There is No Plot

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Hearing their caretaker's words, the girls could only obediently nod their heads in response. Miku however, ever the rebellious and headstrong gal, did not really heed Nana's words and let it flow from one ear to the other. Kokoro on the other hand, felt even more curious about Adam and more inclined to get to know him. Be that as it may, she kept her caretaker's words in mind, so she won't be carelessly approaching Adam. As for Ichigo and Ikuno, they simply remained quiet and heeded Nana's words, knowing that she must be telling this to them for their own sakes.

With the girls were not asking anymore question, Nana spoke to the pair of siblings sitting on the furthest table.

"Now, Zero Two, Your table isn't there. And Adam, you should bring lunch for your partner."

Zero Two grumbles. "Aw, but sitting with darling feels more comfortable.

Adam chuckled lightly, finding his sister really adorable. "Come now Love. Do as Nana says and I might just do the thing you've been asking me."

Zero Two didn't need any more convincing as a beaming smile replaced her pouting face.

"Okay!" She stood up and happily walked towards Nana.

"Really..." Nana sighed and gave Adam a disapproving look. "You should stop spoiling her."

Adam shrugged his shoulders. "C'mon, Nana-san. It's been years since we last saw each other. Can't I spoil my sister a little?"

'Sister?' x8

Nana narrowed her eyes before sighing. "Fine. But don't spoil her too much, okay?"

"I'll see what I can do." Adam replies lightheartedly while heading over the pantry.

"Wait! U-um, Zero Two!" Suddenly, Hiro calls out to her as she stood next to Nana.

Zero Two glanced behind her with a questioning look. "Hm?"

"Let me ride in your FRANXX again." Hiro said in a serious tone. "There's something I want to be sure of."

"That isn't for you to decide." Nana spoke as Zero Two continued to leave the room. Nana looked at Hiro and continued, "Papa and the rest will give you your orders in due time, too. Sit tight until then, alright?"

"Papa will?!" Zorome couldn't believe it. He looked at Hiro with skepticism. "Give orders to him? Why?"

"....." Hiro could only look away from his scrutinizing gaze.

He also didn't know why that was the case. Nevertheless, it did make him curious. But just as he wanted to ask Nana more about it, she and Zero Two already left the room, leaving an indescribable silence in the room.

Meanwhile, Adam was in the pantry preparing Naomi's food. He hummed lightheartedly as he prepared a healthy meal for his partner. Hiro reluctantly returned to his seat as all the other teens resumed eating their lunch.

Miku, Kokoro, and the other boys, mainly Goro and Zorome, couldn't stop themselves from stealing glances at Adam. Ikuno and Ichigo were glancing at him as well, but they were more discreet about it than the others who were blatantly staring at him.

It couldn't really be helped, you know? It's not everyday that you see a hot, handsome, and exotic-looking guy happily helping himself in the pantry as if he was in his own home. He had the face and physique that could make straight people question their own sexuality. Admittedly, Zero-Two shares the same attractive charm as Adam however, she grew a pair of tiny red horns that although made her seem exotic, was still quite unusual and off-putting to other normal people.

Not to Adam though. God knows how much he loved those two little horns of his horny sister.

"Hm~♪ Hmm~♫ Hm~♪.... Hm?" Adam soon noticed that the other kids were staring at him and stopped what he was doing. He flashed them his charming smile and said, "Pleasure to meet you Squad 13. My name is Adam and as you know, Naomi is my partner. Although I don't know how long I'll be staying here, let's all get okay?"

His radiating warmth dazed the poor unprepared adolescent girls. Miku and Kokoro's face were burning red with the latter forcibly turning her gaze back to her food for the fear that her heart might just jump out of her chest due to how fast it was beating. Ikuno and Ichigo also looked away, not liking the fact that their hearts just skipped a beat after seeing him smile like that. Only Miku openly reveled and admired Adam's face, burning every single detail of it into her memory.

'He's dangerous!' is what all the poor adolescent boys thought at the same time.

Zorome didn't like the inferior feeling he was getting from seeing Adam. It irked him that someone as handsome and tall as Adam existed. And now you're telling him that this guy is going to live with them from now on?! He wouldn't be able to stop himself from picking a fight from this 'Mr. Oh-so-perfect.'.

