Vanishing Embers

Chapter 99: Stakes



Sen's Journal


Our experimentation with magic has led us to the discovery of 'bonding.' (See page 53) Originally, we couldn't see any practical applications for this concept, but on further experimentation, we have discovered something.


Interestingly enough, this new spell comes from our old friend, the bomb. Building up pressure with incendiaries is nothing new, even to this world. A basic fire sphere uses the same basic principle, and its explosive power seems relatively similar to, let's say a stick of dynamite, at least with our proficiency with the spells.


However, things get interesting when you mix this effect with raw, atmospheric mana. The stick of dynamite… turns into kilos of dynamite.


It is extremely difficult to get to this point. This mixing requires an immense amount of proficiency with the wavelength you are working with, and additionally, taking raw magic into your own body is incredibly dangerous, and will damage and burn your body. However, when done right, the effects are extremely destructive.


As raw magic is a combination of a massive range of wavelengths, the bomb will ignite all the wavelengths corresponding to the original, in the range of the original explosion. This turns your original explosion into literally thousands.


Feng has dubbed it the flare.


Adding more wavelengths into the flare increases its power exponentially, as not only does it increase the amounts of wavelengths detonated beyond the initial explosion, it increases the range of the original as well.


The power could potentially rival a nuclear weapon.


If a person… or… no, maybe a machine… that could harness raw mana…




It is best if we do not tell the others about this.






For a long time, Aisha had mistaken the feeling for hunger. But she knew now that the sinking feeling in her stomach was nothing more than… nothing.


She couldn't stop thinking about Kayle's death. At that harrowing look on his face - not because of the look, but because of the resignation, the peace.


It wasn't fair. He was still young. Aisha had… ruined his life. She had been responsible for the death of almost his entire family.


And yet he had died for her?


It should have been the other way around.


"It should have been the other way around."


Even as the ground shook, as the skies filled with smoke, as the cries of fighting reached her ears, Aisha found that she simply couldn't care. The destroyed buildings of the capital blended into the fires that littered the streets. The screams of the indignant turned muted to her ears. The blood that stained the bottom of her boots joined with the old, dried blood on her shirt.


As if she was snapping out of a trance, Aisha was suddenly made aware of a neck in her outstretched hand, and dimly, she recognized the dagger at her stomach, plinking away harmlessly at her skin.


"You're a monster!" The man choked out, pupils white with a holy glow. "But I will slay you, in the name of Ifri-GLHK!"


Aisha furrowed her brows, ready to crush the man's neck in her hands, but…


(He's just a puppet. Does he really deserve to die?)




Aisha flung the man's body to the side. There was someone else she had to kill. His soul smelled dirty, anyway.




It didn't take long for Aisha to find her target. Levitating in the air with a holy glow, the 'god' struck the earth with beams of fire, trying desperately to keep a neutral, uncaring expression on his face.


How pathetic. Even as he smote down soldiers and civilians alike, he was still trying to retain that air of superiority - like he was above it all.


Of course, it all went away once he caught a glimpse of Aisha. In an instant, his eyes grew ablaze with fury, and an ugly, hate-filled expression filled his face, teeth gritted in pure loathing. His aura, white and controlled, turned chaotic, spilling out in a bright, intense light, burning everything around him, buildings, followers, and soldiers, without discretion.


"You!" He seethed. "This is all your FAULT!"


"This has only been the result of your own actions." Aisha said quietly.


Ifrit let out a scream of rage as he started to charge towards Aisha, robes billowing furiously in the air as he descended towards her, air growing stifling with heat. In the blink of an eye, Ifrit's hands gripped Aisha's shoulders, dragging her along the ground. And as her body was shoved into the stone paths, Ifrit's white eyes stared hatefully into Aisha's bright red ones.





Aisha had never really… heard her mistress yelp before. The tall woman just always seemed to be… all smug, and aloof… but in a good way. Kinda. Aisha could never seem to get on her nerves - no matter what she did, her mistress just always seemed to be all cheerful, affectionate, and playful.


Of course, she still got frustrated, and even a little mad sometimes, but it was never really at Aisha. She would vent to Aisha about a boring class, or an annoying professor, but Aisha had never made her mistress really show anything but either a playful or cheerful smile.


