Chapter 3: Chapter 3
"So, how has life been treating you so far?" Dr. FRANXX asked.
"Oh, it's alright." Adam answers casually, "Just being transported from one place to another and never having a permanent place to stay at, you know, the usual."
The others gave him an incomprehensible look. They really couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic or sincere.
"Just like me!" Zero Two beamed while remaining stuck beside her brother like a koala. Her arms latching tightly around him as she constantly rubbed her face on his arm, drowning herself in his scent and feeling comfortable with his warmth. (A certain annoying, nagging woman told her to get off her brother, so she can only reluctantly make do with this for now.)
Honestly, it was a little bit difficult to walk like this for Adam, so he purposely slowed their pace to allow his sister to enjoy herself.
"That's right, sister." Adam childishly nodded, resplying to her earlier comment and patted her head. "Just like you!"
""Yey!"" The two high-fived at having something in common.
"You two... I'll never understand you siblings." Dr. FRANXX murmured while observing them. "I see that you two are close as ever."
Zero Two nodded her head vigorously, puffing her chest in pride, "That's right! Me and my brother are inseparable in both spirit and mind!" She didn't mention body because she and her brother had literally been separated for more than four years, much to her dissatisfaction.
'But that doesn't matter now.~' She smiled lasciviously and hugged her brother tighter. Tonight, they are going to make up for all those lost years of missing together.
Dr. FRANXX gave them a blank stare, fully knowing what those two siblings were up to.
".....Right." At this exact moment, they entered the establishment and he stopped in front of them. "In any case, It's been a long travel and we all just arrived, so let's rest in our rooms for now and meet again at dinner."
"That's right." Nana said seriously, regaining her stern and formal composure as she looked at the pair of siblings that was stuck with one another. "I will bring you both to your rooms."
"Um, about that..." Adam made a troubled expression and asked, "Can my sister and I share rooms?"
"That's..." Nana wanted to say that it's not allowed, especially when she was aware of his nature. And seeing as how sticky Zero Two was with him now, it didn't take a genius to guess what they were going to do.
'But what can I do?' Nana sighed inwardly, 'That's his unique specialization.' In the end, she glanced at Dr. FRANXX beside her and left the decision to him.
Dr. FRANXX got her message and gave a firm nod to the two. "That should be fine. You two siblings should enjoy your reunion. You haven't seen each other for years after all."
"Bu-" The stocky young man, Zero Two's partner's eyes widened as he wanted to ask why they would allow this but he was interrupted by the doctor.
"I said it's fine." He observed the pair of siblings before turning to Nana. "You lead them to their room. I'll find someone else to escort me and this young'un." Saying so, he turned and went to another direction and the guards and escorts followed. Zero Two's partner followed as well, albeit unwillingly.
"You're in-charge of them, Nana." The doctor left behind these words before completely walking away to the distance.
"Okay, Doctor." Nana nodded in acknowledgement and turned to the two.
"Let's go then?" She almost failed to hide the hint of shyness in her voice. Knowing full well of their past and what they're intending to do, even she as an adult couldn't help but be curious about the experience.
"Let's go, Let's go, Let's go!!!!" Zero Two excitedly held her brother's and Nana's arms and pulled them along with her.
"Wait! That's not the way! Stop pulling me!" Nana's aggrieved voice echoed through the halls as she was eagerly dragged away by Zero Two.
Inside a dark office where multiple holographic screens dimmly lit up the room, Dr. FRANXX could be seen reading some data information from one of the monitors while comparing it to a data he had on his tablet.
Knock. Knock.
"Doctor? It's Nana."
"Come in."
The tall, buxom woman with long, wavy reddish-brown hair entered the office. She curiously glanced at the experimentation reports along with the unique chemical compositions placed on the testing tables. There were also klaxosaur body parts placed in preservation tubes on the side of the room.
"So? How are the two?" Dr. FRANXX asked without looking away from his tablet.
"They're..." A blush appears on Nana's stern face as she awkwardly answers, "...still undergoing the procedure."
"Haha! Young'uns!"
"Doctor!" Nana reproached. "Shouldn't we stop them? They haven't left their room all night and the start-up ceremony is almost starting."
"Mhmm... I suppose we should." Dr. FRANXX looked at Nana and said, "Prepare a heavy meal for them and tell them they need to attend the ceremony."
"Wha- I am not their maid!" Nana complained.
"But you are in charge of them."
"...." Nana frowned in discontent before sighing her bitterness away. "Be that as it may, Doctor... does this mean that Zero Two's performance will improve now that they have done the procedure?"
Dr. FRANXX answered nonchalantly, "I think the recorded facts will provide the answer to your question."
