Chapter 49: Girlfriends
"Doctor Vinderi?"
Aless looked at the lab-coated figure with her mouth open, not sure what to say, or even what to feel at his presence. The man snapped his fingers in her face irritably at the vacant look on her face, trying to get her attention.
"Hey! Girl! You're obviously not a soldier. What do you want? Hey!" He yelled. "I've got important research!"
"Oh, er… doctor." Falo interjected. "We've got the delivery."
"What delivery?" Vinderi snapped. "I get a lot of those!"
Falo made eye contact with Aisha, prompting her to take out the jewel box from inside her sash, holding it out in front of her. The doctor quickly snatched it from her hands, opening the box to peer inside.
"We've been through a lot of trouble to get that box to you, sir." Aless muttered. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it?"
Vinderi ignored Aless as he took out a little glass from his pocket, taking a crystal within and looking at it through the glass. After about two seconds, he shrugged, putting the glass back in his pocket.
"Eh." He said offhandedly. "Worthless."
"You can go now." Vinderi waved the three off. Aless and Falo just stood there in shock, as Aisha prepared to climb out the trench. Aless pulled her back in, wrapping an arm around her to keep her close.
"W-What do you mean, worthless?" Aless said, a hint of despair in her voice. "That can't be right! This is the right box, right!?"
"Well, yes." Vinderi said. "But it's no good. I can't use it."
"Why not!?" Aless demanded, voice getting louder.
"You wouldn't get it. Now leave me be! I have some new weapon-"
Aless's expression grew furious, her temper flaring up as she reached out a hand to grab the doctor's neck-
"Hey!" Falo barked. "She went through a lot of trouble to get this to you! She deserves- at least an explanation!"
The scientist sighed, looking at Falo with a disdainful look. "Why does it matter to you? You get paid, just the same."
Falo opened his mouth-
"Fine, fine." Vinderi muttered, taking out a little sheet of paper from his lab coat. "Get over here."
Aless, Falo and Aisha complied, looking at the paper as Vinderi held up the red crystal he had taken from the box in comparison. On the paper, there were little rectangles of solid colors, one for each crystal in the box, a red rectangle identical in hue to the crystal that he held up.
"Look at that." Vinderi said, holding the crystal up to a rectangle on the paper.
All three agents were completely silent.
"Don't you see it?" He said irritably. "It's a different color! It's off!"
"No it isn't." Aisha said.
"It is." He insisted. "It's more orange than the one on the paper."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Aless asked.
"The difference in color represents a flaw in the crystal structure."
"...So?" Aless said.
"So it's unstable! I can't use it! I'm surprised the people back at the capital even gave those crystals to you! They're unusable!" He shrieked.
"Look at that! It's so obviously different!" He said angrily, pressing the crystal into the red paper repeatedly.
"I still don't think they're different colors." Aisha muttered.
Vinderi gave Aisha a very displeased, sour look.
"You wanna see something cool?" He asked.
"Yes." Aisha said, as both Aless and Falo said, "No."
Vinderi dragged over a long stool, and dragged it over to a wall on the trench, stepping on top and motioning for the rest to peek over the top as well. Aisha, as well as a reluctant Aless and Falo, obliged the scientist, peeking over the top of the trench and almost receiving a fireball to the face.
"Ack!" Falo ducked. "Are you crazy? Get your heads down!"
Vinderi completely ignored Falo, taking the red crystal in his hand, and chucking it as far as he could... which turned out to be not very far, the red crystal glinting in the dirt next to them, about ten meters away. The four people just stared as it sat there in the dirt, just a regular rock, until a crack appeared on its surface.
"Uh oh."
Vinderi ducked as a blinding light emit out from the crystal, the light around it distorting outwards. A massive shell of dirt and fire exploded out from the center, the reverberations reaching their trench, and while Vinderi had ducked, the rest of the people in the trench were not as lucky.
"Hey! Friendly fire!" Someone yelled from beside them. Vinderi had the self-consciousness to at least look sheepish.
