Chapter 7: Chapter 7
[Where are you?!]
An old man's belligerent voice resounded through the transmitter. As it turns out, the transmitter, a thin bracelet-like object on Adam's wrist, was the one that had been ringing since earlier, indicating that someone had been calling them.
"Hi doctor!" Adam greeted enthusiastically.
[Do you have any idea w- Is that darling?!- }
Dr. FRANXX voice was cut off by a girl's voice who Adam instantly recognized as his sister.
"Hello Love. How are you?"
{I'm fine! I totally beat that monster!}
"Yes, I saw. I'm very proud of you. But, are you really alright? No injuries or anything?"
Evident worry could be heard from Adam's voice to which Zero Two immediately recognized from the other side of the call.
{Hehe... I'm not really hurt... though if darling was really worried, darling should've visited me in the infirmary.}
Adam frowned, "Infirmary?"
{Yep! Speaking of which, where are you darling? I heard from the doctor that you disappeared along with one of the specialized FRANXX}
Adam immediately noticed how she changed the subject, which meant that she really was hurt in some way. However, since he can't do anything until he gets back, he didn't say anything about it and responded to her question.
"Yes. When the klaxosaur attacked, I realized that you were the only one fighting it."
The doctor then spoke from the side.
[Mhm.. I suppose that is why you took Chantrieri without authorization. However, if that is the case, why haven't you returned yet? Where are you now?]
Naomi paled upon hearing Dr. FRANXX questions. Of course she would be afraid if she was being questioned by the doctor. Who was he? He's one of the most influential figures in APE! His authority is only a little less than Papa himself!
Naturally, for a strict and upright student who had never broken any rules in her life until now, Naomi felt very afraid of what could happen to them. Adam smiled, finding Noami's panicking face quite adorable. Her face practically said; 'We're screwed! We're screwed! We're screwed!'
"Don't worry your pretty little face too much, Partner." Adam teasingly pinched her cheeks and offered a reassuring smile. "I got a plan."
"A-adam!" Naomi frowned, thinking that Adam was being too carefree with their situation. Thinking about it for a moment, even if they took Chantrieri with good intentions, they certainly broke the rules and even took it a step further by going on an exploration by themselves. The poor girl who had never violated any rules before could only dread what punishment awaits them when they get back. Moreover, Adam's assurance didn't really give her any comfort considering the recklessness he showed yesterday.
Naomi's thoughts was then interrupted by Zero Two, who immediately picked up on her voice.
{Huh? Darling? Is someone there? Come to think of it, Darling would need someone to pilot a FRANXX with... So who's there with you, darling?}
Although Zero Two was speaking lightheartedly, the jealousy in her voice didn't go unnoticed Adam's ears. As for the others listening in, although they couldn't hear the distinction, it didn't take a genius to realize that she was jealous. Adam sighed softly with a gentle smile plastered on his face at the thought of his sister's eyes darkening, resembling a certain troupe of females in his previous life.
'Don't you just love your yandere sister?' Adam mused to himself before saying, "She's a really nice girl whom I took the liberty of making my official partner. You would definitely love her, si-"
{Partner? Official Partner?} Disbelief could be heard from her voice, {I was only gone for a day and darling already found a partner...? I thought that we—}
"Would become partners? I thought so too." Adam said, cutting her off. "But doctor had other plans, right?"
On the other side of the call, Zero Two looked at Dr. FRANXX with a questioning expression. They were currently in the infirmary ward where Dr. FRANXX was watching over Zero Two with Nana. As for Zero Two, she was lying on the hospital bed, wearing a patient's clothes, while pondering about her brother's words through the transmitter she held in her hand.
She knew that her reunion with her brother was too good to be true. But when the doctor allowed them to live in the same room, which also insinuated his approval of the activities that would follow, Zero Two automatically thought that she and her brother would be paired up. Unfortunately however, that didn't seem to be the case.
Receiving her look, Dr. FRANXX sighed, "Haa.... You always catch on quick Zero Three." he grimaced.
[Learned from the best.] Adam responded lightheartedly.
"Doctor... What is darling talking about?" Zero Two asked.
"Unfortunately girly, I'm not obligated to tell you that information." Dr. FRANXX replied sternly.
Zero Two gave him the stink eye and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end, she held it back and frowned to show her dissatisfaction.
"...I can still stay in the same room as my darling, right?" she asked after some time.