So it came as a massive surprise when the big woman SHRIEKED, as Aisha slid her small hand into Lorian's larger one, coming up on the larger girl from behind. She visibly jumped, retracting and flailing her hand, as if it had been scorched by a hot pan, at the feeling of Aisha's slender digits gently squeezing her own.


Aisha instantly felt sad, her ears drooping flat against her head as she held her hand close to her chest, a hurt expression on her face. She just wanted to hold her mistress's hand… She didn't know that she would have hated it so much.


"Sorry." Aisha whispered, her bottom lip quivering. "I won't try to do that again."


Lorian didn't even need to turn around to see the downtrodden expression on Aisha's face, but when she did, her heart instantly dropped in her chest, heavy with guilt. Despite the burning in her cheeks, she rushed over to the little girl, crouching down to hug and soothe her. Lorian squeezed Aisha's head close to her chest, petting her head hastily, and quickly began to pamper and hug the girl, lest she cry.


"N-no! I w-w-was just surprised!" Lorian stammered, cheeks flushed. "That's all, honest!"


"Really..?" Aisha whispered.

"Yes, of course!"


Aisha shuffled around shyly, looking Lorian in the face, before her eyes grew hopeful again, shining wide with anticipation.


"T-then…" she whispered. "Can we hold hands?"


Lorian's cheeks burned scarlet at the thought, the girl unconsciously rubbing her fingers over the palm over her hand. She shivered, blushing - oh God, she was so sensitive there…


But despite how reluctant she was to oblige Aisha… It was rare when the girl would initiate any physical intimacy. Even when they would hug, Aisha would wait to be pulled in, rather than taking the initiative. It was rather uncharacteristic of her kitten, but it was something that she wanted, no, had to encourage, for the growth of their relationship…


"S-sure." Lorian stammered, gingerly holding out her hand, palm outstretched awkwardly.


It was abundantly clear that she had never held someone's hand before. Made even more obvious when she shivered, as Aisha's slender fingers danced along her own. Her breaths hitched as the digits began to slowly travel downwards, teasing, stroking her. It made her knees weak - she was so unbearably sensitive there! It seemed like hours, days, as Aisha unintentionally teased her, making her pant. Making her blush, making her squirm.


Until finally, their palms pressed together.


Lorian let out a deep breath of relief, although her cheeks were still pink with embarrassment. They were really holding hands… Aisha had taken her virginity! Oh gosh! She was going to burn up - she just wanted to drag Aisha to the bed and curl up into a little ball-


But then Lorian saw Aisha's face. Saw that big, overjoyed smile, the absolute happiness in her face… and her heart melted.


She looked so happy, and cute… it was a reminder that this girl loved her. Adored her.


Lorian had a duty. To make sure this girl was happy. To see that smiling face more…


Even if it meant… h-holding hands.


"Do you l-like it?" Lorian whispered shyly.


"Mmmm…" Aisha purred, eyes fluttering, looking like she was in bliss. "Nnyyyeeeaahhh… meow meow meow… i love you so much mistress… hee hee."


Lorian's breath hitched in her throat. Oh God, she was so adorable! So cuuuute!


Without any warning, Lorian swept the girl up into a big hug, their fingers still interlaced together, their arms pressed together and raised at the shoulder. Both girls, at the same time, looked at their hands, and their blushes grew-





"Are you even paying attention!?" Ifrit snarled. "You are a fool!"


"Maybe I am." Aisha mumbled.


Digging a hand into the ground, Aisha furrowed her brows slightly at the burns that littered her arms and chest. She vaguely remembered sustaining them… although, she found that she just couldn't care about remembering.


What was even the point? All her friends had left her… The thought of Hana, although still strong in her mind…


(Killing him won't bring her back.)


Aisha looked wistfully up into the sky, the sun's rays glaring painfully into her eyes. Her body was beaten, sore, and burned, and…


Ifrit was completely unscathed. Not a single one of her attacks had hit him. Or perhaps, she had never even fired a single one… ah… she was tired. Under different circumstances, she would have been content to just lay down in the sun, melting, drying up.


The sun's rays even dwarfed Ifrit's light. Even as he loomed over her.


"You die here, monster." He said, but all Aisha heard was a garbled mess of nothing, of uninteresting evil, self-righteous garbage. Like the villains in those terrible novels she had read as a kid.


"Enough." Aisha muttered, rising to her feet.


