Chapter 56: Remembrance
Raxas checked the sun's position, almost sunset. How long had it been? He felt like he had been waiting for hours, just sitting on the steps leading up to the church. It was strange, really, usually they were extremely quick about these things…
"What the hell?" Raxas muttered as he trudged up the steps, to see Aisha in the arms and laps of what looked to be eight girls, all clutching and hugging Aisha like an adored stuffed animal. Curious hands stroked her ears, played with her cheeks, ran themselves along her arms…
"Hey! Nooooo!" The priests cried, as Raxas pushed a few priests aside, extracting the now healed Aisha from their grasps. He slung the unconscious girl over his shoulder, ignoring the raspberry that was blown at his back, as he made his way down the steps to the church, Aisha's face being forced against his back with every step.
"W-where am I?" Aisha asked groggily, scrunching her face in annoyance as her face was slammed against Raxas's back. "Put me down…"
Raxas obliged, taking a seat next to Aisha as the fey girl sat down, putting both of her hands on her head in an attempt to get her bearings.
"You're at the church." Raxas said. "After I… cut you."
"Mmm." Aisha mumbled. "Uurghhh… That's right…"
"Im sorry." Raxas said quietly.
"I… I lost…" Aisha said, her eyes downcast. "I stood no chance…"
"That's what you took out of that?" Raxas asked, raising an eyebrow. "Of course you lost."
"No no no no…" Aisha said bitterly. "I'm… I was supposed to… If I can't beat you, then…"
"It wasn't a fair fight." Raxas reassured Aisha. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Even Aless-"
"It has nothing to do with fairness!" Aisha snapped. "I stopped caring about that a long time ago! I have to be better than Aless! I have to be better than you! Otherwise… there's no way…"
Aisha's voice began to choke up as she thought about her mistress, and Raxas, sensing that a sore spot had been hit, put a hand on the girl's back in the most reassuring way he could muster.
"There's no rush." Raxas said. "I believe that you'll surpass me, if you're really that determined to."
"You don't get it…" Aisha muttered. "There's no way I could possibly… match your strength, the way I am…"
"You did pretty well." Raxas reassured. "You did much better than Aless. She didn't even see the surprise attack coming."
"Don't patronize me." Aisha said spitefully. "I…"
Raxas sighed as Aisha put her head back into her hands, muttering to herself about mistresses and souls and never being good enough… He was never going to get anywhere like this, and he was running out of patience, after waiting hours for the priests to finish healing Aisha.
"Who'd you train with before you became an adventurer?" Raxas asked, trying to change the subject, but receiving nothing in response.
"You know, I never had a teacher." Raxas said. "Everything I know is from years of living. But I never got to have that experience."
"Okay. Well-"
"I don't know." Aisha responded.
Raxas raised an eyebrow. "You don't know?"
"I knew… nothing about him." Aisha said softly. "He offered to make me stronger, and I took it. At first I thought he was going to curse me with powers, or something… some sort of demon contract."
"But he didn't." Raxas said, stating the obvious.
"No. He didn't." Aisha chorused. "I wish it was that easy."
"He made me stronger." Aisha muttered. "He… made me realize."
"Realize what?"
"That the world isn't fair." Aisha sighed. "And there's nothing I can do to change that."
"But you can change yourself, right?" Raxas added.
Aisha nodded in response, her eyes taking on an expression that Raxas hadn't seen the fey take before. Hard, and focused, so unusual to see on her face, and yet so familiar to the veteran. An expression filled with… nothing but weariness, and stoicism, like the eyes of someone who had lived a million lifetimes. Raxas wondered… what that training was like to give that girl that expression.
"Did he give you the sword?" Raxas asked.
Aisha shook her head. "No."
"Then I feel a little less bad about breaking it." Raxas sighed, taking out the shattered pieces of Aisha's drakeblood sword.
A pit opened in his stomach- it was a really nice and high quality sword, and the only reason he was able to break it was because Aisha took such terrible care of it. Finding a replacement was going to be… expensive, it was probably worth over fifty gold coins. His wallet cried softly in his pockets.
"I can always find another sword." Aisha muttered dismissively. "Didn't even use it that much."
"If I might make a suggestion." Raxas sighed. "You should find a better choice of weapon."
"You should find a weapon that makes better use of your strengths, and makes up for your weaknesses." Raxas explained. "You're physically strong, and agile, but you're short, and small."
"Thanks." Aisha said sarcastically.
