Chapter 36: Mock and times*
'Stupid Eijiro, making me work late nights,' Mina muttered in the darkness of her room, lit by a single desk lamp.
Tomorrow would be their mock test, a practice set one week before their official end-of-term test held in the last week of June.
She'd be lying if she said she didn't care about her studies and more about Kirishima's challenge for her; she may have twisted her words, but it was just to set low expectations for herself. She was honest about that.
"Uh, damn it all!" He leaned back, scratching her hair. "I don't get any of this!"
'Hah, but I do well then,' her mind wandered to Kirishima, then back to the time they spent at the cinema.
A gleeful giggle left her, imagining all she and Kirishima would get up to if she did well in the mock test.
Soon enough, though, she was rid of those thoughts and her goofy grin, focusing on her studies. And while she busted her butt doing the greatest age-old practise of last-minute crunching.
Her other half, however, instead of studying at the last minute, was snoring away in a cosy shark suit pyjama after an effective workout in the gravity chamber.
Everyone focused their all on the practice test—well, those who studied last night, that is.
Others, like Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, and Kirishima, went through it with a breeze.
And when the results came, everyone, excluding those in the top 10, agreed on the same thing.
"I'm fucking dead when the actual test comes next week." Kaminari wallowed in the corner, having come in last place.
"Don't be down, man; we've also got the practical exam; it's worth 50% of our grades." Kirishima patted his back.
"Easy for you to say you came in sixth place! I doubt you found it hard!"
Kirishima laughed as Sero walked up.
"I kind of agree with Kaminari here; no offence, but I thought you'd be more focused on training with all that's happened."
"That's true," Kirishima began, "but the brain is a muscle too!" He grinned, pumping the air.
"I couldn't have said it better," Iida said, sharing a crisp high-five with Kirishima.
"Nerds," Mina muttered, having come in seventeenth place.
"They're right, it takes dedication, skill, and willpower to become smart—something you guys know little of," Mineta said, the sun beaming down on him like a gospel. All because he came in ninth place.
"This mother fucker." Kaminari cursed.
"Um, if I may," Yaoyorozu chimed in, "I'm willing to help if you need it; we could come to my place after school and study together."
'An angel!' Sero and Kaminari thought, accepting her offer, and even Ojiro and Jirou agreed to the study sessions.
"Ah, speaking off, Mina?" Kirishima smiled. But it held the underlying tone of something dangerous.
"!" The girl shook in question; she felt it—the piercing gaze of an Oni. She didn't do well in the mock test, which meant the remaining week would be nothing but hell for her.
Outside, Kaminari and others viewed them, feeling the slightest pity for Mina. "Remind me to never get a girlfriend that's anything like Kirishima," Sero whispered.
"Me too, man," Kaminari nodded.
"Well, it doesn't matter that much; if the practical is going to be those robots again, then it should be easy to pass!" Mina said, leaning back on her chair.
"True, hopefully, I'll get first place in this one as I did in the entrance exam." Kirishima grinned. Of course, he knew what the real practical exam was going to be, and whether or not he'd be able to get first place was unknown.
"I doubt it; you've got me and Midoriya as competition," Todoroki said, igniting his flame.
"Yeah!" Midoriya nodded.
Silent the entire time, Bakugo was seething, 'I got third place, behind that bitch and glasses!?' It was a blow for someone who always aimed to be the best of the best.
But he could take what he couldn't, which was to be ignored, especially by his competition. Slamming his desk, he stood up.
The class turned to him, not overly surprised by the outburst. "Don't think I'm beneath you, shits. It doesn't matter if you all come together. I'll be the one to come out on top and put you all in your fucking places, especially you, Deku! And don't even think about your safe, you fuck!"
Bakugo finished his rant, glaring at Midoriya, then Todoroki, and Kirishima.
"Finally done!" Mina squealed, turning to Kirishima as they left the academy grounds.
"So you made it in the top ten?" she smiled, moving closer, close enough to kiss him.
"And you didn't," he shook his head with a sad sigh. "I guess we'll be studying then; shame too, I wanted to hug you."
"No, the deal was if you made it to the top ten."
"I never agreed," he shrugged, "and you need to study; we've only got a week! Don't worry, I'll drill everything from history to quadratic equations into you so hard you'll never forget!"
"Screw you." Mina pouted.
"Aw, I love you too." Kirishima smiled.
"I didn't say that."
"I know, but I love you more," Kirishima said, pecking her cheeks.
She kept her pout until they reached Kirishima's home. Stepping in, Mina greeted Kushina, who was heading to work.
"Aw, you're going to spend the night? I wish I could stay," Kushina said, hugging Mina lovingly.
"Your dad's going to spend the night near a construction site; something about suppliers not delivering materials; I'm heading to my night shift; there's food in the fridge; but if you want to be romantic, I guess you can cook for Mina."
"Is his cooking great?" Mina gasped, shaking Kirishima.
"Not as great as mine," Kushina said with pride, "but you'll love it. Oh, and don't get too rowdy, you two~" She coughed, leaving.
"We're not!" Kirishima, flustered, pulled Mina inside.
