World Conquest Online

Chapter 188: The Leavers Ball

As Dom entered the Great Hall, he was once again impressed by the size and the grandeur of it, having only been in it several times throughout his time studying. The building was built over a hundred years earlier, but it's architecture was based on other historical buildings that had survived the ever changing times of the world. The Great Hall was long and wide, with a large circular dome in the centre of the ceiling. The room was well lit, however it also had additional lighting to give it a fancy feel, including being lit by large candle lit chandeliers as well as other candles around the room. The walls seemed to be panelled with a light brown wood that had been well maintained over the last century.

The front of the Great Hall was full of other students who were gathered around and talking, who were similarly dressed to Dom and his friends. They were being served a variety of canapes from the staff and being provided with entry drinks. In the distance there were rows of tables were the banquet would take place, followed by a large dance floor that was placed in front of a top table where the senior teachers would sit. Beside that was a small stage where some musicians were playing some classical music.

Dom looked to the side and saw that Captain Allard, their Physical Education teacher, who was dressed in his Military Uniform, was stood beside a large board, that had a seating plan on it. He noticed from the distance where he was sat, but he still planned to head over and say hi, but was quickly pulled back to reality by Kai.

"Have you seen those tarts?" Kai said as they entered, giving away a tone of someone that wanted to investigate the tarts more.

"I have seen the tarts, yes." Andrew replied as they were stopped by a member of staff who gave them a glass each with a choice of a lite wine or a fruit drink. Dom was surprised they were given the option of alcohol, even if the quantity was small.

"Shall we try the tarts?" Kai questioned eagerly as he tried to direct the small group towards the canapes. 

"I am also eager to try." Horatio added, which caused Dom and Andrew to share a sly smile. Horatio very rarely joined them, so how could they not allow him to try some tarts.

"Let's go then!" Andrew commanded as the group headed towards the serving staff who were carrying the plates of canapes. Kai eagerly making his way to a tall man who had a plate of the tarts that they were looking for.

The group quickly took one each and bit in to them, enjoying the flavour of the tarts. Dom however wasn't as impressed as he had hoped he had been, as the thick texture of the flavours inside didn't seem to be as good as some of the food he had eaten recently in World Conquest Online. He really did need to praise the Chef's and Bakers from Riverside.

"Stuffing your face as usual then Kai." Came a judging voice from behind. Dom turned and saw that it was Florence Chan, she was dressed in a sparkly strapless green ball gown that hung tightly to her and dragged a small trail on the floor behind her. Beside her was Claire Thompson, the tall brunette that Dom had occasionally dreamed about, before playing World Conquest Online and now having dreams in a different style. 

"Leave him alone tonight, it is a night of celebration after all." Claire replied, she was wearing a skin tight black dress, that had a slight cut in to the side of it, that allowed her to move freer and show of her long legs. 

"Did you not get in to Central then?" Andrew teased back to both of them.

"We did, that is one of the reasons we are celebrating. Why, did you?" Florence Chan asked back frustratedly. 

"Of course, so we get to see your pretty face for a bit longer after all." Andrew joked back, glad to see the frustration on Florence's face.

"You don't always have to tease each other you know." A new voice said, causing the group to turn to see a tall blonde girl, wearing a stunning red ball gown, trimmed with gold. 

"You look beautiful Alice." Claire said to her, as the group looked at the normally tough looking girl, known for her pig tails, who was wearing a stunning ball gown and had her hair loose and wavey.

"Thank you Claire, as do you." She replied, before turning to look at the group of four uncomfortable men. "Wow, look at you guys, it's nice to see you actually put some effort in for once."

"That is very offensive, I always look this good." Andrew replied jokingly. 

"I see you in the morning. You definitely don't." Dom replied, which brought a laugh from the group at Andrew's expense. 

"I'm not responding to that." Andrew said, giving Dom a challenging look.

