Chapter : Legion VI: The Wild Hunt
"To survive in a galaxy filled with monsters, mankind needs its own" - Tyric Baldurson
Primarch: Tyric Baldurson
Symbol: A Snarling beast head
Colors: Grey-Blue with animal pelts and bone-totems.
Capital World- Fenris
Specialty: Extermination, Annihilation, and Execution
Battlecry: "The Hunt Unleashed!" Or feral roars and howls.
The "VI" Primarch
A beast wearing the skin of a man, or a man wearing the skin of a beast. Is a phrase often used to describe Tyric Baldurson. The Emperor's Executioner is a controversial figure within the Imperium, equally respected and feared for his fearsome nature and vicious martial talent. A fact that suits Tyric perfectly. His duty is to kill things that need to die and make sure potential threats to his father's dream live in fear. He is the Monster Slayer of Mankind, a being that blurs the line between warrior and weapon. Acting as a vicious force of nature that can and will kill anything that he hunts. Yet he is no brute, not the savage animal his detractors make him out to be. The vicious killing machine is a role he plays. Behind the snarling fangs and blood-hungry eyes is a keen and wiley intellect that holds a far more noble and astute view of the galaxy than what he lets on.
While no shapeshifter like his brother Magnus, Tyric has more conscious and unconscious control of his physical form. Changing in height and bulk to suit his purpose. Sometimes appearing a ruggedly handsome transhuman with pale blue eyes, blond hair and neatly trimmed facial hair. Other times appearing a savage mix of man and beast, sporting fangs and snarling Wolfen features, accompanied by bloody crimson hair and amber animal eyes. These features can change at will or in reaction to stress. Transitioning from proud Warrior-Prince to bestial battle-god. Personally, Tyric is known for a wicked sense of humor and jovial if prideful nature. Ultimately the roles of boisterous Barbarian Lord and wild monster are equally both cloaks Tyric wraps himself in. Roles he plays perfectly, but each only part of the surprisingly brooding Primarch.
When it comes time for Tyric to take up the duties of warrior he leads his armies from the front. An alpha of alphas to a legion of beasts. Frightfully strong and fast even by Primarch standards, Tyric combines the wild fury of the monster with his keen intellect and martial training. In most battles, he wields a Thunder hammer in one hand, a Frostblade in the other. Becoming a whirling storm of sparks and hoarfrost that rips apart any foe. His natural talent for cryokinetic and fulgmantic psychic arts complement his weapon choice. Tyric can conjure up literal blizzards around him at will, creating whirling storms of razor-sharp ice and biting cold capable of cracking stone and withering flesh. This psychic storm defies the laws of reality and has no effect on the Primarchs' allies. In the arts of the Warp Tyric lacks fine control but displays incredible explosive power and endurance. Additionally, twin Hel-Wolves, Freki and Geri, rescued products of Techno-Barbarian war-beast experiments, fight alongside Tyric. The gene-wrought and cybernetically augmented Canines combine adamantium fangs and inbuilt volkite guns to a devastating effect. The combination of wild elemental effects, vicious martial prowess, and capable pack-mates make Tyric one of the most formidable Primarchs in virtually all matters of battle.
In certain fell circumstances, the VI Primarch discards his usual weapons for the gift given to him by his father. Gungir, the Dionysian Spear, Truth-Maker, one of the two metaphysical blades crafted by the Emperor. At first glance, the Spear appears an ornately crafted work of auramite and adamantium. Depicting ancient beasts and long-forgotten hunting-rites along its engraved haft. On closer inspection, people are either drawn to the Spear or instinctually fear it. Tyric himself feels uncomfortable using the weapon, the heavy weight of its power affecting even him. Created using a piece of the Emperor's power, the Spear can reveal the truth to those it strikes. Through some esoteric, unknowable way, those who taste the Spears tip experience a flicker of perfect truth. Gaining a fundamental Revelation that can break minds, redeem the lost, and even destroy Neverborn. It is Tyric Baldurson's tool of execution and countless monsters have fallen to its killing edge.
The twin masks of prideful warrior and wolfish beast along with the truth of a brooding soldier make up the surprisingly enigmatic VI Primarch. Bound by a sense of duty and personal fate, Tyric seeks to fulfill what he sees as his role to play in the Saga of Mankind.