"What!?" Ifrit laughed, baffled. "Look at yourself! You're damaged beyond repair! You think you can act so aloof - like you're above it all!? Interfere in our - MY world, and just do whatever the hell you want!?"

"How ironic." Aisha mumbled.


"It's that attitude." Ifrit hissed. "You think you are superior to me. That you're above the problems of men - that you're special. Well you're NOT! You love, you hate, you have bonds, just like the rest of the humans! YOU'RE NOTHING!"


Aisha was silent. She agreed. But even still…


"You are a hypocrite." She said softly. "You are guilty of the same things. You are here… on the same ground that I stand on, fighting for your own wants and needs… you are no better than I am."


"I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU!" Ifrit erupted, furious.

And with those words, he began to charge once more towards Aisha, a torrent of holy fire trailing behind him, accelerating his body towards the prone girl. His eyes blazed white with rage, and in his hands, blinding white fire gathered, ready to incinerate Aisha.


With a hand, Aisha lazily propped herself into a standing position, and held out her right arm, fist outstretched. Ifrit furrowed his brows for a second, confused, but his angry expression quickly returned to his face, rage blinding his thoughts. He continued in his charge, rushing like a bullet train directly towards Aisha, her lazy, unstable stance only enraging him.


Until Aisha opened her fist, and revealed the contents. A glittering, four-pointed white star, barely even the size of a marble. It looked weak, and pitiful, and it flew slowly, but at the sight of it, the proud god's eyes widened with fear.


"It's not possible." He whispered.




Aisha's words were completely drowned out. In fact, everything went silent. Everything disappeared.


All in a sea of white light.


A pillar of white, tainted with the dark, purple vestiges of Aisha's mana made its way into the sky, blotting out the sky, the sun, the clouds…




Every single soul in the capital turned to the beam of light. The fighting stopped. Far away, Raxas unlocked blades with Bariss, eyes wide as the shockwave flung buildings into the sky, blown away like paper in the wind.


Tremors were sent into the earth. The ground rumbled in protest, crying out in anguish, at the pure force that was pushed into the earth.


And just as soon as it started, it ended. The beam dissipated into the air. The wind stopped rushing. The earth stopped shaking.


The capital was silent. Expecting a more… catastrophic outcome.


And in front of Aisha, there was left a furious god.


"That was NOTHING!" He snarled, dusting off his coat. "An incomplete flare! What a joke!"

"You contained the explosion." Aisha observed.


"Simple work, for such a pitiful effort!"


Ifrit leapt towards Aisha, seeking to close the few meters between them, expecting Aisha to respond halfheartedly, like she had been the entire fight. But the demigod was taken by surprise, when he was met with equal force, a black blur crashing into his body like a freight train.


His gaze met Aisha's, whose eyes were now hard, chitin beginning to grow and form around her body, covering her horns, her ears, and eventually her face.


It was a frightening, inhuman visage, and the animalistic, deafening roar she let out from her mouth reminded Ifrit of the monsters of legends, of great, dragon sized abominations.


The sound echoed throughout the entire capital, echoing off the abandoned streets and tall buildings. Even from the other side of the city, shivers were sent down even the judges' spines, as the sound reached their ears, monstrous and inhuman.


Even Ifrit was stunned by Aisha's new form, her black, corrupted energy billowing out of her body like smoke from a pyre. The force from the collision sent them both in the air, and for just a second, a tiny second, Aisha's mana darkened Ifrit's bright, radiant aura.



Ifrit was snapped out of his surprise by the screaming. The fighting stopped, as soldiers and civilians alike scattered away from the explosion - terrified for their lives, seeing the demonic figure locked in battle with their god.


"You've shown your true colors, huh?" Ifrit struggled out, as his eyes locked onto Aisha's bright red eyes. "Monster!"


"It's not the first time someone's called me that." Aisha growled, her voice deep and gravelly, guttural, like she was forcing out the words.


Ifrit chose not to respond, instead, releasing a jet of holy fire from his hands, met with a similar, dark jet, the two meeting in midair like two opposing streams of water.


Stray mana began to leak everywhere, destroying the streets, and vaporizing buildings. Initially, a bit of fear showed on Ifrit's face, watching the junction of their two spells, but it soon turned into a smug look as it began to slowly move towards Aisha, her spell weaker than his by a rather large margin.


