Chapter 44: Tales of the Capital
"Hey." Aisha said.
"Yeah?" Amir responded.
"Why the hell am I hanging out with you?"
Amir ran up to the alley and threw his bowling ball in a graceful motion, the ball dead center on the pins, knocking all of them down and landing Amir a strike. He wrote on the little score card with a pencil and then sat down next to Aisha, leaning back on the dingy little chair.
Aisha sighed. She knew why she was hanging out with Amir. She had been locked out of Celeste's apartment, and either Hana and Celeste were both out, or they were both busy having sex.
Actually, nevermind. Hana and Celeste were having sex.
"You lack friends." Amir replied, flatly.
"I probably have more friends than you." Aisha retorted.
"You probably do." Amir said. "It's your turn."
Aisha walked up to the alley and gripped a ball in her hands, raising her arm to prepare to throw it in a overhand arc-
"Don't throw it like that."
"Why not?" Aisha whined.
"You'll damage the lane."
Aisha just sighed and threw the ball underhand, flying alarmingly fast, a whizzing sound accompanying the ball that no bowling ball should ever make. There was a massive "clang" that echoed through the small building as the ball hit the back of the lane, knocking over the center pins but leaving two opposite to each other. Aisha glared at the pins unhappily, even as the few patrons of the alley stared at her.
"This game sucks." Aisha sulked.
"You're throwing the ball too hard."
"It's not fun if I don't throw it too hard." Aisha muttered.
"You don't look like you're having fun." Amir observed.
"That's because I'm losing by 100 points. "
"Then maybe you shou-"
"Maybe you should fuck your mom!"
Amir gave Aisha a strange look, as the girl flopped down onto her seat, crossing her arms childishly. For a long time he just stared at her, and Aisha felt a vein throb on her forehead at his gaze.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She demanded, swiveling to make eye contact with the bronze-skinned man.
"It's still your turn."
Aisha sighed, as she watched Amir throw yet another, perfectly centered, perfect strength ball, into the middle of the pins and getting another strike. She slumped down in her chair, bored and tired, her eyes wanting to close, but the incredible cold preventing her from doing so.
"Isn't t-this boring? You get a strike ev-v-very time!"
"I don't always get a strike." Amir started, turning around to address Aisha. "And why are you shiver… whoa."
Amir took one look at Aisha's visage and blinked in surprise at how she looked. While usually her face was full and cute, the sight that Amir saw was gaunt, pale and thin, dark, unnatural circles beginning to form under her eyes. He also couldn't ignore the shivers that wracked her body as she spoke, as well as the way she clutched her arms around her body and scarf. He narrowed his eyes at the sight, visions of desperate, zombielike homeless stalking the streets.
Suddenly, Amir shot up from his seat, a rage coming over his angular features that was uncharacteristic - his eyes widened, and his mouth curled into a disgusted, yet concerned scowl, as he jumped to his feet.
"Are you using Nepenthe!?" He demanded, raising his voice and striding over to Aisha purposefully. He gripped Aisha's shoulders in his hands, and he squeezed tight as he began to interrogate her, his hands unable to hurt her, but gripping firm.
Aisha recoiled at Amir's outburst, but after the initial confusion, she slapped his hands away, annoyed.
"No!" She frowned. "I don't even know what that i-is!"
"Don't lie to me!" Amir said harshly. "I've seen a ton of addicts on these streets! You look just like them!"
"I'm not-" Aisha struggled to speak as she was shook again, back and forth, forcefully nodding her head. "I'm not- taking drugs! Stop- shaking me!"
Amir removed his hands from Aisha's shoulders, but he kept his gaze on her, as if he thought she was going to bolt out the door at any minute. Aisha muttered curses as she rubbed her shoulders, not hurt or bruised at all, but still feeling the phantom sensation of gripping.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Aisha muttered.
"...You look like you haven't slept in days."
"I haven't."
Amir put his hand on his chin, rubbing the stubble that was beginning to grow, thinking deeply.
"Why are you shivering?" He asked.
"I'm cold." Aisha said angrily.
"It's not that cold. It's probably like seventy degrees in here."
"I feel cold." Aisha muttered.
"Your symptoms are remarkably similar to those of a Nepenthe addict." He observed.
