Chapter 49: Room for two
"Oh!", circling her prey, Elizabeth seemed to have cat eyes as she thought of a compliment.
"You didn't choose them? What difference does it make?", Nero replied without really caring.
Elizabeth was glad he made it easy for her.
"It makes all... It's like seeing a flower without color, smell or thorns..." She touched her sleeve lightly, trimming a fold here and there and adjusting her tie and collar. "It's not fun."
Those were her genuine thoughts. The suit was modern, had a touch of the most classic and still very fashionable in other worlds.
The opening for the buttons that was crosswise... Or the cufflinks made of silver and large diamonds blue as the sky.
Even its color was dazzling. A dark indigo tone that matched the night sky.
It was beautiful.
But the model was much more.
"She must be coming down already, don't look at me like that, I might get embarrassed too."
"Weren't you ready and... together?"
Elizabeth didn't look away from the sleeves. For a second her eyes were lost in that black. The violet matched and highlighted her gloves.
'I guess I'll really go with violet, then? Maybe I'll change in the second half of the ball.'
Without realizing it, her hands that should have been on her clothes, touched the gloves.
The size of his hands, and the warmth in them... It displaced her from her cold reality.
Just for a moment.
The next she tried not to look up.
His gaze really was too intense.
"I'm... ready."
As always her little sister was great at going unnoticed. Silence itself had a lot to learn from her.
"Lilian. You're beautiful as always. Even more beautiful," Elizabeth felt she could learn a thing or two from that man's sincere compliments.
When she looked back, she smiled gently. And she thought that if even angels had something to learn from her sister, why couldn't she...
With her wavy blond hair in thick, long curls, her face was framed, the bangs were only secondary. Her eyes were the true painting. Her white skin, the canvas full of expectations, and a slight blush like ripe apples.
Nero stepped forward and extended his arm. Liz realized that she was expecting this, her gaze was full of stars. But she wasn't content with just crossing her arms as his companion, she also touched his hand, soon intertwining her fingers with his.
Elizabeth smiled, taking a step back. Her little sister really did have a wild side sometimes, that was the characteristic that connected them. The only difference was how they used that energy of their own light.
"Shall we go?...", for a second, Elizabeth came out of her thoughts, thinking about accompanying them. But when she woke up, she didn't understand why they were standing still.
She saw those gloves, the violet sleeves and the arc his arm made.
Timidly she approached.
The prey did not run away. Her lips trembled as she finally stopped thinking. An arm flowed forward gracefully. The fabric was warm, soft to the touch and yet safe and confident in her embrace.
'That's right... he has two arms.'
Arm in arm, the three of them took a step towards the gate. The banquet must have already begun, but it only took one step to go from one world to another.
"By the sacred energy. My God, my little girl is back", taking a step into the group, Alice protected herself from the wave that was coming from there.
'Haha, these old women never change.'
It didn't work well.
Like foxes, and still, lionesses who did whatever they wanted. Gently, with easy smiles, they were swallowed one by one in their embrace.
Alice clicked her tongue when Diana was the last to be caught. The beautiful woman stood in front of her, holding her hands like a long-time friend.
Her olive green eyes and her beautiful, patient expression never showed anything but a smile as she observed every curve of her body and every line of her heart.
Like hens inspecting their chicks, the group of five beautiful ladies looked at them as if they were their children, their children's friends, coming to play or be the object of amusement.
They all had an angelic appearance, so young but still with a beauty and maturity honed by centuries.
Their eyes shone with an intelligence and innocence that seemed to compete for space.
When Alice was finally found and showered with kisses and hugs, the groups joined together like a river reaching the ocean, fresh water and salt water, rough stones and those already polished.
Dresses and bodies so stunning that they would make any royal family envious.
"You are so mean, child. Leaving us in the dark like that."
"Yes, you promised you would keep in touch."
"I would have brought my child if I had known that such a beautiful young woman would suddenly come."
They spoke slowly and patiently, but the pressure was too much. Beings who vibrated like magic and lived every moment. Their desires, goals and thoughts, that whole ocean of fullness attracted and disoriented the group.
Alice looked around. The young women nodded to any question, smiling as if they had found a long-lost mother. They never had a chance. They were intoxicated by that gracious love that the women offered as if it were an intense and infinite source.
"Come on, we have to drink to our hearts' content. I never imagined I would find a heart like mine, still so young, cute and sweet." Carla didn't know how to respond when she was embraced with so much love and comfort. There were no ulterior motives, only intense pleasure in each smile.
Ema was surrounded by a pair that was well known to Alice. A pair that loved the most innocent.
Alice received a wink and a smile as she watched the arms of the beautiful, and naive, young woman being taken.
"Your curls are so beautiful. I have a clip somewhere here. Can I play with them? Don't worry..."
Ema barely had time to mumble before she was already suffocated by more attention. So much affection in each word left the impetuous young woman with no way out.
"Come on, my dear. I know what you're thinking. But remember that one should not ask, or even think, about a lady's age," she blushed under the laughter, the eyes of the pair were like jewels shining with excitement.
Meanwhile, arm in arm with Diana and Alice, the leader of that group seemed excited.
Seeing her maternal gaze on her, the huntress realized that she had not grown as much as she imagined.
Before passing through the door, she thought she was returning after an eternity. After having left those halls as a child, she was returning as an adult.
She could not have been more wrong.
For beings like those, a look every few years was enough to maintain a bond.
They had time.
And that's exactly why they didn't look at how much she had grown, but rather at how beautiful she had become, inside and out...
"What's wrong?" Looking at those green eyes and the crooked smile, Alice didn't know whether to think of her as a humble angel, a mischievous fairy or a cunning elf. "You're thinking of something really naughty, aren't you?"
Alice allowed herself to enjoy the silence.
There was no way to fool that fairy.