Chapter 53: The Black Market
Lorian smiled as she heard the door to the house open, laying down on the couch, her back and butt showing nicely. She liked to dress and act provocative, in the hopes that maybe one day Aisha would pick up on her clues, but after a few months… she decided that it was unlikely. Oh well. It was quite liberating to just roam around the house naked.
Lorian giggled as Aisha appeared in her view, holding her hands in front of her stomach shyly. Lorian prepared for Aisha to launch herself at her, but the girl was uncharacteristically still, an embarrassed look on her face.
"What's wrong?" Lorian asked, smiling softly in amusement. Usually when Aisha got all silent and embarrassed, it was because she wanted to ask something.
"U-u-uuummm…" Aisha mumbled. "Can you… flip over?"
"Eh?" Lorian was surprised. "Flip over? Why?"
"Well I just…" The shy little fey responded. "I don't know… how to hug you like that."
"What?" Lorian laughed. "Just lay on top of me and wrap your arms around my waist! Have you never hugged someone from the back before?"
"I-I've never hugged someone from the back..." Aisha mumbled shyly. "You're my first..."
Lorian gasped. The little girl was just so precious, she couldn't help but blush as butterflies exploded in her stomach.
"Well, it's okay." She cooed. "Just hug me! Come on."
"Your butt is in the way." Aisha muttered quietly.
Lorian raised an eyebrow and turned her head to look at Aisha, and the girl instantly went red, holding her hands out defensively.
"NO NO NO!" She cried, panicked. "I-I-I I I I didn't mean it like that! Your butt i-i-is great! I just- I um, I-I-I…"
"You like my butt?" Lorian teased, grinning wide.
"Y-yes! I-I I mean! Uh. No? Wait! Imeanyes! Yes! I l-l-l-like it! N-not as much as your face, or your boobs-EEK! I mean! I-I like it! I like it!" Aisha stammered. "I-it's perfectly round, and squishy, and um-um…"
"Do you want to touch it?" Lorian purred. "Squish it?"
Aisha froze. She never really paid that much attention to mistress's back, since she was always so busy hugging and nuzzling her front, but looking at her… the back was just as smooth and wonderful as the woman's front.
It was strange. She had never had a fetish for butts, or even had any thoughts about them, but now, with her mistress's scantily clad globes in front of her, Aisha's fingers tingled with an urge to reach out and bury her face in it.
(What's happening to me? I've never thought about any girls' butts before… but now that mistress is in front of me… I've never seen something so sexy before…)
Aisha blushed as she shook her head vigorously to get the thoughts out of her head. But even still… she couldn't help but stare…
"I-Is it ok for me to touch?" She whispered.
"You can do whateeeever you want." Lorian purred. She crossed her arms in front of her and laid her chin on top, waiting patiently for her pet to touch her with half lidded eyes. She smiled as Aisha reached out a hand and tentatively… poked her in the butt, the flesh rippling like a stone thrown into a pond. Lorian frowned. Was she gaining weight?
Nevermind. Aisha seemed to like it, judging by the way that she was entranced by the movement of her bottom. She started to giggle as Aisha's pokes began to grow more frequent, more adventurous, more playful, beginning to become ticklish.
"Hey" Lorian giggled. "You can do more than just poke, you know!"
"W-what should I do?" Aisha asked timidly. "I don't… uwwwwaaahhh…"
"You can spank it… squeeze it… squish it… anything you want." Lorian cooed. "Anything for my gooood girl."
"S-s-s-sspank?" Aisha sputtered. "W-why?"
"Don't you want to?"
"I-I-I…" Aisha blushed. "Wouldn't it hurt..?"
"Oh Aisha…" Lorian cooed. "You could never hurt me."
"Y-yeah, I guess not." Aisha mumbled, her eyes going downcast and her ears going flat. By now, Lorian recognized Aisha's sad face, and she quickly corrected herself.
"No no no no no!" She said hastily. "I mean… I love you so much, everything you do feels good. Even if you hit me, or slapped me… it could never hurt."
Aisha's ears fluttered as she just stood there blushing, not sure how to respond. On the inside, she felt like she was melting with pure affection for her mistress. It was hard to keep herself standing…
"Aw, just come here." Lorian said. "Come hug mistress."
