The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1294 The First Preparation II

Chapter 1294  The First Preparation II

Lory rummaged through the uncpncious man's pants to find his phone once she got it, Lory proceeded to clone his phone with hers, as she waited for the cloning process to complete Lory continued to check his pocket just in cased, coincidently she found an access card to the lab. Lory face beamed with delight she was sure it would be useful later, so she took the a picture of the front and the back of the card to forge it later after that she returned the card back to Peter's pocket.

Lory suddenly startled by a sound outside the bathroom as if someone was expressing their complaint and the staff was trying to calm the guest. Lory clicked her tongue in annoyance, her plans were disrupted, and she couldn't let other people catch her with an unconscious Peter.

With great difficulty Lory then dragged Peter to the toilet cubicle, he sat Peter on the toilet seat, then kicked the door closed just a moment when other people entered. Lory quietly waited in the toilet cubicle while checking how much longer until the cloning process to complete.

After the process reached one hundred percent Lory heard the man come out, Lory came out of the toilet cubicle and quickly ran strides to the door, all of a sudden, the bathroom door was open.

Lory and the man were both shocked, Lory flicked her head while smiling shyly she passed the confused man, he checked the bathroom sign once again to make sure he entered the right bathroom after being sure he entered the bathroom he heard groaning sound then saw Peter coming out of the cubicle with a messy hair and slightly wrinkled clothes, the man snickered he recognize peter as a man who just make grand celebration with his girlfriend but know he inside the bathroom with other girls.

The man stares at Peter's messy appearance then gives a knowing nod "Nice..."

Befuddled Peter, "...."

Lory came out of the cafe, they went straight to his car where Lydia was waiting.

"How is it?" Lydia asked worriedly.

Lory started the car engine and winked "It's good"

Lydia smiled with relief, a moment later the car slowly drove away.


A few days later, In the hotel room, Lory was in front of her laptop checking the new data she had just gotten from Peter Miller's cell phone. The information contains about Amanda Haynes' schedule and appointments with several important people for six months and the most striking name on the list is Arlo Cawthorne's name. Arlo Chawthorne was the right-hand man of Theodore Navarro, president of the Luxemborough country. Lory sipped her chocolate drink while staring at the laptop screen for a few seconds then started typing, she found out that Peter would arrange a meeting for Amanda Haynes and Arlo Cawthorne at the Aeoninstitute building with all the Aeon executives including Elena Reynold, that was also the reason why Peter Miller was staying here for two weeks he even flew his girlfriend to here to accompany him.

Lory brushed her new brown hair from her face while pondering for a few seconds before she continued, Lory enlarged Theodore Nevaro's face, and she then stared at the man who looked much older than she remembered.

The last time Lory met Theodore Navarro was when she was fifteen during The VUN (Verrion United Nations) meeting with Lucas and his Father. They only exchange short pleasantries after all everyone knows the relationship between Harland and Luxemborough had always been lukewarm if not cold but it only got worse when Theodore Nevaro was elected as a new president. There was something about the way Theodore Nevaro staring at her and Lucas that made her feel uncomfortable, what's more, it wasn't just Lory who felt that way, Lucas also felt the same. When Lucas asked their father, what was the problem with Theodore Navarro? their father solemnly said: 'Just a man with unquenchable ambition'

Their father never explained what he meant, but Lory guessed it was about Theodore's belief that gifted people cannot be fully trusted with their power, they should put a tight leash on all the gifted people so they will not misuse their power.

Of course, Harland who was more than twenty percent of the gifted people as citizens refused to accept that and they became at each other's throats since they thought they were staying civilized for public appearance only, However, not once or twice did Luxemborough made an assassination attempt on the Lucient family which everyone regards to be the most powerful gifted people in the world and also the leader of the most powerful kingdom that had ever existed in the face of Verrion.

Lory grabbed the mug then got up from her seat and went out onto the balcony. Lory leaned against the railing lazily then cast her gaze the the view of the concrete building in front of him. After a while Lory felt bored staring at the same rectangular building for weeks.

Lory missed the exquisite buildings with intricate designs, beautiful statues, gilded roofs, wood panels, and beautiful carved stone walls. Even though he was happy to be back in his world, he left behind many beautiful memories in that world, and his good friends too so it was hard not to miss it, luckily there's still Zhao Li Xin by her side, if not...

Lory checked her cell phone that empty without any messages from Zhao Li Xin, it's been days now and she started to feel worried regardless knowing how powerful Zhao Li Xin was but it was impossible not to worry about him.

Lory typed the message 'I miss you, please call me soon' Lory tapped the send button even though she knew the message wouldn't reach Zhao Li Xin, at least not as soon as she hoped. As she expected, the message was pending, meaning Zhao Li Xin was still in an area where he could not receive a signal.

"Your higness, Garrof, and the other is waiting" Lydia's head bobbed from behind the glass door.

Lory nods "I'll be there" "Okay~" Lydia left briskly.