Dr. FRANXX nodded, "That's right. Because I think that the reason you were able to unlock Strelizia's full potential was precisely because of Adam. " he said as the corner of his lips curled upwards, "He truly is a fine specimen..."
[Doctor, I'm still here, you know?]
Dr. FRANXX shrugged. "I'm merely stating facts." looking at the transmitter, he continued, "Moving on, I expect you to return here by lunch time and give me a detailed report as to why you didn't return immediately."
[Alrighty. We'll get back there asap. Also Love, if you stay there and obediently rest, I'll give you a reward.]
The brought a smile to Zero Two's sour face. Although she was still salty about the fact that she and her brother weren't going to be partners, it didn't matter much anymore if she could still do those things with him. Plus, in the first place, she can't do anything about it if its the doctor's decision.
"Alright darling, I shall patiently wait. Darling owes me an explanation after all."
[Mhm, yeah. I do. See you later love.]
"Later darling.~"
With that, the call was ended and Dr. FRANXX took his transmitter from Zero Two. The young woman's smiling face immediately disappeared the moment the call was dropped and she laid back down to the hospital bed; Crossing her arms, and turning to other side as if not wanting to see Dr. FRANXX and Nana.
"This girl..." Dr. FRANXX gave her one last glance before sighing and turning around to leave the room.
As for Nana who had been quietly listening from the side, she also sighed softly before speaking to the sulking adolescent girl.
"Listen to your brother, alright Zero Two? I really don't want to go back here to see that you're missing and no one has any idea where you are. Remember that you're injured, okay?"
Zero Two rolled her eyes and turns to her, smirking cheekily. "Even if I were to be missing, Nana should know there's only one place to find me."
Nana coughed, feigning a stern expression, "In any case! Just rest well, okay? Also..." her cheeks started becoming red as she continued in a bashful voice, "...ease up on the 'procedure'. Because, again, you are injured. Got it?"
"Aww... Bohoo!" Zero Two pouted her cheeks. "How will I punish my darling if I can't-"
"I don't need details!" Nana exclaimed out loud before storming out of the room. She really didn't want to listen more for the fear that she would start fantasizing about him in daylight, as if her nightly struggles hasn't been enough.
Do you know how frustrating it is to keep watch of their 'nightly activities' as a single woman? Sure, she may have lost the capability to reproduce, but for some reason, watching Adam and Zero Two in their act made her feel some strange emotions...
Zero Two only smiled as she watch Nana leave the room before resting her head on the pillow and gazing at the ceiling. Now that her surroundings was silent, she began to think about her and her brother's situation and for some reason, her heart felt heavy after finding out that her darling found a partner.
And it wasn't her.
'If just didn't leave at that time... couldn't he and I be partners?' Zero Two sighed, regretting her impulsive decision to go look for him herself. 'No, wait.... according to darling, the doctor had other plans for us.... so either way, it wouldn't have worked.'
'But even so... it would've been nice if Darling rides with me again.'
Meanwhile, back inside Chantrieri's cockpit, the exact time the call was dropped, Adam sighed softly and apologized to Naomi who felt uncomfortable mounting the pistil's seat. She not only felt conscious about her nether regions exposed to Adam, but the breezy sensation also bothered her. She wants to cover it but there was nothing she could cover it with.
"Sorry about your suit, Naomi. Desperate time called for desperate measures." Adam said.
"That's..." Naomi wanted to complain but she held it in and instead, asked a question. "What exactly did you do to me Adam?"
Adam's face became contemplative for a moment as he starts piloting Chantrieri to return to the plantation. After some time, he answers,
"Well... Basically, I made you release an orgasm so we can synergize in a short amount of time."
"Orgasm?" Naomi blinked her eyes at the unfamiliar word, "What's that?"
Her innocent question would've made Adam feel guilty had this been three to four years in the past. But with how many women whose purity he had taken, he was already numb to such a thing.
"Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement." Adam said in an explaining tone.
"Sexual excitement?"
"Hmmm.... I can't really explain it in words since the effects are different for boys and girls...." Adam says before asking innocently, "Would you like to feel it again?"
Naomi immediately grew flustered at his question. "I- u- w-what will you do?!"
She could still vividly remembered the things he did with her butt and vagina and somehow... it felt weird... but very good.... is he going to do that again?