"That's true but... how does this even work?" Nana questioned with genuine curiosity.
The ability to improve a pistil's performance by performing sexual intercourse with them. It was simply an unbelievable and yet unique ability that only the unit named 'Adam' could do. It was so amazing that not only did Papa personally gave him his own name, which is already a big deal on its own, but also granted him a special permission to commit reproductive activities even though parasites were never meant to get hold of such knowledge. After all, parasites were doctrine to have a friendly and professional exterior. Their entire purpose in life was to please Papa as well as protect the plantations for klaxosaurs by piloting giant humanoid mechas called 'FRANXX'. They were, for the lack of better words, disposable soldiers.
Therefore, acquiring the knowledge of reproduction could awaken the repressed emotions resting in the parasites' minds which in turn, could strengthen their self will and affect their duties due to their emotions.
Dr. FRANXX turned to Nana and said, "I could answer all the scientific hypothesis that we've researched so far. None of which you would fully understand, but I am not ashamed to admit that we still do not know how Adam's unique constitution works."
He swiped on his tablet and a medical record appears on the hologram screen in front of them. He continued, "As you can see, his DNA and biodata matches Zero Two's in every possible way and yet, we still cannot understand what makes him special. However, what differs him from Zero Two is not only his special constitution, but also the way every genetic material of his reacts once it leaves his body."
Dr. FRANXX showed a video and explained, "As you can see, any DNA or genetic materials extracted from the young man erodes in a matter of seconds. Whether it be his hair, bodily fluid, or any DNA material that could be extracted from him, erodes in the end without a question. Therefore, we cannot study him through another replicated specimen as we did with Zero Two, which as you know, resulted in the 9's."
"Although," Dr. FRAXX continued with an interested voice, "One of his bodily fluids , the semen to be precise, preserves so long as it is stored within a female's womb and vagina. There has been records of attempting to extract it through a female genitalia replica, one that is exactly the same as a real one, and yet, it's as if his genetic material has a mind of its own and is able to distinguish it's authenticity."
"That's..." Nana didn't know what to say to such an unethical practice.
Not minding Nana's conflicted look as she is already known to be a sympathizer for the children, Dr. FRANXX concluded, "In any case, the failure to extract any DNA material from him led to the ongoing mystery of his unique body constitution despite being the twin of Zero Two. Furthermore, he also cannot fertilize fertile eggs, which brings us to presume that he is infertile."
"Fertile eggs? As in parasites or... adults?" Nana curiously asked.
Dr. FRANXX rolled his eyes. "You should know what views adults have on this topic and since his semen cannot be extracted, the sexual intercourse needs to be done, which is something that adults aren't willing to volunteer for. So parasites were naturally used for this experiment."
"I see..." Nana stared at Adam's profile with an incomprehensible gaze. No one could tell what was going on in her mind.
Meanwhile, Dr. FRANXX's beady eyes grew mildly somber as he added, "Believe me when I say that he cannot be cloned and replicated because APE has tried every, and I mean every, possible way to study and examine him."
"Doctor... you don't mean..." Nana looks at the doctor in disbelief while the latter gives a grim nod of confirmation, making her face pale as she gasps in cold breath. She couldn't imagine what horrors of the child had to go through in the name of being 'studied'.
Humanity had come a long way from human experimentation. However, when it comes to human-klaxosapien hybrids like Zero Two and Adam, they had less consideration as they weren't treated as humans, but an entirely different species. While Zero Two was able to be easily studied, which resulted in the birth of the 9's, Adam was on the unfortunate side as his genetic materials couldn't be extracted. This caused him to undergo inhumane experimentation all for the sake of being studied and analyzed.
And yet, in the end, they failed to retrieve any concrete materials from him. He was an oddity, an abnormality that APE couldn't understand. Which is ironic since they were the one who created him.
Dr. FRANXX sighed softly, but his face was emotionless, "In truth, I myself, along with several other brilliant minds of APE partook in the examination of Zero Three and quite frankly, I find it admirable for the boy to retain his sanity. I'm sure that no amount of memory erasure can ever clear away the horrors that child went through. But we did it anyways, regardless whether his mind breaks or not in the process."
"...." Nana was speechless. She couldn't believe that the doctor could say such things with ease while APE, most especially Papa, the being that they all respected and admired, would order such things to happen to a child all for the sake of figuring him out.
Granted that if they did manage to study him, replicate him even, then they would have a better chance of fighting klaxosaurs.
'But even so! Is he not a person as well?!'