But even still… even still, the demon girl still had that infuriating - confident look on her face - as if she wasn't about to be vaporized, like she wasn't about to be BLOWN off the face of the earth, never to bother Ifrit again. Like she wasn't about to be proven wrong, like she wasn't about to be shown why she was inferior to a god, in every way possible.


Aisha's voice poked inside his head, and, humoring the girl, he let her thoughts through, assured in his victory. Her words came across cool, relaxed almost. It infuriated him.


(You know, I always wondered why you hung around those priest girls. Among the humes. You never really seemed to like them.)


(A god needs subjects.) Ifrit sent back through the link, his voice smug and self-assured. A satisfaction that only increased as he slowly overwhelmed the demon..


Aisha's words came disdainfully, even as Ifrit's holy fire came closer and closer to her face.

(I find it strange that people would choose to believe in you. You offer nothing to them. They suffer regardless of your actions. But then… I realized.)


(Are you trying to stall for time?) Ifrit shot back. (You're going to be destroyed. These are a poor choice of last words.)


(They worship you because they are scared.) Aisha's message was quiet. (They are frightened by war… by poverty… They worship you because they believe that you can protect them. And you need their worship… in that way, you are really just an avatar of hopes. Fragile, fragile hopes.)


Ifrit's eyes suddenly widened, as he realized. Why Aisha had let loose the incomplete flare. Why she had transformed into her demonic visage. Why she had dragged the fight into the air. His eyes darted across the capital rapidly, as if looking for a way out - but it was far too late, and Aisha's spell began to grow in intensity, swallowing up the light in the sky.


(Hopes are such a fascinating thing…) Aisha whispered. (They have a power even beyond logic, beyond imagination… and yet, they are such a fragile thing. They can be lost so easily… with just a little chink in the armor… if you can show that their god can bleed…).


Ifrit felt true fear enter his heart, as suddenly, he was made aware of the darkness that was creeping into the atmosphere. As Aisha's massive, consuming aura grew larger and larger, and his own aura grew dimmer and dimmer. As those bright red eyes bored into his soul, swallowing him whole.


(In that way, I think fear is a much more attractive concept.)




Aisha's eyes grew softer.

"You're right." She muttered.


(I shouldn't win. I have no motivation - no stake in this. In any of this. I'm just a passerby in this story. )


"HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG!?" Ifrit demanded, shrieking as his stream grew weaker and weaker. "YOU SHOULD BE NOTHING! MY WILL - MY WILL IS GREATER THAN YOURS! YOU ARE NOTHING!"


(You have much more reason to win. I have nothing left here to fight for. I don't have anyone cheering for my victory. I don't have someone to protect anymore.)


Aisha's red eyes looked disdainfully into Ifrit's.


"But unfortunately, I have already evolved past you." She said quietly. "You're nothing."


Aisha's jet of darkness completely enveloped Ifrit's, and as he was blasted out of the air, the demigod's eyes grew terrified as suddenly, the screaming was made audible to his ears.


The screams of the people who once believed in him. Every last bit of divine power, the power gifted to him by the people he once protected - left him, as he fell out of the sky, bested by the darkness.



And as he laid on the ground, the screaming was all that he could really hear. Even as Aisha descended in front of him, eyes soft with disdain…


All of a sudden, it seemed like the weight of his actions fell onto him, all at once. He had forgotten about the people he had sworn to protect. The people that he had developed his powers for. Blinded by hate, and frustration…


"Isn't it quite the feeling." Aisha said neutrally. "Failure."


The sound of clanking metal began to grow in the distance, a sound that Aisha recognized - the sound of judge magisters, rushing frantically over to their location.


But Aisha didn't really care about them.


"You're not going to forgive me, are you." Ifrit muttered, his white robes stained with dirt from the ground. The same dirt that covered Aisha like a film, saturated into her clothes, and her body. He still glared at Aisha hatefully, but there was a strange humility in his gaze. A forced humility, of course, but nonetheless… he looked human, dirty and beaten, clothes burned and tattered…


Aisha took a kind of sick satisfaction from seeing him on her level. No. Below her.




"I had a dream too, you know." Ifrit mumbled. "Of a world without… without fighting."


"Isn't that ironic." Aisha said unsympathetically, stepping closer.


"I'm surprised you haven't killed me yet."


"I don't really have a reason to." Aisha sighed.


