laughed a little at the sight. Their particular group of Goddesses had played a role in that situation. Little by little they were attracting more attention and in the end, by pulling a few strings, everything was left to Alice.
The young woman had a strange talent for knowing exactly what to do...
"She seems to be doing well, let's set aside some sweets for her", Ema couldn't think of anything other than sweets.
"I think so. It's strange, isn't it? She's usually so silent and distant."
Diana shrugged at Carla's comment. She had a hunch.
"She knows how to say what others want to hear. I think that's why she became antisocial. When you're great at listening, people don't want to talk, they want to be heard."
"Yes. When she's silent it seems much more natural. It must be her true personality."
"How stupid, isn't it? I expected something amazing from such old people, but when I look around I only see vanity."
"Ha! What do you know about that..."
Looking around, they finally remembered that the hall was too full to be alone...
"Measuring someone's dignity when they act like insects that only know how to anchor themselves in the safety of others."
... and that not everyone there would be kind.