Her face became red as tomato but her fantasies were broken by Adam's chuckles and she immediately realized that he deliberately said that to embarrass her.
"Hahaha! I'm sorry Naoms... you're just so cute."
"C-cute?! Ah- Mou! Adam, please stop teasing me!" Her body trembles in indignance, wanting to cover Adam's mouth so he can't say anything else, but she unfortunately had to remain in that position while piloting Chantrieri.
"Okay, okay," Adam reins in his laughter and apologizes. "I'll stop now. Anyway, what you felt yesterday during the kiss and massage on your butt and privates is sexual excitement."
"I see..." Naomi nods her head in understanding. She could tell that he was referring to the tingles in her body as well as that hot and itchy feeling in her nether region.
"And when I...." she coughed, feeling very ashamed and embarrassed by her following words, "When I.... peed a little.... is that the orgasm?"
"Please don't embarrass me anymore!" Naomi begged while closing her eyes. She really wanted to bury her head in a hole right now and never come out again.
Surprisingly, Adam shakes his head and said, "Ah, no. You misunderstand, Naoms. That wasn't pee, it was something else."
"Something else?"
Adam nodded. "Yep. What you released was a mixture of urine, love juice, and a lot more components. But don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Every female releases that whenever orgasming."
"Every female does that?" Naomi questioned. "If that was the case, then how come me and my friends never learned that?"
"But of course, it's forbidden knowledge after all."
Naomi fumbled, "F-f-f-forbidden?!"
She did not like the sound of that. Adam on the other hand, simply nods his head in response.
"Yep. This information should only be known by adults and is highly prohibited for parasites like yourself."
"I-It is?!" Naomi's face started becoming pale as sheets, thinking that she just came to learn something she shouldn't have.
She wasn't naïve. She knows just how dangerous APE was especially when they were behind the disappearance of her friends and acquaintances that were underperforming back in the Garden.
"Wait... you said parasites. Then, how come you are allowed to know this?" Naomi asked Adam.
"That's because I'm an exception." Adam states confidently.
"I see..." Naomi could only nod her head in understanding. She does know for a fact that Adam was special.
"But what about me?" She asks in a low voice. "Am I in danger now?"
"Of course not!" Adam denies her and said, "You're my partner now, after all. No one can recklessly touch you anymore."
"R-really?" Naomi was a little bit surprised, not expecting such benefits when becoming his partner.
"Yeah, just trust me."
Naomi glanced at him silently before saying, "....You'll have to earn it."
Adam shrugged his shoulders. "Fair enough." He had to admit, yesterday was really his fault. I mean, who would bring a newly graduated pistil to fight a Gutenberg-class bordering Super Lehmann-class klaxosaur on her very first battle?
It was simply careless, maybe even a death wish on his part.
'Sigh... I have to work on this arrogance that's been building up.' Adam reprimands himself.
"That being said, since not only did I put us in danger yesterday and I also did not gain us victory, I should at least compensate you."
In response to his words, Naomi said, "I don't think you have to do that, Adam. Escaping with our lives intact is already a victory for me."
"Really? Not even if I say I'll give you a kiss whenever you want?"
Naomi almost coughed on her saliva, but since she was somewhat used to Adam's jabs, she didn't let out that embarrassing reaction. After composing herself for a moment, her cheeks started getting flustered again as she spoke with a shy voice, ".....really?"
"Yep." Adam nodded. "Or... do you not want it?"
"I- I want it!" Naomi answered quickly albeit very bashfully.
The air came to a slight pause, before Adam began chuckling loudly while Naomi could do was lower her head in shame. Even she was surprised at how she blurted out her inner desires that quickly.
"I don't blame you." Adam says, "I quite enjoy kissing you as well."
For some reason, although his words were incredibly embarrassing, she finds herself smiling, feeling happy to know that Adam wanted to kiss her as well.
'Ah, Naomi! Stop thinking like that!' She mentally slaps herself in the face, wondering how she could be so shameful.
Meanwhile, Adam focused on piloting Chantrieri while appreciating the brunette's exposed crotch, showcasing her bushy garden and cute butthole that twitched every time she showed a strong reaction. (This was why Adam enjoyed teasing her so much.)
Nana couldn't help but exclaim hysterically as she watched the recording data from Chantrieri's perspective. She was completely flabbergasted after hearing Adam's confirmation.