Aisha sighed as she fell on top of her mistress's back, arms around her navel, and crotch pressed up against the woman's bottom. Aisha squirmed as she felt the squishy globes against her thighs and groin - it was so squishy, but when she shifted… oooohhh… it was like she was grinding against her mistress…
Aisha quickly stopped her squirming and buried her face into the back of Lorian's shoulder before she let out a moan. Lorian turned her head to smile at Aisha, and the girl instantly recoiled at the closeness of their faces, falling onto the ground in an undignified heap with a surprised "Eep!".
Lorian laughed and finally sat up on the couch, facing Aisha with her arms outstretched wide.
"Okay okay… come here." She sighed, with a small smile. She laughed softly as Aisha leapt into her arms, blushing and whimpering, as they returned to a more normal cuddle.
"There there…" She whispered, as she pet Aisha's ears and head lovingly. "Good girl. You've been such a good girl for me…"
"-I know she's in there!" A voice yelled, waking Aisha from her perch on the rooftop. She blinked profusely as she rubbed the vestiges of sleep from her eyes, looking next to her for another body, but realizing…
(I slept without another person…) She thought in wonder. (And I don't feel that cold… How?)
(It's your memories.) A voice said in her head. (As long as you remember mistress… as long as you remember her hugs and warmth, how could you ever be cold?)
Aisha smiled sadly as Falo banged on the door below her with two fists, yelling profusely. That was right… She had been trying so hard to get mistress out of her head, since it hurt her heart so much… but she should cherish those memories.
After all, she would be coming back to her. Definitely.
"We're telling you, we don't know where she is!" Celeste said crossly, as Hana yawned from behind her, arms wrapped loosely around her waist, and head resting lazily on her shoulder.
"I know she lives here!" Falo insisted. "And this is the last place she was spotted, I know because-"
Falo snapped his head backwards in surprise as Aisha landed on the dirt behind him with a loud thud, sending dirt flying around her. As he turned his head back towards the door of the apartment. he was suddenly made aware of the loud commotion he made.
The aging man coughed into his fist timidly as Celeste and Hana glared at him, before he closed the door to the apartment in their faces, turning to Aisha.
"Where were you?" He asked slowly.
"I was on the roof."
"Why were you on the roof?" He asked.
"I was sleeping."
"I thought... Aless told me you couldn't sleep without another person."
"I grew out of it."
Falo sighed, scratching his graying head. He started to walk away, motioning for Aisha to follow.
"Raxas has a new assignment for us." He explained.
"Yes." Falo nodded. "Us. Specifically."
"Why's that?" Aisha asked. Falo just shrugged.
"I don't know. We're supposed to infiltrate a nep den-"
"What's a nep den?" Aisha asked.
"It's a den where they distribute Nepenthe." Falo explained. "Anyways, we're supposed to-"
"Why do we need to do this, all of a sudden?"
"Well, nepenthe has-" Falo started to explain.
"What's Nepenth-"
"Just- stop interrupting me for five seconds!" Falo sighed in an exasperated manner. "You're worse than my kids!"
"You have kids?"
Falo gave Aisha the stink eye before starting to continue speaking, not addressing her stupid question.
"Nepenthe is a drug. It popped up in the capital about… the same time as the war, I think. Some people have theorized that nepenthe came from Sakura… but we don't have a lot of intel to prove that. But anyways, it's spread… remarkably fast, mostly in the slums, but it's started to penetrate into the middle ring as well…"
"What's the… middle ring?" Aisha asked.
Falo sighed. "The capital is split into three unofficial 'rings.' Originally, the capital was built on a mountain, so all the elites live on top, with a view of everything else, and the rest just kind of follow suit."
"So what does this have to do with nepenthe?"
"Nepenthe doesn't have any… adverse health effects. However… it does make one, small change in behavior. Small enough that it could be considered normal, but among Nepenthe addicts, they all have this trait in common."
"And what would that be?"
"We don't know what it is, but… the withdrawl symptoms seem to make people... aggressive, and… for the lack of a better term, feral. Disagreeable. And after a while, if they don't get their hits, they'll kind of... die. Not actually die, that is, but they just kind of... sit there. Until they die of starvation."
"Mmmm." Aisha mumbled. "Why has Raxas taken such an interest?"
"He thinks someone is trying to cause an uprising. Elites aren't happy with conscription, and if the drug reaches them... Raxas thinks a revolt is in the midst. They're already really unhappy with the war, and if they start to get hooked on the stuff, then they might... uh... act on that unhappiness."
"Why not ban it?"
