The Tragic Hero In Remnant

Chapter 4: First Steps

Hey guys! Before we start I request that you vote(kudos if ao3) and comment. It makes me really happy seeing them and inspires me to write more.

Now let's get into it.

-Story Start-

When Corin woke up there was an unfamiliar weight on him. Not of a blanket and not of his sleeping bag.

It was only on half of his body and it was rather soft.

Corin was to tired to open his eyes, and it was going to stay this way until Corin heard a beep from the system.

'God, what do you want this early?'

[Good morning Corin! You have a new quest!]

'What is it...'

[New! Side Quest: Don't Move: Yang is sleeping on you, don't wake her up.]

'...that explains the weight' Corin opens his eyes enough to see Yang using his left side as a body pillow, drooling on his chest. 'Heh. Cute.' Corin then wished to slap the thought out of his head. 'What's the reward and punishment?'

[Reward is 50 Lien, and the punishment is you get punched and she doesn't talk to you for a while for waking her up early.]

'...Ugh... how long?'

[An hour.]

'...would I be able to grab my scroll without waking her up?'

[If you do it slowly.]

Corin slowly reached for his Scroll, grabbing it and opening up some random video and watching it, his headphones already in from the night before.

'Thank god they have some form of YouTube.' Corin thought wistfully, 'even if the name is so different.'

[...Master why are you binge washing cute dog and cat videos.]


Corin stayed there, watching cute animal videos while resisting the urge to wipe the drool of himself. That would wake her up though.

'My arms falling asleep, how much longer do I have?'

[34 Minutes]


Corin started to absentmindedly mess with Yangs hair, surprising the system.

[...How? How is she not awake yet?]

Yang didn't wake up, in fact she went into a deeper sleep.

[Master, you just got yourself in this situation for another 30 minutes.]


[We are going to have to get you a swear jar master.]

'Shut up, I feel like you just jinxed me.'

An hour later, there was more activity, some hyperactive orange haired girl and a black haired boy were walking around as she yapped endlessly.

'God she's annoying.' Corin thought, still messing with Yangs hair.

[Shes gonna beat your ass when she wakes up.]

'Nah, I'd win.'

[Not the JJK Brainrot.]

A couple of minutes later Ruby had woken up, and was now looking down at Yang and Corin.

"Help." Corin said looking at Ruby.

Ruby smirked a bit, "Sureee~"

Ruby grabbed a pillow from her sleeping bag and started to hit Yang with it. Repeatedly. Which, sadly, meant Corin got hit with it as well.

"Ruby- stop- I'm in the crossfire-" Corin tried to get out, but when he saw rubys face... this was intentional.

"This is for leaving me yesterday!" Ruby yelled in a joking matter before the pillow was grabbed and stopped by none other than Yang.

"What..." Yang yawned, "It's to early..." Yang laid back down onto Corins chest.

That's when she realized.

"Oh- I'm- Sorry- uh-" She rubbed the back of her head, "Interesting situation we've gotten ourselves into. Haha... ha... ha... you could say we got a little.. I can't think of a joke for this situation..." Yang tried to laugh it off.

"Yep. Now please get off me." Corin looked at Yang with a deadpan.

"Yep, yep of course." Yang stood up.

"Finally." Corin stood up and began to clean up his area.

"...Corin." Yang growled, placing a hand on Corin's shoulder.

'Oh shit.' Corin started to sweat.

[Told you she'd be mad.]

"Next time, just ask before you mess with my hair. Understand." Yang squeezed Corins shoulder.

"Y-yes..." Corin started to sweat a bit. This woman was fucking scary.

[Master your personality is more random than Jaune's luck with women.]

In another area, Jaune Arc sneezed.

Corin bent over to pick up the last bit of his stuff up.

"DAMN!" Yang coughed, looking towards Corin.

'What was that about?' Corin thought.

[...You don't wanna know master.]

Thirty minutes later, after avoiding a particular orange haired girl that was bothering a poor black haired boy, Corin had gotten into his battle outfit, a blue skin tight outfit with silver lines running through it, on the shoulders were pieces of armor,

He had Yang put his long hair into a long braid that hit his lower back, keeping it together was a golden clip decorated with runes. A last resort if he needed it.

In his hands, his trusty spear. The Spear Of Mortal Pain. Gaé Bolg.

[Now would be a good time to check out the Initation quest Master.]

'Alright, show me the initiation quest.'

[Main Quest: Initiation]

[Complete the initiation and make sure to stand out!]

[Reward for Success: 5000 Lien, Protection From Arrows Skill]

[Punishment if Failed: Death.]

'Seriously? Death if I don't pass?'

[Yes, the gods don't have any use for you if you aren't near the plot.]

'Ah, of fucking course.'

Corin sighed before walking towards Yang and Ruby, only to see Ruby start to stroke her scythe with an excited smile on her face.

'...Nope, not touching that.' Corin did a 360, running into a red haired woman.

[Oh, that's the girl who wants the Jaune Arc Di-]

'Gods I wish I could mute you.'

[The feeling is mutual.]

"Sorry." Corin apologized to the red haired girl. "I wanna die...''

"Oh...Umm that's not a good thought to have Mr."

"Shit I said that out loud didn't I..." Corin sighed. "Ignore that, ...I would introduce myself but I'm seriously hoping you heard my name already."

"I think so, your name is Mario right?" Pyrrha tapped her chin, thinking.