"Yep." Adam responded lightheartedly.
Dr. FRANXX narrowed his eyes. "No. With this prowess... this beauty should be nearing Super Lehmann-class."
At those words, Nana's face paled as she was barely able to prevent herself from passing out in shock. Just yesterday, they fought a Mohorovičić-class klaxosaur, and now they're telling her that there's a nearby Super Lehmann-class?!
As for Dr. FRANXX, he was openly admiring the behemoth-like klaxosaur, even praising its appearance every now and then as the recording continues.
"To think that such a frightening monster was hiding so close to the plantation..." Nana murmurs before turning to Adam, "How do you even encounter this monster while exploring around?"
"Bad luck I guess." Adam shrugged.
"Bad luck? Yeah right." Dr. FRANXX rolls his eyes. "I say that you deliberately ran towards this 'bad luck' of yours."
"Oh doctor, You know me so well." Adam smiled and stood up from his seat. "Anyway, you already have the data and my personal report. I'm also having my partner write her report so you can ask her for that later. For now, I'm going to visit my sister."
"Wai-" Nana wanted to stop him but he already left the room. She groaned, wondering how Adam could act so nonchalantly after encountering that monster.
One should know that Gutenberg-class klaxosaur are large and terrifying monsters that are capable of destroying plantations with their siege weapons. The attack it showed when digging underground and releasing a strong force that leveled the ground and shooting it thousands of meters in the air, what if that attack happened in the middle of their plantation?
How can they attack an enemy that's hiding underground?
Moreover, their current combatant force only consists of children who had just finished their start-up trial, meaning to say that they were just new graduates with zero battling experience.
"We may need the 9's for this one...." Nana murmurs but then she was rejected by the doctor.
"We don't need them." Dr. FRANXX states, "We already have Adam and Zero Two, correct? Those two alone are stronger than the entire 9's. Not to mention, those two will form two different pairs, meaning that we will have two strong powerhouses."
"Moreover, again, there's Adam. He can enhance the other unit's capabilities, teach them his experience, and also become their leader who will lead them to victory."
Nana remained quiet for a little while after listening to Dr. FRANXX's reasons. After some time, she raised another concern, "But... they can pull out Adam anytime they can."
"Oh, I doubt it." Dr. FRANXX shakes his head. "They won't take him away until they finish finding out why I'm here and why I'm conducting the research here."
"Seriously," he grumbles, "Those old foggies are so paranoid and controlling."
"Doctor..." Nana wanted to remind him not to say such words, but she knows he wouldn't listen to her and still do it anyway.
"Yeah, yeah." Dr. FRANXX dismissively waves his hand after seeing Nana's face.
"Anyway, we're going to have to speed up the children's training. With Adam here, that should be easier to do. As for the boy who awakened Strelizia with Zero Two..." Dr. FRANXX glanced at Nana, prompting her to answer.
"He's...." Nana hesitated to answer, knowing the boy's circumstances and the fact that Zero Two was known to be a partner killer.
Dr. FRANXX raised a brow and Nana immediately continued.
"The boy is fine. He received no injuries and was only exhausted after the battle. He's currently resting in a different infirmary room."
"Mhmm... That's good." Dr. FRANXX nods, "That boy has the potential to be the girl's new partner. Let them stay in those children's house. Same goes for Adam and his partner."
"...Yes, Sir."
In the end, despite feeling conflicted, Nana could only nod her head and follow his orders. But then, she remembered something.
"Doctor, I have a question."
"Hm?" Dr. FRANXX raised a brow at her, prompting her to ask her question.
Nana looked at the fatality report of yesterday's fight. There, 081's confirmed death could be seen.
"Didn't Zero Two already undergo 'procedure' with Adam? Why wasn't she as enhanced as rumored to be whenever a parasite does it with Adam?"
"Hmm..." Dr. FRANXX held his chin in thought. "Actually, it's already a known fact that Adam has to regularly do it with a parasite before the desired effect to become effective. And perhaps, it is precisely because she did it with Adam that we were able to unlock Strelizia."
"But of course, I am not dismissing the 016 boy's potential." Dr. FRANXX says, "I mean, Strelizia did awaken not through 081, but with 016. That, in itself, means something."
"...." Nana's hands clenched and remained quiet. It was clear that Dr. FRANXX already intends to use Hiro as 081's replacement and there was nothing she could do to prevent that.
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