The Walking Dead: Visions of the future

Chapter 8: Normal Days with Doubts (N)

[A/N: Our protagonist gradually becomes convinced that the dreams he is having are real.

But, could it be that this author is playing a joke on you and these dreams are not your future? Goku will show them to us in the following chapters.

I would like to thank all the people who are following this novel. I know it's a slow start, but it's only in order to make the story more solid.

With the exchanges of opinions I've had with you, I've been able to improve the story, the relationships between the characters, and I even decided to incorporate several characters from the series to make the story more entertaining.

Keep commenting, criticize what needs to be corrected, and I would appreciate it if you commented on what you think is going well in the novel.

On the other hand, with this chapter we reached the number of words necessary for this novel to be included in the lists of... well, the truth is that I don't know if I'm on any list, but I would like you to continue supporting the novel so that more people read it and criticize me hahaha.]



Waking up without the sun bothering me, I thought, "Today is going to be a good day". It had already been several days without the irritating sunlight. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth, I looked at my reflection and noticed that my face was slightly tired. At that instant, a memory came to me. "I forgot to write down what happened in the dream", I exclaimed upon realizing it.

I ran to my room in search of my notebook. Finding it, I grabbed a pencil and began to write down everything I could remember. The first thing I wrote down was what I had experienced in my dreams that morning: burying bodies. That image would not be erased from my mind, it was such a disturbing memory that it marked my awakening. However, I realized that there was a long gap in time that I could not remember. I had clear in my mind the image of how I arranged the bodies for the burial and how I moved them away from the base, but if I tried to remember what I had eaten in the dream, I could not. I only had a sense that I had eaten, although the details of when and what had escaped me. Second, I wrote about the woman I found in the booth. Although I didn't remember her name or face, perhaps I had forgotten to write it down just after waking up. The only feature that remained in my memory was that she was blonde and had a mole on her face, although I couldn't remember where exactly. In the next dream, I will promise myself to write down these details upon awakening. I remember bits and pieces of our conversation: I asked her if she had been bitten, if anyone was chasing her, and a few other things. However, it is difficult for me to consider what I remembered as a conventional conversation; it seemed more like a brief interrogation. In my dreams, I noted that I may have lacked tact, as I remember picking her up without asking her, although it is also possible that I don't remember doing so.

The most relevant thing about all this is that I finally have an idea of what I'm up against, though I'm not entirely sure. The options are narrowing down. It could be a being that attacks humans, whose venom is dangerous and who represents a threat to our species. Perhaps it is an animal or a mutated insect, capable of transforming or controlling people. The possibilities are certainly endless.

Although it is more likely to be zombies. Something that, frankly, I was expecting. In my dreams, the situation of the world does not reflect a great devastation or an invasion, but everything is presented in a somewhat desolate way, with little visible destruction, but leaving traces that humans have neglected their environment.

What struck me most, and what I consider crucial, is that the person in my dreams, simply by the voice I remember of him, is myself. This was the icing on the cake within the paranoia that overcame me. If at one point I thought my dreams had a double meaning, or that they were just symptoms of exhaustion or some kind of mental illness, everything changed the instant I heard my own voice. Although I understand that dreams can fill in missing information with recurring elements, in this case, that element is my voice. Therefore, I can still hold out hope that my problems are mental, and that the world is not really falling apart.

"One more time", I thought as I came back from my reverie. I realize that I am getting lost in my thoughts more often lately since I have begun to understand the nature of my dreams.

I finished washing up and quickly got ready. I made an express breakfast, but one that was hearty enough; I didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel from skipping a meal.

I left my house in a hurry, although I didn't quite understand why, as I had no pressing commitments in the morning. Perhaps my speeding up was due to the discoveries related to my dreams, especially not being able to get the idea of hearing my voice and the possibility that this is all real out of my mind.

As I drove to work, I remembered that I had informed my supervisor of my desire to take a day off because I wasn't feeling quite right. Now I will have to take it back and tell him that I am feeling better now and plan to go for a checkup during my vacation in February.

I arrived at the waiting area for drivers and took a seat in one of the nearby chairs, engrossed in how to communicate my change of plans to my supervisor. I was worried that he might be upset, although he's an understanding person and I've never had a problem with him. The thing is, his face shows no emotion, so I never know if he's angry or happy; he just looks at you with intensity, as if he's judging or analyzing you. Come to think of it, his expression is somewhat like how I perceive my actions in dreams.

"Of course. Only if I'm the one in the dreams", I mused as I relaxed a bit.

"So early. I guess you're a lover of work", my supervisor commented, causing my skin to crawl.

"Speaking of the king of Rome... will he be judging me or analyzing every detail?", I thought, watching his expressionless face and fixed gaze.

"I just woke up a little early today. Besides, I wanted to talk to you", I replied, avoiding his gaze.

"No formalities. What do you need now?", he stated in a serious tone. It sounded like he said it thinking it was a bother, but that's how he talks when he gets serious.

"Hahaha... It's nothing troublesome. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be asking for the day off that I needed, I'll wait for my vacation", I replied while laughing slyly to avoid feeling uncomfortable with his look.

"Are you sure?", he asked me immediately.

"Yes. Besides, it's high season and the holidays are coming up. I don't think we have any spare hands around here, do we?", I replied trying to lighten the mood.

