Chapter 5: Chapter 5
"...." Hesitation appeared of Zero Two's face it for a moment as she nodded. "...That is possible."
But her face remained undaunted as she continued, "That thing's going to start moving again eventually and when it does, everyone here is gonna die either way. I'm afraid of death, but I'd rather risk my life fighting that monster than to risk losing my darling."
"That's why I'm going." Zero Two climbed the pistil's seat after gathering her strength.
Hiro stared at the young woman wordlessly. The resolution and strength in her voice forced him to rethink about his own strength.
'I'm powerless.' The boy admitted to himself. 'Right now, I can't help my friends or fight a klaxosaur.'
He knew that he was utterly weak and useless, most especially when he was unable to prove anything to his friends and what's worse is that he failed his partner who deeply trusted him. His failures brought him down to a terrible depression as he felt truly worthless.
'That's what I thought... But as I stare at the girl in front of me, the words that escaped my lips were, for some reason...'
Hiro clenched his fists and said, "I'll pilot that robot with you. I'm not about to let you go alone."
"Oh?" Zero Two looked at the boy with a blank face. "Honestly, I'd rather have you find my darling and have him pilot me."
Her words caused the boy to twitch and his reaction brought a smile to her face as she continued, "But if you're that willing, then... are you prepared to die?"
Hiro's gaze fell to the floor. "I don't know..." his emotions overwhelming him as he grasped 13th squad's emblem on his uniform. "But as I am now, I don't belong anywhere. That's no different from being dead."
"So!" He emotionally looked at her and said, "Take me with you!"
"Huh..." Zero Two moved towards the cockpit's entrance as she observed the boy in front of her. "Although I already have my darling... I suppose I can let you pilot me for the sake of protecting him."
"Very well!" She smiled and reached out a her bloodied hand to him. "Come to me."
Hiro immediately grasped it and he was pulled into the cockpit and they both landed at the pilot's seat. Hiro felt Zero Two's arms hug him as her bountiful chest squished against him. His flustered state allowed Zero Two to synergized with him and began powering up the FRANXX.
Meanwhile, the klaxosaur began moving once again, as if recovering from its cooldown.
"It's back!" A fat teenager wearing a pilot's bodysuit exclaimed.
"It's moving again!" Added by another teenager with unruly light brown hair that flares out on the sides and back.
These small group of teenagers were the parasites who graduated today. The same ones whose today's ceremony was for. Near them was Dr. FRANXX and Nana, who earlier ordered their retrieval. One of those parasites the female pilot who was inside the Delphinium FRANXX earlier. She wore a white body suit with blue highlights which matched the color of her FRANXX. She held her bruised shoulder and greeted her teeth as she watched the klaxosaur beginning to move.
The klauosaur began to run towards the place where the stampede FRANXX crashed. It opened its mouth wide and soon enough-
"W-was it eaten?" The onlookers wondered while bracing themselves from the shockwave. They watched as the klaxosaur's head crash against plantation's building.
"No!" Dr. FRANXX answered as he saw a blinding yellow light beginning to emerge from under the klaxosaur's head. "That's...."
All of the sudden, the klaxosaur was raised off its feet as the stampede FRANXX appeared from the rubble with its head biting and carrying the klaxosaur into the air. Just then, the stampede FRANXX unit launched itself in the air, carrying the klaxosaur with it.
It was an bewildering sight to see how the stampede FRANXX who was being thrashed earlier, was now capable of doing such strength. However, the wonder wasn't done as the stampede FRANXX began transforming into a humanoid form in midair.
It turned into a large slim-female robot with a body colored white, orange, and red. It has large shoulder pads, with feet styled like red heels. It has a pair of long orange-gold strands resembling hair on the sides of its face, with orange eyes.
The transformation was done in a matter of seconds, as the newly transformed humanoid FRANXX used its hands to throw the klaxosaur away from the plantation.
Meanwhile, Dr. FRANXX began to monologue as he witness this scene.
"When the negative and positive— male and female factors combine, and their hearts become one, the iron maiden will reveal her true form."
He gazed at the FRANXX with delight. "Now this is a FRANXX! How truly beautiful!" he raised his hands in emotion. "You're the best, Strelizia!"
"But..." Nana worded her worry from the side, "Who's piloting it?"
'Could it be him?' Her first wonder was Adam since he was the only she thought was capable of bringing out Zero Two's potential.
She glanced at the emotional doctor and she could tell that his thoughts were the same as hers.
'....I hope they'll be alright.'
The klaxosaur sensed the danger from the FRANXX and had began gathering energy from its cone-shaped tail once again. Its blue circular interior began spinning rapidly and began glowing in blinding blue light. It opened its mouth and charged up another attack.
Strelizia didn't remain unmoving this time as she threw her large and long lance, its body colored in white while the lancehead yellow with two white stripes, towards the klaxosaur's gaping mouth. As the lance was thrown, it revealed a trailing silver cable that was connected to Strelizia's arm.
The lance fluidly flew through the air and pierced through the klaxosaur's mouth, reaching all the way towards the back of its throat. Strelizia then used her rocket thrusters, located at the sides of her waist, to boost herself as she jumped to the air and zoomed towards the klaxosaur.