"Ideally, you would use a weapon that can leverage your strength better, while increasing your range." Raxas continued. "A poled weapon could be useful, or a greatsword, like mine."
"Mmm…" Aisha mumbled.
"It's just a suggestion." Raxas said, getting up and putting a few coins into Aisha's lap. "I don't really have a lot on me, but here's some compensation."
Raxas left, leaving Aisha to sit on the steps, thinking.
Aisha didn't really know where to go, so she just went to the closest place she knew from the church, which was Celeste's apartment, which the two women living inside had turned into a jungle of sex. Celeste had always been kind of a messy woman, but now that Hana was also living there, who cared nothing for cleanliness or organization…
Aisha stepped over a stocking, resisting the urge to clean, making her way over to the bedroom. Oddly enough, when she opened the door, Celeste was gone, and Hana was just lazing around by her lonesome… doing what succubi usually did when they were alone.
"O-ohh!" Hana half-yelped, half-moaned, her face flushed. "A-a-Aisha! H-hhhiiiii."
"Move over."
Hana quickly took her hands out from under the covers, as Aisha made her way onto the bed next to Hana, laying her head on the big woman's shoulders, and cuddling up with her.
Hana attempted to pet Aisha's ears, but lifting her hand and seeing her wet fingers… She stuck them in her mouth first, before wiping them on the bed sheets, adding to the growing moisture on the mattress.
"Oh Aisha…" Hana sighed, pulling the girl in close, as Aisha buried herself into the demon's cleavage. "What's wrong?"
"Nubbin wrong." Aisha mumbled.
"With you, there's always something wrong." Hana said with a wry smile. "Either you're just lying, or you don't know yet."
"Oh well." Hana sighed, turning onto her side and wrapping her arms around the smaller girl, purring in comfort. "Oh… mmmm…"
"You know… I think I get why you like cuddling so much…" Hana whispered. "I-it does feel amazing… after sex… and you're so tired, and you get to just hold something in your arms, while you-"
"No!" Aisha said firmly, with a surprising amount of passion. Hana was visibly surprised, her eyebrows rising, and her eyes going wide. The determined, passionate look on Aisha's face was undoubtedly adorable, her big eyes shining with an energy that Hana didn't usually see on the moody girl. Her heart couldn't help but pound in a way that the succubus wasn't used to.
"Cuddling is about being close to someone!" Aisha said passionately. "It's about trusting someone enough to relax in their arms… And for both people to enjoy each other's bodies, while they slowly fall asleep together… It's the ultimate… um… show of affection… between two…
... lovers."
Aisha's voice faltered as her gaze locked onto Hana's amused expression, suddenly realizing how embarrassing what she was saying was. She buried her red face back into the covers, and Hana laughed, putting a hand on the back of Aisha's head, beginning to lightly stroke.
"You're absolutely adorable, you know that?" Hana giggled.
"So they say." Aisha said, her voice muffled.
"You don't think that you're cute?" Hana asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I see no reason why I would be any cuter than any of you girls." Aisha mumbled.
Hana broke out in giggles, unable to believe her ears.
"Seriously? That's so cute!" She squealed, laughing uncontrollably. "Oh Aisha…"
Aisha squirmed uncomfortably, whining in her throat. "Don't make fun of me…"
"You really can't see it?" Hana giggled. "Come on!"
"I dooooon't!" Aisha whined. "Why don't you tell me?"
"Well… I… uh… Huh." Hana put on a thoughtful look. "It's hard to explain."
"Mmmmm…" Aisha pouted, making a displeased, but still cute, look. Hana couldn't help but reaffirm herself. It really was difficult to describe…
"Ummm… think about it this way!" Hana offered. "Kids are cute, right?"
"I hate kids." Aisha said, deadpan.
"Errr…. Okay then." Hana said. "Ummm… slimes are cute, right?"
"Are you saying that I'm squishy?"
Hana giggled as she squeezed Aisha, first her midsection, and then her cheeks. "Kind of!"
"That still doesn't answer my question…" Aisha mumbled. "You're also squishy…"
"Awww, thank you." Hana cooed, giggling. "Do you like squishy girls?"
"...Yes. B-but that's not… the point…" Aisha mumbled.
"You like to cuddle up with a biig, squishy, soft woman?" Hana teased. "Like me? Someone you can really… sink into and cuddle with?"
"..y-yeah…" Aisha whispered, going red. "I like… um. Cuddling…"
"Yeah you do." Hana giggled. "I think I do too, you know that? Especially with someone all soft and squishy…"
Aisha mumbled a small "mmm" in agreement, starting to feel sleepy, the healing of her wounds draining her energy, and making her eyelids droop.