Aless spit out a mouthful of dirt. "What the hell was that!?"
"It's our man-made magicite, my dear. Meant to replicate the natural magicite that powers your homes."
"I've never seen magicite explode like that!" Aless accused.
"Normal magicite is stable." Vinderi explained. "The discoloration on the crystals that you gave me told me that there was a defect with the structure. That makes them unstable, and, well, that's why it exploded."
"Why is it so powerful?" Falo asked.
"I don't know." Vinderi said simply.
Aisha looked down at the little box in her hands, holding the other crystals, and decided to close the lid on it, clasping the latch shut.
"...So what do we do now?" Aisha asked.
"Your work here is done." Vinderi said. "Go home."
"Seriously?" Aless asked.
"Either that, or you can help me collect data in the battlefield."
An hour later, the three agents were on their way back home, taking in deep breaths of air that wasn't infused with soot, dust or ash.
"You're really going to take those things back?" Aless asked Aisha, as the girl opened her box to look at the seven crystals left in the box.
"Why not?"
"Aren't you afraid those things are going to blow up in your pockets?"
"Nah." She said. "There might be a use for a powerful explosive. Since I can't make them myself."
Falo shrugged. "Alright, well suit yourself."
"Why is the science division even researching manmade magicite?" Aless asked, suddenly. Falo turned his head to address her.
"Huh? What?"
"Oh. Uhh… well, you know the crystal Pharos right?"
"...What's that?"
Falo motioned at Aisha to explain, but the girl was completely silent, just staring at Falo. The message on her face was clear - "I don't want to."
"Ok, whatever." He muttered. "The crystal Pharos is a massive crystal in the feywood, that mutates all the creatures and plants there. It emits so much mana that it infuses into the space itself - The place itself is infused with magic."
"What do you mean by that?"
"The objects themselves aren't infused with mana or anything - it's the space itself." Falo scratched his head in frustration, trying to find a proper comparison or explanation. "Things like gravity, or stuff like that… they don't work in the same ways We call it the mist. It's like the effects that you see in the waste. It comes from the Pharos too."
Aless nodded her head.
"Ok, great. Anyways, this time… gravity… distorting effect, seems to come from a really high concentration of mana. We think we can replicate this if we make a large enough crystal."
"Yeah, groundbreaking stuff!" Falo said excitedly. "Why'd you want to know?"
"Oh, just curious."
Aisha knelt beside the campfire, as Falo set down a little black box next to them, propping it up on it's side. He opened the box, and the camp was instantly hit with a wave of cold air, the fire dimming slightly, as food and drinks were revealed inside.
Aless gulped. "Wow… Food."
"Y-yeah..." Aisha agreed, feeling her very empty stomach, recently emptied of its contents.
Falo chuckled. "Well, I know it's probably been a while since you guys have eaten, and the military rations are garbage, so I brought this with me. Here."
He passed the two hungry girls some sandwiches, which they instantly dug into, getting condiments all over their gloves and faces. Falo took out a beer from the box, feeling the cold bottle in his hands, and uncapped the bottle, taking a long drink out of it, as he watched the two fondly.
"What is that?" Aless asked, pointing to the black box.
"Oh, just a little project of mine." Falo said. "I call it a portable cooler. It keeps the food cold, so it doesn't spoil. There's a bit of ice magicite in it."
"Oh." Aless said, immediately going back to her sandwich, much to the disappointment of Falo.
"Don't you think it's cool?" He said desperately. "I spent a week on it!"
"Oh, it's… uh… okay."
"I think it's cool!" Aisha offered.
"See, she gets it!"
Aless snorted, wiping crumbs off her pants and moving her body into a laying position.
"I don't suppose you have any blankets in there." She said offhandedly, propping up her head with a hand, on her side.
"Errr… no."
Aless sighed, laying down to try to get some sleep. She glared at Falo's confused expression, before she felt crumbs spilling on top of her, realizing that she had unconsciously pulled Aisha towards her, currently using the girl as a hug pillow.