As if a beacon of light had appeared in the distance, Ifrit's expression changed, his eyes going wide with hope. Hope that perhaps…


"I- I…" Ifrit stammered. "I don't know what you want. B-but they need me! We're in war - they need - they need- they need something to believe in- I-"


Aisha just stared impassively at the man, her eyes half-lidded and cold.


"Please…" Ifrit begged. "I-... I'm the only one who can make things right. I can- I can save the city - still - I will be a better god- I-"


Aisha's eyes suddenly turned red with fury, and her fists clenched, her claws drawing blood from her palms. It was like a switch was turned on in her body - as her apathy suddenly turned into rage.


(Hana. Hana. Hana.)




(Hana. Hana.)


The name echoed inside of her head, drowning out her thoughts. Drowning out Aiyu's protests, her own voice of reason, of even Kayle's memories.


"Pathetic. You…" Aisha seethed. "Make things right…? You can't… What about Hana!? Huh…!? How are you going to make that right!? How are you going to bring her back…?"


"...I-..." Ifrit stammered. "Who's that?"



The jingling and clanking of plated armor grew even closer, and the first judge burst into the street, just in time to see Aisha plunge her fist into Ifrit's chest.


"NO!" Bariss screamed. "LITTLE BROTHER!"


The heavy-set man let out a cry of despair and fury as he rushed towards Aisha, just as his brother did. But just like his brother, he stood no chance against the superpowered Aisha, helmet flying off his head as he was launched backwards, bowling over Raxas and Tylich as they made their way into the clearing.


Gasps were heard collectively as the six remaining judges poured into the clearing, all beaten and damaged, as their eyes laid sight on Ifrit's corpse, his crimson blood staining Aisha's claws.


Shortly after, dozens of black-clad figures followed, and Aisha heard screams, as even the usually stoic agents were met with the same sight.


"It… it can't be." Vayne whispered, stunned.


Havel's eyes widened with fear. "A…A-Ai-Aisha?"


Aisha carefully took stock of the situation in front of her, watching with a dangerous, alert look as she licked the foul blood off of her claws. She winced as the pain in her chest made itself apparent - the fight had taken more out of her body then she had expected. She had overexerted herself, and there was no way that she could take a few judges and all of those agents.


If she could consume the false god's soul…


Aisha hissed as a blade was placed to her neck, from behind. Her eyes narrowed. She hadn't seen anyone sneak behind her. So who…?


"The stripper?" Aisha furrowed her brows, her eyes meeting the emerald-green eyes of the strange, white haired harlot she had ran into in the lower ring.


"I have no idea what you're talking about." Mao laughed.


The white haired woman laid her chin on Aisha's shoulder as she got much closer to her, much closer than someone who was attempting to apprehend her should have been. She wasn't exactly surprised. Out of all the people she had met in the capital, the cute albino had made the strongest impression, due to just how... similar they were.


Aisha raised an eyebrow when she felt a pair of lips press against her cheek.


"Sorry." Mao apologized, her face not visible, but her tone a little bashful. "Couldn't help myself. Force of habit."

"Let me go." Aisha mumbled.

"I'm helping you out." Mao whispered back. "Are you willing to sacrifice the people you care about for power?"


"How do you know-"

"I've been looking out for you." Mao whispered. "Consider it an act of goodwill. So that we might work together in the future. Or settling a debt."

"I haven't done anything for you." Aisha frowned.


"Oh, you have."


Mao looked away playfully, although Aisha could easily tell, even without the aid of the scanning ability she had taken from the machina, that the woman in front of her had cunning that easily surpassed her own.


Her suspicions grew. This woman clearly had ulterior motives, but it was difficult to tell what intentions lie beneath that strangely affectionate... front? Exterior? Did it matter?


Even more suspicious was the strange, fading energy in the woman's chest.


No. She recognized it. It was the same as the fading soul in front of her. A fading soul, going...


"Thank you for your assistance." Mao purred, carefully hiding the surge in power in her chest. "...I feel bad for you. I kind of wish I could help you. But for now..."


Aisha let out a low growl in her throat, although she didn't dare move against the blade pressed against her neck.


"What was your name again?" Aisha mumbled. "Meowy?"


"Ah, it's Judge Mao now. But you can call me Meowy, cutie."


Aisha opened her mouth in indignation, but before any words could escape her mouth, a blunt object hit the back of her head, and her vision went black.

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