Chapter 19: Chapter 19
A few minutes had passed since she and Adam began their evening walk on the bridge and as time continued to pass, she found herself enjoying talking with the older teen.
Talking with him made her feel at ease since he was good at leading the conversation as well as making humorous jokes that made her chuckle, which is, honestly speaking ,really surprising for her. After all, while she was the 'mature' and 'teasing' of their group, she wasn't the person who would burst out laughing.
It was.... out of character for her. At least that's how she felt.
But Adam managed to bring out this side of her that even she never knew she had.
Among his jokes, 'Dark humor' in particular is what she enjoyed the most.
Although she understood that the content was mean, she just couldn't help but find herself burst out laughing at it.
[Insert your best dark jokes here.]
Be that as it may, whether it was intentional or not, Adam did make her feel comfortable. Comfortable enough to tell him her reason for calling him out like this.
The pavilion was right in front of them, but they stopped by the entrance.
The bespectacled girl faced Adam with a small smile, before adopting a serious expression.
"I'm really grateful that you took the time to join me for a walk."
"No problem." The older teen replies, "I enjoyed talking with you as well."
Although she didn't know why, but for some reason, his words made her feel really happy.
'Ugh! Get it together Ikuno!' She mentally slapped herself. 'This isn't the time to be crushing on him!'
"Kuhum! A-anyway..." Gathering her wits, she took a deep breath and began to open up to Adam. Casting a forlorn expression, spoke, "Mitsuru and I don't really have the best relationship."
She gave him a dry look, "...My partner?" she said, stating the obvious.
"Ah! The snob- cough. Neat looking kid."
She chortled and rolled her eyes. He definitely misspoke on purpose.
"Yes. Him." she confirmed with a hint of venom in her voice.
"I see... are you having trouble synchronizing?" Adam asks thoughtfully before tilting his head, "but you two seemed to do well yesterday though?"
"That's true but..." Her brows furrowed as she turned her gaze to the lake. "To be honest, it's very difficult for me to maintain the synchronization with him and... I don't know if I can last long if I'm always out of breath each time we ride together."
"Couldn't it be due to lack of practice? I mean, you guys just became parasites recently." Adam reasoned.
She shook her head solemnly, "He and I were already partners way before we graduated and can you believe it? We made little to no improvements at all with our synergy. And honestly... I'm a little afraid..."
Was she really making the right decision by revealing this all to Adam? What if he refuses to help her? What if he abandons her after she revealed this weak side of her?
She was just a stranger to him after all, and he was in under no obligations to help a troublesome and incompetent girl like her.
But she believed- no, she was betting on Adam's kindness. He did help out her friend Naomi, who was about to be dropped out and drafted to another plantation (though they all knew that the poor brunette was going to be 'pruned'). She was betting on his seemingly impulsive need to help out or his heroic tendency.
Was she wrong for trying to take advantage of him like this?
Perhaps. No- She definitely was. It was a scummy move from her.
But she was desperate.
After all, even with all her drive to struggle for survival, she was a coward at heart. And again, if it hadn't been mentioned enough, the main reason she became a parasite was because she was afraid of being 'pruned'.
She was already barely stable when that moho-class klaxosaur attacked and crashed into their start-up ceremony. Then it got worse when Adam shared his experiences. The future that awaited her was so grim and dark that she felt suffocated.
And so she concluded that... she needed him. She needed his help.
She looked at him with trembling eyes, mustering the most pitiable look on her face.
Her body was shaking and the air felt cold.
She wasn't purposely acting this way at all, no... she was simply letting whatever she was feeling inside manifest in reality.
She was terrified.
And the prolonged silence was definitely not helping.
He was looking at her, but it felt like he was thinking about something.
Only when she called out to him, did he respond again.
Wearing a teasing smile, he replied, "..You don't sound like you're just a 'little' afraid."
His lighthearted response brought a slight comfort to her.
At least she wasn't outright rejected.
"I suppose not," she responded ruefully, "I'm actually really scared.... how do you do it, Adam?
She looked at the older teen and asked with genuine curiosity, "How do you wake up in the morning, get up, and ready yourself if ever the duty calls, knowing that you will face the very same monsters that took your previous partners, friends, and comrades?"
"Is it revenge that's driving you? Is it your sense of duty? Or is it because you're a parasite that you still willfully face these horrible creatures?"
The older teen stared at her for a moment before turning his gaze to the lake. Walking over the railings and leaning on it, he spoke, "You might find it surprising, but my reason for fighting is actually none of the above." he turned to her with a smile. A smile that radiated warmth and love, "Rather, it's because the love of my life, the reason for my being, my other half, is waiting here for me. So you could say that I'm fighting to protect her."
