Chapter 183: A Visitor from Riverside
Dom was stood at the entrance to Tongpai Town, beside him was Subutai and Xun You as they oversaw the formation of the cart contingent that would take civilians and resources from Tongpai Town towards Riverside. The majority would have to walk, but the route should be relatively safe and they wouldn't have to travel at a fast pace.
"How is all of the preparation going?" Dom asked the two.
"Pullo's men are moving door to door and gathering numbers, we are currently at over one thousand eight hundred civilians, but we expect that number to rise. We have also disarmed and discussed with the captured Warriors from both Tongpai Town and its Military Camp. Some have decided to train as Legionaries upon their return, where as others have decided they may become farmers."
"That's a big boost to our numbers." Dom replied, it was still a small amount compared to their next upgrade target, but it was a move in the right direction. He was also happy that some of the captured Warriors had decided to train as Legionaries, as the success had been fruitful so far.
"It is, but that's for other people to worry about." Subutai replied with a laugh, "They seem to be being cooperative but that may have something to do with what you said to them."
"Sometimes fear is the only way." Xun You agreed, "There are some very shook up people, it is a lot of change for them. However I am sure they will be grateful once the enemy are at the gate."
"We've also got the merchant ships being loaded with a large amount of gathered resources, Gan Ning is managing it and making sure that they will clear the entrance to the lake. They are taking down some of the wooden houses near the docks and using the materials to build large ship shields that can be raised once they make the crossing again, in case the Type 3s are still there." Subutai continued.
"That's a really good idea!" Dom agreed, impressed with the ingenuity.
"I know, it was mine." Subutai replied with a slight smile at the side of his mouth. "We've also gathered as many Building Cubes that we could find and Tomoe is managing the First Century, Celts and Balearic Slingers who are currently at the other side of the City creating a scout network in to the forest, cutting down trees and building traps. The Second Century and Horse Archers are managing the town and movement of goods and people with the help of Shang Century."
"So we are making good progress then." Dom replied, happy that the key tasks were all being taken care of.
"We are, I have kept the Forbidden Guard and Praetorian Century in reserve." Subutai continued, "With the Hoplite and other Legionaries patrolling the Towns exterior. The Spartan's are dismantling the Military Camp and Guarding the gates."
"We now just need to agree on our battle plans" Xun You added, "I think we should build traps throughout the outer layer of Tongpai Town and the distance between the Town and the Forest. Creating a maze of traps that they must travel through."
"They are more agile than our units, but more fragile." Dom replied, "So we need to think about how we can make our traps different, as they can potentially evade most of the ones we would normally set up. Also, any men that are managing the traps will need escape routes built, as the agility of the enemy could leave them exposed."
"We need to get them out of the forest and in a field where our heavy troops can easily dispatch them." Subutai stated, disagreeing with Xun You's plan, "If we could control their movement with the Horse Archers, we would have a strong advantage. Our Troops can hammer away at them, whilst the Slingers and Archers can control movement and destroy them from a distance."
"I don't think we will have enough time to destroy enough of the woods to do that." Xun You countered, "But it would be our best option in normal times. We could abandon Tongpai Town and lure them towards our Military Camp."
"No, that would expose the route to Riverside, we need to clear them here." Subutai countered.
"We need to set up back ups in case we are loosing. We could follow your idea and set up a plan for a fall back to our Military Camp as a field battle if Tongpai falls. However, I think a fire attack on the forest is the best option." Dom added.
"It is, but it's risky, we have no control of a forest fire and it could spread." Xun You responded, "It's a shame we can't use the lake more effectively, create canal's and flooding tactics."
"Gan Ning is going to cause as much damage as he can from that flank." Subutai agreed. "We just need to finalise our plans here so we can maximise his effectiveness."
They continued discussing for a while longer, until they were surprised by the arrival of four horsemen at the gate. The Riverside Warriors nearby didn't overly react at the recognisable sight of the Red Hares that were now native to Riverside or the two Horse Archers that were flanking the two in the middle.
The group of four made it to the gate, before being directed by a Spartan that was stood there towards Dom, Xun You and Subutai.
The two Horse Archers held back, as two hooded riders on Red Hares approached.
"We had to travel through three different scouting parties to get here." Crassus complained as he approached, a slight frustration in his voice as he took his hood off.
"It's good to see you too." Subutai said as he helped Crassus of his horse, their hands grasping in acknowledgement of one another.
"Yeah and you." He replied honestly, "There was a discussion and they decided it would be good if I came and supported with the post battle management, as long as we didn't get any negative reports. Congratulations on the victory, not that I ever doubted it. I passed some carts with the injured and dead, there was a lot less than I expected."
"It wasn't without loss. But it was a success." Xun You agreed as the second Hooded person removed their hood.
"What are you doing here Gu Kaizhi?" Dom asked suddenly as their Poet and Artist Elite Villager appeared from beneath the hood.
"Erm, I had an idea." He replied uncomfortably.
"An idea?" Subutai asked, also surprised at his arrival, "For Tongpai Town?"