Corin had to resist the urge to cry. "Yeeep... that's my name. First name Mario, last name Mario." Corin gritted.

"Well my name is Pyrrha, it's good to meet you Mario." Pyrrha held out her hand for Corin to shake it.

Corin reluctantly took it. 'I hate my life.'

A familiar white haired girl walked up to the two.

Corin and Weiss locked eyes and both of them sighed, ""Why is it you again?!""

Pyrrha looked at the two angry people, "you know each other?"

""Regrettably."" The two looked at eachother again, ""Stop copying me! I'm not copying you! Your copying me!""

Pyrrha separated the two before they started throwing hands.

"This is just great, why did you have to be here, you filthy dog." Weiss sighed.

"...excuse me?" Corin looked at Weiss with a strained smile. "Could you repeat that for me?"

"Huh? I said that it was just great that you had to be, what? Are you deaf?" Weiss snarked.

Pyrrha felt like she was about to be in a large fight.

"...I see." Corin gritted, "Hey Jaune, Weiss said she wants to talk to you!"

Jaune perked up and looked towards Corin and dashed in front of Weiss, "you wanted to talk to me?!"

"What- no-" Weiss tried to say.

"She wanted to talk to you about joining forces!" Corin smiled a very benevolent smile. "And the oh so high and mighty heiress wouldn't go back on her word right?" Corin snarled.

"You little-" Weiss started to tremble in anger.

"CORIN GET YOUR SWEET ASS OVER HERE!!!" Yang yelled from her locker.

'...I guess that's what this morning was about.' Corin thought as he walked towards Yang.

[Master. I don't know if this is true, but from what I've seen so far I think it may be Faunus genetics to have a... excuse my French, a fat ass.]

'And why did I have to know about this?'

[It will help in a later mission.]

'...Suuureee.... Ass fetish system.'

[Do not start calling me that.]

Jaune went flying by Corin as he reached Yang.

'Was that a javelin?'


"What did you want, Yang?" Corin said.

"Oh, I wanted to ask if you wanted to-" Yang was cut off by the announcements.

"Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately." Glynda's voice came from the intercoms.

"Guess it'll have to wait." Yang sighed.

'It really doesn't but you know...' Corin thought.

Corin, Yang, and Ruby approach the now slumped over Jaune.

"Having some trouble there, lady-killer?" Yang snickered.

"I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence! Where did I go wrong?" Jaune sighed as he accepted Ruby's offered hand and uses her to lift himself back up.

""Ice queen probably wasn't your best start."" Yang and Corin both sassed simultaneously.

"Come on, Jaune, let's go."

Ruby lead Jaune out of the locker room by supporting him and his damaged self-esteem.

"...He should go after that Pyyrha girl." Corin whispered.

"Yeah." Yang responded.


A couple minutes later Corin and the others found their way to Beacon Cliff, overlooking a forest, where several students — some old, some new, and some unseen — are standing on silver tiles in front of a mug-holding Professor Ozpin and Glynda with her tablet.

Ozpin looked at the group of four, "Glad you could join us. Please, Take your spots."

Corin looked at the tiles. 'How the hell am I supposed to know my spot?'

[Just go to an empty one dumbass]

'...Shit.' Corin walked towards the very last tile and stood.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin paced, predated even.

'...I suppose a man's gotta predate... oh god he is Kirei Kotomine.'

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today." Glynda sternly spoke.

From a couple tiles down, Corin could hear Ruby say; "what? Ohh."

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well." Ozpin took a sip of his coffee. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

'This has got to be the worst team selections ever.' Corin scowled.

[Most definitely.]

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die." Ozpin glared into the crowd.

From beside Corin, Jaune laughed nervously and then gulped loudly.

"You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin looked at the crowd normally again.

Jaune raised his hand, "Yeah, um, sir?"

"Good. Now, take your positions." Ozpin wins himself professor of the year award by ignoring Jaune.

Corin sighed loudly as he unsheathed his spear, the strange red metal glistening in the sunlight.

Corin took a deep breath in, blocking out all other senses as Weiss gets sent into the air by her platform.

'System, how good is the spear knowledge skill?'

[With it, you are one if not the best spear wielder in this world.]

'...wonderful.' Corin thought bitterly.

Corin takes another deep breath before hearing yang scream "Woo-hoooooooo!"

'Idiot...' Corin smiled to himself before shaking his head.

[...Your a strange one master.]


"So, what exactly is a landing strategYYY!..." Jaune tries to say before he's launched into the air.

Corin braces himself for the launch, only for it not happen. "Ok what the fuck?"

"One, language, two, I suppose the universe has chosen for you to not participate." Ozpin said 'wisely'

'If I don't do this I'm gonna die... fuck it.' Corin leaned down, getting into a leaping position. 'Let's make a good first impression on Kirei whatshisface.'

Corin sighed as he put energy into his legs. Using his 'semblance' Runecraft he drew a strength rune into his legs.

'This should be enough.' Corin thought to himself.

"What are you doing Mr. Lockheart-" Glynda began, but was cut off by an explosive boom, causing her and Ozpin to stumble and fall.

When Glynda and Ozpin looked back at where Corin was, there was only a large crater and a smoke trail leading towards a familiar blue figure zooming through the sky.

Meanwhile, with Corin. He could only think of one thing. 'Way to much energy.'

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