The World the Goddess Only Knows

Chapter 27: (Highschool DxD) The Vanishing Dragon of Leviathan 3

Despite the numerous distractions and interruptions, I STILL somehow ended up being able to get to class with time to spare.

It was mind-boggling. It was as if some kind of higher power was distorting the very fabric of space-time to allow the passing of events that make up my daily life without being an inconvenience to me.

"Good-Morn-ing, Ha-ru-to-kuuuun." A cute and possibly seductive tone greeted, appearing next to me.

The owner of said voice was a busty girl with beautiful, long hair and blue eyes. Like all of my female friends, she wore the girl's student uniform.

She smiled her usual pleasant and bright smile.

As expected of the [Princess of Kuoh], Kiba Yuka.

I smiled back at her. Yuka's been one of my best friends since I entered Kuoh Academy a year ago.

I, who was known as the [White Knight], and she, who was known as the [Princess of Kuoh], had quite a few rumors circulating concerning our relationship.

"Good morning, Yuka-chan." I greeted back.

"I'm not sure whether or not I should say "It's good to see you're still ogling my breasts." Yuka said, placing a finger on her lips.

Yes. I was indeed ogling her. She was hot, but there WAS another reason…

I rubbed the back of my neck, a light pink on my face. "Sorry, but it's still bugging me. Do you wear a bra or not? Your breasts bounce around a lot and I'm not sure if it's because of a poor-fitting bra or because you wear nothing under that shirt. It's KILLING me." A perverted smile appeared on my face as I raised my hands, jokingly moving my fingers in a groping motion. "If you let me feel them, I'll be able to find out the answer." 

Yuka stepped back, suppressing a mischievous smile by covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Sorry, Haruto-kun, but that's for me to know and perhaps for you to find out…maybe on a little date. Maybe next sunday?" Yuka then put on a thinking expression. "Or maybe I might be busy…Hmmm, I wonder I wonder." Yuka began to sway side-to-side. I could tell she was teasing me because she held her hands behind her back while she made sure to emphasize her boobs swaying and bouncing with her movements.

Yep. Yuka was the only one who defeated me when it came to teasing.

She's so good, I can't even tell if she's just joking around or if she possesses any romantic interest in me.

That's something I'd like to know before I tried seeing if I could recruit her for my harem.

Yuka's not like the female pervy glasses character, Kiryuu Aika (who I will only reluctantly admit is my friend). Yuka is so convincing, it's hard to tell whether she is simply teasing me or genuinely trying to seduce me. For Kiryuu, I KNOW she's teasing.

I pursed my lips, thinking. "Wait. Like a DATE date? Or just as friends?" 

Yuka was so hard to figure out sometimes. Sometimes she was kind of flirtatious in a teasing way and other times she was normal and other times she was kind of cute.

Yuka's smile became less teasing and became more genuine. "Sorry, just as friends this time." She stuck out her tongue in a way that could only be described as adorable.

I sighed. "Bummer. I was really looking forward to feeling those glorious bazongas of yours." Then I smiled. "But we ARE on for that date, right?" Maybe it would be a chance for me to finally figure out whether or not you're teasing me. I HAVE TO know before I try asking you to become a member of my harem.

Thank goodness I don't have anything planned with Ruruko on Sunday.

"Of course." Yuka answered with her usual smile.

I sighed. "Well, even if I don't get to grope your boobs or your ass, a date is still a date." 

Our conversation was interrupted by the final bell, signaling class to start.

Yuka gave me a look that said "We'll talk more later." before going back to her seat.

I nodded and turned my head towards the front of the class.

It was boring as usual. The teacher went over the same material as always, causing me to come close to falling asleep several times in the middle of the lesson.

I was so grateful when lunch came around later on, meaning no more boring lessons for a while.

… And of course I forgot my lunch. Yep. Left it on the damned counter back home… Damn.

… Could this be it? Could this be how I die? Starving to death is not how I wanted to go…

I laid my head on my desk, my strength fading due to hunger.

"Goodbye… cruel world…" I uttered as my life began to fade.

That was when I felt something placed on top of my head which laid on the desk.

"Don't go dying yet." A reassuring voice told me. "As if your most loyal knight would allow you to perish in such a way." 

I paused. "Hm?" I raised one hand and felt out what was.

Rectangular, heavy, and wrapped in some kind of cloth…

Dear God! It was a bento!

I picked up the box and raised my head, staring intently at it. It was indeed a bento. A pink box wrapped in a white cloth with a red heart pattern.

I looked up at my savior with watering eyes. "You are so freakin awesome, ya know, Karlamine?" 

The girl I spoke to was a smiling teenage girl about my age with light brown hair and green eyes. She also wore a headband that goes across her hair and forehead along with the girls's student uniform.

Karlamine Silverman. A European transfer student who came to Japan over 2 years ago.

Karlamine smiled, clearly pleased with herself.