"For the Defeat of the Type 3's!" Gu Kaizhi announced.
"I was having a meal with Shang Yang, Xun Yu and Hua Tau, discussing the ever evolving changes throughout the different dynasties that we lived through." Gu Kaizhi announced as they sat around the table in the Town Centre. "Hua Tau was asking about the ending of the Han Dynasty and how the Jin dynasty which I lived in formed."
"I am also interested in that." Xun You asked, "But i'm not sure how that helps this situation?"
"It doesn't." Gu Kaizhi said back to Xun You, who was sat listening in with Subutai and Dom. "However the founders of the Jin Dynasty were the sons of Sima Yi the Chancellor of the Cao Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Period, which followed in the downfall of the Han."
"And what did Sima Yi do?" Dom asked, wanting to get to the point, rather than listening to a history lesson with some major decisions to be made.
"He didn't do anything, but his biggest competitor, the genius Zhuge Liang once defeated him with a very impressive tactic." Gu Kaizhi continued, ignoring Dom's attempt to speed him up. "And we felt that tactic may come in handy here."
"What was the tactic then?" Subutai asked, also impatient.
"Oh it's an interesting one." replied Crassus who was sat beside Gu Kaizhi.
"The Empty Town Strategy." Gu Kaizhi continued. "Zhuge Liang knew that Sima Yi was bringing a huge Wei Army with him of over one hundred thousand troops and that a field battle with his handful of men would end in defeat, as would a siege. They also couldn't retreat fast enough without his army being caught up on. So he devised the Empty Town Strategy."
There was silence as Gu Kaizhi finished speaking for dramatic effect, however those listening were all looking at him with frustration, wanting him to continue. Gu Kaizhi didn't take the hint, until Crassus coughed and gave him a nudge.
"What is the Empty Town Strategy?" Xun You asked, taking the hint that he needed prompting.
"The Empty Town Strategy was simple. He had his men remove the flags from the walls, and hide themselves within the Town. They then left the gate to the Town open, where Zhuge Liang sat above in a Taoist Robe, playing his Lute and chanting." Gu Kaizhi continued, "When Sima Yi arrived, he was worried that it could be a trap, and instead retreated with his huge force. They ran and ran, until eventually Sima Yi realised he was conned. When he returned it was to late as Zhuge Liang now had reinforcements and could fight him evenly."
"So you want Lord Lazarus, to sit on a wall and play an instrument, whilst the rest of the army hides and we wait for reinforcements?" Subutai replied with a raised eyebrow, a tactic that would definitely not defeat the Type 3's.
"No, definitely not." Gu Kaizhi replied, "I have no idea if Lord Lazarus has any music talent, and regardless I am unsure if the enemy would be afraid of one man."
"Then what was the consensus?" Dom asked, knowing that Shang Yang and Xun Yu would not have sent Gu Kaizhi without reason.
"We could do a slight amendment to the Empty Town Strategy." Xun You replied, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.
"Exactly." Gu Kaizhi smiled, "Instead of having the empty Town scare away the enemy, instead we make it a delicious target. We follow the same tactic, but instead of having someone cause confusion from the wall, we have the town silent bar some pleasant noise in the centre."
"We lure them all in and trap them within Tongpai Town." Xun You replied.
"So instead of battling them step by step, and create traps and have a battle of attrition. We make Tongpai Town in to one big trap?" Dom questioned.
"Exactly!" Gu Kaizhi agreed, "Shang Yang and Xun Yu discussed, alongside Lucuis, Meritamen and Crassus. They agreed that the best option, and the one you would also most likely do, would be to relocate the Tongpai Town resource and buildings. So why not use what was left to our benefit."
"So what do you propose?" Subutai asked, wanting to get to work right away. Gu Kaizhi turned to Crassus, who leant forwards and began to speak.
"A Simple tactic." Crassus began. "We lure the enemy in to Tongpai Town, we create a festival like noise from the centre. They enter, their guard low and then we surround Tongpai Town from outside."
"We trap them inside and take away their genetic advantages." Xun You agreed with the nod of his head, understanding the plan as it formed, "But I don't want to have to attack Tongpai Town again."
"We won't." Crassus continued. "Once they are in, they stay in. We close the gates and we set the place on fire. We burn them and Tongpai Town becomes their grave."
"We have discussed Fire, it's not the best option." Dom stated, having wanted to use a fire tactic on the forest.
"We cut down as much of the forest as we can now, once they are inside we set it on fire and have the Archers kill any that try to escape. Our Legionaries can then dig pits around the external edges that should break up the fire." Crassus continued, "We can use sand from the Lake's edge to stop the fire from spreading, trust me, I set up my own fire teams back in Rome."
"Why did you come all this way to pass on this tactic?" Dom asked Gu Kaizhi, "You have put yourself at risk, Crassus could have passed this information on."
"Because I am going to play the music and be the Lure." He replied with a smile.
[Congratulations, your Grade S Villager Gu Kaizhi has upgraded to Hero]