After changing out of their uniforms, the duo went to the living room to begin their studies.
"I don't get this; why is math so hard?" Mina fell back on the couch.
Kirishima shook his head. "It's not that hard; first you find the derivative. To find the area under the curve, you do this: "
Mina stared at him blankly. "None of the things you just said were real."
Regardless of her protests, he did his best to help her, and like so, they got into a rhythm, and with the TV on in the background, they covered all their subjects throughout the rest of the day.
'She's taking this seriously,' Kirishima's loving gaze lingered, enamoured by her sharp gaze while she did the math.
Not able to hold back any longer, he leaned in, planting a deep kiss on her cheek. "I'll grab some drinks. Want anything?"
"You," she answered, slightly flushing her cheeks while still trying to focus.
She was serious, well, partly. Wish surprised her when she felt Kirishima pull her towards him. "You did a lot of work today, so that's fair."
"Really?" Mina beamed, leaning into the hug, "finally~"
Kirishima leaned back into the couch while Mina repositioned herself, sitting across his lap. With the height difference, she rested her head at the centre of his chest.
Nothing was said between the two except the warm embrace of each other. Kirishima rubbed her back gently, and Mina leaned up occasionally to kiss him and press herself further against his muscles. Their shirts did little to stop the feeling.
Soon, Mina grinned at him with a cheeky giggle, and Kirishima reddened, attempting to play it off. but it was all for nought when she purposefully pressed herself deeper.
"Somethings rising, Eijiro~"
Her hand gravitated down south; she changed positions, no longer sitting across his lap but facing him directly, and between them was the hardest tool in all existence.
With laboured breaths, she leaned in for another longer kiss, savouring the exchange of saliva.
And with Mina daring to be so bold, she began stroking his erection, the layer of cloth doing little to minimise the pleasure coursing through him. Kirishima stroked past her waist to her midriff and finally beneath her shirt as he gently cupped her breasts. Mina gasped as she took part in circling her nipples, squeezing and flicking them with greedy dexterity.
She fell on him, her grip on his erection tighter than before, sending waves through Kirishima.
Now with their lover turned to lust, she pushed Kirishima down, letting go of his tent on his shorts, now moistened with a layer of cumin. She removed her shirt, showing her orbs to him, and with equal passion, so did Kirishima.
Mina took the lead while one hand clasped slowly and methodically stroking his erection; the others sculpted his upper body while she moved in for a tongue-full makeout.
'Hn, damn, this feels too good,' he shuddered, continuing to mould her modest breast while she stroked him.
It was a while after that she felt his dick begin to pulse in her grip, pulling out of the kiss. She smiled, her grip tightened, and she felt his body shake.
"I know," she stopped him from saying and slowed her pace as she stepped back. The tent was fully wet, and gulping Mina lowered his shorts, her dick springing out veins pulsing and shaking.
It would be a lie to say she wasn't prepared for this; mentally, that is, the sight of his cock in a well-lit room caused her lower half to squirm. One hand moved to his balls, weighing and massaging them, and the other stroking the length of his cock.
"You're not using your quirk, right?"
"Haha, uh, n-no," Kirishima answered between rapid breaths.
She blew on the tip, kissing, licking, and tasting the cum that spewed out. It pulsed once more and feeling ready, her lips touched the tip, and she took in as much as she could in her mouth.
The sudden entrance into a warm and wet environment sent another jolt through him. Looking down, he saw Mina's head bobbing, her hands playing with his balls even more, and the other massaging the remaining length she couldn't take.
Gazing up, she relished knowing how great it made him feel; it was more reason for her to keep going, trying to swallow more of what she could.
He felt it coming; his dick pulsed with want, and no longer wanting to hold it back any longer gripped Mina's horns.
"I'm close, Mina," he shuddered, thrusting his hip upwards and pushing further into her throat.
With one grunt, he pushed upward, shoving all his dick up her throat and spewing his load.
"!?" Mina's body quickly convulsed, her body shook losing most of its strength. With no resistance, she drank his liquid as his grip loosened, and he finally let go.
But she didn't; she sucked, drinking all the last drops before backing off with a pop and an audible gulp.
"Huff, wow," she flushed. "So hot, and wow," her hands trailed down her throat to her stomach.
Kirishima, coming back from his high, saw Mina, now sweating and gasping for air, her hair dishevelled and her body sticky. She looked at him with a smile, unaware of her expression.
His eyes went down to her shorts, and seeing them visibly stained he pondered, 'Did she cum?' He pondered, and the idea resurrected his erection in a matter of seconds.
Mina has no time to breathe. "Hah?" As Kirishima pulled her in for a deep breath, his hand kneaded her breasts and the other into her shorts, and immediately she shook in his grasp, moaning.
Feeling the dampness, he pulled out, showing her his drenched fingers.
"Did you cum too?"
Mina shily nodded. She grabbed his hands, licking his fingers individually with direct eye contact as she brought them back down to her pussy. "Make me feel good too." She said it in a whisper.
Whatever rationale was left in Kirishima dies right then and there. He pushes Mina onto the couch, removing her shorts. Ready to dig in. They were not sleeping tonight.