The group chatted amongst themselves for a few more minutes, having some more canapes as they did so, with the occasional top up of their drink. Dom felt uncomfortable throughout, as Alice kept looking in his general direction with a stare telling him they needed to talk. 

Before she had chance to however, the room became silent as the Dean of the Military School, Alice's Grandmother Lisa, announced that it was time to take their seats. Dom quickly shifted away from the eyes of Alice and headed towards his seat, that had been labelled on a seating plan that was near the entrance way. He didn't expect to avoid her for long, but he could tell she wanted to speak with him in private.

He took his seat and was surrounded by familiar faces from his class. Dom could see that Andrew had been placed about six seats away from him, but his usual friend such as Kai and Alice weren't within his vicinity. They were served three courses throughout the meal, including a pate starter, a roast beef main and a chocolate desert, all which were provided from some of the larger farming families such as Florence's and Kai's. As they ate, Dom and his fellow students discussed things such as the next stages of their lives, however the main topic of conversation was about World Conquest Online and their different play styles. Dom was impressed to see that nearly all those around him had accounts, and those that didn't were planning to. 

He didn't get much chance to speak with Andrew due to the gap, but he did see that his best friend was in deep conversation with an attractive girl that Dom had seen around Campus before. As they finished eating, the food was soon cleared away. Dean Lisa Roberts then stood from the head table and headed towards the centre of the dance floor and began to speak to the audience. As soon as she moved, the students all went silent, as they had been taught throughout the years.

"It has been our honour to have you study at our Military Academy. Some of you have come from the greatest families that our Kingdom has ever produced, where as others are the children of the Heroes that have kept our Kingdom safe from foreign incursion. Others are those that have earned their place, to become the future Heroes and potentially the future Leaders of our Kingdom. Regardless of where you have come from, you are all united in the same goal, you are the future of the Western Kingdom." The Dean started, she looked similar to her granddaughter, but her blonde hair was streaked with grey. She paused and waited as the students clapped and cheered at her in response.

"The future is changing and times are uncertain. Many of you will now join the different military units and some of you will go to the frontlines to defend our borders, where as others will join our many farming, manufacturing or merchant businesses. The rest of you will continue to study and develop yourselves. Regardless of your future path, remember where it all began, here at the Academy." She continued, before her tone turned serious. "There are lots of twists and challenges that lie ahead of you, and I would implore you to make the most of the next few years whilst you are still young. I can't tell you anything more than that, but please do prepare for some big changes to our nation, and those around us."

She allowed a couple seconds of silence, before finishing her speech. 

"When change comes, some people excel, where as others do not. Uncertain times will bring conflict, and you must all be prepared for that, with what ever roles you take within our society. The relaxed lives you have had until now studying, are now over and your next steps are to begin. I would give once piece of advice however, invest in an opportunity away from the busy day to days. My granddaughter has shown me this new game, World Conquest Online, and we have seen the additional benefits to the extra hours one can gain, something like that may be a worthwhile opportunity." She stated, causing a lot of people to look at each other confused, it wasn't often a Dean would promote the students to play a game. "That is all I have to say, I will now let you enjoy your evening, dance away and enjoy your final days at the Academy, before you move on to your futures."

The Dean finished speaking and went back to her seat at the head table, where she was sat with many of the teachers that had taught the students throughout their years at the Military Academy. Dom was interested in what the Dean had mentioned, the upcoming changes and uncertain times where definitely a worry for him, but he was prepared to fight for his Kingdom if he had to, just like his parents did. The part that caught him off-guard was how Alice had been promoting World Conquest Online to her Grandmother, he wondered if he would see the Dean online at some point in the future. 

Whilst Dom was deep in his thoughts, students began to get up and head to areas where their friends had been sat, or towards the dance floor where the music had now began to play. He turned and saw that Andrew had disappeared, most likely talking with the girl he was sat beside. As he went to stand up to see if he could find Kai, he felt a strong grip on his shoulder.

"I think we need to talk, Lazarus." A familiar, but surprising voice whispered in his ear.


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