Chapter 13: Chapter 13
We was in the middle of a few islands just north of the ORB Union. The Aegis, Blitz, Buster and Duel was waiting for us.
Jason launched in the Strike. Mu and Tolle both launched in the Skygraspers.
Tolle had been doing stimulations for awhile and finally got the ok to fly out. He was suppose to just give support when needed.
Jason went after the Aegis and the Duel. He did some damage to the Duel. At that time the Buster and force the Archangel to land on an island due to hitting some of the engines.
They had to get them repair before they could take off. Jason quickly went after the Buster. He disable him leaving him on the ground in front of the Archangel.
All limbs of the Gundam laid by it. He went back to fighting the other three. Mu was able to get the Duel by itself and was doing a little damage to it.
Both had shot and hit each other making them return to the own ships before the final hit come be taken to destroy them.
The pilot of the Buster surrender and the Archangel crew took the Buster on board and sent the pilot to the medical bay and was taken into custody with guards near by incase he did something while the doctor treated his injuries.
Jason was fighting the Aegis and the Blitz. The Blitz kept vanishing and trying to catch Jason in a blind spot.
Jason used a beam saber and had the Aegis up against the ropes when the Blitz appeared and he slash the Blitz in two and a big explosion went off.
The Strike and Aegis was both sent flying back a good distance.
The Aegis went into a berserk mode and was attacking the Strike.
The Aegis got the Strike corner but at the time the power in the Aegis was very low. The pilot activated the self destruct of the Aegis and ran away leaving Jason trap in the Strike.
Jason quickly at the last minute jump out of the Strike before the massive explosion happen. Miriallia seen on the screen that all the suits signal had vanished.
She started to call for Jason to answer but nothing. Murrue was scared of losing him also.
Natarle "Captain we need to leave here quickly the repairs are done."
Murrue "Send a distress signal with these coordinates to the ORB Union they will help save any survivors. I know Jason is still alive out there."
Natarle "He would be lucky if he is I think the Aegis self destructed and took the Strike out with it."
Miriallia was keeping on the coms and yelling the same thing over and over. Natarle went over and cut it and sent a message to the ORB Union to have them come out and look for anyone left here.
The Archangel was leaving the area in less than ten minutes. With the thruster on full power they left the island behind.
They had finally been able to defeat the mobile suits that was took from them or capture them. The next day Archangel was in the Airspace of Alaska the few Zaft that was falling them quickly turn around.
The ORB Union was at the site in a hour to look for anyone that survive the destructions of the three Gundams. The only one they found was a Zaft pilot.
He was halfway in the water. When he came to they return him to a Zaft ship that was on the outskirts of ORB Union.
Cagalli did not give up and kept going around looking for Jason. When she got to the cockpit of the Strike there was no body and no signs of one being in there when the explosion happen.
ORB stay other there all night long and the next morning before going back home. They took all the parts of the two Gundams to Morgenrote to get rebuilt if possible.
Erica was going to busy overseeing the suits rebuilt and the training of the Astrays with the new update to the OS the suits was moving a lot more.
The pilots was able to control them almost like they was part of their bodies.
This lead to them to having move past just training them to move and started to have mock battles with each other. Its been a few days since the battle.
Cagalli was on a call with Murrue talking about how they couldn't find Jason anywhere.
Murrue "I know he is still alive I feel it in my body."
Cagalli "I feel it to but I don't know where he went. He was not anyone near the site of either of the suits."