The Sword Master’s Son-in-Law

chapter 28

– The Kingdom of Hoorn

The dwarven kingdom, Hoorn.

I too had heard of it.

How could I not?

‘Rednil’s homeland, after all.’

Rednil, the dwarven blacksmith from the village at the foot of the mountain.

His homeland was the Kingdom of Hoorn.

A kingdom situated in the northern reaches of the continent.

North meant perpetually blanketed in snow, yet this was a mystical place where the forge’s heat kept the snow at bay.

I’d heard it said the land was blessed by fire.

“But, going all the way to the Kingdom of Hoorn, what business takes you there?”

Detiosque was in the southern part of the continent.

The Kingdom of Hoorn was in the north.

Opposite ends, practically.

It was a distance one wouldn’t even consider for trivial matters.

“Are you aware that the White Blossom Sword was forged in the Kingdom of Hoorn?”

“Oh? I hadn’t heard.”

The White Blossom Sword was made in the Kingdom of Hoorn.

A sudden spark of interest ignited within me.

‘Then that means I could commission a sword that can withstand my unique mana.’

A golden opportunity, truly.

“We intend to commission Lady Asia’s sword from the Kingdom of Hoorn as well.”

“Lady Asia’s sword?”

“Indeed. At sixteen years of age, she has ascended to the intermediate level of Sword Expert. She is destined to become a Sword Master someday. Therefore, she deserves a sword as fine as the White Blossom Sword.”

I nodded at Teddy’s words.

Asia’s talent was undeniable.

I had been at a similar level at Asia’s age myself.

‘Although, I did start learning the sword when I was ten years old…’

My innate talent might have been greater.

Regardless, Asia certainly possessed the potential to aim for Sword Master, just as Teddy said.

“So, since you will be going to the Kingdom of Hoorn, I thought we could submit the commission together…”

“Hmm… but would that even be possible?”

Asia was nobility.

I was a commoner.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Hoorn would likely accept Asia’s commission.

My request, on the other hand, had a high chance of being ignored.

I simply lacked the notoriety, the name.

“Eh, there’s no need to worry about that sort of thing.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, there’s nothing that money *can’t* buy, wouldn’t you say?”

“I… suppose so?”

Nothing money can’t buy.

True enough, certainly.

“Aren’t you approaching this too… materially?”

“Materially? Not at all. This *demands* a material approach! Why, they’ll need a great many materials for the forging, and to craft a fine blade, one must invest heavily in those materials. Of course they’re motivated by coin.”


That meant I could, in effect, commission my sword from the Hoorn Kingdom.

‘Forgive me, Rednil.’

Good is good, isn’t it?

Rednil had said he’d craft me a fine blade, provided I brought him the materials.

It felt like I was slighting his generosity.

But surely Rednil would understand, if my sword was forged in *his* homeland.

‘Of course, I intended to ask you once I obtained good materials, but perhaps… the land of its birth is best.’

I asked Teddy,

“So, when do we depart for the Hoorn Kingdom?”

“Most likely soon. The Lady Asia wishes to commission her blade before she returns to the Academy.”

“The Academy… you say?”

This was news to me.

The Academy, no less.

Well, Asia was certainly of an age to be a student.

I had assumed she’d long since graduated.

“She’s on holiday with her family at present, but she’s a junior in her third year.”

“Is that… so?”

Asia, an Academy student.

Somehow, it felt novel.

‘Then, perhaps I too shall one day enroll in the Academy?’

Such a question arose.

But no.

“The Academy is likely a foreign concept to someone of common birth. It is exclusively for nobles, you see.”

“Nobles only? Usually, they accept commoners as special exemptions…”

“Ah, no. The Academy accepts only nobles as students. And its faculty, for that matter.”

It seemed I would not be attending the Academy anytime soon.

If that were so…

‘What shall I do while Asia is at the Academy?’

A small question took root.


Within the royal castle of the Detiosque Kingdom.

The chambers of the First Prince, Nutt Detiosque.

“Is that… the truth?!”

Prince Il simmered with rage.

The news brought by a courtier was to blame.

“Y-yes, it’s true. Lady Asia is said to have found herself betrothed…”

“…Source of this information?”

“Lord Waltz, your Highness.”

“Lord Waltz… A family from the South, then.”


The South, where the Messiah family resided… It lent credence to the claim.

Accepting the tale as truth, Prince Il exploded in fury.

“Dare she cast me aside, take a new man in…? Utterly unacceptable. Asia is destined to be Queen. I cannot allow her to be sullied.”

Prince Il shot to his feet.