"What's your type?" Hana asked nonchalantly. "Oh wait. Right."
"What's yours?" Aisha asked back, sleepily.
"Mmmmm…" Hana mused, thinking. "I guess… I like big, squishy women too. Hehe. Oh man… you humes are so… wow…"
"I'm not your type?" Aisha mumbled.
Hana laughed sheepishly. "I-I guess not. But I did… like you. A lot. Just not meant to be, you know?"
"Mmm… Yeah."
Aisha snuggled a bit deeper into Hana's body, rubbing her face on the woman's navel sleepily. For a while, she just laid there,
"You know…you were the first girl that… well… liked me." Hana confessed. "Just for… who I was. Not for survival, or… sex."
"I wish you liked me more." Hana said sadly. "Enough to stay."
"I'm sorry." Aisha croaked.
"I-it's okay." Hana mumbled, giving Aisha a singular, long stroke down her ears, eliciting a very pleased murmur. "Oh… it would just be… so easy."
All Aisha saw was blackness, stretching out for miles and miles with nothing in sight. She looked down at her feet, and if she couldn't feel the solid ground beneath her, she would think that she was falling. The entire space was disorienting, and confusing.
(What's happening? What's going on?)
"Sit down. Stay a while."
Aisha whipped around to see who had spoken, to see…
"You!" She yelled, grasping at her hip for a sword that wasn't there. "What the-"
"This is a dream, idiot." Dream-Xelos said, picking up a stick from the blackness. Aisha got a good look at what was going on around the man. He sat on a log, poking at a small campfire with a stick. It looked like… a small camp.
Aisha reluctantly took a seat on a log next to Xelos, turning her head to look at that familiar, impassive face.
"What am I doing here?" Aisha asked. "Why aren't I dreaming about mistress?"
"You are." Xelos said, motioning to the fire. Aisha looked in, and sure enough, visions of Aisha and her mistress, playing and cuddling flitted across the flames, visions dancing across the orange light like a slideshow.
"...Where am I?" She asked, after a long while of staring into the fire.
"In your soul." Xelos said. "What little there is of it."
"I don't have a soul."
"You do." Xelos said simply. "Not the kind of soul that you're thinking of. This space is more of… a manifestation of your inner thoughts and desires. For all intents and purposes… a soul. Minus the magic."
"...Why is it so empty?" Aisha asked, looking out into the suffocating nothingness.
"Because there is nothing to fill it." Xelos said.
"Your memories-" He pointed to the fire.
"Your connections-" He motioned towards the logs.
"And your logical mind." He said, turning to look Aisha directly in the eyes.
Aisha looked down at herself, in the dream.
"Is this it?" She asked. "Just me, you, and this campfire?"
"Clearly." Xelos said. "There might have once been something else… but…"
"...But what?" Aisha asked.
"Everything from before you met that woman, you've cast into that-" He said, waving his hand into the darkness. "So you've got like a year's worth of stuff in here."
"...Why do you sound different than you did?" Aisha said, pointing into the fire, which now played visions of training. "From then?"
"Because I'm not actually him." Xelos said, rolling his eyes. "I'm you, remember?"
"Why aren't you me?"
"I am you."
"No, I mean…" Aisha pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why don't you look like me?"
"I don't know." Xelos said. "You should know, not me."
"Me?" Aisha asked. "Why?"
"You're the emotions." Xelos said flatly.
The fire crackled in the nothingness, the only beacon of light or sound in the desolate space that was Aisha's mind.
"...Why… why isn't… mistress here?" Aisha whispered.
"It would be a little weird to see you two being all kissy-kissy in your own head."
"What?" Aisha said, completely unused to hearing that vocabulary come out of that body.
"Nothing." Xelos said. "At any rate, there is a very important reason that you're here, and that's- goddammit!"
"-Huh?" Aisha mumbled deliriously, as she was shaken vigorously. "Wuh- What's the important? Whatszzz…"
"Wake up." Aless said, shaking Aisha's shoulders. "Hey! Wake up!"
"Lightning girl?" Aisha murmured. "Wha… what are you doing here? Get out of my dream…"
Aless sighed as she slid the covers down, putting a hand on Aisha's tummy.
"Hee hee." Aisha giggled. "I like tu-AIIIEEEEEEEEE!"
Aisha squealed as electricity coursed through her stomach unpleasantly, making her arms and legs thrash as her midsection spasmed, making her fall out of bed in an undignified heap. Aless glared at Aisha's body on the floor, clad only in her black little panties and breast wrappings, and scarf, oddly enough.
