Chapter 9: Dust and Echoes
[The spectral figure remains still, the burning points of light within its cowl softened, seemingly expectant. The echoing voice has faded, leaving behind the chilling name "Sabaramond" and the cryptic instruction: "…Seek… truth… in… dust…" Elara and Liam stand frozen, processing the spectral guardian's fragmented message, the weight of the veiled threat pressing down on them. The dust script lies at their feet, a silent testament to forgotten knowledge and impending doom. The air, though slightly less oppressive than before, still hangs heavy with the scent of decay and the lingering chill of the archive's spectral presence.]
Elara: (Her voice barely a whisper, her gaze fixed on the dust script) Sabaramond… I've never heard that name before. Have you, Liam?
Liam: (Shaking his head slowly, his brow furrowed in thought) No. It doesn't resonate with any historical records I know. Not kingdom lore, not ancient texts… nothing. It's like… a name erased from memory. Forgotten by time. Which, considering this place… (he gestures around at the decaying archive) …is probably not a good sign.
Elara: (Turning her attention back to the spectral figure, her voice gaining a touch more strength) You said… knowledge to defeat him lies buried here. And… to seek truth in dust. (She glances down at the dust script again, then back to the figure) Is this… dust script… the key? Does it hold the answers we need?
[The spectral figure doesn't respond verbally, but in answer to her unspoken question, it slowly lowers its bone-stylus and gestures towards the dust script, then towards the chaotic shelves overflowing with ancient documents. The movement is subtle, almost imperceptible, but its intent is clear: the answer lies within the archive, somehow connected to the dust and the cryptic message etched upon it.]
Liam: (Stepping closer to the dust script, his magical sword light illuminating it more fully, his eyes narrowed in concentration) "Seek truth in dust…" It's… poetic, in a morbid way. Perhaps the dust itself is more than just decay. Perhaps… it does remember. (He kneels carefully, reaching out a gloved hand to touch the grey powder) Let's examine it. Closely.
[As Liam's fingers brush the dust script, a faint shimmer emanates from the symbols. A subtle, almost imperceptible vibration travels up his arm, a faint tingling sensation that feels strangely… alive. He pulls his hand back slightly, surprised, his eyes widening slightly.]
Liam: (His voice filled with a newfound curiosity) Elara… did you feel that? There's… energy in the dust. Faint, but… present. It's not just inert matter. It's… charged.
Elara: (Kneeling beside him, cautiously reaching out her own hand to the dust script) Yes! I feel it too. Like… a residual magic. Almost like… echoes. Echoes of the past, clinging to the dust, just as the spectral voice said. "Dust remembers…"
[She gently touches the dust script, and as her fingertips brush the symbols, a series of fleeting images flash through her mind – fragmented visions, indistinct and hazy, like glimpses through a thick fog. She sees flashes of light, swirling shadows, glimpses of figures cloaked in darkness, and hears faint, distorted whispers that echo the spectral voice, "…Sabaramond… …ancient… power… …Veil… broken…"]
Elara: (Drawing back sharply, her eyes wide with a mixture of astonishment and unease) Liam… I saw something! Visions… fragmented images… when I touched the dust script. Like… memories… or echoes, just as the spectral voice suggested. The dust… it's reacting to us. It's showing us something.
Liam: (His expression sharpening with understanding) The dust script is a key! Not to be deciphered with our minds, but to be felt, to be experienced with our senses. It's unlocking… memories… echoes of the past, embedded within the dust itself. We need to explore it further, Elara. To touch each symbol, to see what visions, what echoes, they reveal. This is how we seek truth in dust.
[He begins to systematically touch each symbol of the dust script, one by one, focusing intently, his brow furrowed in concentration. Elara follows suit, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. As they touch each symbol, more fragmented visions flood their minds, piecing together slowly, like shards of a shattered mirror, glimpses of the past, whispers of forgotten events, all centered around the name… Sabaramond. The archive itself seems to react to their exploration of the dust script. The humming intensifies, the air grows colder, and the whispering voices, though still faint, now weave themselves into more coherent phrases, guiding them, hinting at the path they must take deeper into the Shadowed Spire, deeper into the mysteries of the Veiled Kingdom, and the looming threat of the forgotten power… Sabaramond.]
....To be continued....