Chapter 44: Confess your dreams.
"The Wanderer" stops a while to smoke. He remembers of the beginning. At this moment he talks to acquaintances. More of the same. Unique as always. Impossible to experience twice. But repeated until the end, indefinitely. Aware of the fact: Now will be a memory at some point, and everyday life... Soon, will be missed.
44 - Confess your dreams.
- You become a crooked version of your personality. Far below its potential, but I can't judge you, I fail too, in the same way. But my ambivalence doesn't rule out my advice.
- It just illustrates a classic example, of the typical cliche: do as I say, not as I do.
- Would you advise differently?
- No, but I think I learned young that changing the path is different in the world of ideas, that ideal universe that my mind lives in and that I wish were reality. But faced with reality, my body does not change easily, in fact, just as you postpone action.
- Why?
- You tell me that you come from the future.
- Our similarities and shared habits are nothing more than behaviors. They can indicate a route along the life line, but not the entire landscape. I come from my future, not yours.
- Soon, you will get married.
- I don't believe in this future, I just don't see it for myself, at least not anymore...
- How long did you watch?
- A few moments, infinite, but today distant and distorted, as if the dream had become a nightmare.
- Why do you feel that way?
- Because I experienced ingratitude. After the betrayal. Before, I experienced abandonment. My gift is full of joy, but it ends the day with a lack, which is sometimes rejected. Seen as disgusting, inappropriate, dirty, torturing and always seen as a weakness of the body. Who wants a future of chastity and not marital happiness.
- Everyone needs it... Each one in their own way, but most end up committing to it over time.
- I'm committed to myself. My plans are made alone, but in a somewhat solitary way. I don't see split roads.
- Do you consider yourself experienced?
- Some said I'm lively.
- And what do you say?
- That they are right.
- Did you see everything there was to see?
- No way! I believe I saw enough to avoid some events, I lived enough to even view the past as silly and unlikely, as it is contrary to desire.
- What do you wish?
- Safety, and helping those I love and truly intend to share my time with.
- Your time?
- Everyone has their own, we never know how much is left, we know it will run out and that's why time is a scarce, finite and unique resource. Impossible to spend more. Therefore, our most precious asset.
- Have you wasted it?
- Of course! Like everyone else, I nestle in the comforting memory that there may be a tomorrow, and that it will be another day.
- Available?
- Yes.
He gave up, as almost always, the memories were filled with guilt and failure. He wished he hadn't. Not having asked. If it were possible, he would dig his grave and sleep there forever, avoiding the embarrassment of his presence, carried out with disturbances and smiles that did not mean joy, they disguised a non-existent hole, impossible to be seen, or used as a tomb. But constantly felt as a real part of your existence.
"The Wanderer" called "Andromeda' ghost":
- It found?
- I didn't find the only exception.
- And none of the others deserve the fire? I do not deserve?
- You're a ghost. Of ice. And I am someone who covers the nights with the cold of a blizzard.
- And why are you calling, then?
- Because the cold also burns.
- I wanted to run away with you.
- I wish I didn't feel these emotions.
- Smile as I appear.
- Bet on bombshell news.
- Become invisible, just to go unnoticed.
- Having a day off from who I am.
- What stops you?
- Myself. That's it. What I feel. That I fake a smile, not out of falsehood, but because a smile contains hope and not sensation. I myself, who deviates, who hesitates, who appears everywhere in an uncomfortable way and who stretches other people's eyes with speeches based on the essence, but not in total, existence.
I only stay in the place I know and I'm afraid of going to a place where only we know it.
- So you wanted to be like you were when you were a child.
- I have problems.
- Which?
- Those I create.