"Hey Aisha!" Two said, popping out from behind Aless. "What's up."
"Why are you two here?" Aisha groaned. "Aren't I still…"
"You are still at that girl's apartment." Aless sighed. "We're here to pick you up."
"Another mission?" Aisha asked, squeezing her eyes shut, before trying to pick herself off the floor.
"Um. Not really." Two said.
"Shopping. Really?" Aisha deadpanned.
"Well…" Two chuckled nervously. "It wasn't exactly by choice."
"Uuuuughhh…" Two groaned, slumping back in his chair, putting down the sheet of paper he was looking at. "Import records? Really?"
"The most important information is in the least interesting documents." Raxas mused. "And information never sleeps."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Two asked.
"Why don't you get Aless to do this stuff?" Two asked. "She clearly wants the job more than me."
"You have more free time."
"Wha- aplpplppplp- That's not true!" Two sputtered. "I have… classes! And stuff."
"You haven't been to class in three days." Raxas muttered.
Two opened his mouth, about to blurt something about how Raxas knew, but the question didn't leave his lips, as the answer was obvious. He sat back down in his chair, sulking.
"They're too easy." Two scoffed. "There's no point in going."
"The point of going is so that you can have the experience." Raxas muttered. "Make friends, other than the other agents. Besides, this job probably isn't going to last forever. I'm probably not going to be a judge forever."
"I'll just go work for whoever succeeds you, then." Two said.
"I don't think you should do that." Raxas said seriously, setting his papers down.
"Why not? This is what I've been trained to do, since I was… uh…"
"That's exactly why I think you should… see the outside world." Raxas muttered. "What happened to you kids is… awful. You deserve a chance at… not this. This ugly… game of politics."
"Without the program, I probably would have starved." Two said grimly. "The program gave me food and training. How is that awful?"
"I'm not saying that you should have picked starving over that." Raxas said, shaking his head. "I'm just saying that… you deserve better."
Two's facial expression went soft and concerned, at the tiniest bit of emotion that entered Raxas's voice as he spoke, right before he stopped talking. Looking into the man's eyes, Two saw his usual hard blue irises, but looking closer… he saw caring. It made his mouth dry up.
"I…" He started.
"Look, if you really want to do something else, there's something you can do."
"You go to school?" Aisha asked. "Like… college?"
"Yeah." Two said, scratching the back of his head. "Raxas suggested it, since… you know, I'm nineteen… so…"
"You're only nineteen?" Aless said, surprised.
"Yeah, do I look older?" Two said, a twinge of happiness in his voice.
"No, you look like you're still in middle school!"
Two's face fell, and his expression went sour.
"Ha Ha, Aless. Thanks."
"What about you?" Aisha asked, turning to Aless. "Why are you here?"
Aless paled. "Uh."
"Sir, Aless, reporting in." The tall woman declared, not even sparing a glance at Two, who muttered something angrily under his breath as he passed her in the doorway.
"You're not supposed to be here…" Raxas said wearily. "In fact, I've only asked for you once this past week, and yet you've been here five times already."
"I'm just trying to help, sir." Aless said.
"Aless." Raxas sighed. "Why don't you take some time to enjoy yourself? Don't you have a girlfriend? Don't you want to see her?"
"Sir…" Aless shifted uncomfortably. "I'm… not supposed to have… fun. I l-love Mimi… of course… but…"
Aless swallowed a load of saliva. "I have to do my job. And my job is to… serve you."
"You've already done a fine job." Raxas shook his head. "You deserve something other than… what lies ahead. If you continue like this."
Aless hung her head, her lips pale and face clammy. "I-it's… it's what I have to do. What I've been trained to do."
Raxas looked at Aless with a sorrowful expression.
"Is there really nothing I can say that will change your mind?"
"No." Aless whispered.
Raxas sighed. "Okay. Well then, I have a job for you."
"Nothing." She said.
"Where's my clothes?" Aisha muttered, lazily. "Nnnnnnnn…"
Aless stared at Aisha as she laid spread-eagle on the floor, pressing her cheek against the floorboards, very naked and also, probably very cold. Two leaned over Aless's shoulder to see, but the tall woman jabbed her finger into his stomach, making him recoil in surprise.
"Go wait outside." Aless muttered.
"Ugh, fine."
Aless sighed as she heard Two leaving, closing the door behind him, and her attention now lay on Aisha, the girl still, unmoving on the floor. Asleep.