It didn't take her a second to figure out who he was referring to.
"Your sister?"
"Yep." Adam nodded, his gaze becoming distant for a bit as if thinking about her.
For some inexplicable reason, Ikuno felt a little envious upon seeing that look on his face.
She shook her head to shake off such thoughts. She needed to reply to him.
"I see... well, I think your willingness to protect her is an admirable fact in itself. And, even if isn't your intention, it's still true that a lot has been protected and saved by you." She said while fixing her glasses to hide her embarrassed expression.
It was somehow a little embarrassing to compliment someone like this.
Then, she felt a large hand on top of her head.
Surprised, she looked at him but she was met with one of the most heart-thumping, mind blanking, eye blessing expression she had ever seen in her life.
'!!!!!!!' Her mind almost blanked when she found herself gazing into Adam's mesmerizingly calm and soothing blue eyes along with his angelic smile that seemed to have been blessed by the heaven's above.
'I thank God, Papa, and everyone else involved in the creation of this man.'
"Thanks." said Adam.
"...huh?" Suddenly, she felt liquid falling down her nose.
She's bleeding?! From her nose?!
She tried to stop it by pinching her nose and tilting her head up, but Adam stopped her.
"Don't do that." He held her hand and brought his handkerchief to her nose, letting his white-linen silk handkerchief be stained by her blood.
It was incredibly embarrassing for her, but she was still to dazed by the sudden development that she simply followed what Adam told her to do. Besides, with how sure Adam acted, she felt like she could trust him with it.
While gently holding the back of her head and forcing her to lean slightly forward, his other hand was holding the handkerchief over her nose. As he was doing this, he explained to her, "Whenever you have a nose bleed, it's actually better to let the blood flow continuously rather than stopping it. The reason for this is so that the blood doesn't flow back and end up going to your throat."
"Just let it continue bleeding while slightly applying pressure on this spot," Adam lightly squeezed the bony center part of her nose. "this should stop the nose bleeding in a few minutes."
While Adam was gently and calmly explaining this to her, Ikuno's mind was currently erratic.
She was ashamed, embarrassed, touched, happy, anxious, and more complicated and conflicting emotions jumbled up at once. All she could do was stare at Adam in daze as her mind constantly slapped herself for showing such an unbecoming side of her.
'Great, not only did I show him that I'm a pathetic girl who can't handle herself, but now he also knows that I'm a pervert.' She greeted her teeth in frustration over the fact that her nose was bleeding in the same way that the perverted shorty Zorome was perverting on Nana and her friends.
"If you're worried about the way I look at you now, don't worry. You're just the same cute and curious glasses girl who is need of help."
Her face felt hot as shame overcame her expression. Was she that easy to read?
'Wait, cute? Does he find me cute?'
Looking at his charming face, it was difficult to find any deceit.
'Tch! No, don't get your hopes up girl. He probably says that to every girl.'
Although she said this, it was still flattering to be complimented by a handsome man like Adam.
'Ugh.. no. Get it together!' Mentally slapping herself for the nth time, she gathered her composure and took the initiative to hold the handkerchief over nose while also applying pressure to the place Adam told her about.
"Thank you, but I'll hold it myself now." She said to Adam, who nodded and let her go.
....She felt a little reluctant once she didn't feel his touch anymo-
'SHUT UP!!!!'
"Don't squeeze it too much." Adam told her.
"Ah, right."
'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!'
Dear Papa! Why does standing near Adam turn her into a stupid clutz?!
And like that, the two of them fell silent as they stood side by side over the railings of the bridge. Adam was looking at her while she was awkwardly covering her bleeding nose.
"Um... could you not stare?" She can't help but ask Adam this because it was still too embarrassing.
"Ah, my bad." Adam chuckled lightly before leaning his arms on the railing and looking over the wide lake.
She too cast a distant gaze over the serene lake that felt calming to look at as it reflected the moon over the sky. Glittering lights could be seen caused by the slight ebbs brought by the midnight breeze. A comfortable silence loomed over them as they continued to watch over the lake.
She shivered slightly as the breeze brush past her, but she didn't have time to think about that when she heard Adam spoke.
"I'll help."
She found Adam looking at her with his usual amiable smile.
"Yeah." He nods, before adding with a slightly serious tone, "Though, there will be many embarrassing things that we'll need to do. You sure you're up for that?"
"Yes." She said with utmost seriousness.
She had never been more sure in her life.