"Of course. My life is sworn to you—" Her face then became tinged with pink due to a blush. "B-but it's not like I've been w-waiting and m-making you a bento e-everyday on the off-chance you happened to forget your lunch or anything! No! That would be crazy!" She shook her head after laughing awkwardly. "Nope. I just happened to have some leftover ingredients and thought you'd like to try some of my cooking. A total coincidence that I happened to bring this today…Haha…" 

No. No I am not clueless to her obvious affection.

Karlamine (sometimes I call her Karly for short) has pretty much had interest in me ever since last year.

There was a horrible accident and her house got set on fire. It was pure chance that I happened to pass by the house as the firemen were trying to fight the flames when someone screamed that their daughter was still inside. I, being the heroic dumbass I was, ran into the building without any sort of protection. It only took me several minutes to find Karly on the ground, pinned underneath a bunch of debris. I dug her out, but the flames had intensified…I ended up passing out due to smoke inhalation, but I vaguely remembered running through the flames, taking the brunt of the damage from the fire while I carried Karly on my back.

I managed to get us both out relatively unscathed though. I know because I woke up in the hospital with Karly sleeping in the bed right next to mine. We were both bound to make a full recovery. Karly's parents came in while she was still unconscious to thank me…It was a rather happy and teary-eyed affair.

In my life thus far, I've only seen a grown man cry two times. This was one of those two times as Karly's father started crying, thanking me for saving his daughter's life.

I ended up going to sleep for a while, but when I woke up, Karly was by my side, holding my hand and smiling in a cute way.

She thanked me for saving her life and had since then sworn her loyalty to me in a confession-like fashion. I was her "King" and she was my "Knight." Since then, she was one of the few girls I could count on not to spontaneously throw their panties at me.

Of course she had affection for me, but that was solely out of admiration towards me for saving her life.

Therefore, I can't really consider her a harem member candidate. I saved her because I didn't want some girl's death to be on my conscience, not because I wanted her to become a girl for me to do ecchi things with. Besides, it was no big deal since my injuries from the fire healed up pretty quickly. That's another thing about me. I'm a surprisingly fast healer. I could be considered something of a modern medical miracle really.

But back to the present!

I smiled as I accepted Karlamine's bento. "Thanks. You truly are the greatest knight." 

Karlamine's face lit up a bright shade of red, her smile becoming frozen on her face.

"It-It's really no trouble! R-Really!" Karlamine then held her hands together in front of her, her blush becoming lighter as she appeared to be nervous. "B-But…I-I was wondering… if maybe… maybewe couldeatlunchontherooftogether!" Despite the fact she spoke so quickly on the last part of that sentence, I was able to hear what Karlamine said. It sounded like she was half-asking/half-pleading.

Not to mention the look on her eyes was so adorable.

I smirked. "Hells yeah! Why not?" True, while I couldn't return her feelings which have been born from her admiration, simply ignoring Karlamine would only hurt her. Therefore, while I can't consider making her a harem member, she can still be a close friend whom I treasure.

I got up…but then I felt a strange pressure "down there" (NO! Not that kind of pressure!... I had to go. Real bad…).

I started sweating slightly as I gave Karlamine a nervous smile. I must've been holding it while I slept through class because I had to GOOOOO!

"S-Say…Karly…Is it okay if I meet you there…?" I asked.

Karlamine, still pleased about what was apparently "a victory," nodded. "Alright! I'll bring your lunch up there for you!" She picked up the bento she made for me and ran off, excited.

Meanwhile, I ran off in another direction. Towards the bathroom specifically.

I went and then I went… and then I washed my hands of course…

Then—and ONLY THEN—did I head for the roof for lunch.

Karlamine's such a nice person… making lunch for me and stuff.

I once again noted it was a pleasant day outside. Not bad weather for eating on the roof.

I looked around the rooftop but found no one but—

"Ah. What a fine chance it is meeting you up here, Haruto-san." 

She was a tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and eyes of the same color. Perhaps the most notable thing about her was her face which was like that of a bishounen. She was smiling pleasantly for some reason that left me feeling as if she had done something rather mischievous recently…

Oh well.

"Err… Yura-san, right?" 

The girl nodded. Hey, just because I know most of the hot girls's names, it doesn't mean I know ALL of their names.

...Yeah… Yura Tsubasa. A second year like me…she was on the Student Council, I think, with Ruruko and Shitori-senpai.

I then noted two bentos in front of her as I moved closer.

One of them was a normal, blue bento wrapped in a blue cloth… the other was a familiar… waaaiiit a second.

"Erm…Yura-san…" I started. I clicked my tongue, uncertain where to start. "Why…why does that second bento look like the one Karly made for me earlier?" I looked around. "Come to think of it, I really expected Karly to be up here…" 

Yura-san smiled with a strange and suspicious smile. "Oh, she told me to give you your bento for her since she had other things to do." 

"Ah…I feel like I should be more suspicious about this…"

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