History of the Legion
Unlike its cousin Legions, the Wild Hunt did not recruit from a specific compliant tribe or nation of Terra in its early years. Its first aspirants came from a much more exotic source, as required by the Geneseed of Tyric. In the most brutal and unforgiving wild-places of Terra existed clans of monsters. Abhuman hybrids of man and beast created as self-replenishing armies for particularly mad Techno-Barbarian Warlords. Most of these spliced subspecies were little more than "intelligent" animals more akin to Chaos warped Beastmen than proper Abhumans. A small minority traced themselves back to more refined acts of gene-splicing and were salvageable. The children of these "Wildfolk'' tribes became the first of the VI Legion
With a controversial origin and even more so nature, the VI Legion was kept away from its cousins and deliberately isolated. Being the first of the highly augmented Trefoil Legions, they saw their first bits of combat acting as the Emperor's executioners. Hunting down rogue weapons and escaped abominations alongside the Custodes. First actually fighting beside a fellow Legion only in the Solar Crusade. Acting in concrete with the V Legion to round up and destroy a Xeno Pirate Fleet that hid in the gaseous reaches of Jupiter. Forming vicious wolf packs tearing apart the Alien Ships pushed towards them by Tengri's sons. During the subsequent Chaos Invasion, it fell to Tyric Baldurson and his Legion to hunt down the various Lords of the Damned who led the Chaos Fleet. The VI Primarch personally banished or slew half a dozen Chaos Lords of substantial power. Cementing his status as preeminent monster slayer among the Primarchs. A beastial lord leading a pack of hunting wolves at the Emperors command.
In the Great Crusades' early days the VI Legion earned its name after undertaking a number of highly dangerous raids into hostile territories. Under orders of the Emperor himself, the VI Legion in its near entirety would dive deep into the galactic wilds to pursue and eliminate a threat known only to the Emperor and his inner circle. In those early years the Legion would assemble in its full might, ride out into the void and only return sometimes years later. Bloodied, near-feral with battle-rage and carrying new trophies. Bringing to mind the old Terran myths for which they were eventually named. Among the Legion's accomplishments in these hunts include the destruction of the Legion of Ouroboris, the Burning of Dulanian, execution of Boss Mashogg, and capture of Sedna.
Eventually as the Great Crusade burned on and the threat of the Rangda started to become apparent to the growing Imperium. Dante Uriael and Konrad Cruze bought time for the heptarchy of Primarchs ordered to deal with the Xeno threat to fully assemble and push into Rangda space. Tyric arrived early to the conflict, shortly after claiming the death world of Fenris as his Legions homeworld. The new Fenresian recruits were sorely tested in the wake of the Adrantis Disaster. With the VI Legion arriving barely in time to rescue the beleaguered remnants of Expedition Fleet-91. Thrust into the Rangda wars, the Wild Hunt became Eddard Fendragons favored weapon against Theophages, House Lords, and similarly dangerous Rangda breeds. The vicious nature of the VI Legion soon became invaluable in the Xenocides worst days. Entire worlds suspected of Rangda contamination were fed to the Wild Hunt in acts of bloodshed only rivaled by the Night Lords in this period.
At the climax of the Rangda war, Wild Hunt famously broke the forces of House Lehyak at the battle of Caspis Minor. The VI Primarch personally driving his Spear into Lehyak-Prime and driving the House-Monarch insane before casting it into the Caspis Star. A blow the Rangda never recovered from and ultimately turned the tide of the war. The VI claimed the highest count of broken worlds and exterminated Kindred by the War's end. A fact that came at a terrible cost in soldiers, material and public perception. Adding to the near-feral image of the Wild Hunt and its Primarch.
When the Fourth and final siege of Rangda Prime concluded, the Wild Hunt proved itself more than its vicious image towards the end of the Great Crusade. Tyric and his sons threw themselves between monsters and innocents countless times. Protecting the Xong-shu Refugee fleet from Slaugh feeder-ships, providing safe passage and a new home for spliced abhumans, among other feats. In the years after the Great Crusade, the Wild Hunt split into thirteen separate hunts and helped defend the new Pax Imperialis. When the first Doomtide came the Wild Hunt was nearly destroyed by (REDACTED) but managed to fight off the (REDACTED) and join the greater battle against the forces of Chaos.
