Chapter 21: Chapter 21
Glaring at Adam, Nana replies, "You have a lot of nerve to ask that especially with what you did the last time. And for the record, Chantrieri is still a unit owned and listed under the doctor, so you and Naomi aren't authorized in every sense of word to use Chantrieri as you wish."
In reponse to her stern words, Adam leaned his face closer to hers where their distance was just a breath's away.
Unfazed, Nana's sharp eyes stared directly into Adam's mesmerizing deep blue eyes that looked as if challenging her.
"Is that right?" the white haired boy asked with a smirk.
Nana narrowed her eyes even further and declared, "That is so."
And just like the case with Zero Two and Nana earlier, now the same woman and the girl's brother were doing the exact same thing.
Neither one was giving up in this stand-off.
Adam was challenging their authority and Nana was determined to keep him in place.
"You know..." Adam's eyes turned half-lidded as he leaned past Nana's face and whispers into her ear, "You look so hot when you look at me like that."
The buxom older woman reeled her head back in surprise as her stern face completely shattered. She goggled the young man in front of her, but then, she was further taken aback when the white-haired young man suddenly took her lips.
Completely and utterly surprised, Nana couldn't believe what was happening right now.
All that registered in her mind was the warm comfortable feeling inside her mouth. His tongue swiveled around hers', sending some tingles down her spine as she reflexively stood up straight to further meet his kiss.
Unfortunately, it was cut short as Adam retreated, leaving a string of saliva between them before cutting it off as he stood back beside his sister, who was watching all this in a similar state of shock.
"D-Darling?" her beautiful turquoise eyes dimmed down as her obsession and jealousy spiked up to unprecedented heights.
She was definitely not pleased with what she saw. Not in the slightest.
Was the rumors true after all? That her brother tends to seduce and charm his superiors?
But... why would he do that? Does he find them attractive?
Is Nana attractive?
The pink-haired girl sent a fiery glare at the buxom older woman.
As for the other kids who witnessed it, Nana, Hiro, and Mitsuru shared the same exact shock as the pink-haired girl did.
They could never have expected that Adam would do that or even dared to do such a thing in that moment.
(A/N: Bro has that harizzment rizz. Remember fellas, the only difference between harassment and flirting is your level of attractiveness. It's the harsh truth of reality.)
As for the man with balls in question, he licked his lips sensationally, as if savoring something tasty, before looking at Nana with an impish smile.
"What a sweet taste."
"....." Nana stood there, still in shock of what happened, but when she saw that suggestive look on Adam's face, she swore her heart skipped a few beats.
And she didn't know what to do.
But before she could gather her composure, Adam suddenly spoke.
"Alright," He moved next to his partner, Naomi, who was still shocked and processing what he just did.
"I'll do as you say." he states while casually leading Naomi back to the bleachers with him. Sitting next to the still-dazed brunette, Adam leaned on the backrest comfortably. "Still though, that doesn't change the fact that your squad's definitely going to die if they don't get some help."
He switched glances between Hachi's profile from the holographic board and Nana.
"What will you do?" he grinned.
This time, Zero Two turned her gaze to Nana as well, as if to asking the same question.
Inwardly though, she was still bothered by what her darling just did, without her permission, again. But she decided to push this back for now as there were lives at stake. The longer the remain unresponsive, the higher the chances of those newbie parasites die.
'Though, I'll definitely get my explanation later.' she concluded her thoughts about her brother's issue there.
Suddenly, Mitsuru, who had been quiet and observing for some time, spoke.
"If Hiro and Adam can't do it, then I guess I'll have to go."
Ikuno looked at her partner in surprise, but the latter ignored her and continued, "Zero Two and Adam are right. Ichigo and others are all going to die if we don't send somebody."
"And I'm the only available stamen pilot here right now." he states while looking alternatively at all of them. "That means I have to go, right?"
Nana, finally recovering from her fluster and regaining composure, looked at Mitsuru and informed him, "Strelizia is no ordinary FRANXX. If you aren't used to its connect-"
"I'll be fine." Mitsuru cut her off presumptuously, "Even Hiro could ride it. So there's no way I couldn't."
Nana considered it for a bit and faced Zero Two, "Can you ride with Mitsuru, Zero Two?"