"Well, most of it is distributed illegally anyways. But aside from that, a lot of people are already hooked on the stuff. If we managed to get all of it out the capital, a lot of people would die."
"Humph." Aisha let out a sharp exhale. "Sounds stupid."
"Stupid? This is a really big deal!" Falo reasoned. "The current government is in chaos, it's split into two factions, support for the war is at an all time low, and if the government collapses, the country is going to be a vassal of Sakura!"
Falo sputtered, causing people to turn their head to stare at him on the street.
"So!?" He said incredulously. "So- Everything will change!"
"I think a lot less will change than you think." Aisha said dryly. "If the city is taken over by someone else, then what changes?"
"The government could impose a ruling class." Falo suggested. "We could all be forced to live in the middle and outer rings, and have to do menial labor or something."
Aisha looked him directly in the eyes.
"How is that different from now?"
"We're here." Falo said, after a long silence. He stood above a set of steps, flanked by two buildings, going downwards for a long while, the contrast of the darkness blocking the below from view. Aisha looked from his side, but the darkness was all-encompassing, and she could only see a faint light from below the stairs.
They started to descend, and the light at the end of the stairs became brighter to Aisha. After a bit of walking, two figures were illuminated, their backs turned to the two agents. Their helmets, black outfits and glowing rifles… told Aisha that they were guards.
"What are those weapons?" She muttered. Falo turned his head to address her.
"They're artifact weapons. I don't know what was originally inside of them… Machina, I think. But we couldn't get them to work, and so we hollowed them out- they're basically just staves with barrels. to straighten mana flow."
"Why give them to the guards?"
"Reduced magical output in exchange for range and precision is better suited for that type of work." Falo explained. "For example, mages in the army don't really need to be precise, they just need to have as much output as possible. But guards need to be able to pick out their targets and not harm civilians."
Falo walked to the bottom of the stairs and tapped both guards on the shoulder. They both jumped as if they were electrocuted, turning instantly and pointing their guns at Falo's midsection.
"Okay." He said slowly. "If I had known you were going to react like that, I wouldn't have let you guys know that I'm here."
"O-oh, sorry!" One of the guards stammered. "We're just not used to…"
"To people coming down here, right?" Falo finished. "Just let us through."
"Of course…"
Aisha looked a guard directly in the eyes as she walked past, not even trying slightly to hide her ears. She saw the man's eyes lock on to them, but strangely enough, he just averted his eyes.
The expression on the guard's face told Aisha that he was… tired.
Entering the dark, Aisha's eyes adjusted to the dim, lantern-lit streets. The first thing that she noticed was… the smell. It was one she knew well- the smell of the dying and sick, of people who hadn't eaten in days, who didn't have access to homes, a shower, or medicine.
It was the same smell she had experienced every day when she was a slave. She let out a "humph" of disdain. It was kind of funny. The people living here had the same smell as those with literally no rights…
She started to hack and cough as another smell hit her, of chemicals and smoke.
"You wanna buy a mask?" Someone said, stepping out of the shadows and into the lamplight. The man held up a bag of masks, displaying them like a deck of cards.
"Yes." Aisha coughed out, reaching for one.
"Oh wait. Sorry. You have to have a mask to buy a mask." He cackled, withdrawing his hand. "You know, spread of infectious diseases, and all that! Your type would kno-ACK!"
He stumbled back as he held his nose, punched squarely in the face by Falo. He picked up a discarded mask and gave it to Aisha, throwing a few copper coins in the mask salesman's face.
"Sensitive lungs, huh?" He observed as he walked away. "Can't handle the smell of nepenthe production?"
"I didn't use to cough like this." Aisha hacked out.
"Oh. You should probably get that checked out."
Falo walked another two steps before he was forced to breathe in, unfortunately not being able to hold his breath forever. He visibly made a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out. Aisha stared at him.
"I should have bought another mask." He muttered.
Aisha opened her mouth to respond, but her attention was drawn by the sound of yelling from behind her. Falo stopped as well, craning his neck with a bored expression.
"What's happening?" Aisha asked, her voice muffled and eyes squinted. "I can't see anything."
"A fight. Here, you'll probably be able to…"
A bright light flashed as a flame spell was cast, setting the surrounding stalls and buildings alight. Aisha could see two beaten figures on the ground, growling feral at each other, as they attempted to beat each other dead. Aisha could see bruises and long cuts on each man, and she could even see blood underneath their fingertips and on top of their knuckles. They fought savagely, like two lions fighting over territory, only more desperately, and with a franticness in their eyes.