"I don't even know what that is." Aisha growled.
Amir's expression grew concerned, and his lips curled into a deep frown. "Then what caused this?"
Aisha's expression quickly turned from irritated to downcast. She turned her eyes downward, her face going depressed and tired.
"I can't sleep without hugging someone. I've tried, but I just feel cold." She whispered.
"Hana and Celeste locked me out."
Amir gave Aisha an exasperated expression. "You can't be serious."
Aisha put her hands in between her legs, squeezing tight on the appendages as she shifted her feet.
"Ever since I was with mistress, I can't sleep anymore without hugging someone that reminds me of her."
"Who's… 'mistress?' " Amir asked. He said the work gingerly, as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.
"She's my owner." Aisha said, pulling down her scarf, and then moving aside her necklace to show the dull, almost faded slave mark on her collarbone. It pulsed faintly as Amir observed it, although Aisha didn't see it.
"...Did you love her?"
"I do."
"...You still love her."
Aisha's voice cracked. "Yes."
"Is she more important than adventuring?"
"Yes. She's more important than anything." She said, her voice unstable, as if she was about to burst into tears. "I love her so much." She croaked.
"Uh… did she love you back?"
"Then I don't get it. Why not go back to her?"
"You don't get it." Aisha said bitterly. "I'm not... good enough for her. I put her in a lot of trouble with my presence."
"That sounds stupid. Like a bad teenage romance novel." Amir said, shaking his head. "Wouldn't it hurt her more if you left? If she really loved you?"
"I doubt it." Aisha said, shuddering. "I'm just a nobody. She'll… "
"You're sabotaging your own happiness." He said, flatly. "You just said that she loved you."
"What are you, a doctor?" Aisha said, irritated. "Why are you so invested in my love life?"
"I'm really not." Amir sighed, sitting back down in his chair. "I'm just trying to help."
"Why are you trying to help me? Why do you keep giving me these contracts?" Aisha demanded.
"Look." Amir started, leaning back in his chair. "You're one of the only people in this guild that hasn't gotten afraid and quit."
"What do you mean? There are plenty of-"
"I mean quit trying. A lot of people here started with dreams. But then they quit once things got hard. Or they died, because they didn't actually know how they were going to achieve that dream."
Amir pointed at Aisha.
"But you're different. I think I know why now. It's for a stupid reason, but you've got determination. Nobody else in the guild has that."
Aisha's brows furrowed as she tried to decipher a strange emotion radiating from the tanned adult. It was... it was like an attraction, only, she could tell that he wasn't interested her in that way. Still though, he seemed to... genuinely care for her, in a capacity that wasn't just transactional.
inviting her out to bowl, dealing with her shit... what was it?
"...You quit." Aisha said absentmindedly..
"I've never stopped trying." Amir said resolutely.
A few tense seconds passed before he sighed, as he checked the timer on the scoreboard, hanging over the bowling lane. "Let's get out of here."
The two walked through the streets, Amir in a tight grey t-shirt and black pants, while Aisha was still covered in grime, and had to lug around her adventuring equipment. She looked sourly at Amir, who returned her gaze.
He sighed. "I'll carry some of your stuff."
Aisha dumped her crossbow into Amir's outstretched hands quickly before the man changed his mind.
"Urk!" Amir grunted. "Why the hell do you carry this thing around with you?"
"This is the best weapon I can use. Anything else just gets stopped by shields."
"You don't have to smash through shields." Amir grunted. "You can just slowly whittle them down."
"That sounds lame."
"It's effective. And you don't have to spend forever loading that damn crossbow. Or carrying it."
"Not whatever!" Amir snapped. "This could help you!"
"I don't want help." Aisha muttered.
Amir narrowed his eyes and glared at Aisha, setting her crossbow down.
"That's the same attitude that all the other adventurers have! And you know where that landed them? They're the losers that just hang around the guild everyday, taking those escort contracts! Like Celeste! The others are dead! Is that what you want? To quit, or die!?"
Aisha stopped walking, sighing in exhaustion.
"...I think the way that I'm doing it is fine." She said defiantly.
"Do you really think the way that you're doing things is perfect? That you can't possibly change anything? It's probably the opposite!" Amir said harshly.
