Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 15: Day By Day Our Love Getting Deeper

Previous/Continuing: "The wanderer" went to "Moses" house, whom invite him to join into a mission. He must go to the middle of BACU island, in the volcano and throw the red stone. To keep the world in balance.

However, the team have issues with each other. The group is "The wanderer" which no decide yet, "Moses" which is supposed to train "The wanderer" and waits till he make his mind.

"Sand King" that went to south, expecting to get a boat for them (he and "the wanderer") go to north in Hor island.

And The "Rain' Son" whom dosn't talked much, and also waits the nexts moves.

15 - Day By Day, Our Love Getting Deeper

Narrator: Four directions, South, North, West and East. Four elements, Stone, Water, Fire and Wind, respectively. Four cultures, and four primal creatures, nature, animals, spirits and gods. Put all this together and welcome to BACU.

Narrator: Four destiny's, crossing with each other. Against any own will of them. Serving the whims of fate. "The wanderer" represents the east, he lives with a soul fluid just like the wind. According his emotions the wind changes. One day is a summer breeze, another day, according with his mood, he can shake the surroundings with hurricanes. And when hurricane shaked the city you reminded about him.

Narrator: "The wanderer" is the main character, in this story, because he have the obligation to make a decision crucial to their own destiny, and to everyone else's. He can't understand, why a nobody like him have this burden. He is weak, he is addicted, He only cares about snow, he is selfish, he full of mistakes and he don't care with nothing besides snow.

Narrator: He lives walking, but was "born" (is a spiritual world, don't forget) in "The Woods Where Nobody Can", the houses are light, airy and proportionate. His house has a gloomy air, that's the reason for him avoid the place. Even so, he is walking in that direction to think about which decision take.

Narrator: Just as each one has to make crucial choices for their own destinies, which affect everybody else around . We are all alone and together at the same time. As if the universe were a picture, and every living being, every little thing, every existence was a pixel. You are just that pixel, you can't be more, but at the same time, the universe can't be totally completed without you.

Narrator: Therefore, "the wanderer" is the center of this narrative. But, "Dear reader", keep in mind that being the center does not mean being the only one. Just like in chess, the objective is checkmate or capturing the king. However, the game is played by all pieces and a single pawn can make the decisive difference. At least, in the hands of a highly skilled general.


Narrator: The "Sand king" went to his kingdom (Green Coast Kingdom). He is the "Sand king" because he is the most powerful between his own kind. He represents the stone element, because southerners' hearts are hard and unyielding. People in the kingdom are very proud and prejudiced. They care a lot about their appearance and judge other people.

Narrator: Humans with hitorycal tradition. Most with blonde hair. And only a few, like the king, are born with magic to be able can move rocks ou sand, or both. But the "Sand King" doesn't have any political influency, in that case, he is just one more. And his nickname is just a nickname.

Narrator: The buildings inside the kingdom, they are made of stained glass and as the sunlight hits the stained glass and at the same time the sand on the floor reflects on the stained glass, this whole combination creates a serene and multicolored environment. The public spaces have pilasters coated with silver and harmonize with the stained glass windows.

Narrator: The "Sand king" wants a boat, and in the kingdom, is a easy place to find differents kinds of boats. Most people there like to sail. He could leave in half hour, but it will take two days to make a turn in the island and get in the north. He is going to rent a boat, but will waits till "Moses" make contact and say it's time.


Narrator: The "Rain' son" lives in north, in the city called "Azmon" with monumental constructions using stones to guide the water, people there are full with good humor. They are relatively close to the volcane, but a big lake protect them.

Narrator: The streets are big and not paved. The paths are always close to the lake or water ditches, like streams, created to serve the residents. The houses are not big, at most three floors. People are usually on the streets consuming goods. The place has a hot trade.

Narrator: The "Rain' son" is like a prince in north, because of his power and strong connections with the politics, he wants to take control of all island.


Narrator: The "West City" has a big circle in the middle, which is the central square with a main street leading towards the gates. In the shape of a pentagon. People are very religious and often seek the sea to the west, to try to reincarnate, or just visit other worlds or other times.

Narrator: Guided by the fire when was alive, "Andromeda Ghost", became a ghost using to much snow, and death decided to punish her and made her a ghost. So instead using fire as she should made in life. Now she must chase snow. Which turn into a passion for "The wanderer" that, she loves and hates, at same time. Making "Day By Day Our Love Getting Deeper".

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