Strelizia arrived in front of the klaxosaur in less that five seconds and crashed into her lance handle. The klaxosaur was pushed back powerlessly due to Strelizia's impact. But the latter wasn't finished as she grabbed the body of her lance and began pouring power into it. Yellow fluid-like energy began flowing from the cable and towards the weapon.
"It's over." Strelizia stated as she pushed a button in her lance.
A strong shockwave was created as Strelizia's attack connected to the klaxosaur's body. A large cylindrical pellet with orange and grey case flew into the sky before falling right beneath Strelizia's body.
The entire area exploded into an enormous cloud of blue smoke. It was so wide that it could cover an entire mountain. Some of the blue droplets of blood managed to extend to the plantation, creating a short blue rain.
As for Strelizia, her entire front part was covered in blue blood while a pierced blue and yellow crystal-like orb fell from her lance.
Meanwhile, back at the plantation, the group of parasites along with Dr. FRANXX and Nana watched in amazement of Strelizia's prowess.
"That's a FRANXX, the kind of robot we'll pilot." One of the female parasites said in wonder.
"Oh... Well isn't that something?" A melodious voice of a man spoke from within a FRANXX's cockpit.
This FRANXX unit had a unique model just like Strelizia and Delphium. It had a tall and slim female robot body whose legs were covered by a long black steel-dress. Most of it's body was covered in this black-steel dress with goth-like design. Its skin was pale white while its hair was a long black hair that's tied into two ringlet pigtails.
Inside this FRANXX's cockpit, a handsome young man with silver hair sat by the Stamen's pilot seat. This was naturally Adam as he was wearing a blue body suit with white highlights which was different from a regular stamen's pilot suit. Meanwhile, right in front of him was a Naomi's perky rear with two white handles acting as his steering gear. She wore a black and white body suit, one that is normally used by trainees.
Naomi was in a bending over position, her body leaning frontwards, with her arms stuck into the machine while her rear was positioned in front of Adam. It was a suggestive position, most especially for Adam who has sex in a regular basis, but this was the standard position for the male and female pilots of a FRANXX. However, as enticing as the view in front of him was, Adam was already used to this so it didn't bother him nor tempted him to do anything inappropriate.
But he does shamelessly admit that he admired it and even complimented Naomi earlier for it, much to the latter's embarrassment. Naomi felt that his words should've been a inappropriate but his compliment strangely didn't feel unpleasant. It was flattering if anything else. And even if she didn't want to admit it, she did feel happy for being complimented by a handsome man like Adam.
Naomi, who had been piloting the FRANXX with Adam, also naturally witnessed the conclusion of the battle, making her sigh in relief.
"Phew... thank goodness." She was greatly relieved to see the FRANXX successfully slay the klaxosaur.
"She's more powerful than I thought." Adam commented from behind her.
Naomi glanced at Adam before gazing at Strelizia's figure in the distance. "Her? Do you know who is piloting it?"
"Yep." Adam nodded with a proud smile. "That should be my sister. Though I don't know who the stamen pilot is."
"I see..." Naomi was very interested into knowing more about him. But she was too shy to ask, so she kept quiet and changed the topic.
"Well, now that's been taken care of, we should hurry back. We did take 'Chantrieri' without authorization." Naomi said.
"Aw... what?" Adam childishly pouted. "You want to go back already?"
"O-of course! We're going to get punished for this after all!"
Adam smiled at Naomi's worried face. He could tell that she was a nice girl who followed the rules. These kinds of girls were the most amusing for him to corrupt.
'Woops. I need to control my impulsive thoughts.' But even though Adam told himself this, he was actually already imagining how Naomi would be like in bed.
He then looked at the worried girl and said, "Well, since we already took it without permission, we'll be punished all the same even if we returned a little later, right?"
"Adam...." Naomi couldn't help but sigh at Adam's mischievous smiling face. She couldn't help but think that her new partner was going to be a bad influence on her.
'N-not that I don't like it though....' And when she thought of that, Naomi slapped herself mentally as her face turned red. 'Gosh! What am I thinking?!'
Adam raised an amused brow as he saw Naomi's internal struggle before taking the lead by moving the robot.
"Since the fun is already finished over there..." Adam controlled the robot to turn towards the distant dunes of a wasteland. "Why don't we go look for the fun ourselves?"
Saying so, 'Chantrieri' began walking towards that direction, further away from the plantation. Feeling the robot's movement swift and fluid movement, Naomi couldn't help but marvel at Adam's skills. It was a totally different pilot from the way the trainee pilots piloted her before. Even her previous partner, Hiro, couldn't pilot her as smooth as now and they were partnered for more than two years.
It was a fulfilling experience for Naomi as she fully synchronized with the FRANXX and didn't have to worry about her pilot's competence. Chantrieri ran across the vast wasteland under the sky-blue skies. Like a bird who was freed from its cage, Chantrieri immersed herself in the feeling of freedom- or at least, that was how Naomi was feeling as she synchronized with the robot.