“What are you waiting for? I shall depart for the Messiah estate at once!”

“Please, your Highness, compose yourself.”

“Compose myself? You dare suggest I compose myself? Does this strike you as a matter for composure?”

The reporting courtier offered a placid smile.

“Surely Lady Asia must return to the Academy, regardless.”

“And what bearing has that on the matter?”

“From what I gather, her betrothed is… a commoner.”

“A c-commoner…? Unbelievable. A commoner steals my woman away.”

“That is hardly the point, your Highness.”

His anger somewhat abated, Prince Il turned back to the courtier.

“Then enlighten me, what *is* the point?”

“The commoner cannot enter the Academy. Therefore, you have the time to make Lady Asia your own.”

“…Is that even remotely plausible?”

Prince Il knew it all too well.

He could shower Asia with affection, but she showed him no regard in return.

“This should suffice.”

The courtier drew a small vial, filled with liquid, from within his robes.

“What is this?”

“A potion… guaranteed to make any woman swoon.”


Prince Il understood the potion’s purpose.

Lust glinted in his eyes.

“Threaten… no, persuade the companions who attend Asia, lure her away, and administer this…!”

A smile crept across the courtier’s lips.

Prince Il’s face mirrored the expression.

“It is you indeed, with depths of thought so profound. Verdi, truly you are my most faithful courtier!”

“Haha, only remember me fondly when you ascend the throne!”

“Never you worry! Ever! Bwahahaha!!!”

And so, the sinister laughter of Verdi and Prince Il filled the chamber to overflowing.


It was called Count Messiah’s family chamber.

Though I didn’t know the exact purpose, I had a rough idea.

‘It must be about the next test.’

Tap, tap.

I knocked on the chamber door.

“Count, I heard you summoned me.”

“Yes, come in.”

Count Messiah waited for me, looking as he always did.

“The reason I called you is regarding the third test.”

‘Just as I thought.’

The third test it was.

The first was martial prowess, the second, knowledge.

That meant the remaining third would be…

‘What could it be?’

I couldn’t even begin to guess, but for now, I quietly waited for Count Messiah to speak.

“Soon, Asia, along with the Silver Knight Order, is scheduled to visit the Kingdom of Hoorn.”

I nodded.

It was a fact I had already heard from Teddy.

“But, I do have one concern.”

“A concern, sir?”

“The Silver Knight Order, unlike the other two Orders, is still growing alongside Asia. If they were operating within the Detiosque Kingdom, I could trust and entrust them… but,”

Count Messiah wore an expression of concern.

“Sending them abroad feels a bit lacking, doesn’t it? Besides, it’s out of the question to send the entire Silver Knight Order.”

He can’t send the entire order.

Is there some other engagement?

“Is that so?”

“Taking an entire Knight Order to another nation… unless you intend to start a war, it’s madness.”

He was right about that.

Escorting a Knight Order to another country,

Especially for personal matters.

Even without hostile intent, it would surely put the other nation on edge.

“I’m terribly worried. So, I’ve decided to task you with guarding Asia, as a part of the test.”

“Guarding her, sir?”

It sounded like an easier test than I had anticipated.

Guarding someone couldn’t be too difficult, could it?

Especially since Asia herself was quite skilled.

“Yes, guarding. Of course, you already know this…”

Count Messiah fixed me with a piercing gaze.

I understood what Count Messiah was implying.

Code of Conduct.

“I trust you’ll adhere to the code of conduct.”

“Understood. But… if you’re so concerned, wouldn’t it be better to send Commander Verthnia or Commander Panderte along?”

Truthfully, I wouldn’t have minded.

I was actually about to request to accompany her to the Hoorn Kingdom myself.

But if he was that worried, weren’t there two other more capable Commanders besides me?

Even though Retid, Commander of the Pure Silver Knights, ranked below them both.

“Commander Verthnia… doesn’t exactly mingle well with men.”

“Ah, yes, that’s… true.”

Indeed, Verthnia had made advances towards me a few times.

Though I rejected them outright, of course.

“I worry Asia might be… tainted by her influence, so it simply won’t do… Hmph… I thought a female Commander would have a positive impact on Asia.”

With a vaguely wistful expression, Count Messiah mumbled, “Perhaps not firing her back then was a mistake.”

Whatever happened, it seemed he had some history with Commander Verthnia.

“And Commander Panderte is occupied with a separate, pressing matter.”

“I see. Understood. In that case, I shall accept the assignment of guarding her!”

I had no reason to refuse.

And so, I came to be tasked with protecting Asia.

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