"Sigh... it's not like we have a choice, right?" Zero Two was really reluctant to do it.
Honestly, she thought this was the chance they would let her ride with her darling, but that unfortunately didn't seem to be the case.
Disappointing as it is... she was used to this now.
While it was her wish to ride with her darling, as he would be the only one she would and could trust her back to, there was no need to force the issue if it could result to having them separated again.
So now, she will help. But also stay obedient under her superior's authority.
'Really sucks though... I thought this was a chance.'
That was really the only reason why she stepped up and volunteered to help.
As for the other kids... call her heartless, but she honestly didn't care.
They were parasites. Easily produced and easily replaceable.
She didn't have a sense of "kinship" with them as she had been different from them from the start- heck, she's even an entirely different species for that matter.
Just like the dozen of stamen pilots who became her partner were discarded and replaced once they lost their use, it was the same case for all the other parasites.
They were all the same.
Different from her.
The parasites, the doctor, the APE staffs- even Papa. All of them were different from her.
Except for her one and only darling brother.
His sole existence is what anchored her to stay in this world. Had it not been for him, she would have just offed herself early, to save her from the pain and torturous things she had to go through.
Really, she can't imagine what her life would've been if her brother wasn't there.
Zero Two eventually snapped out of her inner monologuing as she sent one last glance at her beloved as she began to leave. Her darling simply smiled and waved at her in an encouraging manner, she pouted her cheeks but she was smiling and feeling inside. She really loved that lovable and handsome face of her darling.
Just as she walked, she went past a conflicted, arm trembling, down facing, perverted kid, the one who the doctor told him to approach earlier.
To be honest, the boy— Hi... Hi- What was it again? Doesn't matter. Anyway, he really didn't interest her in any way at all. Aside from suffering very minor to no injuries from riding with her the first time, there was nothing else remarkable about him.
'Though, I guess the fact that he wasn't bleeding or is majorly injured the first time is amazing enough in itself- Is what the higher ups are probably thinking.'
But in the end, again, it didn't really matter.
Whatever their plans are, whatever their intentions are, she didn't care so long as she could get to see her brother, sleep beside him, and enjoy their steamy recreational time together.
Other than that, except for the pitiful innocent parasites being brainwashed by them, the rest of APE and the higher-ups could go die in a ditch.
Zero Two sighed as she exited the room with haste. Time is of the essence after all.
'Let's go save some kids now.'
"Good luck!" she heard her brother wish her well as she left the room, making her smirk while thinking how to finish this mission sooner.
Oh, and the things they would be doing in the bedroom later.
Definitely can't forget about that since it helps her stay motivated after all.
'I wonder if darling would really give me that hundred hours of head.'
She snickered when thought about it.
'Oh he'll definitely do it.'
'....huh? Adam?'
Miku stirred awake. Opening her eyes, the very first thing she saw- unfortunately, was the ugly mug face of that partner of hers, who was looking at her nervously- much to her displeasure.
'This bastard... I told him not to be reckless!'
However, just before she was going to snap at him, Zorome suddenly hugged her, which immediately made her skin crawl in disgust.
"Mi... Miku!"
She wanted to push him away, but she couldn't muster up the strength to do so.
And no, she really did feel weak.
If she did have the strength, she definitely would've smacked his disgusting face away from taking advantage of her.
"L-let go of me!"
"There's no time!" Zorome immediately let go of her and ran back to his seat.
"We're being overrun by many klaxosaurs!" he stressed.
Weren't they just winning earlier?
But then she heard the loud clash outside the cockpit, realizing that they were indeed in perilous danger, Miku immediately forced herself up and mounted the pistil's seat.
She pumped herself up, focusing on synergizing as soon as possible.
Fortunately for them, the synchronization happened immediately, as both the pilot's desperation allowed to them to focus. And within seconds, Argentea powered up once more.
[Miku came back to life!] Zorome announced happily.
[Thank goodness!] Kokoro sighed in relief.
[I never died!] Miku, immersed as Argentea now, exclaimed as she picked herself up from the ground.
[Miku, are you okay- hngh!] Ichigo tried to check on to Miku's state, but the hatch door she was holding was being pushed forced open by the klaxosaurs.