Astartes Biology
Appearance and Apotheosis- Of all twenty genelines the VI Legion geneseed has some of the most stringent requirements of its potential host. Only stable abhumans with spliced genes from certain predators can successfully be implanted with it. However a strong of body and adolescent male meeting those criteria will find the transformation painful but relatively safe. While all of Tyric's sons inherit the rugged features of their father, with ferocious eyes and faces suited to both smirking and snarling. The physical details of each Wild Hunt Legionnaire is dictated by what beast lies in their genome. Wolf-bloods have toned musculature, amber eyes and pronounced canines. Ursa-Bloods by contrast are much bulkier with coarse heavy hair and flatter features. Each type of Wildfolk Astartes having an element of physical resonance to their bestial genes.
Unique Organ- The Vargaz. The unique organ of the VI Legion is less of a singular gland and more of a complicated sub-system linked into the existing Geneseed near the end of implantation. A series of mutagen cocktails, mega-stimulants, rejuvenus chems and psi-reactive materials are bonded to the Revitalizer, Omophagea, Biscopea, and Larraman's Organ creating the Vargaz. Which when triggered can cause latent bestial traits and genetic data to become active. Transforming the Astartes into a near-hybrid of transhuman and animal traits. Which confers an extreme benefit to physical prowess, healing speed, and curiously resistance to other mutations. This altered state can be triggered by one of three factors. Extreme physical trauma like the normal Revitalizer Organ. Ingestion of mutagen laced animal-blood sourced from their bestial gene origin. Or exposure to large quantities of Warp Energy. In the Vargaz state, Wild Hunt Astartes are notably more vicious and animalistic but do not fully surrender logic and reason. Coming out of this state is traumatizing for both mind and soul, with some Astartes becoming too far gone if forced to fight as a Vargaz for months on end or failing to master the bestial instincts. Eventually turning into little more than wild animals with traces of human cunning.
Deployment- The Wild Hunt lives up to its name in how it deploys its forces on both tactical and strategic levels. Astartes of the VI Legion aims to fight their battles as a short explosion of overwhelming force. Striking every weak point of the enemy with devastating power and then mopping up the broken survivors before they have time to regroup. To this aim, the Legion organizes itself not into Squads or Companies but into Packs. Ranging in size from 15 to 60 Astartes, the Packs are meant to be larger and more destructive than individual squads but still tight-knit units capable of surprising coordination and subtlety. Packs are led by an elected Thayn who answers to a Jarl who might oversee anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred packs. Greater forces of Wild Hunt Astartes, composed of at least six but usually far more Jarls, are called a Fyrd Hunt, and commanded by a Hunt Lord chosen by Tyric Baldurson himself. At most times Nine Fyrd Hunts exist, but when required as many as fifteen Hunts can be called. Each hunt acts as an independent army, pursuing a task given by the Primarch or similar overlord.
Homeworld: - Fenris- At the center of the sector bearing its name is the homeworld of the Wild Hunt. A volatile deathworld where extreme seasons of bitter cold and volcanic fury, along with vicious megafauna make survival a difficult task. Hundreds of small tribal nations dot the shifting surface of Fenris, each composed of stable spliced abhumans, either traced back to the original Fenrisian colonists or imported by the Wild Hunt. The Legion itself rules from the Thrudvang mountain range. A hollowed-out series of peaks that blur the line between city and fortress-monastery. The tallest peak in the Thrudvang is the Sky Fang where the Legions fleet can dock in low orbit. While its lowest depths form the Helhalls where the honored dead sleep. Below which lies the Gate of Morkai, the secret burden, and privilege of the Wild Hunt. At any time one Fyrd Hunt is stationed on Fenris. To defend the hearthworld, its surrounding sector and replenish losses. The horrifically vicious wildlife of Fenris keeps its inhabitants used to slaying monsters and perfect for the VI Legion. The teeth, claws, and other such totems of these creatures are commonly used by the Wild Hunt as both ritual charms and tools of war.