Aisha was about to yell back, but she was far too tired to get into an argument. She looked down at her boots, thinking about what Amir had said. She had gotten the same advice from Vigil's dad.
"...No." She said, quietly. There was a long pause before Amir spoke again, processing the girl's quiet admission.
Amir took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead and picking Aisha's crossbow back up. "Listen, I'm sorry. I just want you to succeed."
"Why do you want that?"
"I just told you in the alley." Amir said in irritation. "Did you forget already?"
"Hmph. That's right." Aisha said quietly. "You've got a vested interest, right?"
"Everybody's got a vested interest in what they do." Amir said, stopping at a building. "We're here."
"We were walking somewhere?" Aisha said, surprised.
Amir hefted the massive crossbow. "Well, we need a place to put this thing."
Amir set the crossbow down and took out a set of keys from his pockets, putting them into the door and unlocking the apartment. Aisha easily picked up the crossbow, and the two tried to cram the thing into Amir's apartment, tilting the thing sideways and scratching the limbs on the rough concrete of the complex.
Aisha shoved it through, and for a second she got a good look at Amir's smooth, whie, minimalistic apartment, with shelves full of neatly arranged supplies. She didn't get a terribly good look, however, as the man promptly shut the door in her face.
"What do you want to do now?" Amir asked.
"Uh… I don't know." Aisha sighed. "Why do you even want to hang out with me?"
"Because I want to learn more about you. And also, you look like you're about to collapse at any moment." Amir said, stretching his neck side to side. "Don't worry, I'll keep you company until dawn. Then you can get back to your… other friends."
"Okay… Fine..." Aisha said tiredly, dragging her feet behind Amir as they set off into the city.
"Why don't we go into there?" Aisha suggested, pointing at a well-lit building. "Maybe there's something in there."
"That's a store. And sure, I guess."
Aisha followed Amir through a set of swinging doors, and was blinded by the bright lights of the establishment. A clerk greeted them as they stepped in, issuing a friendly "hello!"
"What do you sell here?" Aisha asked, walking up to a shelf. "There's so much crap here..."
"We're kind of like a general store!" The clerk replied. "But we buy things from other stores, and sell them here."
"Sounds like a scam." Amir muttered. "You sell them at increased prices, right? How else would you make money?"
"I mean, the added price is for the convenience of having all this stuff here." The clerk smiled. "The owner's just trying something new. It's been a hit, so far!"
"So what, you're selling convenience?"
"I guess you could say it like that!"
Aisha picked up a little brush, squinting at the thing. The bristles were thin and metal, and the brush was square, with a strap on the back instead of a handle. She took off her hood and tried it on her ears, purring at the sensation, but the moment didn't last long, Aisha pulling the hood back over her head quickly as the clerk turned to look at her.
"Ah, miss, that's the pet-"
"Whoa!" Aisha said excitedly. "What's this?"
She ran further down the aisle and held up a large pillow, longer than her entire torso, in her hands, holding it up to show Amir. The thing had fur sewn into one side, white and fluffy, and Aisha buried her face into it, hugging it tightly and mewling softly as she rubbed her cheek into the soft surface.
"It's so fluffy..." She said softly. "Mmmmm..."
"That's a dog pillow." The clerk muttered quietly at Amir's back.
Amir swiveled back to address the clerk. "Don't tell her."
Celeste heard a knocking at the door, rousing her from sleep. She groaned as she looked through her window, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon. She groaned, as she felt the body next to her shift as well…
"Go get that, pet." Hana commanded.
"Yes mistress..." Celeste replied, quietly.
She lifted a leg out of bed, yawning and lazily slipping a nightgown on, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she made her way to the door to her apartment.
She unlocked the door, and as soon as she turned the handle she was pushed back, as Aisha rushed into the apartment with her crossbow. She fell flat on her ass, stunned, as the girl dumped her crossbow inside the apartment, hugging a fluffy pillow under her arm.
"Oh hey." She said, kneeling down to help Celeste up to her feet. "C-come on. Bed!"
Celeste was still stunned as she was dragged into the bedroom, and remained stunned as Aisha dragged her to the bed, threw her pillow on top, climbed in, and dragged Celeste in after.
Aisha was surprised as the pillow began to shift under her head, as the third occupant of the bed made herself known.
