Why Did I Write So Many Tropes?!

Chapter 5: Why Is He So Determined?!

Instead of taking the train, I decided to jog. Although traditional exercise wouldn't yield much benefit, there was no harm in more training.

Also, I didn't have much money left in my checking account.

After thirty minutes of jogging and walking, I arrived at the Academy.

The needle-like tower was even more imposing when I was closer. From afar, the Academy looked thin and delicate, but from this distance, I could see that the bottom was very, very wide. The base of the tower was about as large as an American football field.

Stepping inside the office, I went up to the front desk. A young woman with dark brown hair who looked like she was around her late twenties was busy shuffling paperwork. She looked up as I approached. "Theresa Young," read the plastic blue name tag pinned to her shirt.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

"I'd like to apply for a visitor's pass to use the training facilities during break," I said.

She nodded. "Please give me your smartwatch for a background check."

I nodded, taking my watch off and handing the device to her. After roughly five minutes, she returned the device and gave me an "OK" sign.

"You're all set," she smiled. "Just show the security guards your ID and you should be good!"

"Thank you," I bowed my head slightly, before walking to the training facilities. I only had to stop twice to show the security my ID and the stamp that proved I was allowed on campus.

The first couple floors were conjoined and had an open-air concept. The vibe reminded me of an extremely large shopping mall. 

It was interesting to see the world that I had written come to life.

Riding the escalator brought me from the first floor to the fourth floor. Even though I wrote the setting, I didn't know where everything was and had to take several minutes to find the floor map before I found the training facilities.

By the time I found the training facilities, the sun was already high in the sky.

Pushing open the metal double doors, I had my breath taken away.

One of the walls was replaced with a floor-to-ceiling glass window. Through the window, I could see the gleaming city skyline. The noon sun reflected off the shining, silvery buildings and created an effervescent effect. Although I had already seen this view before, every time was just as amazing.

Scattered around the room were different exercise equipment and machines, as well as weights.

I stepped into an area reserved for sparring. There was plenty of empty space and I could also set up the holographic training simulation.

I began practicing the moves that Mav had learned.

Swordsmanship was divided into stabbing, cutting, blocking, and dodging. 

Fundamentally, the way of the sword was simply derivations from those four concepts.

Mav's repertoire included the basic stab and the vertical, horizontal, diagonal slash. He had also learned the high, mid, and low block combined with the inside and outside block.

"First, I should perfect my defense."

A flawless defense would give me opportunities to strike back at my opponent.

I connected my watch to the training system and summoned a simulation. A pale, featureless humanoid wielding an identical longsword like mine appeared.

Although the simulation was a hologram, the technology was combined with magic to give the simulation substance. The simulation could hit me and I could also hit the simulation.

The simulation default was set to the easiest difficulty, but I cranked the difficulty to the maximum and configured the simulation to "only attack."

A holographic display appeared before me.





The simulation struck me in the neck, knocking me over with one blow.

[Simulation over.]

I didn't even see the simulation move…

I slowly got back onto my feet, rubbing my aching neck. 

Also, that really hurt.

However, I knew that the system would never put my life in danger. I spoke while raising my sword in the basic stance.


As the countdown began, I circulated my mana through my body, strengthening and reinforcing my muscles.


Once again, the simulation struck me and I wasn't able to react. My leg was stabbed and I was knocked onto the ground with an insanely fast roundhouse kick.

The simulation pointed the blade at my neck.

[Simulation over.]

I winced as I rubbed my bruised shoulder and calf, before getting up again.

I took the basic stance and circulated my mana.





Lucia had always considered herself a hard worker.

Unlike the other students, after she had taken the campus tour during summer break, she applied for visitation so she could use the training facilities.

Every day during summer break, she would jog around the school in the morning, practice with her katana during noon, and lift weights in the afternoon.

She was certain that she trained more than any other incoming freshman that was coming to the Academy.

However, when she had entered the training facilities that day, she saw the boy who repeatedly faced the highest level simulation.

Bruises covered his arms and legs.

He was sweating heavily and every breath was ragged.

And yet he kept saying that word.




Suddenly, she noticed something different-- blue trails of mana were flowing from his eyes.

Despite the fact that he had been struck by the simulation's first blow every other time, he managed to predict the path of the simulation's sword. He raised his blade and the clash of steel on steel threw sparks.

However, the power of the blow knocked him through the air.

He managed to reduce the damage from the fall by tumbling and rolling to his feet.

However, the simulation's blade was already at his neck.

[Simulation over.]

What could possibly motivate him to train so hard?

"Hello? Who are you?"

Lucia startled, realizing that the boy who had been single mindedly attacking the simulation was now addressing her.

"U-uhm." She found herself at a loss for words.

This is so embarrassing… he caught me staring at him… I hope he doesn't misunderstand…

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