'What makes him so great anyway?' Zorome sulked to himself. 'So what if his name was given by Papa? I'll show him! Watch as the great Zorome becomes someone that Papa will acknowledge!'

While the delusional boy was busy gaslighting himself to recovery, The other boys; those who were interested in some of the girls, also felt a slight apprehension from Adam.

Goro, the tall bespectacled boy, kept glancing at Ichigo, trying to gauge her reaction. Seeing her seemingly indifferent face made him secretly release a sigh of relief. Whereas Futoshi, the overweight boy, kept observing Kokoro's face. And witnessing as how the ashen-blonde girl blushed profusely when met with Adam's smile, Futoshi felt a slight discomfort in his heart. The poor overweight boy didn't know why he felt that way. But one thing was for sure, Adam was the cause of it.

After Adam finished his brief introduction, he also finished preparing Naomi's food. And so, carrying the tray in hand, he looked at them and said, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. But for now, I need to take care of my partner so I'll see you all later."

But right as he opened the door, the girls suddenly spoke.

"Take care of?" Kokoro voiced with worry. "Did something happen to Naomi-chan?"

Miku stood up from her seat and turned to Adam.

"Adam-san, what's wrong with Naomi?"

"Ah, don't worry." Adam shook his head and reassured them. "She's just a little bit tired."

"Tired?" The girls questioned again to which Adam nodded, "Yes. If you want, you can join me in checking up on Naomi."

"Yes!" Miku answered almost instantly and stood next to him.

'Ah... he's so caring.... he's such a gentleman too.... Also, why does he seem more handsome up closer?' Miku tries to stabilize her quickly beating heart while also doing her best to hide her creepy urge to smell his scent.

'Oh God.... Why does he smell so good???"

Her heart was practically dancing in her chest while her stomach felt the butterflies. And a little lower than that... was a hot itch that was starting to rise.

In the same moment, Kokoro also stood up.

"I would also like to join you."

"Sure." Adam agreed nonchalantly.

And with Kokoro joining them, Ichigo and Ikuno also ended up coming as well.

The boys also wanted to join them, but their shyness prevented them from saying anything at all. With that, Adam and the girls left the mess hall, leaving behind a lingering silence as the boys didn't know how to feel when the Adam took the girls of the squad with him.

After some time, Hiro stood up from his seat.

"I... I want to check up on Naomi-san."

Goro also stood up. "Me too... It's the leader's duty to check the well being of his squadmates."

Followed by Futoshi. "Do you think Naomi-san would like more food? Maybe a couple of bread buns should do."

"I suppose caring for their squad mates is a must." Zorome said with a haughty expression, "Very well! This generous Zorome shall come with!"

Meanwhile, the last boy of the group, Mitsuru; codenumber 326, finally spoke up.

"If you're done trying to make excuses for yourselves. Just get out already."

He has a very clean and proper appearance with sharp features. He has vert paon (piercing deep green) eyes and was 165 cm, originally being the second shortest stamen between Zoroeme and Hiro.

His aloof and cynical demeanor made him appear that he couldn't care any less about the current issue. But it did make him feel embarrassed and annoyed that his squadmates needed to make excuses for themselves just so they could follow Adam and the girls.

"You should also come with us." Goro says, "Aren't you worried about Naomi-san?"

"You mean that failure along with this one?" Mitsuru responded sharply and arrogantly gestured his chin to Hiro.

Hiro quivered under Mitsuru's voice, but he couldn't find the strength to say anything back. Goro sighed at this sight, but there was nothing he could really do about it.

He already knows what kind of personality Mitsuru has and it would be better not to say anything to him rather than ending up arguing with him.

'And to think he used to look up to Hiro...' Goro sighed again, wondering how two of his best friends ended up like this.


In a spacious elevator that was going downward, Zero Two could be seen leaning on the railing while Nana was talking to her.

"We can't have you running around all the time."

"I just wanted to eat with my darling." Zero Two replies.

Nana stared at her and said, "Avoid making contact with the parasites. You're too much for them to handle."