"Aisha?" Hana said. "You're back!"
"Yeah." She said, wrapping her arms around Hana's waist and beginning to nuzzle into her.
"Fufu… you're back and the first thing you want to do is cuddle? You're still so cute."
Hana reached down to stroke Aisha's head and pump her full of her pheromones, but the girl was already asleep. The succubus frowned in disappointment, and it wasn't long before a sour, tired expression crept onto her face.
"Dammit! I'm never going to have sex with her!" She moped.
The succubus pouted, but nonetheless, she began to sleepily hug Aisha, rubbing circles along the tired girl's back and pressing her head into her chest. Her thoughts began to wander - at least, until her attention was drawn back to the other occupant of the bed, that she had so easily forgotten earlier.
Celeste spoke up at the other side of the bed.
"What's your relationship with her?" She demanded tiredly, trying her best to find clothes, but failing miserably, only managing to find and put one sock on.
"Huh?" Hana asked dumbly.
"Do you love her?" Celeste said, a familiar bitterness beginning to well up inside of her.
"What are you talking about?"
"Look at you!" Celeste said. "You're all cuddled up with her!"
"W-well she's just cute!" Hana said sheepishly. She poked Aisha in the cheek, grinning at the adorable way the girl mumbled and tried to escape from the digit. "You should try it!"
"I have!" Celeste replied angrily. "I did, before you came and-"
"Jealous?" Hana teased, putting a hand on Celeste's cheek. The woman shied away from the touch, but Hana could see the small blush on her face. It was all she needed to know.
Hana pulled Celeste in towards her, squeezing Aisha's small frame in between their two much larger ones. The small girl made a strained face in her sleep, as her cheeks were forced to compress in between the two girls' cleavage. In dreamland, Aisha faintly registered the feeling of being crushed under a mountain of rocks, but her eyelids were too heavy to resist.
"Now isn't this better, pet?" Hana grinned, giggling softly.
"S-shut up, daemon!"
Hana's grin turned sly as a tendril of dark magic extended out from her hand and to Celeste's collarbone, connecting to a black, corroded looking spot on her chest, with small black tendrils radiating out of the spot. Celeste shrieked as her body spasmed, her body forced to move against her will as she leaned in and was forced to look her face-to-face, their faces almost touching.
Celeste squirmed, cheeks flushed with panic as her eyes locked onto Hana's face and lips, but eventually the succubus pulled away, smirking.
"Is that any way to talk to your mistress?" She teased.
Celeste grit her teeth. "Damn you!"
Hana smiled as she traced a finger along Celeste's face, giggling as the woman tried to move away from her touch. "Oh silly silly Celeste. You belong to me now! The sooner you give in, the more enjoyable it will be for the both of us. Or not." Hana grinned. "This is fun too."
Celeste tried in vain to resist the magic a few times before she looked down into her cleavage dejectedly, resigning herself to her fate.
"What did I do to deserve this?" Celeste mumbled dejectedly.
"Wow, she sure sleeps a lot." Hana said, now sitting upright in the bed, with Aisha's head on her lap. She put a hand on the fey's cheek, rubbing up and down and enjoying the way it distorted her little face.
"...Yeah..." Celeste said quietly, reaching out across Hana's lap to also touch her face. She accidentally brushed against one of Hana's fur-lined arms, jumping at the feeling and retracting her hand, as if it had been shocked by a live wire.
Hana gave a predatory smile at Celeste's reaction, and her subsequently pink face. "Don't be like that." She cooed. "Come over here!"
Celeste made one in many feeble attempts at resistance, but she knew that Hana's spell was absolute. She barely even flinched as her body moved against her will, moving close to Hana and resting her head in the succubus's massive cleavage.
She yelped as she felt a hand on top of her head, petting her and pulling her closer in.
"What are you doing?" She squeaked. "You- whuh?"
"Aisha likes it." Hana pouted. "And I like it too! You said you liked it earlier too, right?"
"N-not like this!"
Hana pouted, giving Celeste a fake, hurt, look, that made Celeste look away in shame-
"Wait no! I don't feel bad! I hate you, you fucking-EEYAHHH!"
