XXX Partner

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

" Ah! " Yuugi exclaimed as he came from his dreams, unaware it was now 8am. He'd normally be up by 7 but this was different.

He didn't feel all that good to be up at all, but now that the nightmare had been in his mind. He felt he wouldn't be getting any more sleep anyways.

Yuugi pulled the blankets and sheets off of him, then grabbing his phone immediately to check messages.

Noticing he missed some, earlier in the morning, he didn't seem to care. Not until he saw the one from Yaami about 20 minutes ago.

His eyes went bigger as he unlocked his phone to check it. It seems he was almost missed by the good morning lil doll with some hearts.

It made him fluster a tad, as Yaami in the messages continued to tell Yuugi to enjoy his day today. Yuugi although wished to actually spend it with Yaami.

He wanted to know more about him, and comprehend him way better. For a good reason, Yaami seemed distant, and he couldn't know why?

It made Yaami mysterious and also very hard to read. Yuugi though, wished to unravel that and possibly become closer.

He opened up the app again, and went straight to the DMs where their conversation was. He started to type back, hoping he didn't miss Yaami from being online.

Yūgidesu is typing....


"Awwh, thanks for the GM! Good morning to you too Yaami! I hope you have a wonderful day as well. 👋🏻 "

Yuugi stopped for a few seconds, and realized that was the end of the conversation. He told himself though he wasn't gonna let it end that easily.

He didn't want to end the discussion that way, where they just end with HI's and goodbye's every single day. It wasn't what Yuugi felt friendship was, and so he decided not too.

Yūgidesu is typing....


" However, if I'm being honest here. I was hoping you and I could possibly speak more? If- I mean if you're not busy with work that is. "

Yuugi hopping that speaking about working, Yaami would fess up to what he actually does. When he said that one time about his hands being ' preoccupied. '

Yuugi unfortunately didn't know what that meant when it could mean anything. He could've been a construction worker, or perhaps a business man.

Despite all of those options, he didn't want to guess Yaami's duties. He wish he'd just simply tell him, because he was bad at playing the guessing game.

Just when he wasn't expecting a reply, he decided he'd take out his laptop and type on there instead. Yuugi got from his bed and quickly went to grab his laptop.

The young male plugged it into the wall, and switched it on. He went back to check his phone, in doing so he saw Yaami had gotten online again.

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" No, I'm not at work, or busy. "

Yuugi a little shocked by Yaami's short and straight to the point answer. It made Yuugi feel dismissed somewhat. He once again felt as if he was bothering the other.

Perhaps, Yaami wanted to be alone, and not pestered by some online loser. Honō couldn't have been right, could he. About the male simply wanting to date?

Yūgidesu is typing....


" I—I'm sorry Yaami. Mm— I shouldn't have been so selfish. I wanted to really speak to you more and get to know you. However, I allowed my self absorb self to be thinking about only me. I hope you're doing okay, and if you wanna talk about anything we can. "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" what the hell are you blabbing about? "

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Aren't you— upset or something, bothered perhaps? "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" Pff— ? Wow you really are a Lil doll huh? Haha. Where'd you get that ridiculous idea? "

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Heeey, stop calling me Lil Doll, lol. What does that even mean anyways? I'm sorry, I thought you were upset or something. It was rubbing me the wrong way with what you replied. "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" ... Look , Lil doll... "

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Its Yuugi. "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" ....yeah, Whatever. "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" I have more important things to do, than to sit here and.... redirect this — absurd demeanor you have going on. Whether than wondering about what it is I do, note— that what I do, is none of your business. "

Yuugi reading Yaami's wrangles now off his laptop, felt his pupils dilating with a throb from shock. He never gotten so offended, confused, and upset at someone online. The way Yaami responded and acted, he went from completely nice to an ass.

Yuugi felt this would eventually happen, as when men usually speak to him, he'd turn them down. Then more, if them would develop an asshole attitude, and would Spazz out.

That made Yuugi angry, that Yaami was about to do the same thing. He was sick of it, and seeing as how Mr. Zeo was like that way, all men were alike now.

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Well, what I did for a living was none of your business neither! but at least I told you, out of the kindness of my heart. Plus I thought we were getting along. "

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" Hmph, There is an old saying. You shouldn't jump into an ocean not knowing there're sharks in it..... Not everyone is going to be uhh— ' nice ' Lil doll. That's just life. "

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Ugh! Stop calling me that! — I told your, — your... dumb butt my name already! Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend! It's Y u u g i ! Mutou, Yuugi, Get it!? "

Yūgidesu is typing....


" Now listen here! I've been trying to be nice to you throughout our messages, but you keep giving this nonchalant I don't care attitudes! I asked you a question, and you take hours or even days to reply! You should treat people more respectfully, or you'll end up alone in life. All I wanted to do was have a conversation with you nicely, yet you keep dodging questions about yourself. Reversing the questions back to me, is not good manners. I was simply thinking maybe if I shared facts about myself, you'd be more comfortable to say your own history. But I was wrongly judgmental, I apologize for being nice to you. I won't apologize for this paragraph though. Goodbye Yaami! "

Yuugi going over what he said, and speaking harshly in his writing slammed his laptop shut. He never had been so upset, and so outspoken all in one.

The short young male felt different, he was changing and sick completely of taking people's bullshit. He wished it didn't end that way with Yaami, but he didn't want to be friends with a jerk neither.