"You two got close, huh." Falo observed, as Aless blubbered, going red in the face, but noticeably not letting go of Aisha, still obliviously snacking on her sandwich. Falo held up a hand defensively and closed in eyes in a sagely manner.
"No, I get it!" He said. "I understand that girls do that. You don't have to explain to me."
"No- I-!" Aless exclaimed. "I-I… I just haven't... I..." Aless's voice faltered.
"You haven't… what?" Aisha asked.
"I-I… I haven't had any physical affection in a while." Aless muttered shyly. "Mimi doesn't… we haven't gotten that far yet."
"Mmm… " Aisha murmured.
"Huh?" Falo said from across the campground.
Aless ignored Falo again, instead vying to squeeze Aisha a bit, wiping some crumbs off her face. She was tired, both from walking, and from the ordeal they had just gone through on the battlefield, and needed to rest, both mentally and physically. She didn't have the strength to resist hugging Aisha, heat filling her body, as the act of hugging the cute girl filled her body with warmth and a tranquility of mind.
Aisha's mind was still moving, curious about Aless's admission.
(She misses physical affection? From who? Her parents? Didn't she grow up in the agent program? Would they touch each other a lot there?)
Meanwhile, Falo sighed as he watched Aless turn away from him, shutting the lid on the cooler and laying down himself, ready to sleep. His half-lidded eyes made contact with Aisha's, unwavering, glowing slightly in the darkness. He thought they were kind of creepy. They seemed like the type of eyes to never stop watching. Always observing. Thinking…
He sighed. (I'm overthinking it. Aisha's a good kid.)
He remembered the information that Raxas had on her file.
(Okay, maybe not a good kid. But she's an ally. I should get used to her...)
It was nighttime when they returned to the capital, tired from three days of travel on foot. Aisha and Aless held up fine, Aisha more so than the tall woman, but Falo almost collapsed when they made their way into Raxas's office, the man holding his back as he slumped into a chair in the corner of the room. Raxas smirked as he groaned, resting his aching legs and back.
"You're back early, Falo." He said good-naturedly.
"You're not funny." Falo sulked. "I want a raise."
"You can't have a raise, then I would have to give everyone else one too."
"What about equality!?"
"I pay Two and Aless the same amount as you, old man."
"You're older than me."
"If you mean by time, then yes." Raxas chuckled.
"I hate you."
"Sir." Aless interrupted. "We've returned. Is there anything you need from us? A post- mission report? A-"
"No." Raxas said. "Falo was with you when you delivered the magicite, yes?"
"Yes, but-"
"Then that's good enough. He's head of research." Raxas leaned back in his chair.
"Sir..." Aless looked quite sad.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't get the science anyways. What matters is that the delivery happened. You're all dismissed."
Aless visibly withheld a sigh and turned to leave.
"Wait." Raxas said suddenly.
He looked around the room at his three subordinates, clearly tired from the long journey, and hungry. Especially Aisha, who looked like she was going to eat the armrests off his chair.
"Why don't we all go out for dinner? I'll pay."
Chatter filled the little diner as the group of five sat around a round table, conversation idling about the table as they decided what to order.
Aisha grimaced and tilted her comically large menu, tilting her head and menu in various configurations in a feeble attempt to figure out what to order, as if looking at the pictures from a different angle would make one pop out at her.
Aless looked over and sighed, pressing the menu down onto the table.
"What are you doing..." She said, exasperated.
"I don't know what any of these foods are." Aisha complained. "These are clearly in a different language!"
Aless looked at the page she was on, the words "Kung Pao Chicken" written on above a picture of a chicken dish.
"You've really never seen any of these?" Aless said incredulously. Aisha shook her head no.
"Just get what I get."
"What if I don't like it?"
"Well then you're free to order off the menu."
Aless sighed as a tormented expression appeared on Aisha's face, and she couldn't help but lock eyes with Two, sitting across the table in a plain white shirt. She just stared blankly at the man.
"You two are like sisters!" He observed. "I'm almost jealous."