"Goddammit Aisha…" She sighed. "Uhhh…"
Aless wrapped her arms around Aisha's waist, and her eyes lit up in surprise when she put a hand on Aisha's waist.
(It's… so soft… and squishy… Even though she's so muscular…)
She ran her hands over Aisha's stomach in wonder, marveling at how her abs looked so defined, and yet moved and squished around, as if she was wearing a fake six-pack.
"Having fun?" A voice whispered into her ear, breathily and seductively. Aless's eyes snapped open, and she swung her hand backwards in a panic, hitting nothing but air. Hana giggled as she floated backwards, dodging the lightning that arced from the tall woman's hand.
"Jeez, someone's tightened a little tight." She laughed, as Aless glared.
"Succubus…" She said warily. "...I knew Aisha brought one back, but…"
"Aw, don't be like that!" Hana said, beaming a genuine, earnest smile. "Keep playing with Aisha. I have my own toy to play with."
And with that, she floated off towards the living room, leaving Aless to sit embarrassed, having been enraptured by Aisha another time. It was just unfair! The girl was so adorable, it was impossible to resist touching her…
Aless smacked herself. "Come on. Clothes."
Aless started looking around the room, and after a bit of searching, she sighed as she found Aisha's uniform, thrown under the bed in a big pile. She picked it up and she reeled; the smell coming from the clothes was… intoxicating, Aisha's natural scent was amazing, as most fey did, but it was incredibly strong and musky. She clearly had not washed it in a while.
Aless panicked as she resisted the urge to smell Aisha directly. It was absolutely dangerous to be in the same room as the girl. The urge to hug and kiss her was overwhelming, and she had only gotten Aisha's legs into her uniform so far.
Aless blushed as she made her way out of the apartment, carrying Aisha, but not before she got a good look at the enchantress leaping into the arms of the succubus like a puppy, the two women giggling and cooing as they cuddled together in their own little wonderland. Aless felt queasy to her stomach as the succubus winked at her when she exited the front door.
"What took so long?" Two asked.
"Shut up."
"Okay." Two said, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with. Raxas told us that we should help her buy a new sword… and… I think that was it."
Aless sighed. "We should get her some clothes too. She's been wearing the same thing since she started adventuring."
Two stepped back in surprise. "Whoa, really? When does she wash it?"
"She doesn't."
"...Huh." Two said, after a pause. "Okay, well… that's going to be at least a gold coin."
"How much money did he give you?" Aless asked.
Two held out his palm. "...Five gold."
"We could buy her just a regular steel sword…" Two suggested tentatively, cringing at the disdainful expression he got in return from Aless.
"What we buy for her is her only weapon!" Aless said sternly. "We have to get something good!"
"Okay, well…" Two muttered. "I'm broke. You got any money?"
"...You don't have any money either."
"Isn't Aisha rich?" Aless asked. "She never spends any money, except on food. She's gotta have a lot of money saved."
"Well, go wake her!"
Aless shook Aisha a bit, in her arms, and the girl stirred, weakly flailing her arms and legs around.
"Aisha." She said firmly. "Do you have any money?"
"Mmmm…" Aisha mumbled, burying her face into Aless's chest. "Ugh. Not very squishy."
Aisha yelped as she was dropped onto the floor, dirt getting on all her clothes as she sprawled out on the ground in an undignified heap.
"I think I have some coins…" Aisha mumbled.
"Hey, you can't just wait at the door." Aless said. "This is YOUR weapon!"
"What's the point anyways." Aisha sighed. "If an ant picks up a pebble, does that make her more likely to kill god?"
"What's wrong with you now?" Aless sighed. "I thought we got past this."
"Hey, Aless, don't be so hard on her…" Two said.
"I would like to get out of here as soon as possible." Aless snapped irritably. "I have better things to do than babysit Aisha!"
"I'll do it, if you don't want to!" Hana said cheerfully, hanging off of Celeste's arm.
"Why are you even here?"
Hana giggled as she laid her head on Celeste's shoulder, absentmindedly playing with the enchantress's silky, but unwashed and wrinkled dress. Celeste looked quite pleased, entangling her fingers with Hana's, much to her surprise.
"Ah! D-dear!" She squeaked, jumping back while staring at their interlocked hands. "I-in public!?"
Celeste laughed. "You have a problem with this, out of everything that you do?"
"Even I have limits!" Hana yelped.
"And this is it?" Celeste giggled.
"Enough!" Aless snapped. "Aisha, just get over here!"