"I'll do anything and everything you ask me to."
In this way, she'll have a higher chance of surviving.
So long as she could guarantee that, she would do anything and everything.
"Alrighty then." Adam answered with a toothy grin.
Watching the bespectacled girl's leaving back, Adam leaned on the pavilion's doorframe while waving her goodbye. He didn't stop looking at her until she entered the boarding house's interior garden.
He honestly didn't mind helping out the poor lass as it was true that by undergoing the 'procedure' with him, her potential would increase and she would grow stronger.
Besides, he was sure that the doctor and HQ are looking forward to this development. It's already a guarantee that they were watching over them right now somehow...
Anyway, other than that, he didn't really held much of an impression of the girl.
She's a nice girl and it was amusing to see her acting differently from her usual snarky and impassive attitude.
"...What did you guys talk about?"
A girl's voice suddenly spoke from behind him.
Turning his head, he found a petite bluenette wearing a parasite uniform emerge from the shadow of by one of the pavilion's pillar approaching him.
"Pretty sure you heard it all."
She had been waiting there since the start after all.
"Mhm..." was all she said before standing next to him.
Then she too, leaned on the other side on the pillar he was leaning on.
He glanced at her and saw a downcast expression on her face.
" that's what Ikuno has been feeling this entire time."
Her hands clenched as her brows furrowed in frustration.
"I'm such an idiot for not noticing anything." Her voice was filled with bitterness and self-blame.
"What kind of leader am I-"
"A failure, that's for sure."
Ichigo glared at him for a moment before her gaze fell to the floor.
He could actually understand what she was feeling right now.
But as leaders, she needed this moment to serve as a lesson and make her more aware of her squad mates. Their lives are her responsibility. Any negligence on her part would impact the team as a whole.
And he knows that she understood that as well.
"I-...." she released a depressed sigh as she rested her head on the pillar. "That's true..."
She had nothing to say to that.
Honestly, she was grateful that she found out about Ikuno's situation this early on. Otherwise, the consequences would've been unimaginable had Ikuno and Mitsuru's relationship exploded during a mission.
Adam read her surface thoughts and didn't say anything anymore.
She's a smart lass. She'll take this as a learning experience to be a better and much more capable leader.
There was no need to give her comforting words.
It'll just sound annoying to her ears to be told what she already knows.
At least, that's how he'll feel if he was in her position.
"Anyway," He spoke, shifting the topic, "What's the secret talk that you wanted to have with me that you had to discreetly meet up with me like this?"
"Well, it's..."
She grew hesitant, as if deliberating on how to say something.
But not wanting to waste anymore time (he wants to meet with his sister sooner), he answered for her.
"Let me guess, you want the same treatment as Ikuno-chan?"
"...Yes." She didn't deny it.
He liked that she was straightforward about it.
And it was her guts that made him agree almost immediately.
Ichigo blinks in surprise.
"Just like that?" She asked questioningly.
"Yep." Adam nodded. "Just like that."
"Huh.... you're not gonna ask for anything?"
His simplistic short answers made her frown.
"What do you mean why?" he asked back.
Ichigo looked at him with an inquisitive gaze, "Why are you helping us?"
Adam tilted his head at that.
"....Because I can?"
The bluenette narrowed her eyes at him.
She really couldn't help but be suspicious of his generosity.
And admittedly, it does seem suspicious for a cheat key to suddenly appear in your life and give you the answer to all your problems without a cost.
But what can she do about it?
Nothing. She's the one that needs help after all.
"....So what do we need to do?" Ichigo spoke after a brief silence.
Seems like she concluded her thoughts.
"Hmm...." Adam held his chin for a bit. before coming up with the idea of giving her a slight taste of what to expect.
"How about we kiss?"
"Hm?" He raised his brow at her flustered reaction.
Heh. How cute.
Maybe teasing this bluenette would be fun after all.
"Ah-" She coughed. "I mean, sure.... no wait- Actually, can you tell me first how this works? What does the 'procedure' actually entail?"
However, just as he was about to answer, a ring suddenly resounded from their transmitter. Adam merely looked at the name tag, whereas Ichigo clicked on it and soon, Nana's voice began to speak.
[All parasites are being called to the briefing room. Wear your riding suits and report here within fifteen minutes.]
The short message repeated three times before stopping.
"Another drill?" Ichigo questioned but Adam shook his head.
"I doubt it. Probably a sortie."
"A sortie?" Ichigo repeated. "This soon?"
They did just complete their very first exercise drill yesterday. And now you're telling them that they have a mission already?