"But I wasn't even talking to them." Zero Two frowned, feeling wronged. "I was just enjoying my time with my darling."

The elevator eventually passed through the darkness and eventually revealed the sight of a large cityscape filled with orange lighting. It was unbelievable to see such a beautiful city could be found under the plantation.

"And you can do that." Nana said after a short silence, "Just don't go around doing as you please. We already allowed you to sleep in the same room as him."

"Yeah, yeah..." Zero Two rolled her eyes.

'This girl...' Nana glared at the noncommittal answer of the pink-haired girl. 'Sigh... just why was I assigned to take care of her?'


[Confirmed sighting of one Mohovoricic-class klaxosaur at Plantation 13. Strelizia intercepted and neutralized it.]

[Fuel stockpile down to 54 percent, currently anchored in the area. Requesting kissing with Plantation 26.]


[Confirmed. Commencing kissing with Plantation 26 in 175 hours.]

Inside a room where the walls seemed to be transparent, allowing one to see that they were situated high-up the skies and above the clouds, several white robed individuals sat in a circular formation. They all wore long white robes with golden accents faces were covered with various masks. Some resembling the face of animals while others were unidentifiable. While the others wore tall white hats akin to a bishop's, there were also others whose white robes had a hood that covered their heads.

"We've received word that Strelizia has stayed back at Plantation 13." A robed figure started. They bore the mask that resembled a monkey's.

"Another of the girl's whims?" Another robed individual said exasperatingly. "Dr. FRANXX spoils her too much."

Another robed individual spoke with reasoning tone, "But in this case, if you just look at the numbers, it seems to be a rare sample without signs of physical aging." Their voice sounded intelligible and analytical.

"It's Code 016. That's him, isn't it?"

"Unthinkable!" Another one robed individual denied. They had a stocky figure and a deep voice. This individual continued, "With no established cause, mixing with the special specimen will taint her blood."

"She must be recalled at once!" The stocky figure insists.

"But we saw how she shone in that battle." Another robed individual pointed out. This person sat at the highest seat as he donned a bishop-like outfit. He had golden mask and a tall white hat over his head. He was known as "Papa" the highest authority in APE.

"It's worth investigating." Papa continued. "Let's wait and see."

"Hmph..." The first robed individual spoke again, the one who complained earlier. "And what about that pet project of yours... 'Adam' is what I recall you naming it?"

The intelligible hooded figure answered for Papa, "We're still investigating and examining this special specimen... though as much as we don't want to admit, Adam's unique constitution is still an enigma to us."

The stocky figure grumbled. "This is why I told you all to not separate the two specimens! Was it not clear enough from the fact that those two are unique to each other? That they could create an entire new species from natural procreation?" He continued zealously, "We must halt whatever operations you had in mind so the two special specimens would no longer be tainted by any of those blanks and let them create a new, much superior species for us."

The other robed individuals turned to him. The intelligible hooded figure spoke, "Are you insinuating that we should let them undergo the process of procreation continuously until they finally bore fruit?"

The stocky figure nodded. "But of course! Has it not been obvious from the start? Since this "Adam" specimen's genetic material is unextractable unless it is collected in the primitive method, wouldn't that mean that his sole purpose is for procreation? The second evidence is that he cannot fertilize any parasites which by the way, I still disapprove of."

The others rolled their eyes at his unnecessary input. They knew all too well how the stocky individual did not like the fact that their special specimen's bloodline could get tainted by normal ones.

"In any case, is it not a natural drawn conclusion that "Adam" is not infertile, but rather incompatible with the normative race of parasites and is only matched for his other half which is his twin sister." The stocky figure concluded and turned to Papa. "Is that not why you named him 'Adam'? As the father who would start a new race?"

The others became silent, not expecting the supremacist fellow of theirs to have a somewhat logical reasoning.

"Be that as it may," The intelligible one spoke, "Did you not think that we have already tried this experiment before? But we yielded no results from having the two undergo procreation."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The stocky figure smashed his hand on the arm rest of his seat in frustration.

"That's why I told you to have them continuously procreate UNTIL we bear results rather than letting them waste time involving themselves those inferior species. Besides, What makes you so sure that they were mature enough? What if their unique species could only bear fruit once they come of age?"