[Argh!] She tried her best to hold it, but the door became disfigured, indicating that she wouldn't be able to hold unto it herself for long.
Argentea and Genista immediately went to support her.
[I'm fine!] Miku reported.
[But...] Futoshi spoke with difficulty, [We won't be able to hold un much longer!]
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The hatch door was constantly being pounded, worn, and torn by the numerous klaxosaurs who couldn't wait to eat them, especially their magma-powered FRANXX and weapons.
Just then, as if a light of hope, Hachi's voice transmission came in.
[Strelizia's coming to back you up. Can you hold out until it arrives?]
Delphinium's face immediately became conflicted upon hearing that. But for the others, it was a very great news.
[All right! If we can just hang in here then...] Futoshi's expression brightened.
[Yeah!] Kokoro, immersed as Genista, agreed in delight.
[Who is it?!] Ichigo shouted in immediate reply to Hachi's announcement. [Who's piloting it?!]
Inside Delphinium's cockpit, Goro reproached Ichigo.
"Hey, Ichigo! Focus!"
He could feel their synchronization shaking. It seems that that news triggered something inside his partner.
'Damn it! Why'd she suddenly get so heavy?!'
Goro let out a groan as he carried the steering handle bars with great effort as to not lose control of Delphinium. But this proved to be difficult as the sudden weight increase could amount to two 50 kg or more!
Ichigo on the other hand, was still rattled by Strelizia's impending arrival. Memories of the time when she and a certain black haired boy tried to ride Delphinium together.
That time when they tried to kiss each other to resolve it.
She was concerned for one person, and one person only.
Her chest felt heavy. She didn't want to admit it.
That she couldn't unlock Hiro's potential. That she wasn't the one for him. And it was someone else.
It hurt.
It hurt a lot.
As she was immersed with Delphinium, her emotions overwhelmed the synergy and soon, Delphinium lost strength and stumbled forward.
[H-Hey!] Argentea kept her hands on the breaking hatch door and had to double her efforts as to not let it get completely broken.
Genista did the same.
They wanted to check what's wrong with Delphinium, but unfortunately for them, with the loss of one of their support, the hatch door ended up being pushed through by the klaxosaur. Argentea and Genista's strength were too weak compared to an entire flock of klaxosaurs.
[What's gotten into you?!] Miku gripped in frustration as she was pushed back strong enough to fall on her rear.
Genista managed to let go of the door so she did not end up being pushed back.
[We can't stay here anymore!] Goro barked as he announced to his team, [Run to the center!]
The three FRANXX immediately picked up their pace and ran towards the center where the conveyor belt platform was located.
As they ran across the hallways, constant rumbling could be heard from their back, indicating an entire horde of klaxosaurs was chasing after them.
Passing through the entrance they came from earlier, they arrived at the middle of the facility, the area where the conveyor belt platform was.
[We have to hang on until Strelizia gets here!] encouraged Goro.
However, Genista, who was in front of them, suddenly stopped, causing Delphinium and Argentea to bump into her.
[What's wrong?!] Goro frustratingly asked.
But what awaited in front of them, was an even more despairing scene.
Dozens of the round bug-like klaxosaurs could be seen crowding the area as if they had been waiting for them. It was the same type of klaxosaurs that was chasing them earlier, but it was also clear that it's an entirely different group to the ones before.
What's worse is that this group could already be counted as an entire horde as there were too many klaxosaurs in one place.
They were stuck.
[We can't handle this many!] Futoshi whimpered.
Argentea looked at Delphinium with an anxious face.
They might actually die here.
[Hey, leader...] Miku stressed, [What're we gonna do about this?!]
Just then, a large klaxosaur descended from the higher level. It had the same large round-ball-like body as the smaller ones, but it was massive compared to them, sizing to about ten or more times the size of the bug-like klaxosaur.
Its overwhelming size stunned the three FRANXX. Their pilots held breathless at their current predicament.
Ichigo, still immersed as Deplhinium, began to feel the weight of her mistake earlier. She felt very remorseful for putting them into this state.
'If I hadn't let my mind drift to stupid thoughts back there, things might not have come to this...'
Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret.
