World Conquest Online

Chapter 176: Hypocrites Attack

Dom looked up at the enemy commander Aelfred who was stood on the short wall that surrounded the Town Centre of Tongpai Town. Surrounding Aelfred were some Tongpai Shang Swordsmen that were muscular and more well fed than the rest that Dom had seen so far, as well as some new Warriors that Dom had not seen before. These new Warriors wore white headscarves, brown tunics and they were holding wicker shields and a spear.

Beside Dom was Centurion Septimius and his Praetorian Guards in the centre opposite the gate. To his left was Centurion Octavian and Tomoe, who were facing their side of the wall fiercely with the first Century of legionaries. To his right Centurion Pullo was stood with Hua Rong and the second Century of Legionaries, all ready to attack the wall once ordered. Behind Dom were the Forbidden Guard that had accompanied him, and a few Spartans that hadn't been needed to block any additional side pathways on their route up.

"They look like Eastern Mercenaries to me." Centurion Septimius stated from beside Dom. His armour reflecting the moon that was high in the sky. "If they are, we shouldn't have a problem."

"What do you know about them?" Dom asked, intrigued by this surprise foe.

"I've heard their description before from other Legionaries when I was in the Praetorian Guards." Centurion Septimius replied, "Parts of the eastern borders of our old empire were held against some very strong enemies. Mainly from Parthia in the later years, but before then there was Syria, the Seleucid's, Pontus and even Armenia where most of their elite forces were strong Cavalry. Their Infantry was for the lower classes and not as well invested in. Idiots. I am sure Crassus can tell you more about that as he was from a time slightly before me when they were more of an issue. But all of these mighty Cavalry units weren't the best at capturing enemy cities, they also needed infantry and these Eastern Mercenaries are the lower class forces that they would send to do that."

"So you are confident we can defeat them?" Dom asked, trying to work out where they came from as this wasn't part of the original plan, or in the intelligence they had gathered.

"Definitely, nothing can defeat the might of the Legion." Centurion Septimius replied seriously and proudly, before asking. "What is the plan?"

"I'll offer them the chance to surrender, if they don't, we'll charge the gate, where as the first and second Centuries can attempt to climb the walls. We have enough Pilum to take out the defenders on the wall, so I am not worried. I just want to reduce unnecessary death." Dom replied.

"A good thing to aspire for, but my men are ready if not." Centurion Septimius replied, as he got himself back in line with his men. 

Dom stood to the side of the Legion, looking up at Aelfred again, before deciding to try and persuade the enemy Commander to surrender.

"Aelfred of Tongpai Town. I am Lazarus, Lord of Riverside, a City to the south of you. We had come here originally with the intention of peace, but after the atrocities committed to the Horse Tribes to the south, and the attack from your commander Guthrem, we had to retaliate. There are bigger dangers coming and unfortunately we have had to take the city by force and rescue your citizens in advance." Dom started, shouting up loudly so those inside could hear the Town Centre could also here, and the Civilians around would know they were not at risk. "If you surrender now, I can give opportunities for you and your men to join us, in our fight against the bigger enemies. If you do not, we will need to clear you, before our bigger foe's appear, as we can't risk enemies to the rear."

"Lazarus, Lord of Riverside? More like Lord of Hypocrites. You come to my Home, claiming to be the victim, killing my men and then you ask for us to surrender and join you? As you want to protect us from bigger enemies. You are the bigger enemy, hypocritical." Aelfred laughed in disgust from the top of his wall. As he spoke, he got progressively more angry as he continued, "You killed my friend Guthrem, and claim that we have committed atrocities? You are just like all of the other kingdoms in this world, looking out for themselves. You are no better than us or anyone else. We will not surrender, and you will die here regretting your choice. Men, make them suffer!"

The Warriors on top of the short wall growled, banging their swords against their thin armour in the case of the Tongpai Shang Swordsmen, and their spears against their wicker shields in the place of the Eastern Mercenaries.

"Prepare to engage!" Dom heard Centurion Septimius order. "First Row, aim Pilum!"

Centurion Septimius looked towards Dom, waiting on him to give the order. Dom looked towards the left and saw that Centurion Octavian and Tomoe were also looking towards him, their Century doing the same. Centurion Pullo and Hua Rong were the same on the other side of him. Dom caught Hua Rong's eye and nodded in his direction. Hua Rong placed an arrow in his bow and took aim, whilst Dom turned back to Centurion Septimius and nodded.

"Warriors of Riverside, Attack!" Centurion Septimius ordered, there was a large breath as the Legionaries all took a step back, before taking two quick steps forwards and launched their Pilum up towards the enemy forces that were on the short wall above them. Whilst this happened, Hua Rong also released a shot, which caught the surprised Aelfred in the right shoulder and knocked him off the wall, stunning the men beside him, who were quickly also taken down by the Pilum arching towards them. 