"Calm yourself." Papa said and the stocky figure stabilized his breath. Papa looked at him and said, "Very well. I shall put your words into mind."


"Adam... everyone...."

Naomi didn't know what to say when Adam suddenly came into her room with lunch in hand and her friend behind him. To her surprise, Miku, Kokoro, Ichigo, and even Ikuno came to check on her and pulled her into a tight group hug.

Naomi naturally felt happy that her friends were there with her and she was slightly surprised that Ikuno joined the hug since she knew that Ikuno mostly kept to herself. But this only means that she was as glad as everyone else.

Eventually, everyone pulled back and looked at her.

"Thank goodness!" Kokoro was the first to speak, feeling relief and grateful that she's safe and sound. Naturally she would be worried since the last time she heard of her, Naomi and Hiro failed and that Naomi was to be deployed to another plantation.

Not only that, but they were attacked by a moho-class klaxosaur. Of course, she would be worried about her friend who seemed to be exhausted. As for why? She didn't know yet, but she would ask her later about what happened.

"We were so worried about you!" Miku said, sharing the same worried sentiment as Kokoro.

"We're happy you're here with us, Naomi." Ichigo affirmed with a smile.

"....Yeah, What they said." Ikuno said with a small smile. Although she was hiding it, she was just as relieved as the others. After all, among all of her friends, she got along with Naomi that most, who was just as quiet and kept to herself as Ikuno previously was.

In fact, it was because of her that Ikuno took on the persona of a caring older sister, so that she could taker care of Naomi and bring her out of her shell.

Meanwhile, the girl in question, couldn't hold back her tears anymore, feeling very loved and blessed that she had such friends.

"H-huh...?" Naomi couldn't understand why she was crying. She tried her best to wipe them away but her tears just kept flowing uncontrollably.

'W-what's this? I'm happy but why am I crying?'

"Naomi?" Kokoro looked at her with concern. "Is there something wrong?"

Miki rubbed her back and apologized, "D-did we do something?


"No! it's not that!"

Ichigo tried to say something but Naomi immediately denied it but her words were drowned by her uncontrollable sobs. As the brunette was being comforted by the others, Adam decided to be a gentleman and give them their privacy by silently leaving the room.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, he leaned on the wall beside the door and wondered how long he should wait for them to calm down.

'Naomi should be releasing the stress she's been feeling this past few days. After all, she did came close to being deported somewhere else due to their failure to graduate. Then here came me, who brought her to fight a klaxosaur that could've killed us with a single mistake.' Adam sighed to himself, feeling partly responsible for the girl's break down.

Of course, he could calm her down and even comfort her himself but when he saw their relationship, he knew that he was unneeded.

'Hmm.... Should I wait for them to calm down or do I follow Zero Two?' He deliberated about it for a moment before deciding not to. 'We'll see each other again at night time anyway.'

Adam was then cut off from his thoughts as a girl opened the door and closed it gently. He looked at the girl as she leaned on the wall beside him. Adam didn't feel the need to move so he simply turned his gaze back to the wall in front of him.

Silence lingered in the small hall for a little while and eventually, the girl spoke.

"....Thank you, Adam."

Adam gave her a side-glance and sighed with a soft smile. "You are....?"


"Ichigo huh..." He stared at the bluenette for a bit and complimented her. "Nice name."

Ichigo blinked for a second before looking sideways. "....Thanks."

"Anyway, Ichigo, like I said to Hiro before, Naomi is a fine parasite and that's why I took her as my partner." Adam said and turned his face to her, "I didn't pity her or did it out of the goodness of my heart. That's why there is no need for your gratitude."

".....I see." Ichigo nodded in understanding.

Silence returned once again for a short while before the bluenette continued the conversation.

"I heard from Naomi that you synchronized with her without even checking your compatibility."

Adam shrugged. "I'm simply capable enough to do that."

"She said that you did something that allowed you and her to synchronize within a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, we had to train and study our entire lives just to find our match." She said with a slight envy in her tone.

"Oh..." Adam stared at the wall in front of him and sighed ruefully. "....I should tell her to keep these things a secret. But tell me, what exactly did she say to you?"