They now came face to face with the klaxosaur who was clearly a class above the klaxosaurs they faced earlier.
'Strelizia would've probably made it in time too.' the bluenette gritted her teeth as she frustratingly reproached herself for her failure and stupidity.
The giant klaxosaur approached her. Its insect-body that now had a torso, two more sets of arms, and one large elongated maw for a head. It opened wide its mouth, revealing a jagged set of dark blue fangs and strings of viscous saliva that were looking forward to devouring her.
Delphinium couldn't move.
They couldn't move.
Whether it was fear, acceptance, or shock.
Not one of them could move.
'I've failed as a leader.' Ichigo despaired.
The klaxosaurs opened maw hovered above Delphinium's head, casting a dim shadow unto her face as she saw the interior of the klaxosaur's mouth.
In the end, Ichigo could only accept her fate.
However, just then, a loud moving sound- akin to something falling very fast, could be heard from the distant upper levels.
Then suddenly— BAM!
The visage of Strelizia appeared, landing atop the klaxosaur that was about to devour Delphinium. Due to the speed and weight of Strelizia, the klaxosaur's body caved in and her lance easily pierced through its body that was covered with thick scale-like skin.
The rubber-like properties of the large klaxosaur softened Strelizia's fall, allowing her to land safely despite dropping down directly from the open surface.
[Strelizia!!!] The parasites called out in relief.
Multitude amount of blue blood exploded from Strelizia's attack, painting the entire surroundings with the blood of the large klaxosaur. The fact that its body exploded meant that she had also accurately stabbed its core, causing it explode its parts and immediately die.
Strelizia walked away from the corpse of the large klaxosaur unassumingly and stood before the three FRANXX.
[Hiro...? Is it you, Hiro?] Ichigo asked to make sure.
But an entirely different voice responded.
[All of you get back.]
[Huh??] Zorome immediately spiked up. He would recognize that arrogant snobbish voice everywhere. [Is that you, Mitsuru?]
Then, Hachi's command came from Genista, Deplhinium, and Argentea's comms.
[All units, let Strelizia handle things there and evacuate.]
[Roger!] Goro immediately responded.
"Let's go, Ichigo."
The other three FRANXX immediately began their retreat, leaving Strelizia alone in the middle of the horde of klaxosaurs.
Strelizia, holding one of the round-ball-like klaxosaurs by its head with her left hand, raised her lance and stabbed it. The tip cut smoothly into the klaxosaur's body like it was butter. In one move, Strelizia destroyed its core and the klaxosaur exploded, splashing more blue blood unto her.
Inside Strelizia's cockpit, Mitsuru's laborious breathing could be heard. Sweat dripped from the side of his face, showing evident struggle, but the corners of his lips were curling upwards.
He was smiling. His cheeks were flushed.
Leaning forward, he chuckled, "This is amazing! I feel power! I feel like I can do anything!" he exclaimed.
"I'm amazed that changing partners could make such a difference." He uttered loudly, "I knew I wasn't the problem!"
The surrounding klaxosaurs lunged towards him, their for insect limbs extending menacingly while revealing its small maw located under its large round-ball-like body.
Strelizia swung her lance, instantly cutting through the incoming klaxosaurs and effectively killing them.
[I'm just as good as Hiro!] he declared.
Strelizia moved, launching more fearsome attacks to the other klaxosaur.
[Hiro!] Mitsuru spoke with a psychotic grin and wolfish eyes, [Are you watching this? We're in perfect harmony!]
Strelizia soared through the air, slicing and dicing more lunging klaxosaurs with great accuracy. All those klaxosaurs fell to her with one attack from her lance.
[I can pilot Strelizia as I please, without losing consciousness!]
There were several klaxosaurs slowly approaching her back, to which Strelizia responded with a low sweeping kick, launching the klaxosaurs up into the air before stabbing through all of them her lance. Four to five klaxosaurs stuck onto her lance at once like dango dumplings.
Back inside the briefing room, Nana, Hachi, Ikuno, Hiro, and Naomi were watching the scene through Strelizia's perspective.
And they had to admit, Strelizia did show great- no, not just great. But outstanding performance.
