Witches & Ninja Turtles

Chapter 1: Spell Gone wrong

In your average backyard in Salem, Massachusetts, four teenage witches embarked on a journey filled with magical sisterhood. Elizabeth, the eldest of the group, with her long wavy brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and peach skin, possessed an air of authority. She saw herself as the leader of their secret circle, striving to maintain harmony among her friends.

Next in age was Victoria, a young witch with long, straight raven black hair, pale skin, and hazel brown eyes. Though she had a fiery temper, she was fiercely protective of her fellow witches, always ready to stand by their side.

Guinevere, the third witch, possessed shoulder-length red-brown hair, emerald green eyes, and tanned skin. She was the brains behind their magical endeavors, an expert potion maker whose knowledge and skills were invaluable to the group.

And then there was Anastasia, the youngest of the four, who acted as their supplier. With her medium-length blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and peach skin, she was a ray of sunshine within their circle. Anastasia's resourcefulness and connections ensured they always had the necessary supplies for their spells and potions.

As night fell, shrouded in secrecy, they gathered in the woods behind Liz's house to practice their magic under the moonlight. Liz, Gwen, and Vicky impatiently awaited Ana's arrival, who was running late with their supply bag. Little did they know, a mysterious force was lurking in the shadows, ready to challenge the strength of their bond and test the limits of their magical abilities.


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 "What the heck is taking Ana so long?" complained Vicky as she rubbed her hands to stay warm.

 "Be patient." Liz explained, "She went to get the crystals we needed for the spell."

 "Yea, just chill Vicky." Gwen chuckled.

 Vicky glared at Gwen, making the young witch flinch under her gaze.

 "Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting." Came the voice of the youngest witch as she ran up to the rest of the group.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Gwen asked worriedly.

 Tonight they were going to perform a summoning spell and Ana was in charge of getting the supplies, while Gwen was tasked with making sure this goes off without a hitch.

 "Yes I got everything." Ana said a little bit out of breath as she handed over her backpack to her.

 Gwen rummages through the backpack and seems pleased until she comes across something that was not on the list. She sighs and pulls out a small stack of comics.

 "Ana, I told you the money was for supplies only." Sighed Liz as she held her hand to her head.

 "I told you she was going to screw it up." Vicky chuckled, "Besides what's with the lizards on the cover?"

 "They are not lizards!" Ana huffed as she snatched the comics out of Gwen's hand, "They're turtles… that just happen to be ninjas also."

 Vicky started busting up laughing while Gwen ignored them both and proceeded in setting up the crystals in small circles.

"Ninjas and turtles?" Vicky laughed, "You are such a kid."

"Hey! I'm only three years younger than you and Gwen."

 "Enough you guys." Liz said as she stepped between the two girls, "If you haven't forgotten, we are going to do a major spell tonight and we are going to need everyone's cooperation to make this work."

 Vicky stopped laughing and sighed, "Alright then, if we are going to do this it might as well be now."

 Gwen finished setting up all the crystals in four small circles, then stood up and handed each girl a small pouch of herbs.

 "Umm, Gwen, what are these for?" asked Ana as she poked at the small velvet pouch in her hand.

 "These are to anchor our body and soul to this world and also to prevent any… accidents… from happening."

 "Whoa, wait a minute… Accidents?!" exclaimed Ana.

 "Don't worry, as long as you have the bag on you there is no way anything could go wrong." Gwen said confidently.

 "Yea, and how do you figure that smart girl?" Vicky asked with a hint of sarcasm.

 "Because it's my own special blend of herbs that are proven safe for this type of spell." Gwen responded.

With that said each of the four girls stepped into a crystal circle and started to chant the spell. About ten minutes of chanting later… nothing happened.

 "Well that was a waste of time." Vicky grumbled. She tried to step out of the crystal circle but bumped into a force field instead, "What the heck?"

Each girl did the same thing only to find out that there was a force field surrounding them too.

"What's going on Gwen?" Liz asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know." She said just as confused.

Just then the ground below them started to glow brightly. The wind blew fiercely, knocking over Ana's backpack and spilling the comic books on the ground. One of the books blew up and started to glow. In an instant the glowing stopped and the four girls were nowhere to be seen. They had been transported, as to where only fate knows.

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