Aisha watched as the two guards from earlier ran over, and without even saying a word, both pointed their rifles at the two fighting men, shooting out straight beams of mana from the barrels. The beam exploded as it contacted their heads, knocking both unconscious. Their unconscious bodies were left there on the street, left for the rest of the slum goers to search the bodies for any food or money.
"Why were they fighting?" Aisha mumbled.
"Probably over food or water." Falo responded solemnly. "Don't worry about it. I know it might…"
"I'm not worrying."
Their walk continued in silence until they reached what looked to be just another beaten down, boarded up alley building. When Falo knocked on the door, some of the wood splintered and peeled off. Aisha thought it wouldn't open, as it looked deserted, but sure enough, an unlocking sound was heard, and the door opened a crack.
"Password?" A voice asked.
"Just let me in." Falo shot back.
Aisha raised an eyebrow as Falo wrenched the door open and stepped inside. She followed him.
"Uh, what was with the password?" She asked.
"It's just a formality." Falo scoffed. "There isn't a chance in hell a guard would come investigating here, the government's too busy. And there really isn't any way we could shut down this place either."
"Hm?" Aisha observed. "This isn't the den, is it. Where are we going?"
"Just the black market."
Falo pressed a silver coin into the doorman's hand, and the man started to focus intensely, building up mana. He spread his arms apart, and the floorboards started to split, revealing a slow slope leading down to a door, buried in the dirt. Aisha followed Falo inside, and she quickly held up an arm to block the light that streamed into her eyes.
The place that she was in was nothing like the pitch-black slums she had just been in. It was as if she was in a fine dining hall, the floors lined with white tile, and nice, rectangular lamps lighting the ceiling. Shady characters were mixed with normal people, as well as even some that looked like nobility. The only thing that gave away the underground, hidden nature of the place were the massive supporting pillars and the lack of windows, but otherwise, Aisha wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the market and a nice, rich villa
"Looks a little nice to be a black market." Aisha muttered. "Everything's white."
"Yeah, kind of ironic, isn't it." Falo chuckled. "You can look around while i get some stuff. Have fun."
Aisha started to meander about, looking at the various shops and stalls lining the walls of the market. She received a few strange stares, as always, but she was hardly the most conspicuous characters there.
"What's this?" Aisha murmured, sifting through what looked like gray sand through her hands.
"It's blast powder." The woman running the stall said. "When it's ignited, it lights fast. And it creates a lot of gas."
She leaned in close, whispering.
"It's used for explosives."
"What's the point of that?" Aisha asked. "When there are spells for explosives…"
The woman shrugged. "It might come in handy."
Aisha rubbed the front of her neck, staring deep into the sales woman's eyes, deep in thought.
"What else do you have?" She asked, the saleswoman shifting uncomfortably.
"We also have this." The woman pointed to a thick, plastic carton. "I like to call it fire-fluid."
"Let me guess, it's because it lights on fire easily."
Aisha continued to stroll around the black markets, nothing having really caught her eye, when she heard the sound of… yelling. Obnoxious yelling. She pushed aside a cloaked figure to see what was going on, and when she broke through a crowd, she found…
"You!" She said, surprised.
Korian let go of the customer he was assaulting by the lapels. "Huh!? What? Oh. Yeah. It is me."
"You can't just assault customers that ask you for discounts!" Someone said from next to him.
"I can do what I want!" He snapped back. "Get out of here!"
"Fuck you!"
Korian waved the man off aggressively before setting his sight on Aisha, staring her directly in the eyes. He was probably the only person Aisha knew that was comfortable with looking her directly in the eyes for an extended time. Well, other than her mistress, of course…
"Why are you selling things here?" Aisha asked. "Your stuff is entirely legal."
"Yes." Korian replied.
"Are you going to answer my question?"
"Oh. Uh. I buy my stuff from here." He explained. "It's just easier to set up closer to where I buy my materials. And there's more people here."
"...So you moved your entire shop?"
"Yes. Do you want anything?"
Aisha looked down at herself, looking at the glossy hide that she had bought from Korian a few days ago.
"Uh… My chestpiece is damaged."
"Give it here."
Aisha complied, sliding it off her chest and leaving her in just her thin uniform. She watched as Korian took a needle, threading a glowing blue thread into the hole. His arms began to glow blue as Aisha saw his expression relax, becoming completely calm, before he pierced the thick hide of her armor with the needle with ease, as if he was pushing a needle through a sheet of paper..