"Fine…" Aisha muttered.
Aisha walked around the shop, lifting and trying out a few different swords, but none of them really seemed to pique the fey girl's interest. She scratched her head as she wandered into an aisle that held various poled blades, some taller than even Aisha herself. She lifted a few, but just like the rest, she furrowed her brows before putting it back carelessly, much to the chagrin of the clerk. Finally, she wandered into the greatswords section, before her eyes lit up-
"No! No. No." Aless said, glaring at Aisha. "Put that down."
"Why?" Aisha whined, hugging a massive sword the size of a non-Aisha, fully grown human. "I want it."
"First of all, that's…" Aless looked at the tag on the handle. "Nine platinum coins."
"I can afford that." Aisha muttered.
"What!?" Two guffawed.
"Seri-" Aless stopped in her tracks, shaking her head. "I mean, second of all, there's no way you're going to be able to use that."
"I can lift it just fine!" Aisha whined, hefting the blade. "Look."
"It's not even about that." Aless said. "It's bigger than you are. It's going to be really awkward to swing."
"MMmmmmm…" Aisha groaned.
"You wanna spar with it?" Aless suggested, eyes narrowed. Aisha shrunk under her gaze.
"No." She said in a small voice. "But all the other ones are too light."
"Swords aren't supposed to be super heavy!" Aless said, drawing her sword, a long katana, brandishing it in the light. "They're supposed to be an extension of yourself, a part of your soul! Imagine if one of your arms was a hundred kilos!"
"Don't actually imagine it!"
A few minutes later, Aisha left the store with a big, two handed sword, that to a regular sized human, would just be a longsword. Aisha looked at the thing disdainfully.
"Why do you even want a huge sword?" Two asked.
"Looks cool." Aisha whispered.
"What?" Two asked, leaning in.
"Lu coo." Aisha whispered, even more quiet.
"She probably just wants to look cool!" Hana giggled.
Two raised an eyebrow. "Is that true?"
"I don't think it is." Aless muttered.
"..." Aisha was silent.
"Seriously?" Aless asked. "Are you a child? Why?"
"I want to look cool. So she'll… like me." Aisha mumbled.
Everyone was silent. Celeste put a hand on Aisha's ears, beginning to send soothing strokes down the girl's head.
"Why does everyone treat her like a baby?" Aless asked irritably. "Aisha's a grown adult!"
"Whoa, really?" Hana asked.
"Hey, Aless…" Two said, putting a hand on the tall woman's shoulder.
Aless's face softened when she saw Aisha's downcast expression, suddenly feeling the guilt hit her.
"Er. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to… snap like that. Aisha." She said earnestly.
"No, you're right." Aisha whispered. "I need to… grow up."
"No, you don't have to." Aless said with concern. "Everyone likes you the way you are!"
Aless wrapped Aisha in a hug. Willingly. And after a few minutes, Aisha hugged her back.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Aless mumbled, taking a deep breath of Aisha's scent. "I'm just… frustrated. I… oh. Hhh… you smell so good…"
Two raised an eyebrow, as did Celeste, as Hana giggled.
Aless cleared her throat and removed herself from the hug, now blushing profusely.
"Um. Clothes. Yes."
"Did someone say clothes?" An energetic voice called from behind the group.
Fei gave Celeste a big hug from the back, shopping bags in hand with her trademark bubbly attitude and big, friendly smile. Celeste turned around and smiled back, as did Hana.
"Oh god, not another one." Aless groaned.
"I looove shopping!" Fei said. "Celeste, it's been such a long time! Did that succubus-"
Hana gave Fei a sly grin, relishing how Fei's expression went from happy, to horrified, in about half a second.
"Oh no. Oh no no no! No!" She said, backing up. "Uuuu-uuuhhh, I gotta go!"
Fei started to back up, but tripped over her heels, landing flat on her butt and getting dirt all over her sunny dress. She squealed and covered her eyes as Hana sat on her crotch mischievously, smirking as she put both hands on the side of Fei's head.
"W-why do I feel skin!?" Fei cried. "O-oh my gosh, a-a-are you naked!?"
"Yyyyes I am." Hana purred. "Wouldn't you like to… touch?"
"I-I would like to… um. Put some clothes on you!" Fei stammered. "You know! Clothes!"
"Oh, well, that's fine too."
"I thought you hated clothes?" Aisha asked.
"Oh, well… I kind of want to try.them." Hana sighed, absentmindedly grinding on top of Fei. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…"
"So, can we go?" Fei whimpered.