Recruitment- The tribes of Fenris all compete for the privilege of their sons being recruited into the Wild Hunt. Every ten Fenresian years the greatest tribes make pilgrimages to the Thrudvang mountains in a great festival and competition known as the Moot. It is a joyous time where the best of the attendant tribes' tributes are taken into the Wild Hunts and transformed into Astartes. Every tribe has the chance to compete in the Moot but the trek to the Thrudvang mountains is an arduous one and only the strongest can spare the resources to make it. The Moot and the rituals of selection are overseen by Legion Apothecaries and a matriarchal clan known as the Valknorns. Stable abhumans with spliced genetics are welcome on Fenris and the surrounding sector. Providing a steady supply of new genetics, kept strong and pure by the dangers of the vicious planets in the sector. The genetic requirements of the VI Legion force them to recruit from a smaller pool and only when returning home. Forcing the Legion to accept more candidates than other Legions might.The harshness of Fenris ensures these "lesser" applicants who might be passed over by other Legions are still suitable members of the Wild Hunt.
Unique Ranks and Roles-
Vilder Draugr- The unfortunate Astartes trapped in their bestial form face a slow death in being subsumed by the animal instincts brought on by the Vargaz state. Inducted into a sacred order of walking dead the Vilder Draugr bleach their skin and hair to near albino white and swear oaths of glorious death. Diving into battle as monstrous hybrids existing only to kill. Rarely a Draugr of remarkable willpower manages to pull himself back to sanity. Gaining full mastery of their bestial genes and taking their place among the Ulfsark. The skin-changing champions of the Legion While not in battle the Vilder Draugr are kept in a living tomb deep in the Helhalls, this status as barrow dwelling monsters is the source of the warrior orders name.
Ulfsark- Those who master the bestial power of the Vargaz are inducted into the Ulfsark. The greatest of the Wild Hunt who act as the Primarchs honor guard, elite force, and champions. Not all Ulfsark are former Draugr, some are those who master the Vargaz without becoming feral, others are those who survived encounters with the most powerful neverborn. Tapping into their totemic genetics to face the Daemon. No matter the origin, the Ulfsark demonstrates remarkable control over their flesh and genome. Capable of walking the line between warriors and beast in perfection of ancient totem warriors traditions from Old Earth. The eldest Ulfsark, those who have long hunted next to the Primarch stand above their kindred. Soaked in the psychic aura of Tyric Baldurson they become something more. Their legends linked to the Primarch as his own personal pack. Capable of matching the fiercest monsters the galaxy has, and even gaining minor psychic powers.
Wyrd Callers- The World of Fenris produces an abnormally large number of Psykers, powerful ones at that. While also being rather resistant to the dangers of Chaos. A curious anomaly that has kept the Wild Hunt Libarius strong, and attracted the interest of the Emperor himself. Research into this fenrisian anomaly by the Imperators inner circle and the Wild Hunt themselves has produced a number of interesting results. Chief among them the Wyrd Callers of Fenris. The secret of the Fenrsian psykers can be traced to the native cultures and planet itself. The shaman traditions of Fenris are strangely similar to practices of the ancient shamans of Old Earth and some ritual practices of certain Xeno species. While Fenris displays an unusually powerful and active world spirit, something not usually seen outside Aeldari planets. These two factors allow the Librarians of the Wild Hunt to use the Spirit of Fenris as a massive psychic filter. Drawing psychic energy from the world spirit through totems connected to the planet. Allowing for primitive if effective warp "magik" that is linked to Fenris itself. Wyrd Callers can summon up this power even halfway across the galaxy from Fenris and the experienced ones can even tap into other world spirits for a dangerous if powerful source of knowledge and warp stuff. While the ritual practices of the Wyrd Callers seem primitive and backward compared to the elegant warp-science of the XV Legion and Adeptus Psi, it has potential that interests the Master of Mankind.