As for Adam, he was smiling as he allowed Naomi to enjoy herself for now. He feels that she deserves it, especially for what's about to come next. While Naomi thought that they were simply going out for a test-run, Adam was actually heading towards the location where he 'smelled' the klaxosaur's location.
'Or klaxosaurs.' Adam added in his mind. Although he does have the ability to locate klaxosaurs, an ability he shares with his sister, he can't accurately count how many or how strong the klaxosaur is.
After travelling for about fifteen minutes or so, Adam eventually stopped Chantrieri at a certain area. Of course, it was still a barren wasteland, which Naomi found odd, wondering why Adam stopped here.
'Is he tired? or is he thinking of going back?'
She has to admit, it was fun exploring and being piloted by Adam, and she felt a little sad that they were about to go back now.
'Well, I'm his partner anyways, so he'll always pilot me from now on.' Naomi comforted herself.
However, Adam wasn't turning Chantrieri around, which made Naomi wonder if he was going to do something else.
Adam didn't respond, making Naomi feel a little worried as she thought that something was wrong.
And just as she called out to him again, Adam's face changed into excitement as he willed Chantrieri into a stance.
"It's here." Adam announced as he began to grin in excitement.
Naomi grew fearful as she felt the ground beneath them begin to shake.
"H-h-here? What's here?!"
Chantrieri looked at the ground beneath her, and soon, a wide sharp maw surfaced the ground. Chantrieri swiftly jumped into the air, narrowly dodging the large mouth that snapped shut after attempting to bit them.
Adam and Naomi saw as a large klaxosaur began to rise from the ground. Its head was triangular in shape while its body resembled a large salamander. Half of its body was still buried underground, but it already reached the size of over 200 meters!
Its obsidian-black triangular scaled head and sharp blue fangs was overwhelmingly large as its two forelegs began to pull itself from the ground. Chantrieri's height paled in comparison to the enormous size of the klaxosaur as it was even larger than the mono-class klaxosaur that attacked the plantation.
"Perfect." Adam said as they saw the large klaxosaur.
"P-p-p-p-perfect?! I-in what way is this perfect?!"
Naomi had never felt so frightful in her life than this moment. As they were still suspended in mid air, a giant klaxosaur in the size of a small village was waiting for them on the ground!
Of course, Adam was aware of how unreasonable the situation was for Naomi, especially when she has zero battling experience. Therefore, instead of directly fighting the humongous klaxosaur right now, he landed Chantrieri a fair distance away from the klaxosaur. The moment they landed, Chantrieri ran away, covering about 700 meters in less than five minutes before stopping just enough that the klaxosaur was still in their vision.
Naomi visibly seemed relieved, but it only lasted for a short moment as she realized that they stopped.
"Adam?" She was surprised to see her pilot walking beside her. "W-w-what are you doing?! We should head back and report that klaxosaur as soon as possible!"
However, contrary to her agitated appearance, Adam seemed calmed as ever. His expression and aura portrayed a strong sense of confidence.
He stood in front of Naomi, leaning his face closer to hers before clasping her soft cheeks with his hands.
"Adam! W-w-what are you trying to do?!" The panic in her heart was changed into fluster as she brought into another close proximity with Adam's handsome face.
Adam smirked as his eyes narrowed in deviousness, creating a completely different charm from his usual amiable and carefree persona.
"Do you trust me?"
Naomi looked at Adam's mesmerizing crystal blue eyes as she subconsciously gulped.
"I... I do." She answered in a very small voice.
Adam pulled down her chin and kissed her mouth.
"Hnn?!?!?!!!!!" Completely taken in by surprise, Naomi felt a hot tongue began exploring her mouth and stealing her breath away. Her voice was suppressed by Adam's lips and Naomi couldn't do anything else but let her lips and mouth get taken by Adam.
Their kiss lasted for three minutes which consisted of wet, soppy, and mind boggling kiss that made the poor teenager feel hot. By the time it was done, Naomi's face was completely feverish while her eyes were hazy. She had labored breaths as if she had just finished sprinting whereas she began to feel an uncatchable itch rising from her crotch.
Seeing her dazed appearance, Adam smiled and kissed her lips again, this time only for a brief second. This somehow woke Naomi from her daze as her unfocused eyes turned to Adam.
"....A...dam.... what...." She wanted to ask what that was about, but she was still out of breath. Not only that, her head felt a little woozy after their kiss.
She had no idea what they just did or why he did such a shameful thing. But whatever it was, it felt magical.
Observing her suggestable state, Adam said, "Tell you what, Naomi. If you do a good job and we manage to kill that klaxosaur over there, I promise you that I will give you a better, more exciting and pleasurable experience than this kiss."
"..." Naomi looked at him with a feverish gaze, still trying to comprehend his words. She wanted to say no, but the itch from her lower waist prevented her from hastily answering.
Adam thought his offer wasn't enough, so he added, "If we win, I'll let you kiss me whenever and wherever you want."
'Kiss? Is that what we just did?' Naomi wondered to herself.
"We can do more than that, but yes."
Naomi observed his face for a few moments before bashfully nodding, her already flushed face turning even redder in embarrassment.
Adam grinned happily. "Atta girl."
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