"U-um..." Ichigo blushed for a moment before continuing her words. "S-she said that you t-touch your lips t-t-together... and then... y-your tongues would as well."

"Ah, I see..." Adam nodded in understanding.

"Anyway!" Ichigo then stopped leaning from the wall and stepped in front of him. She looked at him with a determined gaze and said, "Can you make me compatible with someone else?"

Adam stared at her for a moment, gauging what she really wanted before asking, "Do you not like your current partner?"

Ichigo shook her head. "It's not that. He is a fine partner, perfect even."

Adam raised his brow. "But....?"

Ichigo's daze lowered to his chest as she took a deep breath. She wanted to speak but her lips were pursing. She felt like she was betraying her partner by saying these things.

Seeing her actions, Adam didn't need anymore confirmation from her and voiced her unspoken words.

"But you want someone else."

"....I wouldn't exactly say I that...." Ichigo said with a low voice before taking a deep breath and regaining her determination.

"But there's someone I want to help... I want to be helpful to him... I... need to be his partner." Ichigo said the last part with a hint of desperation. She looked at Adam in the eyes, "So... is it possible?"

Adam looked at her for a bit and said, "Yes. I could do that."

Ichigo blinked and immediately looked at him in the eyes.


Adam nodded. "Yes. I can make you compatible with someone else. As a matter of fact, I can make you compatible with just about anyone."

"You can do that?!"

Adam simply nodded at the girl's rhetorical question.

"However," He then cuts off the girl's enthusiasm. "We're going to be doing something even more embarrassing than a 'kiss'. Plus, there's a need for you and I to do it regularly or it would lose effect."

Ichigo stared at him for a bit before a blush appeared on her face as she turned her to the side bashfully. "....E-even more than what you did with Naomi?"

Adam nodded nonchalantly. "That's what I said." he then added, "Just so you know, only I can bring out that effect which is due to my special constitution. It's also mostly the reason why I'm named 'Adam' by Papa. That's why you will not get your desired effect even if you did the same things with other parasites."

Although he himself doesn't precisely understand what was the connection between his acts of procreation to the improvement of the pistil's capabilities as a pilot, most especially when he partners up with them and pilot a FRANXX.

Ichigo nodded in understanding. Her face became serious as she sincerely considered his method. After a moment of deliberation, her cheeks grew rosier as she questions with a shy voice,

"....How exactly does it work?"

Adam smiled apologetically at her query. "I'll tell you next time. But for now..." he turned his head to the side and gestured his chin at the end of the hallway where glimpses of figures could be seen peeking on them by the edge of the hall.

They tried to be discreet but seeing several heads with uneven hairstyles were bound to be caught by anyone with a pair of good working eyes. Those figures flinched and out of fluster, stumbled on top of one another and ended up revealing themselves at the hall.

"Ouch! I told you to stop pushing!"

"Blame the fat guy who can't handle his own weight!"

"Shut up! Shorty!"

"What did you just say to me fatty?!"

Ichigo looked at them with a blank gaze, before realizing that she had been heard. She found herself looking at Goro who was picking himself up with a stiff expression. The bluenette's first thoughts were to apologize to him and explain herself because clearly, she had hurt his feelings. But then, for some reason, her eyes then moved to Hiro who was looking at her with an incomprehensible face.

"I suppose you should talk about this with your current partner for now." Adam said before standing up and opening Naomi's door, thinking that he had given them enough time. He then added to the bluenette teen, "After all, I think you owe him that much at least."

With that, he left them and entered the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door was closed, Zorome and Futoshi rushed towards the door with a slightly angsty expression. Hearing what Adam could do from the man himself, they now feared that their partners could get taken away from them. Zorome was most anxious about this since he already had a bad relationship with his partner and he didn't doubt for a bit that Miku would dump him the moment she could do so.

And where would that leave him?

He anxiously knocked on the door meanwhile, Ichigo, Goro, and Hiro stood in the hallway, a few steps away from Naomi's room. Goro stared at Ichigo with a downcast face. His heart hurt so much that he thought getting stabbed by a knife would've felt better than this.

He wanted to feel enraged, or break out in tears, but in the end, all he could really do was ask, "....Why?"


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