"How was paperwork, paper boy?" Aless asked, dodging the topic.
"How was the delivery, delivery girl?" Two shot back.
Aless rolled her eyes. "That's real clever."
"Almost as clever as-"
"Children, children." Falo said, rolling his eyes. "You're both daddy's favorite."
"Ew." Both replied at the same time, looking at each other for a split second.
"Why'd you have to phrase it like that?" Two asked.
"Saying 'daddy' makes you sound like an old creep."
"Hey! I'm not that!"
"You're at least one of those things!"
Laughter erupted from the table, and even the ever stoic Raxas cracked a small smile as his old friend shrank in his chair, the butt of a joke at his expense.
Aisha stared at the scene intensely. She didn't know why, but seeing everyone laughing and smiling… caring for each other…
It was almost like… A family.
"Can I take your order?" A waitress said, glaring at Aisha. Not just at her ears, but also at the fact that she had been calling for a full minute.
"May I take you-"
"Oh, uh… I'll have what she ordered." Aisha said, pointing to Aless. "But… three of what she ordered."
"Trying to eat me out of my wallet?" Raxas asked.
"Uh, Aisha, I already ordered a double portion." Aless said nervously.
"I know what I want!"
Aisha held her full belly contently, walking back to Celeste's apartment, the night's merriment still fresh in her mind. She was quite familiar with a long day's travel… and the best way to end off such a day was always with a nice and large, warm meal…
And cuddles… Aisha was already trembling in excitement. Oh… Aless was nice, and affectionate for sure, but her cuddles were nowhere as nice as the warm, soft and squishy bodies of Hana or Celeste. How lucky she was, that they lived in the same place…
The door was unlocked, just like Aisha asked. But something was wrong.
For one, there wasn't usually so much…
"EEK!!! IT'S BURNING!" Someone screamed from inside.
Aisha rushed into the apartment, smoke filling the air, to find… Celeste, Hana and Fei panicking over a burning pan.
"You're supposed to take the plastic off, Hana!" Fei shrieked. "Haven't you ever cooked anything before!?"
"No!" The succubus said defensively. "Why would it come in the plastic if I wasn't supposed to put it in!?"
"Hey!" Celeste yelled. "The fire! I'll put it out!"
"NOT WATER! IT'S A GAS FIRE!" Fei shrieked.
More shrieking could be heard from inside as a plume of fire erupted from the pan, the flames almost reaching the ceiling above them. The girls began to run around in a panic, before Aisha walked over, grabbing a towel, and threw it over the fire, smothering it and putting it out.
"Aisha!" Celeste said in surprise. "Thank Ifrit! You saved us!"
"Ah! Little Aisha..." Hana said sultrily. "I… Um. I didn't do anything, I swear."
Warmth filled Aisha's body as both women wrapped their arms around Aisha, one on each side of the small girl. A pair of hands started to play with her ears, fluffing and rubbing them affectionately. A second pair of fluff-covered hands started to rub and squish at her face and cheeks, making Aisha purr and giggle in pleasure.
"Awww... She likes it." Hana cooed. "Isn't she so cute, pet?"
Celeste blushed as she realized Hana's "pet" was addressed towards her.
"What happened to 'slave?' " She mumbled. "And- Hey! I-I'm not y-your pet!"
"Are you sure?" Hana teased. "Because I'm certainly your mistress!"
"You're n-not- that!" Celeste stuttered. "I don't- I don't know w-what you're talking about! You're not my mistress! I-I-I mean, I don't have a mistress!"
Hana smirked. "That's certainly not what you were screaming las-"
"SHUT UP!" Celeste shrieked. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT U-"
Aisha winced as the screaming returned, removing herself from the double hug to go prepare herself in bed. As she walked towards the bedroom, her eyes caught the sight of Fei, the woman trying to sneak out of the front door while Celeste and Hana were… occupied.
"Where are you going?" Aisha asked, Fei stopping in her track, and going ghostly white in panic.
