Chapter 21: The Twins
The group of 3 were sat at lunch in the cafeteria. Today Dom was eating a vegetarian burger, made from Chickpeas and coriander, with a brioche bun. Kai and Andrew ate a strange potato and courgette meal with a creamy topping.
"I've spoken to father, if neither of you get a good offer after your results, which I am sure you will. He will offer you opportunities within our family." Kai stated. "I also spoke with brother this morning, he started as a C class Lord after a huge family investment. He has bought me a gaming set which should be set up by tonight so that I can join you. Would you like to start your Guild in our family area?"
"Thanks Kai," Andrew replied, "I'm confident we'll get in to Central University together as planned on our own merit, but it's nice to know we have the back up. I'm thinking to set the guild up in a major city for now, but we can definitely look at it in the future!"
"Let's hope so," Kai replied. "But the option is there if you need the recommendation. If you don't want to head to his area, then I'll join you where ever you are based. Was the game last night as good as everyone has been saying?"
"Even better." Andrew replied, taking a folk full of food to his mouth. "But good luck in starting in the same place, it seems everyone has a random spawn location. Hopefully we are close!"
"What class are you thinking Kai?" Dom asked, turning the conversation away from spawn points and guild plans.
"Maybe something like an Adventurer or a Merchant? I'd like to play some civilian class roles as well for a while, so something with flexibility." He replied.
They soon finished their food, before heading to the training field for their afternoon of gym and exercise.
When they arrived at the field, they were greeted by a large crowd of students gathered around the teacher, Captain Howard Allard. Captain Howard Allard was of average height, and a strong build. He had a long grey moustache that was pointed on both ends, with no hair on the top of his head. Beside him were some of his assistants, these were mainly ex soldiers that had been discharged from the military over the years.
Behind the captain were long wooden racks, adorned with an array of blunt cold weapons. Weapons such as a variety of Swords, Sabres and Spears with no edges, Axe's and Halberds, as well as Maces, Clubs and Lances. There was also a variety of miscellaneous weapons, such as Darts, Throwing Stars, Whips, Staffs, Tonfa and Sai.
Dom had a lot of respect for Captain Allard and the assistant teachers, most of them having fought in many battles across the years and having a wealth of experience, that they shared with the students. Captain Allard was also easy to get along with and gave Orphans such as Dom and Andrew an extra level of support due to their backgrounds.
"Welcome class." He started, "Today we will be having some nice one on one practice. We will be getting in groups of 8 and having some small battles and duels as practice. As we are now nearing the end of the year, and I soon won't see many of you ever again, I'll come round and give you some extra pointers. Remember this is just for fun, so please don't go over the limit"
Dom liked fighting in the duels, but when he saw Alice look at him with a grin, he felt a cold shiver run down his spine. This girl was battle mad, and he knew he was in for a rough afternoon.
"Please get yourselves in your own groups, if there is anyone struggling to find anyone to group up with, I'll place you in a group myself." Captain Allard said.
Dom, Andrew and Kai who had been stood together as a 3, were soon joined by Alice, who was followed by a reluctant Claire and Florence.
"Do we really have to duel with these?" Florence grumbled, thoroughly uninterested in duelling or being with the group.
"Yes." Alice replied matter of fact, leaving no space for negotiation.
"Nice to see you too Flo." Andrew commented, to see her face go red in response. Flo was a term that only her close friends and family used, and was never used by a boy that wasn't a relation.
"Don't tease her Andrew." Dom said, "You'll regret it when she has to fight you."
"Did you play last night?" Claire asked Dom suddenly, "As I saw you were on time this morning."
"I did." Dom replied, "I just had to make sure that I didn't let Mrs Granggle down."
"Yeah, I almost believe you." Claire replied with a glint in her eye.
"Shush Claire." Alice commented, before looking to Dom and Andrew "She also played last night, she just won't tell you."
Claire looked at Alice with an evil glint in her eyes. It was known that Claire was one of the most sought after girls in the Academy, and she enjoyed using that to her advantage, but Alice always seemed to sabotage her when it came to Dom.