Ikuno was covering her mouth, unable to stay strong upon seeing the slaughter and viscera that she was witnessing. Naomi, who had moved from Adam's side and now stood closer to the holographic board, was in a similar state. But she did her best to hide her discomfort behind a slightly tense face.
[If you want, I don't mind becoming your official partner.] Mitsuru offered to Zero Two, [We'd make the greatest duo, don't you think?]
Upon hearing Mitsuru's words through the broadcast, Hiro's expression crumpled as his hand clenched in frustration. He clenched his hands so strongly that his nails dug into his flesh.
But this searing pain felt nothing in comparison to the seething anger and frustration he felt inside.
Zero Two... the only parasite he was able to properly pilot. She was the only one....
And now, she was being taken away.
'Damn it.. damn it... damn it... DAMN IT!'
It felt so frustrating... so angering... so infuriating....
Why was the world so unfair to him?
Unfortunately for Hiro, Adam spoke aloud, completely indifferent to the complicated feelings he was having.
"Oh, wow." Adam voiced from beside Naomi and Ikuno. Since it took quite some time for Strelizia to arrive at the destination, he and Naomi rested on the seats while observing the situation on the hologram board from afar.
But now that Strelizia was there, they all gathered around the holographic board and watched her arrival. The older white haired youth casually placed his elbow on Ikuno's shoulder while holding his chin. There, they could see an amused smile plastering his face as he eyed the broadcast.
"You weren't kidding huh?" he turns to the bespectacled girl, whose shoulder he was leaning his elbows on, "Not only is he pretty snub, but he's pretty egoistic too, huh?"
Really, how dare the kid claim to be the greatest duo with his sister, right in front of his face?
Luckily for him, Adam was already mature enough not to take the words of a power-drunk kid to heart. Nah, he's already too old for that.
...But no one would say anything if he 'accidentally' forgets to pull punches if they were to spar later. Right?
But then again, Adam doubts that would once his sister was done with the kid.
"...yes." was all Ikuno could say.
She didn't really wanna bad mouth her partner in front of Nana and Hachi, who were looking at her edge of their gaze right now.
By the way, Hachi had moved from the commanding room to the briefing room where the others were since Strelizia was the only unit left doing the mission.
"Welp, karma's about to bite him in the ass soon."
Everyone turns to Adam as they heard his nonchalant words that was like describing the weather.
They looked at him with inquisitive gazes, most especially Hachi and Nana.
"...What do you mean by that?" asked Nana with an inquisitive tone.
But Adam only smiled mysteriously, "Hmm.. well, you'll see."
He already knew what his sister was going to do as soon as the kid uttered those words. And honestly, he felt a little sorry for the kid for what was about to happen.
After all, no one could claim to be his sister's perfect duo without getting unscathed.
Back into the operation field, Strelizia, standing in a stance, lowered her blood drench spear. Voluminous blue blood could be seen continuously dripping from her weapon, signifying the amount of klaxosaur she had slaughtered.
In this brief moment of silence, Zero Two spoke with a tone of sarcasm.
"Oh, really?" Strelizia's expression grew even more monotone as she casually added, "I guess I can try going all-out for a bit, then."
It was in that moment, that Mitsuru realized.
....He fucked up.
"H-huh?" the snub boy let out an embarrassing noise like a girl.
But before anything could happen, Hachi hastily advised.
[Strelizia, that's enough. The other units have evacuated.] Hachi barked, [Get ou-]
{I'm gonna have some more fun before I leave.} Zero Two replies as Strelizia began preparing to face another large klaxosaur, the one that almost killed Delphinium earlier.
[No!] Nana immediately dissuaded her. [Return at once Zero Two!]
Beep! Beep!
And that was of Zero Two cutting of their communication.
"That girl..."
Nana was beginning to have a bad feeling about this.
Without hesitation, she commanded the other APE staff, "Prepare to receive Strelizia and its stamen at once."
"Retrieve?" repeated Ikuno questioningly.
That's odd, isn't it?
"Ah, well..." Adam's smile became wry as he deliberated whether to tell the poor girl the repercussions of the stamens that end up being paired with his sister.
(A/N: For those who are interested in reading advance chapters. []. Remove the "dot" inside patreon.
No pressure in becoming a member guys and gals. Remember to only do this if you have extra money.)