Celeste let out a screech as the mark on her chest lit up, pure - sensation lacing through her body, neither pain nor pleasure, more like a lightning bolt jolting through her body. It wasn't... unpleasant, perse, it was more - for the lack of a better term, electrifying, forcing her body to jerk and jolt as Hana watched her with a grin.
In a way it was WORSE than if it was just torture - without pain, there was nothing to focus her mind on, nothing to grip onto - save for the arm that Hana offered mischievously. It was weird - and that was the worst part - she wanted to hate it, but there was simply nothing to hate - no sensation, other than the jolting and spasming of her muscles.
Eventually, though, the sensation died down, and Celeste collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and sweaty. Her breaths were heavy with exertion, and she could barely even muster up a harsh look at the demon as she hummed to herself, running a finger down the body of her prize.
"Wh... What was that!?" Celeste panted. "What the fuck?"
"Oh, it shouldn't have hurt." Hana frowned. "Are you?"
"No, but - why didn't it!?"
Hana just looked at the tall woman with a curious expression, purely confused, as if the suggestion was in a different language. Her tail wiggled curiously, almost like a cat's. A cute cat.
"Why would I want to hurt you?" Hana asked softly. "Why would you think that?"
"You're a demon." Celeste mumbled. "You're supposed to be evil."
"Evil?" Hana muttered.
The demon furrowed her brows and leaned over to Celeste, looming over her and preparing to interrogate the woman further, but stopped, seeing the woman's eyes closed in exhaustion.
A question for another day, perhaps - or when Celeste woke up - but regardless, she was... well, a little bored - nobody to have sex with or talk to, just two pretty, sleepy girls...
She shifted over to collect Celeste in her arms, cradling her body and stroking down the back of her head, eliciting a soft whimper. Eventually the large woman was also asleep, and Hana laid her down next to Aisha.
She smiled at the matching pair she had collected, like fluffy little stuffed animals. Well, not exactly collected, but Hana really enjoyed just watching the two girls' chests rise up, and down, in peaceful, restful sleep. She smiled lovingly, feeling that amazing heat in her chest, and laid down next to Aisha, snuggling into the covers as well, draping her arm over her two girls.
Celeste woke up, groaning as she forced her eyelids open and her mouth to close shut. She felt… awful. Tired, sweaty, sticky, and… hungry. She stuck her tongue out in discomfort, the top of her mouth sticking to her tongue as she smacked her lips…. Her stomach growled at her, but the dryness in her mouth almost made her not want to eat.
She moved herself into a sitting position, a hand sliding off of her as she did so, belonging to Hana. Celeste blushed as she realized that the succubus was asleep, and had been hugging Celeste the entire time she had been asleep.
She roused Hana gently, rolling her back and forth on the bed. The woman's eyes slowly opened, and she grinned slyly when she saw Celeste's conflicted expression.
"Mmmmh?" Hana groaned.
"Wake up." Celeste mumbled. "I... Just wake up, okay?"
"...I'm awake. Did you sleep well?"
There was a surprising tenderness in Hana's voice that made Celeste flush. She chose to completely ignore Hana's question, embarrassed, tired, and hungry. She didn't feel like she could even yell at her, even if she had wanted to, so she meekly made her request, hoping that Hana understood basic needs well enough to let her.
"I'm going out to get food." She whispered, barely even loud enough to hear.
"Okay! I'll come with!" Hana replied cheerfully, propping a hand up on the mattress to get up. The effort, however, was cut short as Aisha pulled her back into bed violently, arms that had previously been around her waist yanking her back onto the mattress.
"Nnnn..." The sleeping girl mumbled.
"Eh?" Hana pouted, pulling Aisha's face up to her chest and rubbing her cheeks playfully. "I'll stay here, I guess..."
"She can't sleep without someone." Celeste said softly, brushing Aisha's cheek with a hand, before a look of guilt washed over her - she had kept the door locked for a while, was that why-
"Okay." Hana pouted. "I guess I've kept you here a little long. Have fun."
"Yeah, whatever." Celeste muttered, gazing sourly at her stocking. "Where the hell did I put the other one?" She mumbled, scratching her head.
Hana just sat smiling in the bed, watching Celeste with an amused expression as she massaged Aisha's back and shoulders. Every once in a while the woman would bend down to pick up a discarded article of clothing, giving Hana a great view of the woman's plush, cushiony rear.