"I did." Claire replied, "I didn't have a choice as this monster here made me. But it was enjoyable."
Soon Captain Allard joined them with a muscular boy with blonde hair and green eyes, as well as a petite girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and light green eyes.
"The Medici twins are joining you today." Captain Allard commented, as the male twin gave Dom a death look. "They have decided to forgo their usual group for a fresh challenge."
"Hey everyone!" The female twin shouted excitedly.
"The famous shut in." Kai whispered to Dom quietly.
"It's a pleasure to have you with us my lady." Claire replied to the female twin with a gentle bow.
"Oh Miss Thompson, the pleasure is ours." The female twin replied, giving a very slight bow back, "My brother Edward was very keen to join your group today."
Edward the male twin looked down at the group, having come from a privileged background and being first cousin to one of the royal families in one of the Western Kingdoms, he disliked the equality on the Campus. He especially disliked Dominic, who seemed to always be crashing in to him and never looking where he was going.
"Today you will be having a small tournament against each other, with the winner from each group getting a little prize from me." Captain Allard interrupted. "I'll let you make the decisions on who fights against who. Blunt weapons will be used and it's a point scoring exercise. One of my assistants will be watching, however it would be great if you could also score between yourselves. I'll be making my rounds, so make sure to listen to any advice."
Captain Allard walked off towards the next group to explain the rules to them.
"Very well, as we are here, I shall take command of this exercise." Edward commented. "I'll decide who fights against who."
"Doubtful Mr Prince." Alice replied with a smile.
Edward looked at her with a stare, and was about to comment back, when his sister grabbed his arm tightly.
"That sounds lovely Miss Roberts, please go ahead." She responded politely. Making Edward silent in response. She was quiet and not seen very often, but when she commanded people had to listen, even her brother.
"First round shall be, Claire vs Myself, Kai vs Your Highness Elizabeth, Andrew vs Florence and finally Dom vs Prince Edward."
Dom laughed internally at the match ups she had selected. He could already map out that Alice would reach the final based on this decision, with his side of the small tournament being the harder or the two.
The group accepted Alice's match ups and headed towards the busy wooden racks full of weapons. Students had gathered round and were grabbing weapons that they had got familiar with over the last couple of years of weapons practice. The majority went for the variety of swords, sabres and spears that were the most common amongst the weapons. However there were some youths that had excelled in different aspects went and collected some more diverse weapons.
Claire, Kai and Elizabeth all picked up swords. With Claire and Elizabeth picking up long thin ones, whilst Kai collected a standard single handed sword. Andrew picked up a large double handed sabre that seemed too heavy for someone of his build to pick up. Florence picked up a long metal whip, that had blunted serrated blades across it, this was a painful weapon if it made contact, even when blunted, and Dom felt for Andrew in his upcoming fight. Ideally a weapon like this should not be allowed in a friendly duel, but Florence often got away with what ever she wanted to do.
Edward picked up a large Mace, a heavy weapon mainly used by the royal cavalry units in the armed forces as a secondary weapon after their Lance has been deemed unusable. Dom picked up a spear, he was quite versatile and was wanting to try out some of the tactics he had seen the Hoplites use when Alexander had shown him last night when they were awaiting Gan Ning's return. The scariest of the choices was by Alice, who picked up a large top heavy halberd, she normally used a spear as well.
After they collected their weapons, they moved to the area that the assistant, Sergeant Biggs had directed them to. Sergeant Biggs only had one eye, and wore an eye path in the other, having taken an arrow to it in a battle several years ago. He was an older man compared to many of the other assistants, but had decided to continue working even though he could have taken his retirement a long time ago.
"Ok, Alice has told me of your agreed match ups." Sergeant Biggs started. "So Claire and Alice, please step up first. First please put on supplied protective gear and we shall begin."
Alice and Claire stepped forwards to the square that had been assigned to them, on either side were a small row of body armours, large and thick with a foam like surround that would take a good beating from a few hits. They also had large military practice helmets that could protect them from any loose swings.
"The rules are simple, no headshots, no heavy attacks and the first to 3 hits wins." Sergeant Biggs continued. "This is a friendly bout, remember that."