Chapter 3: The arrogant prince
Colorful Madness is the name of the power my mother left me when I was around five. It had the peculiar ability to give color to whatever its bullets hit, giving powerful headaches to whoever was in possession of a demonic weapon.
It was a weapon for self-defense, but I treated it more like a toy than anything else.
The power takes the shape of a small revolver coated in blue paint. Although its shape might present some weak points, it actually has infinite projectiles. There's no need to reload as well, so it is quite easy to use.
When I came face to face with the Staffen family head, he didn't seem bothered by the small blue gun in my right hand. He kept his composure, waiting in front of the gate a dozen meters away from the entrance door.
Look at these scammers, pretending as if everything is alright, let's see how long you can last against Colorful Madness.
"Is that my package?" Glaive Staffen asked while pointing at the package I was holding.
"Cut the bullshit! Who are you? How did you get your hands on a power like that? Who sent you?"
I felt quite proud of myself as I spoke those words; I was unable to suppress my smile as a result of my pride.
"You shouldn't curse out loud. You're picking up your mother's habit." His wife responded. Her voice sounded just as arrogant as the last time I heard it.
Don't you dare compare her to me!
Glaive frowned. He didn't seem threatened by my sudden threat, just mildly annoyed.
His wife was wearing a pretty dress that looked at least coming from a style used a millennium ago, with a corset used to enhance the look of her bust..
Her dress also had a large skirt that was held up high by a bunch of odd metal circles. She wore white candid gloves and was using an enormous umbrella to cover herself from the sun's rays.
That dress, is this how they see the people that come and go to heaven? We're not that pretentious. Even I dress with just regular clothes. Who do they think we are?
The moment I raised the gun and pointed at them is when the disappointed frown turned into a glare.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You might get into a lot of trouble if you pull the trigger." He threatened me while standing still.
"Like what? Do you think my mother will punish me? After you tried to break the rules?." I smiled in return as I pulled the trigger. It was the revenge for all the comments they made about my belly back when I was a kid.
I immediately got confirmation that those two were fake when the first wife lowered the umbrella to use it as a shield while pushing the lord out of the way. She probably was relying on the power of her relic to protect them or outright block the attack.
Ha! Serves your right, dumbass.
After the bullet landed, it revealed the hidden colors of the enormous umbrella and its wielder, alongside the fake Glaive Staffen
The enormous umbrella turned out to be mostly white. Many pink, frilly clothes strings decorated it. The dress the girl was wearing was mostly yellow. A white corset adorned the girl.
But when the colors reached her face, it suddenly turned different. The girl had freckles, red curly hair and dark eyes. Her face was long and had a large scar on the right side of her face.
Wait, what? Do these bullets dispel illusions? How? Why? It makes no sense!
Her skin was mostly white with some odd dark spots around her arms. She had dark nails and instead of high heels; she was wearing regular running shoes.
The man standing next to her, instead of wearing his intricate suit full of square patterns and pompous decoration, was wearing a dark hoodie and gray sweaters. He was wearing a small hat and had a red piece of cloth wrapped around his face.
"See, I was right at the end." I said while shooting a couple more bullets their way, aiming at the umbrella, putting the girl on her knees.
You shouldn't have blocked it. The real Glaive would've known better than this.
The third bullet, however, didn't affect the last guy, as she was no longer touching him by that point.
"So it was an illusion, and my guess is that either the umbrella or the dress is the culprit for that ability, what a terrifying ability—" As I pointed the gun towards the man in the black hoodie, I felt something wrap around my left wrist.
"The hell?" A weakened thorny vine had wrapped around my left arm and pulled the arm to the left side, saving the man from another bullet to the head.
Ah! Fuck, this hurts!
The thorny wine had left a cut on my wrist.
I immediately looked around and found nothing else. The road seemed empty that day, no vehicles in sight. There must've been a bunch of other illusions. It was odd that the road was so empty of life.
The culprit had to be the lady. There was no one else besides her who held a demonic artifact. Her umbrella had something to do with it.
I created yet another revolver in the right hand and just as I raised the right hand, something blocked my hand and blocked my mouth.
Another one?
An invisible hand was pressing something wet against my mouth and nose to stop me from calling for help and pulled my arm away from her.
I could still shoot a couple more shots their way, hitting an invisible black van along with hitting another white car waiting behind the van.
Fuck! I was… a bit… too careless.
I struggled as much as could, even biting the hand that was covering my mouth, but I couldn't overpower the invisible man that was standing behind me. The only thing I could do was simply point the gun in my right arm and shoot myself in order to hit the man restraining me.
The last thing I saw was a large bat summoned by the bastard covering his face with the red cloth being swung at me.
A kick woke me up; I had both hands and feet tied behind my back and was lying on a cemented floor within a gray building. Dim lights illuminated the empty place. The man who kicked me was the one wearing sweaters and the red cloth over his face.
They had stuffed a bunch of wet cloth in my mouth, sealing it shut.
They had also applied something to me so that no matter how much I struggled or screamed in pain, no sound would come out of my body.
"Wait, please, I was kidding earlier. We can talk this out, okay? I've brought you the ashen you needed, so you owe me one!" I wanted to say but couldn't.
"Stop it Luciano, if you want even the slightest chance to survive you shouldn't mess with the boy more than we did, otherwise who knows what that monster could end up doing to you if she ever gets a hold of your precious neck." One man waiting around warned the guy who just kicked me.
He was one of the few people that wasn't colored, meaning he wasn't in the cars when I shot them both. He was probably the invisible man that put me to sleep.
There was someone sitting on the other side of the room, slumped over against the wall, panting with his mouth. The other had placed a cold, wet towel on his forehead. He had dark skin, had blond long braided hair tied up in a ponytail, clear eyes, thin lips and a nose that resembled the beak of a parrot.
He was wearing a red jacket over a pink shirt with a large cartoonish cat pictured in the middle giving a thumbs up with his human-like right paw, while holding a can of wet food in its left paw and standing upright. As for pants, he was wearing dark jeans.
"Well, I'm out of here, since I'm not as brightly colored as the rest of you. I can easily take the Ashen with me and blend into the city. I've already called some friends. They'll be here within twenty minutes with brand new cars to pick you up." He said while putting the cardboard package inside a large backpack.
Oh? Am I safe? Tell him to not kick me! If mom or the Staffens catch you, I'll ask them to either spare you or die a painless death.
"What? You're going to abandon us just like that?" The man seemed surprised by this sudden development, no matter how obvious it was.
Obviously, he's going to make a run for it. What do you think? That he'll stay here to face my mother? As if!
"The package of ashen is not going to deliver itself to Rabbit. Come on, we don't have to make a big deal about this. Just try to lie low until the effects of his weapon wear off, and don't make too much trouble for the others. They're nervous enough as it is. We don't want conflict to rise between us." The man said while quietly putting on his backpack and walking away.