Legion Culture
Personality- It's easy to dismiss the Wild Hunt as savage barbarians, more animal than human. Which is exactly what the Legion is counting on. Like any predator, the VI Legion Astartes are constantly observant. Watching for any useful detail or advantage. The boisterous warrior reputation is a pelt the Wild Hunt wraps themselves in. Taking up the ferocious and intimidating style as another tool of war. To outsiders, they seem brash, wild and barely restrained beasts. The truth is more complicated than those initial intentional impressions. Underneath the animalistic trappings are soldiers of the highest dedication and skill. Like the ancient totem warrior traditions they embrace, the Wild Hunt wears the skin of something dangerous, while hiding a far more deadly truth underneath. The warriors of Old Terra wore the skins of Wolves, Bears, Jaguars and Crocodiles when in truth, they were something much more violent. They were human. The Wild Hunt coats themselves in myths, primal fears and bestial archetypes. When in truth they are Soldiers. Soldiers designed to kill the unkillable and hunt down whatever their master ordered them to. Like their Primarch and very genetics these varying masks of man, beast, barbarian, and soldier are interwoven into a complicated truth. None alone fully encompasses the Wild Hunt or its Genesire. Together they are something distinct and dangerous.
Customs- The Wild Hunt isolates itself from Imperial culture and keeps to its ancient traditions with intense zealotry. The sons of Tyric and the worlds under his rule are distinct from the wider Imperium in their primitive methods and beliefs. Where other pre-industrial or otherwise regressed human cultures within the Imperium are elevated into the standard set by the Master of Mankind. The Fenris sector stays attuned to ancient and primordial human ideals and customs. This insulates the Legion from the wider Imperium, keeping them an ever dangerous and mysterious sword in the Emperor's hand. On a personal level one of the most important customs of the Wild Hunt is trophy taking. While the Astartes Legions like all warriors collect markers of success and slain foes. It's a distinct and important focus of the Wild Hunt. With Astartes decorating their weapons and armor with countless markers of victory and defeat. The plain grey-blue armor of the Wild Hunt is covered in countless totems, trinkets,ritual marks and battle scars for all Astartes except the freshest neophyte. This practice is also more than simple pride or tradition. The unique psychic power of the Wyrd Callers can call upon the traces of power within these totems. Granting incredible boons to Astartes related to their past deeds and reputation.
Unique Features- The variety of differently spliced abhumans who make up the VI Legion creates a number of sub-divisions or brotherhoods. Packs are usually made up of multiple abhuman types, but Astartes are roughly divided into these five archetypes based on their genetic heritage. Fangedmaw Brothers are those with traces of pack hunters like Wolves and Dogs. Making up nearly 75% of the Legion due to the commonality of such abhumans on Fenris and beyond. Strongheart Brothers have genetic traits of massive beasts like Bears and some Mega-Felines. Being slower, larger, and stronger than their battle-brothers. Ironskin Brothers are rare but formidable with the blood of hardy beasts like Boar or Badger in them. Acting as vicious frontline fighters who can match the VII and XIV Legions in sheer stubborn endurance. Stalkerclaw Brothers fill the roles of lone hunters, acting as scouts and assassins. Duties aided by genes plucked from ambush predators of all kinds. Then the rarest of all are the Keeneye Brothers, sourced from abhumans with extremely enhanced senses like those of Birds of Prey or Desert Foxes. These are the rarest of the different brotherhoods in the Legion. The abhuman populations with these modifications are found not on Fenris but on its sister world of Midgardia. A planet slowly being terraformed to suit its new abhuman population.
Battle Strategy and Equipment
Tactical Doctrine- Of all twenty Legions, the Wild Hunt is unmatched in its ability to unleash incalculably large amounts of damage in a very short time. The focused ferocity of the Legion hits hard and is designed to break a foe's ability and will to fight quickly. This brazen and almost careless style of warfare seems almost wasteful and a gamble to outsiders, but it's based on a cold calculation. It falls to the VI Legion to hunt down and destroy the most dangerous foes the Imperium faces. Enemies with destructive potential they can only hope to match. These nightmares the VI Legion fight are the type that if not destroyed quickly in a single decisive strike will easily tear apart any foe. Like the wolves of old earth, the Hunt must land a crippling blow quickly or be torn apart. A gamble that is supplemented by the animal cunning displayed by these Astartes. It's not cowardice to retreat or regroup. If needed the Wild Hunt can adapt from landing one decisive blow to bleeding and crippling a foe over a thousand bites. All that matters, in the end, is the completion of the hunt. The Emperor does not send his hunting beasts after weak game, when called forth the Emperor's Wolves know their death is an ever-present possibility on the hunt. A fact that pushes the VI Legion to never let their death be pointless. If necessary these Astartes will use their last energy, that which might have helped them survive to strike out at their enemy. Knowing tipping the battle in favor of their pack is worth their life considering the foes they face.