Yuugi reopened his laptop, taking a giant exhale, and inhale as he clicked on his own profile. He was going to delete his account, so that he didn't have to deal with these apps anymore.

Just when he was going to his settings and clicking the delete button. He had gotten a message back from Yaami. He didn't want to even read it, it was probably something ignorant.

Although he knew he didn't want to, apart of him was curious to see. Deciding against the other he'd look just this once. Hopefully something more respectful would pop up.

Sekushīna itsudats is typing....

Sekushīna itsudats

" okay. Goodbye... Lil Doll. 💕😘 "

Yuugi heard a metaphoric crack of his heart, shattering into a million pieces. Never had he meant someone so self-obnoxious like Yaami.

He screamed in his mind, and screamed aloud forgetting Honō was asleep. Once he did, Honō rushed into Yuugi's room, as he assumed he was in danger.

" Hey, are you alright?! " he asked shouting in concern for Yuugi. Yuugi tossed his laptop on the ground, as Honō glazed over at it. He watches Yuugi surprised as he was mumbling things to himself, completely annoyed at something or someone.

" what a fucking ass! " Yuugi finally said aloud, staring out the window. He crossed his arms and started to paste around his room.

" Of all the things—- I tried being nice but that guy is such a stupid jerk! Keeps calling me Lil doll, like... agraaahh! " Yuugi said speaking to himself aloud.

" whoa whoa whoa. " Honō said seeing Yuugi as he went to sit down on his bed. " what's gotten you so worked up? " he questioned being curious.

Yuugi looked back as he stopped his pasting momentarily seeing Honō sitting there. He started to calm down, inhaling again, as he kept his arms folded.

" I—sorry, Honō... I — I didn't mean to wake you. " he commented. Honō waves it off and smiled as he chuckled a little too.

" Please, I had to get up anyways, it seems you're having some trouble. What did your ' sexy deviant ' was he giving you fake images? " Honō laughed hysterically.

'" Ugh! more like two face, two timing astronomically — lowlife, handsome wannabe —- jerk face! " Yuugi replied back in anger. He plopped down on the bed eventually, as he sighed being so infuriated with Yaami.

His yellow bangs, sliding down his template, as his gaze shifted to his phone. Reaching over to grab the device as he deleted his account from the website. He was more irritated that one person could be so nonchalant about everything.

Honō then grabbed Yuugi's arm, and the two of them sat down in his bed. A small grin and laughed at Yuugi's outbursts. " Ugh, it's not funny Honō... " he said rolling his eyes.

Honō smirked as he slowly got up from the bed. " haha — I'm sorry , I'm sorry, but man what do you expect don't ever try and online date. " he explained walking out Yuugi's room.

Yuugi blushed as he quickly got up from the bed and yelled at Honō's. " Hey! What! Are you crazy? I would never date Yaami, that ugly jerk! " Yuugi exclaimed.

" Oh yeah? I thought he was handsome? " Honō said pouring himself some coffee. Yuugi blushed once more and again his eyes closed tightly.

The male walked out from his room, following Honō and pouted a little. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away with his head high.

"Hmph. So what— doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he has to be a jerk! " Yuugi said still upset by it. Honō giggled and sipped his coffee he had.

" Okay well, get dressed, and eat something. We're going out tonight. " Honō told Yuugi as he walked into the laundry room.

Yuugi orbs blinked with a puzzled look, allowing his arms to drop to his side. " huh? — we are? " Yuugi asked Honō. Honō then went to grab some clothes and went towards Yuugi , heading towards the couch.

" Yes, we aren't gonna be in this apartment all day long, and seeing as how you're having mingling trouble. We should head towards the club. " Honō said happily.

" Why? " Yuugi questioned.

" Because it'll be fun, duh. "

Yuugi blinked and placed a hand on his hip, as he smirked at Honō whom seemed to be highly energetic.

"Oh really.... Don't you have a girlfriend? " Yuugi said raising an eyebrow at Honō. Smirking slightly, as Honō shrugged casually back at Yuugi.

" The club is more so for us to get out and have some guy to guy time. Besides it's not like I'm cheating and this is for you... not me. " Honō explained towards him.

Honō grabbing his jacket and some blue jeans, as Yuugi looked on. " I— I don't know Honō.. " Yuugi said scratching his palm in nervousness.

"Look, I can't have you staying here, Mr. Zeo is gone and duck that Yaami guy... let's just go out, and kick it one time... " Honō proclaimed smiling at Yuugi as he came towards Yuugi.

Honō grabbing Yuugi's hands gently, as he twirled him around, as Yuugi laughed and he started poking him. " aaah, okay okay okay. " Yuugi said giving in.

" Alright! We'll leave at 7pm. However, for now we can just relax, and by we— I mean you. I'm heading into town to do some things, and I'll be back soon. " he told yuugi.

Yuugi sighed out of his breathe, as he watched Honō and saw him putting his shoes on. Yuugi never been to a club before, and he was still nervous about going.

It'll be funnier with Honō so he'd have protection, but he couldn't stop thinking about that damn Yaami guy being an asshole. Everything that's been happening, it had to have happen for a reason right?

At least, that's what Yuugi wishes to believe, it's what his mother told him. Regardless, Yuugi had to stop thinking about it.

He felt he could have a great time, at least once out of his miserable lifestyle. He went into the kitchen grabbing some cereal and headed back into his room.

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