The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 423: Forbidden Forms.

"I vote we use The Plane," Sol suggested watching Arla nod in agreement almost as soon as the words fell from his mouth.

"I agree, considering the nature of this exercise, it is the best place I can think of," She smiled before the two of them vanished in flases of light.

Next, the audiences were introduced to a great barren land, black stones and megastructures made entirely of rock and dirt, vast canyons as large as solar systems and mountains as vast as entire suns, the same place that Dina had achieved her first divine technique, recreated by Alpha after Ikaris had destroyed it figting the Ninth General of the Emporium.

"As the Sol Collective watches, I too bare witness to this monumental day, Lady Amastacia, Master Vestic, when your hearts are settled, you may begin."

"It starts!" Ikaris leapt from her seat as soon as she saw Arla shift. "Arla, you've got this!"

"Goodness..." Yu, reserved in her seat looked across at Ikaris; her fists were clenched and her face full of ecxitement as she cheered.

"She gets like this whenever we have a fight duel, Ikaris loves watching fights." Dina chuckled, staring up at the grand Monitor inside of the mansion as well. "She was not as forward as Ikaris, but in her heart she too was cheering for Arla, after waiting this long, she needed to blow them away she clenched her fists and stared intently.

"You can do this, don't let up, Arla!"

"I would assume she is the opposite with her usual personality being so calm," Grecia whispered to Sara and the maid only chuckled as she thought about it.


It started with a bang, in the same fashion that she had attacked Dr'ul with in her and Dina's spar with the goddess, she blitzed Sol who was expecting a magical attack first, appearing before him in an instant with her hands posed in a swinging position.

"I have been waitint for this moment for a while, Master!" The Elf clenched her jaws and began swinging while her mana rapidly condensed within her grasp.

"I know you have," Sol dodged the initial swing from her still forming weapon and backed away using [Godspeed] leaving a speed mirage in his wake. "Don't let me down, Arla!"

" I have no intention to!" She appeared before him as soon as his feet were on the ground again, swinging with the still incomplete weapon, he couldn't tell what was going through her mind, but considering this was about to be the hardest fight of her life, Sol backed off a second time and summoned a shield before himself.

His conjure was at the end of her five second cast, he never expected that she would go the route of physical attacks as a mage, but when he saw that star shaped sword in her grasp he realised why despite her being many times weaker, she was still on par with her peers.

"Arla, you're insane," Sol raised the shield between himself and her when she attacked a third time.

[Cast complete]

[Combination complete]

[Gamma Blade creation successful]

"This skill is not even supposed to be possible for you yet!" Sol chucked, seeing the elf thrust rather than swing , and feeling the weight of a star explode against him, cleaving the ground beneath his feet and leaving him standing in a crater so deep the bottom was swallowed by darkness.

"She held that much raw cosmic mana with her bare hands?" Fuhua asked, shocked, she at least thought that Arla being a Demigod like herself was somewhat close to her in strength; someone that she could catch up to and find familiar ground with.

She had given up the idea of catching up to Arla after meeting her and realising the gap between their knowledge and experience, but now, the idea itself to the woman felt laughable. "She is way more of a monster than any of them..."

"Of course!" Ikaris Exclaimed. "She is only thirty years old, and yet Arla has designed and perfected over a thousand forbidden techniques, some that even Master forbade her from using! I cannot imagine the goddess she will become!"

"She always downplays her skills and mana, and I seriously think she holds back in every single fight, especially after what I saw her do against Dr'ul," Dina sat at the edge of her seat. "But this time is different, I can feel it, I can feel her thoughts!" She began grinning much like Ikaris was while their sigils lit up from Arla's resonance.

"This..." Dina and Arla spoke simultaneously. "This day will be unfrgettable!"

Arla approached Sol from beneath with her Gamma Sword again, except this time, he could sense several points of origin beneath her approaching as well,

[Gamma Sword duplication successful]

Sol dodged her and several of the flying blades, and watched as Arla skillfully grabbed the blades that had passed him spinning and throwing them down at him again.

"Should I dodge them again?" He wondered, thanks to her constant innovations he had to think twice about every move he made. "No, I'll-" Sol dodged the first one and attempted to deflect the second one, but in a matter of seconds the crater thry were flying through was enveloped by a second explosion from the sword clashing with another one that had been ascending.

"I knew it!" Sol emerged from the explosion "I can't even pretend to take it lightly, Arla is like an army of unique casts, she knows fully well who I am and how to fight me!" He skipped across the edges of the explosion landing on the new crater's edge and huffing while his eyes shined a menacing yellow.

"I shouldn't let her have all the fun, I'll fight her as a demigod as well."


Instinctively, Sol leapt away from the spot, dodging several large rock formations when he thought that the explosion would eat away at the terrain and leave a molten crater, but the cast that he had sensed never went off, he only saw Arla land where he had just been standing and smile up at him.

"Master, is this a game of tag?" She asked, watching him slowly begin spinning his hammer. "Must I keep chasing?"
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"Certainly not," Sol chuckled leaning towards her. "Let's see what you've got!"


The two of them dashed towards each other simultaneously, clashing halfway and separating while the terrain around them shook.


Sol Paused again, but once more the cast did not appear, he only sensed the buildup in her mana and a release but saw and felt nothing afterwards. "She's making fake casts to throw off my momentum-" Sol Smirked, blocking her attack with his shield and swinging the hammer at her.

Like a phantom, Arla swung out of the way of his attack, using [Godspeed] to refresh her starting point as she leaned on a rock and aimed her sword at him.

"Here it comes for real this time," Sol began charging towards her.


"Eh?" Sol blinked in surprise when almost a dozen Pulsars appeared out of nowhere creating a cage beneath around him while a massive mana formation appeared beneath his feet. "When did she set this up?" He wondered, coming to a halt and looking around himself. "She's only been casting [Pulsar] this entire time!"

[Forbidden Cast]

[Unknown Tier]

"Let's see what you've got."

Arla clasped her hands together, after throwing the sword through the makeshift cage while Sol stood in the middle with a smile.

[Error] Alpha leaned her head when Arla began speaking a tongue she had never seen or heard before. [Unknown Cast, Null element sare being utilized, I am experiencing an error, Master whatever this is, it is extremely dangerous].

"It's okay," Sol chuckled, creating a great-shield and slamming it in the ground while the sword fell towards him. "I'll face her head on without avoiding anything from this moment on!"

[Unreadable Cast]

Arla opened her eyes again, her sigils had all gone black along with her mana turning to purple from crimson along with her blue eyes turning violet as well.

"Form Nine," Arla stared at her sword. "Divine Bomb."

"Fuck..." Sol stared at the sword he had thought was just a trapped gamma burst when he sensed a secondary mana signature spring to life inside of it, much more dangerous than any mana he'd ever sensed before, that included Umbra's, there was something about the mana surging that made him feel shivers down his spine.

"Form eight," Arla created a bow made of mana and drew the string. "Creeping Death." She spoke the attack casually and released it, it did everything except creep though, amidst flying, the arrow began screeching as it gained speed, smashing into the [Divine Bomb] in the same moment it made contact with Sol's shield.

"That's-" Ikaris snapped in awe while Xie too sat on the edge of his seat in shock.

"Dimensional Magic... that's dimentional magic!" Xie muttered.

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