Celeste's heels clacked angrily against the stone cobblestones as she walked to the market to get food. Ordinarily she would set her sights on a nice restaurant or street vendor, but there were two other people in her apartme-
(No!) She thought, shaking her head. (I'm not getting food for her! What am I doing!?)
(I should go to a vendor. It'll be quicker and easier! Fuck that stupid, slutty demon! Why was she acting so... nice? So innocent? Try to get me attached, or something? Yeah, well - I'll- I'll-)
Despite her thoughts, Celeste found that her legs still brought her to the market. rather than the district with all the food stalls.
"Stupid demon." She muttered. "Farmer's market is closer anyways."
Celeste handed off a few silver coins to a young man running a stand in the market, who obviously had a crush on her. It was obvious by the way that he gave her a massive discount, and the awkward, borderline cringey jokes that he made. She shook her head as she walked away. He was probably going to be chastised when he went back to his dad or employer, as he clearly didn't actually farm any of the food.
She scanned the rest of the market, for things that she wanted to buy, before a lithe figure bumped playfully into her back, sending her stumbling slightly on the uneven streets.
"Hey, Celeste!" Fei greeted cheerfully, clearly having bumped into her on purpose. "What are you doing over here? Don't you usually go out to eat? What do you have there?"
"O-oh, hi." Celeste chuckled nervously, as Fei looked through her shopping bag. "N-no reason, really..."
"Hmph, yeah right!" Fei said mischievously. "Whadda ya got here? Cucumber, zucchini, carrots, eggplant?"
"Oh my." Fei whispered, as her expression turned apprehensive, and she quickly closed back up the cloth bag as Celeste stammered, holding her hands up defensively.
"I-I swear! It's not what it looks like! I--I-I I have friends over! Right now!"
"Oh man, is that why you bought so many?"
"NO!" Celeste screeched. "I mean..." She said, dropping her voice a register as people began to look at her. "I'm just cooking! We're not… we're not doing… that."
Fei smirked at Celeste as she turned red, starting to look down at her feet. "Your clothes are ruffled. And you smell..."
"Fei! I swear!" Celeste pleaded. "I-I'm not a pervert!"
Fei latched onto Celeste's arm, looping it in her own. "Then you won't mind if I come back with you, then!" She said cheerfully. "I'm in the mood to party!"
"I-I-I don't think that's a good idea." Celeste stammered.
"Why not? It'll be fun!"
"I r-really think that you should reconsider!" Celeste pleaded, trailing after Fei, unable to keep up in her high heels.
"Why?" Fei said, skipping along. "Are you hiding something?" She teased.
Celeste finally caught up to Fei, putting a hand on her shoulder to steady herself, breathing heavily. "O-ok Fei." Celeste said. "I-I'll admit it. There's no party! I just have a few people over."
"That's ok!" Fei replied cheerfully. "Who's over? Vigil? Kua? Little Aisha? I haven't seen them in a while!"
"W-well.. I… Aisha's home, and… um… her friend."
"One of Aisha's friends? Sounds interesting!" Fei smiled. "I want to get to know her better, so, well, I wanna see who she makes friends with!"
Celeste looked down at her feet, trying to think of any more ways she could possibly spare herself the embarrassment of Fei meeting Hana.
"Fei, I-"
"Celeste, you can't cook." Fei interrupted.
Celeste felt her face heat up. She felt so stupid. How had she forgotten something so important?
Actually… she knew exactly why. Her thoughts were plagued with the presence of that demon, her "mistress." That stupid, stupid stupid stupid-
"It's okay!" Fei said cheerfully, hefting her own grocery bag. "I've got some stuff too! We can cook together!"
Fei ran up to Celeste, holding one of Celeste's smooth hands in both of her smaller, slightly calloused hands. "It's been a while since we've hung out! So you're going to have to hold out on playing with yourself for a bit!"
Fei sprinted off before Celeste could process what she said, avoiding the massive bolt of lightning sent after her retreating backside. Celeste considered not chasing after the girl, but quickly decided to after she realized what she might learn when she got to her apartment.
"I hate running!"
"Fei! Please! I-I-I..."