"MMMMmmm..." Hana moaned, removing herself from a deep liplock with Celeste, to the disappointed mewl of the flushed woman. "Yeah… Why don't you staaayyyyy…?"
Hana licked her lips, and Fei's eyes almost bulged out of their eye sockets as panic filled her body.
"You can't keep me in this-this- horny prison forever!" Fei cried. "You d-didn't mark me! I'm leaving!"
Fei dashed out the door, much to the merriment of Hana, the succubus giggling and laying her head on a dazed Celeste's head.
"She'll be back." Hana said quietly.
"You didn't mark her?" Aisha asked absentmindedly, as she took off her shirt, hugging her big, fluffy dog pillow close to her chest. "Ew. There's… juices on this."
"Er… No." Hana mumbled.
"I thought you were going to build a harem?" Aisha said. Truthfully, she was kind of excited…
Hana sighed as she climbed on top of Aisha, her cute little eyes poking out from above the pillow she was hugging. The succubus smiled lopsidedly as she threw the pillow to the side, letting her sit fully on Aisha's small tummy, her legs splayed out to the side.
"You're naked." Aisha whispered, looking up and down at Hana's looming form, full and… voluptuous.
"I am." Hana purred. "Are you… curious?"
"It's nothing I haven't seen before. As… good as it is."
Hana sighed as she laid on top of Aisha, rubbing her face against Aisha's, and wrapping her arms around the girl's small form. "Why can't I seduce you? Am I not sexy enough for you?"
"I already think you're pretty." Aisha muttered. "I guess… I'm just used to beautiful women."
"Aw..." Hana cooed, hugging Aisha closer. "That's... too bad."
"It is." Aisha mumbled back.
"I think… I like it here." Hana said. "It's… fun. I don't get to have whoever I want… and I don't get to do whatever I want, but… It's fun!"
Hana smiled. "Don't you agree?"
"I guess."
Hana let out another deep breath as she layed on her side, smothering Aisha in her breasts and pulling the covers over the both of them. A heat bloomed in the succubus's chest as she did so, making her blush. Even after so long… That warm, intimate heat still made her feel so… giddy.
Hana lifted an arm from out of the covers and beckoned Celeste into the bed with her with a finger, pulling the woman out of her stupor. Celeste blushed and complied, but instead of getting in on the other side of Aisha, she got in behind Hana, much to Hana's surprise.
"H-hey, what are you doing?" Hana stuttered, as a pair of warm arms encircled around her waist, and a pair of enormous, squishy breasts pressed into her back. When Celeste's warm breath hit her neck, Hana turned fully red in the face, as affection filled her body, turning her arms and legs to jelly.
"I'm hugging you, mistress." Celeste murmured. "You smell nice…
"Why are you acting all… huggy all of a sudden!?" Hana moaned. "H-heyy… Y-you're making me feel so weak… A-and when did you start… caaaaaalling me mistress?"
"For a while." Celeste whispered.
"Nothing. B-but now I know your weakness!" She said confidently. "You can't take… hugs and love, right!"
"W-what? N-no? I can take it..."
"Then you won't mind… if I tell you that I… uh… that I l-l-l-l-lo-love… you… right?"
"Nnnnnnnn..." Hana squirmed on the bed. Celeste didn't miss it, eyes lighting up in delight at her response.
"I love you!" She said evilly, hugging Hana tighter.
"A-ah! Nooooo..." Hana moaned, her tail curling around Celeste's waist in a loose, unconsciously affectionate gesture, squirming even harder in an attempt to escape the amazing heat blooming in her chest.
"I love you, mistress!" Celeste smiled, missing her little slip. "I love you a lot!"
"Stooooppp..." Hana wailed. "IIIHHIIII!! Please! I-I'm going to melttt..."
Celeste's smile widened into a predatory smile. "Hmph. Confident, sexy mistress, feeling all melty from a little hug?"