While Nana tried to maintain a blank face as to hide her inner confliction, Dr. FRANXX was discreetly observing Nana's reaction. He was aware of her past and with her, undergoing memory erasure and indoctrination like Adam. He wanted to see whether it would trigger something in her. He didn't really have any deeper meaning in doing so. It was simply his curiosity to see whether it would trigger something in her or not.
Such is the whims of a mad scientist like Dr. FRANXX. He is a man born with pure lust for knowledge in which he would stop at nothing to gain what he wants.
Eventually, she was able to hold onto her emotions and muttered in a breathless voice, "If that is indeed the case... then why is he transferred here now?"
It was an understandable question since if Adam was a very special and important specimen, why would they allow him to transferred in this plantation and mingle with other parasites? One would think that they would lock him up and keep him from seeing the day light ever again if he was that precious.
"Now that is a question I don't have an answer to." Dr. FRANXX said before dismissing Adam's information from the screen and returning to his own studies.
Nana's eyes dimmed as her gaze fell to the ground. "....I'll be leaving now, Doctor."
"Mhmm..." Dr. FRANXX nodded and didn't bother seeing her out.
"Nana... can't you get me a wheel chair?"
"No! Who told you guys to go at it for hours?!"
In the middle of a hallway, a beautiful young woman with light-pink hair was walking with buck knees and shaky legs while being supported by a handsome young man with silver hair. They were being led by a tall, buxom woman who seemed irritated at the young woman's complaints. These three were naturally Adam, Zero Two, and Nana and they were currently on their way to the graduation ceremony.
"I can just carry you, you know?" Adam offered to his sister as he held her hand while supporting her shoulder.
"No. Isn't Darling more tired than me?" Zero Two's smile became perverted, "Darling was the one who did most of the moving, after all."
"It was great, right?" Adam replued with a grin.
"Great? It was the best!"
While the two playfully teased each other like young lovers fresh out of their morning passion, which isn't really too far since they had been going at it since last night till earlier morning and going for more rounds in bathroom when Nana called them. Honestly, she had to drag them out of there or they would've never stopped.
In any case, the two siblings' attitude made the woman in front of them blush profusely as she tried to maintain an impassive face. She really tried her best to remain professional despite the vivid and suggestive comments the keep making to one another.
"But seriously though, my legs feel like jelly.... Nana... wheelchair, please.... Or I'll have my Darling carry me like a princess while we attend the ceremony." Zero Two continued to complain like a spoiled child.
"You!" Nana looked at the drama queen in frustration as she touched her aching head and sighed. "Why are you such a troublesome child..."
"Hehe... But that's what makes me your favorite parasite, right?" Zero Two playfully quips.
Nana looked at her with a deadpan face. "...I really can't with you. Also, what's this Darling thing?"
"Hehe..." Zero Two smiled cheekily as she looks at her brother with an endearing gaze, "I read it in a book once that you call your partner for life as 'Darling'."
Nana stared at the two siblings for a moment, not knowing what to say to that. Adam onlt shrugged at the older woman's look and said, "I think it's sweet."
Nana closed her eyes and sighed. "Nevermind. Anyway," she looked at Zero Two and pleaded, "Just endure for it now, okay?"
"Boohoo! Besides do we really have to go to the ceremony?"
"Er... well... not really, but Doctor said-"
"Darling! Did you hear that?!" Zero Two beamingly smiled at Adam, "We don't have to go!"
Adam mirrored her smile as well. "Heard it loud and clear." and without saying anything else, he carried Zero Two's legs and lifted her in a princess carry, much to the latter's joy, before they began running away.
"Ah! Wait! Adam, not you too!" Nana grumbled in exasperation as Adam and Zero Two quickly disappearing in the midst the crowd.
"She really is a free-spirited child huh." Adam muttered to himself as he returned to the intersection where he left Zero Two to wait while he went looking for a wheel chair. In the end, he did find a wheel chair, but his sister wasn't there where he left her.
He could really only sigh as he set aside the wheelchair. "Whelp. Looking for her it is then. Did she go to the comfort room? She shouldn't have gone far if her legs were as weak as she made it out to be."
With that, he asked for the direction of the comfort rooms and was led to several, but he couldn't find his sister anywhere. After spending an hour and a half of looking for her, he eventually gave up and began aimlessly wandering through the halls, looking to explore the plantation. In truth however, he was surveying the building, taking mental notes of all the passages and security routes he stumbled across. And so, while he was strategically roaming around, he acted as if he was going along his whims and looking curiously.