Celeste paused, gasping for breath, sweat dripping down her forehead and staining the chest of her dress. Her thighs burned, as it had been legitimately the first time she had ran in years.
"Whoa, Celeste, I've never seen you run before!" Fei exclaimed. "You must… really want to party or something."
"I keep-" Celeste started, but it quickly devolved into labored wheezing. Fei tilted her head at Celeste and made a pained gesture, but her expression soon turned into a mischievous smile as she knocked on the door to Celeste's apartment.
"Let's see if you've really got people over, huh?" She teased. "What's that?" She taunted, leaning against the door. "There's nobody the-"
Fei's sentence was cut off as the door was wrenched open extremely quickly, making her fall backwards into Hana's voluptuous figure. She yelped as she felt gravity begin to pull her down, but her fall was prevented by a pair of massive breasts.
Fei turned around, scrambling for a something to grab to find her footing. Eventually, she placed her hand on Hana's hip, and used it as leverage to push herself off the woman and turn around, taking in the demon's large figure, curved horns framing an amused smile.
"Holy shit." Fei said, "You were actually telling the truth!"
Celeste, now having caught her breath, looked at Fei with an angry expression as she processed what she said. "You actually thought I was going to use an entire bag of groceries to-"
She was interrupted, as Fei finished processing the sight of the massive woman in front of her, her eyes painfully leaving her breasts, looking at the woman's blackened arms, devilish horns, and bright pink hair.
"Wait oh my god! Y-you-you-you've got horns! And your skin is grey! Oh my god you're a demon! OH MY GOD IT'S A-MMPH!"
Hana quickly shut up Fei with a deep kiss, extending her long, prehensile tongue all the way into Fei's, turning the girl's brain into mush, as well giving her a full dosage of her pheromones. When she separated herself from Fei, all the girl could muster was a dumbfounded, infatuated look, as her knees gave up on her
"Bwuh..? I… Wuh… I?" She blubbered, the heat in her chest frying her brain. All she could think about was the gorgeous woman in front of her. She made no attempts to resist as she was pulled, first to her feet, and then into Hana's arms, blushing intensely as her face was pulled up close to Hana's smirking one.
Celeste shut the door behind her as she stepped into the apartment.
Hana made her way over to the bed, carrying Fei in her arms, and passing by a now awake Aisha, sliding on her pants and shirt with a bored expression.
She took a single glance at Fei. "You going to have sex with her?"
Hana giggled. "Yep."
"Ok then." Aisha said, sliding on her boots. "See ya later. Leave the door open this time!"
"You're not going to join us?" Hana said with a hurt expression, setting the prone Fei softly on the bed. "Come on! You keep avoiding meeeee!"
"I don't really like sex." Aisha muttered. "I don't get why you guys are so crazy about it."
"Cause it feels good!"
Hana frowned, and at Aisha's retreating back, she shot a thin beam of pink magic, impacting her heart. She smiled as the girl stopped in her tracks, pink wisps emanating from the affected area and spreading into the rest of her body.
"Won't you reconsider?" Hana said in a sultry tone, crossing her legs and beckoning the small girl with a finger. "You know, I've changed my mind. I like this place. And I think I'm going to be collecting all the girls I can..."
Hana giggled.
"You can be a part of my little family, if you want. Isn't that what you want? To be loved? I can make you forget about all the bad stuff… I'll hug you all you want!"
Aisha bit her lip, stopping in her tracks. The offer sounded... incredibly tempting to her. She hated adventuring. After a long time of retrospection, she had realized that she had never really wanted to be strong. She just wanted to feel like she was worth something… to feel like she was worth loving.
The worst part was that she knew that Hana was telling the truth. Aisha knew that the succubus had feelings for her. She would treat her well. She would give her all the hugs she wanted. And Aisha would enjoy it.
But the answer was obvious. As she made up her mind, she began to start coughing, pink mist flying out of her mouth, and leaving her body.
Hana's eyes widened as she saw Aisha expel her pheromones. She had never seen someone do that!
"No thanks." Aisha muttered. "I'm sorry."
Aisha walked out of the apartment, leaving behind Hana and the two girls she had enthralled. What she didn't see behind her, was the way her lips curled into a distasteful frown, and her eyebrows began to furrow, her face twisting into a dark expression.