A multitude of Tongpai Shang Swordsmen and Eastern Mercenaries were caught by the Pilum, as Septimius banged his sword against his shield and started a march towards the wall. Each short step of the Legionaries loudly echoing of the floor below them, and traveling down the side streets that left from the area. 

The Praetorians hit the gate, as the men pushed their weight against it and tried to use their swords to break open the weak hinges, that had not been taken care of as much as they should have. The few remaining Warriors above the small gate tried to throw items down on to the Praetorians heads, a tile catching one of them on the side of the helmet and dazing him. Thankfully the height was not overly high and it had just grazed him. 

Hua Rong continued to fire arrows at those that appeared on the Gate, giving the Praetorians a better chance to break through. Whilst this happened, both of the Centuries under Octavian and Pullo had charged at the two sides of the wall beside the gate. The first row placing their shields as a ramp on their shoulder, so the Legionaries in the second row could climb on to the wall above. 

Tomoe was the first on the wall to the left of the gate, this time with her first sword drawn instead of her usual Naginata. She was slashing away at the Eastern Mercenaries and their Wicker shields, as Legionaries appeared beside her and used their experience to push the enemy back.

On the right side, Centurion Pullo was also on the wall, his Standard Bearer beside him waving his Standard so that the Legionaries gathered around him. The sound of fighting could be heard as swords and shields clashed against each other, and the screams of those dying and the grunts of those killing. 

Dom was stood with his Forbidden Guard, waiting for the Gate's to open. He would charge in with them, the few Sabre Tooth Tiger guards with him ready to lead the charge once it was open. Septimius smashed the but of his sword down on the hinges, and his men followed suit as they weakened and the gate began to creak. 

"Get ready." Dom said, his slaying spear in his hand ready to strike. 

There were more screams and shouts coming from the walls, and some from behind them. Dom could no longer see Tomoe or Octavian on the left side of the wall, knowing that they must be on the other side, making their way to the gate themselves. The right side wasn't making the same progress, but the Legionaries were mainly on the wall now and he knew it wouldn't be long.

The left gate began to bend now, the weight of the Praetorians achieving their intended effect. Septimius noticed, working out how much more pressure was needed and quickly ordered his men to step back, as he looked towards Dom and the Forbidden Guard. 

"Charge!" Dom ordered, pointing his spear at the gates.

The Praetorians quickly stepped back, leaving a gap as the Sabre Tooth Tiger's charged at the gate. They pounced up at the wooden gates, quickly knocking them down with a crash and crushing the enemies that were behind them. Limbs and screams ensured as the Tigers continued their charge, their riders stabbing their swords or slashing their spears at the enemies they found, whilst the Tiger's themselves were ripping at throats and limbs of surprised and shocked enemies. 

Dom soon entered through the gate, the Praetorians joining him as they secured the gateway and created a semi circle around it. He looked to the sides and saw that both Legions had now entered and pushed the enemies back against the Town Centre's Wall. He looked around at the chaos as Warriors of Riverside out performed their enemy. He couldn't see Aelfred, and wondered if this enemy Commander had escaped again.

He looked for an enemy to engage, but they were all currently being bested by the Warriors of Riverside, the sound of battle surrounding him, Victory close at hand.

The Town Centre was smaller than Riverside's, but the Town itself was much more built up. Dom assumed that it had existed for a much longer period of time than Riverside, and was looking forward to comparing it to his own Town Centre. He knew he was close now, but he still had to claim the Town Centre. The Town Centre was two floors, with a large double door at the front and some wooden panelled windows around the edges. It was the shape of a square and from Dom's information it had a central garden in the middle of it. 

"Keep the momentum!" Dom shouted loudly, directing his Warriors to continue the push.

Tomoe was the first to react, and was already at the double doors and began kicking at them, the Legion under her command following her to bash their shields against the door and weaken it like the Praetorians had the first. Centurion Pullo was clearing up the outside, his men disarming Tongpai Warriors that were surrounded and surrendering, whilst Septimius was getting the gate picked up and fixed, making the Town Centre a defensive position if needed.

Dom turned and saw that Chen Lu and Chen Ping's Sabre Tooth Tiger's both had arms in their mouths again, much to their rider's embarrassments. They both came to Dom's side and flanked him for protection, whilst Hua Rong appeared inside, collecting arrows from the bodies to replenish his quiver. 

"Centurion Chen Lu, question some of the surrendered Eastern Mercenaries and find out where they are from!" " Dom ordered quickly, before turning to the Spartans that had brought up the rear. "Pass a message back that we have taken the Town Centre Wall and will be pushing in to the Town Centre."

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