Celeste took Hana's face in a hand, tilting it towards her to see the succubus's blushing, panting expression, the woman powerless to stop the warm feelings permeating her chest. Celeste grinned as she planted a kiss on top of her lips, and then another, and another, and another… until finally, she gave in and met the succubus's mouth in a hungry liplock. Her eyes widened, as Hana began to fight back, pheromones filling Celeste's mind, making her feel submissive.
Celeste growled into the kiss, fighting the submissive urge to just hug the busty succubus, as she tried to dominate Hana's tongue with her own…
Aisha was woken up by… jostling. And moaning. Looking up, she found Hana and Celeste deep in the throes of passion… or maybe it was hate, by the way that they were aggressively making out, trying to subdue the other woman in a competition of sexual prowess. Although both women were cheating. Hana's pink smoke practically billowed out of Celeste's eyes, and Celeste's charm magic flowed freely from her hands into Hana's body.
They were both using charm magic on each other, and in fact, Aisha could see as the kissing grew less aggressive, and more… needy, as the look in the women's eyes filled with equal parts lust, competitiveness, and love.
They broke apart for a split second to catch their breath, both women panting in a needy, heated lust.
"I'm going to-" Hana panted. "I'm going to- I'm going to make you love me! Worship me!"
"Nnnnn!" Celeste grunted back, saliva dripping down her lips. "I-I'll… I'll make you my pet! My pet demon! I'll have you wear a collar, a-and **** ** ***** all day!".
"Y-you can't threaten me with a good time." Hana panted back. "Er. I-I mean, I'd like to see you try!"
Aisha couldn't help but stare at the sight of the two busty women once more locking lips aggressively, their hands slowly going from a grapple to a desperate, clutching hug. Their kissing slowly went from aggressive and competitive, to a more soft, loving kiss, their expressions going from angry and lusty to affectionate and loving, as both women began to blush..
Aisha couldn't help but blush as well, the looks in their faces remind her of…
Well, of the look that her mistress often looked at her with.
Aisha sighed as she hopped out of the bed, ready to start the day, leaving the busty women to make out on the bed, despite how much Aisha wanted to just stay and enjoy the sight, or even… join.
"What are you doing here?" Raxas asked, staring blankly at the Fey girl curled up in the desk chair across from him, spinning around in the swivel chair. Raxas was back in his metal armor, looking quite uncomfortable, but as usual his expression and posture didn't betray anything.
"You got anything for me to do?" Aisha asked, still swiveling.
"You want to do paperwork?" Raxas suggested.
"...No. Don't you have… like a job for me or something?"
"I don't always have jobs worthy of an agent's skillset ready." He said flatly. "I'll call you when I need you. Go away."
Aisha huffed. "Fine. I'll go take out a contract or something..."
"Can't do that." Raxas muttered.
Aisha stopped swiveling. "...What?"
"I might need you."
"Didn't you just say-"
"I don't always have a job ready." Raxas said slowly. "But when I do, I will need you urgently."
"This wasn't in the contract!" Aisha said angrily. "I read it!"
"...Did you?"
"...Most of it."
Raxas gave Aisha one of his signature blank stares, as Aisha shifted uncomfortably in her chair, starting to spin in the chair agai-
"Stop that."
"Then what am I supposed to do?" Aisha complained.
"Go hang out with Aless or something." Raxas suggested in irritation. "I don't know, I don't decide what you do in your free time."
"I don't know where she lives."
"Well, I don't know where she lives."
"Doesn't she work for you? Why wouldn't you know that?"
"...You're lying to me."
"...Here's her address."
Aless was not at all pleased to see Aisha at her front door, looking up at the woman expectantly, like a little abandoned puppy.
"What are you doing here?" Aless asked. "How did you get this address?"
"Uh… To hang out." Aisha offered, ignoring Aless's second query.
"...Well, we can't." Aless said, after a short pause. "I'm… busy."
"Are you visiting your girlfriend?" Aisha asked. Aless's shocked expression really told her all she needed to know.
"How'd you know that?" Aless demanded. "Did Raxas tell you? Is that how you found my apartment?"
"You told him that you were going on a date?"
Aless scratched her head. "Er. No. He just- knows things! Stop dodging the question."