"That's how it is." Adam answered lightheartedly. "Welp, duty calls. Let's hurry and get suited up." saying that, he began to jog back to the boarding house.
"You're coming too?" Ichigo asked with slight surprise while following beside him.
"But I thought you weren't an official colleague of ours?"
Adam raised a brow. "And?"
"I, uh.... it's not your duty?"
Adam scoffed while playfully rolling his eyes.
"My sister will be there. Of course I have to help." he answered with utmost guarantee.
In the briefing room, all the parasites except for Zero Two could be seen seated. Nana and Hachi stood on the podium with a holographic board behind them.
"We've received orders to sortie from HQ" Hachi began.
"Huh?" Goro spoke up in perplexity, "W-We're going to go out and fight already?"
"Don't get so nervous." Nana said optimistically, "You won't have to fight klaxosaurs like the one from before right off the bat."
'Ah, that explains it.' Adam thought.
No wonder his sister wasn't here.
The threat was probably some kind of pest-level klaxosaur.
'I suppose that does make a good first mission for a newbie squad like this.'
"Thank goodness..." Miku sighs in relief along with Kokoro.
Nana continues, "We would've liked to ease you in, but we can't afford to, unfortunately."
A holographic map with a 3d yellow grid structure appeared in the middle of the room. A rectangular plane could be seen on the top with uneven topography, indicating that it was the ground. In the middle of said plane was a long-circular beam that stretched downwards, indicating that the structure was located underground.
There were several rooms and facilities located on several floors of the structure, but on the deepest level was a dome-like structure.
Hachi began to debrief them.
"You'll be facing a Conrad-class klaxosaur. It's a bit smaller than a FRANXX. Klaxosaurs are attracted by magma-energy reactions and appear in their vicinity."
"And lately, they've been showing up deep in a level 8 mine on the outskirts and wreaking havoc. Even the automatic bulwark systems can't keep up with them."
"Also," Nana adds, "Strelizia and Chantrieri won't be part of this mission."
"Huh?" This time, it surprised Hiro, who hadn't changed into his riding suit.
Naomi was also slightly surprised but she waited as Nana continued to explain.
"You'll have to defend Plantation 13 by yourselves eventually. If you can't eliminate this klaxosaur, you won't be able to handle any in the future. So focus on the task at hand."
Saying so, she began assigning their roles.
"Ichigo and Goro will have field command."
""Roger."" Ichigo and Goro answered respectively.
"That's all." Hachi dismissed them.
All the parasites except for Adam, Naomi, and Hiro, set off to the garage.
Meanwhile, as Nana and Hachi were about to leave the room, Adam walked next to them and complained loudly.
"Aww... and here I got suited up for nothing."
Nana rolls her eyes as they paced down the halls, "That's your own fault for assuming someone like you would be part of this mission."
"Ugh!..." Adam mocked a painful chest, "The curse of being overqualified."
Nana narrowed her eyes at him.
'You're lucky you're handsome.'
Had anyone else made such a narcissistic remark beside her, she would've given him a punch or two.
"Does this mean we'll have to change back?" Naomi asks from behind them.
"I'm afraid so." Nana smiled apologetically.
"It's okay." Naomi answered almost happily.
At this moment, the young brunette cast a discreet glance at Adam, wanting to send her intentions towards him.
Adam merely raised a brow at her, acting dumb to what she was insinuating.
Naomi frowned and pouted.
Why was he teasing her?!
Meanwhile, this exchange naturally didn't escape Nana eyes, making her sigh exhaustedly upon witnessing it.
She didn't have the energy to open this pandora's box for now and decided to leave it. She'll have a private talk with Naomi some other time.
"However," This time, Hachi spoke from the side, "Parasite Naomi and Hiro, you two can join Nana later in the debriefing room where you can watch your friends complete their first field mission."
They really wanted to watch and witness their friends' first mission. Of course, they were worried, but they also wanted to offer their support.
"Of course." Hachi readily nodded. "This would also be an important learning experience for you two as both of you are newly graduated parasites."
Naomi and Hiro nodded, their hearts already set to what they will do.
"And you?" Nana questions Adam.
Adam glanced at her and asked in return, "What about my sister? Any idea where she is?"
"Ah. She should still be with the doctor." Nana answered. "You could go there too, if that's what you want.... not that we could stop you anyways." she murmured the last part.
Of course, Adam heard it but he decided to ignore it.
"Alright, that's what I'll do. See you guys later." Waving his hand at his partner and saying goodbye to the rest, he separated from the group and headed to the nearby elevator.
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