"It looks so easy…" Aisha observed. "Isn't dragonhide supposed to be super resilient?"
"A sharp point and a little bit of mana to taper the point." Korian muttered, as he began to sew the thing back together. "Can pierce through anything."
Aisha watched Korian intensely, her eyes following his steady, masterful needlework. Even with his weak capability for magic, just a little bit of mana could grant such amazing abilities…
He was finished with her chestpiece in about a minute, and he threw the thing back. The mana, as well as the calmness disappeared from his eyes, and he hastily put away his needle and thread, his demeanor becoming once more twitchy and aggressive.
"Well?" He snapped. "Anything else?"
Aisha slid her chest piece back on. "Why are you really here?" She asked calmly.
"I just told you-"
"Not here." Aisha said, motioning around herself. "Why'd you come to the capital? You hate dealing with people. Clearly."
"Money." Korian offered.
"I don't believe you." Aisha said, staring into the scruffy man's eyes. "..."
"You don't like leatherworking, do you?" Aisha said, slowly.
"Yeah, well, what can I do about it." Korian muttered. "Dogs can always tell the truth, I guess."
"That's not a saying."
I just want to retire." Korian continued. "I thought maybe if I made some different things, it would be better, but I guess if you don't enjoy the process then there's no point."
Aisha leaned on Korian's table, propping up her head with her little hands. "Then what are you going to do after that?"
"I don't know."
"Then why retire? You got a girlfriend?"
Korian sighed. "I wish, okay. But not everybody is lucky enough to have someone like that."
Aisha paused. "Like what?"
"That accepts you for who you are." He looked down at himself.
Aisha suddenly felt a strange feeling in her gut, but she still continued to press the man.
"Why not… change?" She suggested.
"Because I'm fine with the way I am, okay." He said, leaning back in his chair. "Some people just aren't that lucky."
"...Lucky?" Aisha said quietly.
"Yeah. To find a perfect partner. Just not for me."
Aisha suddenly felt her hands clam up, and she started to slowly back away from the table. Lucky? She was… lucky? That was right… she had… left behind a woman who loved her for who she was. Who loved her, even though she was pathetic, and a loser. And Aisha had left…
A sinking feeling began to set in her stomach, and she began to feel dizzy. She started to hyperventilate as she backed into a pillar, putting her hands up to her face to block out all the lights and sounds blaring around her. That was…
"Hey." Someone poked her in the hand. "What are you doing here?"
Aisha put down her hands, her breathing starting to slow down. "Huh?"
Amir just looked at her with that impassive look. "You're blocking the walkway."
"W-what… what are you doing here?" Aisha asked breathily.
"I'm getting my supplies." Amir hefted up a bag of arrows, along with a few gems and such inside. Aisha looked inside, noticing…
"Hey, these are all completely legal."
"It's cheaper." Amir muttered. "Come on, move."
Aisha scooted out of the way, shaking her head to get that sinking dread out of her mind. What had been done had been done- there was only the future to look to, and Aisha… wanted to impress her mistress. She had to. If she came back to her, not having achieved anything, and having just left her for no reason-
Well then, she would feel REALLY stupid then.
"So how was your first time?" Falo asked, as they walked to a large stone structure, runes engraved on the protruding arches.
"It was ok." Aisha said quietly.
"Okay, huh? Well, if you ever want anything from here, there are entrances all over. They're all in the slums, though, so there's that."
Falo put his bags on the floor as he rummaged around in his pockets for a teleport stone. Aisha looked in one, but didn't recognize anything inside of it. It just looked full of a bunch of plastic and glass pieces.
Falo pat his entire body down, beginning to sweat nervously.
"Uhhh… where did I put it…"
"Hey, move the line, old man!" Someone behind him complained.
"I-it's on me somewhere!"
"What's in this bag?" Aisha asked.
"Come on, just get out of line!"
"Don't rush me!" Falo snapped. "And uh… it's research stuff. Don't worry about it. Where'd I put that stupid rock… uhhhhhh….."
Aisha reached into Falo's front pocket and pulled out a glowing blue rock, putting it into the dumbfounded man's hand.
The fey girl scoffed as she picked up his bags, looking at the contents of another one.
"Hey, this is just groceries!" She exclaimed incredulously.
Falo rubbed his neck sheepishly as they teleported away.
"It's cheaper, okay."