"If that's what you want... I'll let the boss know", he said after handing me today's sheet with the materials and their destinations. I noticed that I had some free time in the morning and started researching possible cases on the internet that talked about zombie attacks. However, no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find anything relevant.

What I did find were those conspiracy sites that I had visited earlier by chance. They were forums specifically, and there was a wide variety of interactions on each of them. Some hoping for the world to end, others showing their preparations for the end of the world, and others talking about the causes that could trigger the apocalypse, specifically taking the blame on the rich, tycoons and politicians in high places.

It's quite fun to read, but with what is happening to me in my dreams, it seems to affect me more and more to think that it could happen, and seeing the effusiveness of the people interacting in the forums only increases my fear.

In one of the forums, which seemed the most ordinary of all, I found a secluded section called "Preparedness and Urgency" that seemed quite removed from the forum conversation area. I entered this section, and it redirected me to a page with links to Telegram groups. At first, I thought I was going to get scammed or something else, but curiosity got better off me and I entered one of the groups there, the preparedness group.

This group surprised me, it had a wide variety of material on many of the things that can be useful for the end of the world. Although I thought it was a bunch of bullshit, I started going through some of them, they seemed pretty comprehensive, from things like cooking ingredients to a wide variety of survival skills.

Also, I noticed that they did not interact much through the group, which surprised me a bit until I opened the link that redirected to a Discord community that had thousands of people talking on different channels. It had a wide variety of people from different parts of the world, speaking different languages. At first, I thought it was a group with a couple of people a little unhinged only, but this number of people and the seriousness with which they speak makes me believe that they are really preparing for something or that they know that it can happen.

[A/N: I would like to find or create a Discord like the one I describe in this chapter. Where we can interact with like-minded people about an apocalypse, whatever it may be, and also share information.

For example, recommend books or videos about things like survival or making crafts. For my part, I would recommend books that correctly identify wild plants like the one from the movie INTO THE WILD]

I checked the time on my cell phone out of the corner of my eye and noticed that I still had time until my first delivery. Then out of pure curiosity I started talking on one of the channels dedicated to predictions. At first, I listened to the conversations they were having, looking to see if there was any coincidence with what I was seeing in my dreams, but I noticed that, while there was a very small group that believed the apocalypse was very close, the vast majority were in favor of it happening in a couple of years. In addition, all those who believed it would happen in a short time seemed, in my opinion, a little crazy, while those who predicted it would happen in a longer period, tried to support their predictions with data and facts.

I kept searching through the channels until I suddenly found the administrator's channel. In this one there was a person who, I guess, was a moderator or the administrator himself, in which he was writing down a 2-week prediction.

"Could it be someone who also dreamed the same thing as I did?", I asked myself as I checked everything I was writing down.

First, I was writing down everything I needed to learn to survive, jotting down book titles and audio-visual material that complemented it. Then I had a timeline of things and resources that would be disappearing, assuming his end of the world date was correct. Also, he had a section with essential items and items that could be useful for these situations. Finally, it had a section on weapons and crafting handmade weapons.

What caught my attention the most was the book on weapons. As I skimmed through the first few pages, I was surprised by what I saw.

"It's the same design, isn't it?", I thought as I looked at a handcrafted spear very similar to the one, I saw in my dreams. This one looked very similar, and in the book, it detailed everything from what type of wood to choose to how to maintain the spear.

I wanted to talk to the person who was writing everything down in this Discord channel, but I noticed that I had little free time left and just wrote down his username "DavidZN" so I could talk to him later.

"Come to think of it... Maybe I'm not the person in the dreams?", I thought as I set about superficially analyzing what DavidZN had noted. It was quite a coincidence, he was noting down a time very similar to what was noted in dreams, he had a weapons part where he surprisingly had a spear like the one in the dreams.

"Might as well be things I learn now and put to use in the future," I thought as I approached my truck in the parking lot.

"I just hope nothing bad happens," I said aloud before closing the door.

[A/N: Could it be that our protagonist is dreaming about someone else? It could change things a lot.

I searched certified sites about dreams (no lie, they were just random pages on the Internet), and it came out that many of the things we dream about and the people we dream about are different from what we remember, and it is our brain that complements the information with things that are familiar to us.

I have often dreamed about places I have never been to, and I don't even remember having seen them on TV.

Have you dreamed about places you have never visited?

Comment, don't be shy.

By the way, I just realized that I started this novel almost at the same time as another one called "The Walking Dead: Reborn in the Apocalypse" by the author "Nameless_19". It's a really good novel, it reminded me of a lot of things about the series that I had forgotten, and it's developing its main character in a good way. It's really good, and its story development is fast, unlike mine (I'm crying, don't judge me). I recommend you go see it and support it.

I also found another TWD novel that has been coming out for a few days, which is simply magnificent. It's called "Transmigrado a The walking dead ( TWD )", it's very good, it's by the author "TrixyN". The story development is very good, it focuses a lot on the interaction of the main character and the main characters of the series. The character development is spectacular, and the details that the author gives are very good. I recommend that you go read his chapters, support him.

To be honest, I don't know if other authors recommend novels this way, but I don't really care. I prefer to recommend a good novel, and that they can help me improve my story and writing by comparing similar types of novels.

Please comment on those novels and mine too, don't forget me.]

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