Lory looked down to check her phone again as hopefully the message hadn't been sent. Lory took a deep breath, a moment later he went inside.

Garrof and everyone gathered in Garrof's bedroom to discuss what they found, while they chatted Lory entered the room and everyone automatically became quiet.

"What did you find" Lory sashayed into the room carrying a tablet in one hand and a mug in the other and leaned against the table sipping her hot chocolate.

Lloyd came first, "We have watched Elena Reynolds' activities for the last three days and the conclusion is that apart from anything related to work, she has no social activities."

"In short, she was a nerd and boring" Owen added.

Lloyd continued "She always leaves for work at seven o'clock sharp and then spends the whole day there, Owen managed to talk to one of the people who work there, and she said Elena used to lock herselves in the lab"

"So not much we can get from here, nothing unusual, huh" Lory was a bit disappointed.

"Well, the only thing weird is according to my source, yesterday Elena seems got a trouble phone call, she said Elena suddenly left the meeting to receive that phone only come back a half hour later..." Owen explained.

Lory tilted her head "They said why?"

Owen shakes his head regretfully "No, Elena is known to keep her private life to herself so no one knows what her personal life looks like, at least this co-worker knows nothing about it"

"Strange" Garrof scratched his bearded jaw. "He used to have a pretty active social life in the town of The Eagle Rock..." Garrof wonders.

"So something might happened to her..." Dan ponder.

"Maybe it got something to do with that mysterious phone called?" Lloyd made a guess, but everyone thought it might be possible.

Lory ran a hand through her hair then continued, "By the way, what scientist does Elena Reynolds work with?" Lloyd checked his notes and then said: "They are Biomedical engineers and biologists, Elena herself is a Biotechnologist"

"So they mostly work on Biotechnology..." Lory ponder.

"That explains the recent appearance of new beasts" Garrof raised his eyebrows.

Lydia was stunned, "But...why do only Paladin weapons work on them, it's the saint's blessing was just a ruse, why? Why do they do that?" Lydia's lips trembled.

Lloyd snickered "Power, wealth, influence, all of that is very beneficial"

"Then...does it have anything to do with the missing healer, Marissa, Aisha?" fear gripped Lydia's heart tightly, she didn't realize she was gripping her hands so tightly, that her nails were digging into her skin.

"Don't scare yourself, Lydia" Lory calmed her down, "We still don't know what happened with them but I'm sure if we keep dug into their plan we will figure out what happened with your friend"

"Yes Lydia, we don't know what happened to your friend, they might still live and well" Owen cheered her.

"That's true Lydia, what most important for you is to be strong cause if it's not you who else they could count on" Daniel joined in to comfort Lydia. Lloyd and Garrof exchanged glances, they were actually pessimistic about Marissa and Aisha's situation, if they were indeed involved in something that could endanger S.A.I.N.T. organization and Luxemborough it is certain that they will not be allowed to survive.

Lory also had the same thought but she didn't want to tell Lydia because it would only shake her up, while she had no evidence to support it.

"Oh, Amanda Haynes will arrive the day after tomorrow with Arlo Chawthorne" Lory divert the discussion.

"Arlo Chawthorne!" Garrof exclaimed, "That Arlo Chawthorne!" Garrof widens his eyes in shock.

"Who is that?" Owen asked with a blank look.

"Arlo Chawthorne is Theodore Navarro's protege, he is as vicious if not more than his master" A dark memory from the past flashes through his heaf and Lloyd's expression gradually darkens.

"You knew him?" Lory notices the hostility in Lloyd's eyes.

Garrof crosses his arms in front of his chest then smiles wryly "Half of the suicide mission for the Ultima infantry is coming from him, that man is a psychopath with authority"

Lory pretty much could guess what kinda man Arlo is, he pretty much the same man as his mentor.

"We should hasten our preparation to enter Aeon building, so how far have we got?" Lory turns to Garrof.

Garrof grins "I already had the master key, unfortunately, it didn't open the lab"

"Don't worry I'll already handle that" Lory said.

Owen looks at Garrof in disgust "So that's the only thing you got after you sell your body?"

"Of course not?" Garrof snorts "I also got the building floor plan and the security schedule, unfortunately, I don't have more information about the restricted area, I need more time for that"

"What else you're going to sell this time" Lloyd jeered.

Garrof grin suggestively "Don't you know me, I have so much more to offer~"

Everyone simultaneously groaned in disgust.

"Ohhh hell - nah!" Lloyd cringed.

"Yeah, I don't need to know that" Dan shakes his head in disgust. "Really – you just have to say that, don't you?!" Owen as a single dog feels annoyed.

Lydia looked left and right pretending she had no idea what are they talking about, yet her red bright face betrayed her.

The corner of Lory's lips twitched, why does Garrof remind her so much of Fargo? For the safety of women in the world, she cannot let Fargo and Garrof meet.

"O – kay, sell whatever you had cause we need to get inside that place ASAP!" Lory ended the discussion before she got another unnecessary information.

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