Chapter 41: Kate's greenstreets
After leaving the group of five different spirits, "The wanderer" followed alone to the middle, trying to reach "Volcano", by himself. The "Sand King" went back to his own kingdom. Promissing to his friend, that he would come back with help.
41 - Kate's greenstreets
"The wanderer" walked to east, untill reach a hidden place, or forgotten by the time. The ruins taken by folliage belong to what was a place made of streets for kids to learn.
A place were young people listened tales with moral dilemas to improve their judgement about life. "The wanderer" didn't know the reason to that place got abandoned, problaby because governament's peoples doesn't want citzen with moral and education.
They want people to follow rulles in a blind way. Work, eat, sleap. Don't even think about what you doing. Don't question. Some people, unfortunately most. Doesn't like very much the one's who makes questions like: Why that man sleeping on the floor, when is so cold outside? Why he gaves everything that he has, to something that makes he feel and look terrible? Why the colour, place of borning, aparence, choises or just the way or living is considerer wrong? Just because their not like ours? Why we "should" chase the ones who are just diffrent? Why any other characteristc matters so much, at the point to be faced as a crime? Why someone has to die, just because how it is?
Kate who made this place, used to believe that any one could be better. And she intendeted to teach kids with arts, musics, theaters ou illustraded books.
She did for some time.
This is why the place has the name "Kate's greenstreets". Here kids used to come and go, to classes that call their attention, by their choises.
By vocation or curiosity. The were taught to respect each other above all. They were incentivated to share knowledge. Kids were introduce to concepts that every part of a job, have meaning.
For example, knowing that a hospital would be uselless without doctor. As well as, would be uselless without, the cleaning team.
Doctors cannot work in an unhealthy place, so even with the distance between their knowledge, one is as important as the other for the functioning of the hospital.
"The wanderer" feel sad about the currentily situation and walking by the streets, find out an old scapular. From a old religion, which does't believed in a god with form, with body. They belived in nature, the reason to green streets having "green" in his name.
Kate believed in the power of spiritual and that spiritual's power could save the world of BACU.
Started to rain. With rage, as if, god was attempting to drow "The Wanderer". He got hide, into what seemed to be like a store in ruins, for who likes to draw.
Another interesting thing about Kate's greenstreets. It was the respect for more peculiar interests, subjects that were not so common, like philosophy or astrology.
Everyone had a corner to study and debate their ideas, no matter how ridiculous they might seem. No one was forced to talk about what they were not interested in, it was just seen as more polite, to openly say: "I don't feel like this conversation", rather than feign interest.
No one were forced to be present into a class that you just, don't agree with or don't care about. After all, life will always find a way to teach what we need to learn.
A city populated by children can feel like a riot for some. Many would imagine such a place as noisy and confusing, but it was actually a very calm place. Because children were encouraged to contain the agitation of the mind, the disturbances, the nervousness of a young age with the use of breathing to the point of reaching their own mastery.
The walls of the old store were filled with phrases. "The Wanderer" was caught by one who says: "Nothing is more dangerous than yesterday's success", Luiz Felipe Scolari. The children were disciplined with the discontent of their performances, see, discontent! Not at all, discouragement. So as not to run the risk of presumption.