Weapons and Armor- Destructive power and reliability are the two most important factors the Wolves of the Emperor consider when selecting tools of war. While the standard array of Swords and Bolters are common across the Legion a number of more exotic weapons can be found as well. Frost weaponry, Ritual weapons, and totem charms are also used. Weapons originating from Fenris either made from its horrifying wildlife, altered by the psychic power of the planet, or both. Specialized and modified Power Armor is also more common among the Wild Hunt than other legions. Astartes adjusting their equipment to better suit their role in their pack. Among the twenty Legions, the Wild Hunt also has the most custom models of armor and armor-skeletons. Like the exotic energy-resistant Skoll class Power Armor or the massive Jotun class Dreadknight skeleton.
Fleet and Transport- The Fleet of the Wild Hunt is composed predominantly of middleweight ships such as Strike Cruisers and other specialized Cruiser classes. This reflects the Legions void-combat philosophy of heavily armed and mobile weapon platforms. Designed to pummel the foe while they close the distance for boarding. Battle Barges and other Battleships are rare, typically a singular one per Legion fleet. With the Primarch's own fleet being the exception. The Flagship of the Legion is a truly massive and unique vessel called Jörmungandr. Classified as a Gloriana Class Battleship, but in truth, it's something far stranger. The Jörmungandr is built around the leviathan skeleton of some ancient Void Whale nearly as large as a small moon. It is also accompanied by twin Battlebarge escorts named Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr. Who are modified for CQC and ramming actions. Designed to bully enemy vessels that get close to the Jörmungandr's immense form while the Flagship puts its overwhelming firepower to work. When planetside the VI Legion notably makes use of heavily armed and mobile vehicles to strike with rapid overwhelming force. Fitting with the Legions tactical doctrine of singular destructive strikes.
In the early days of the Legion the Emperor once referred to the Wild Hunt as "my Wolves", a nickname that has stuck even after the Legion gained its official title.
Each of the Trefoil Legions display uniquely potent and borderline heretical abilities from their Geneseed. With the Wild Hunts Vargaz state being perhaps the most well known
The Sons of Tyric cannot be unwillingly corrupted by Chaos. Exposure to warp-energies sufficient to mutate or madden an Astartes will trigger the Vargaz state in VI Legion Astartes. Protecting them from corruption.
The Elder Ulfsark often displays psychic abilities that blur the line between Vargaz abilities and the supernatural. Like Wolf-blooded Astartes who can smell foes even in vacuum or Boar-Bloods showing resistance to poison and radiation that should melt their flesh within seconds.
This protection from Chaotic corruption displayed by the VI Legion has led to a number of unusual trophies kept by its various Fyrd Hunts. Including the still screaming heads of Daemon Princes.
Of all the Primarchs, Tyric Baldurson has probably the greatest and most diverse number of kills to his name. Including but not limited to Rangda House-Lords, the Queen of Ouroboris, Nemesor Zuberkar of the Awakened Council and Fagrskinna Bloodaxe Daemon Prince of Khorne.
The Valknorn Clan holds the duty of overseeing the other tribes of Fenris, ensuring weakness and corruption do not undermine the Wild Hunt's homeworld.
The Massive Thunderwolves of Fenris and other intelligent Megafauna have been tamed by some members of the Wild Hunt as battle beasts.
Armor-Skeleton using Battle-Brothers of the VI Legion fight independently from their packs. Acting as singular anvils for the Legion to smash their foes. And earning these warriors the nickname of Einherjar.
It's believed the Canine genetic data encoded in Tyric Baldurson's geneseed is what allows his sons without Canine splicing to act together as a pack as effectively as their Wolf-blooded brothers.