"Your hesitation, combined with you mentioning a girlfriend earlier, and your mixed feelings regarding sleeping with me… and… you look really nice."
Aless blushed as she looked down at herself, all dressed up in a nice skirt and blouse. "Oh- oh... Thank you… I guess. Why are you even here?"
"I want to hang out with you!" Aisha said sweetly. "Um. My girlfriends-"
"Um. Nevermind. I just want to… hang out. Please?"
Aless bit her lip at the pleading eyes that Aisha gave her, round, shining and cute.
"Alright, fine." She relented. "But don't… don't mention, or do anything weird, okay!?"
"Okay!" Aisha said happily.
(I'm getting better at that!) She thought, pleased with herself.
Aless led Aisha through the capital through the layers of the city, towards the upper divisions of the city. She watched as the houses became larger and larger, getting more… clean.
(Hey, this is… familiar...)
Aisha felt a sense of deja vu as she walked up to a familiar hedge wall…
"Hey, um. Mimi! I-I'm here!" Aless called, shyly.
"Coming." Came a vaguely familiar, bored sounding voice.
(Hold on, Mimi..?)
A woman in a frilly-looking maid outfit, with gardening gloves on, unlocked the gates to the estate, eyes roaming over Aisha's small form.
"Hey. Aren't you..?"
"Ah- uh-.. Do you two… know each other?" Aless asked, timidly.
"Hmm..." Mihyang mused, throwing off her gardening gloves, revealing another set of maid gloves underneath. "Aren't you Vigil's friend?"
"Who's that?"
"...Nevermind. It doesn't matter. Why is she here?"
"She's taking care of me!" Aisha said, hugging Aless's arm, much to the panic of the tall woman.
"Didn't you sleep with Vigil?" Mihyang said suspiciously, eyes narrowing at the little girl. "Have you slept with Aless too?"
"N-N-NO! NO! NO!" Aless screamed in panic. "NOT LIKE THAT!"
"We just- we slept in the same tent! She w-works with me! Please Mimi I-"
Mihyang held up a finger to her tall girlfriend's lips, halting her stammering.
"I understand." She said quietly, making eye contact with Aisha.
The fey girl raised an eyebrow as the maid gave Aisha a light hug, separating quickly.
"There." Mihyang said. "We're even, okay?"
"She pet me on the head too." Aisha said cheekily.
Surprisingly, and yet much to Aisha's delight, the maid reached out a hand and fluffed her ears, playing with the furry little appendages for... a little too long.
"Don't push your luck." Mihyang muttered, even though she had just fell prey to Aisha's cute charms.
"Mimi- ah, um..." Aless said shyly, squeezing her hands between her thighs. "Ah… Um… Nevermind."
"What is it?" Mihyang pressed, now out of her maid outfit, as Aisha hopped up and down in the distance, trying vainly to reach the bottom branches of an apple tree, twice her height.
"I-It's… it's… um… nothing."
"Just tell me." Mihyang said, placing her hand on Aless's thigh.
"Can I... um..." Aless went red in the face. "N-nevermind!"
Mihyang rolled her eyes. "Just say it. Come on."
"CanIhugyou?" Aless whispered.
Aless said the same thing, but much quieter.
"My god." She sighed. "Just say it!"
Mihyang raised her voice for a second, breaking her bored personality for a second.
"I just… I just want to… Can I hug you?" Aless covered her head in her hands. "N-nevermind. Actually-"
"Ugh, you're so tall, but you're so shy..." Mihyang smiled. "But I like that."
Mihyang climbed into Aless lap and smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's shoulders, resting her head on top of her's.
"Ah, Mimi..." Aless whimpered. "You're so warm."
"I should hope so."
In the distance, Aisha started to punch the apple tree in anger, putting both her hands on the trunk and shaking the tree vigorously. She let out a small "ouch!" as an apple fell on her head, glaring at the two girls laughing at her in the distance.
She couldn't help but notice the way that they were curled up with each other. It made her feel…