There weren't many interesting things around the plantation other than what he was already sickeningly familiar with. Eventually, he found himself in a hangar of sorts where he found two particular youths accompanied by one adult. Growing curious, he approached closer and witnessed an ongoing emotional drama of separation between two partners. Coincidentally, he was familiar with the boy who had a downcast face. Beside him was a girl of average height wearing the standard 'Pistil' uniform. She has short, wavy dark brown hair with dark brown eyes.
She was holding a big brown briefcase as she wore a despondent expression.
"You're just running away." The girl spoke with a low voice. "From your partner, and from yourself."
"You remember how many of our friends disappeared from the orphanage, right?" she asked rhetorically.
The boy looked at her with a conflicted expression amd the latter continued with a distraught voice, "There's no telling when we could end up just like them."
She dropped the briefcase in frustration. "So don't try to play the hero!"
"Who cares if it's favoritism? You're lucky you have a chance to stay at all!"
She covered her face with her hands as tears fell from her face.
"We've made it so far!" She exclaimed in utter infuriation, looking at the boy as if he was her enemy.
"I would definitely stayed, even if it killed me!"
"Hey! Quit your chatter!" The nearby adult reproached.
"Naomi..." but the bot doesn't reply to her words, only calling out to her name while watchinf as the girl began sobbing.
"Why... why did you have to be my partner?" She asked sorrowfully, as if asking why fate gave her a bad hand.
"Well, if you wanna stay, then stay."
Just then, an unfamiliar lighthearted voice suddenly spoke from the side, completely breaking the solemn atmosphere. Hiro blinked, finding this voice strangely familiar. The two of them turned towards the speaker and there Adam was, intruding in the scenario like a mysterious charming character from a movie.
Naomi's eyes widened in surprise, never expecting such a handsome man to speak to them at this moment. His sudden appearance took her slightly aback before feeling a sense of embarrassment at how her unsightly she looked right now.
"You..." The adult near them narrowed his eyes, wondering who this arrogant young man was.
"Hi." Adam flashed his trademark angelic smile as he greeted them.
"You're Zero Two's brother." Hiro said with a slightly surprised tone.
Adam chuckled lightly, "It's Adam. And yes, I am indeed Zero Two's brother."
The nearby adult studied his appearance for a few seconds before turning away and looking at his tablet as if to check something.
"What are you doing here, Adam?" Hiro asked.
Adam shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, I don't know. I was just exploring the area and ended up here." He looked at Hiro and the girl who turned her back on him while hastily drying her tears. "Then I stumbled upon a pretty interesting scene." he added teasingly.
He could see the girl's ears turning red in embarrassment, but he didn't point it out.
"This..." Hiro didn't know what to say to that.
Meanwhile, Naomi who was busy cleaning her face, frowned a little, thinking that he was here to make fun of them.
But then Adam suddenly approached her and tapped her shoulder. "Hi."
Naomi flinched in surprise, but quickly covered her face, refusing to let the handsome man see her shameful face. Adam found the girl's actions adorable, prompting him to playfully knock on the girl's hands that was covering her face.
"Knock. Knock."
While Naomi felt extremely embarrassed, she also infuriated at the same time. She really thinks that this man was here to make fun her, causing her heart to be filled with anger while her fluster and embarrassment were pushed back.
"You're supposed to say 'Who's there?'." Adam joked.
Naomi stopped covering her face, allowing her to see Adam's immaculately handsome face that was standing right in front of her. But since her heart was filled with anger and bitterness, she glared at him openly.
"Oh, there's our little beauty." Adam smirked.
Unaffected by his compliment, Naomi frowned even more. It doesn't matter to her if he was a handsome guy, he had no right to make fun of her especially now that she was being shipped away. As for Adam, he sensed that the girl really wasn't in the mood for jokes, so he stepped closer to her, prompting her to take a step back out of intimidation of his height and sudden action. Her eyes, glaring directly at his mesmerizing crystal blue eyes that she found herself unwillingly admiring. Feeling her anger beginning to dissipate, Naomi quickly voiced out her question. (A/N: Really, handsome guys have it the easiest.)
"You... what did you say earlier?"
Adam softly smiled. "I said, if you want to stay here, then stay."
Naomi narrowed her eyes. She was no longer frowning, but her brows were slightly knitting to show her discontent for the man who seems to be saying whaterver he wants without understanding the situation.
"I can't... because of my partner-"
"I'll be your partner." Adam resolutely said and grasped her small fair hands.
"W-w-w-what?" Utterly surprised by his words, Naomi's face blushed in red hue as she looked at him in bewilderment.
'What's happening? Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I?' The current development was too much for her teenage mind to process.
"I said..." Adam leans closer to her face, a playful smile adorning his face as he forced her out of her shock. "I'll be your partner."
Naomi could not form any words. Her brain stopped working.