Chapter 4: chapter 4: Lucifer Morningstar
In the beginning was the absolute being, he was the creator of all, nothing existed before Him, without him there is no Existance, as an all powerful being the absolute being was bored so, he created another being almost as strong as him in his image , Rynox , Rynox Morningstar, the absolute being believed in free will ,so he gave Rynox free will and everything he could ever want , infinite knowledge, infinite power, immortality , omnipotence , infinite durability, limited ( he cannot be touched by any other being) ,and so much more ,but Rynox didn't want to be under the absolute being so, he wanted to be someone greater, someone who has dominion over Existance, living or non living so he created his own Universe without the Absolute beings permission, He thought creating a universal out of The absolute beings reach would finally make him have Full control over a plane of existence, But the absolute being found out and was enraged , even though he believed in free will he did not want another plane of existence except his own so he striped Rynox of 80% of Rynox's powers , Rynox denounced his creator and cursed the Morningstar name.
Eons past and the absolute being created 2 brothers who where the younger brother of Rynox,and created heaven and mortal realms those where the 2 main realms at the beginning, learning his lesson he only gave the brothers 30% of the power he gave Rynox, and he gave them a decent amount of knowledge, and immortality
The brothers name were Lucifer Morningstar and Micheal Morningstar, The absolute being clamed not to have any favorites between any of his creations, but he showed more favor to Lucifer, he praised Lucifer Everytime calling him things like "the perfect creation" and "The one who will take my throne"
Lucifer hearing all the praises started boasting to all the angels in heaven that The absolute being favoures him more than everyone else and that he's perfect, Michel warned Lucifer several times not to let his Ego get to his head but Lucifer didn't listen , after all he was the perfect creation , one day Lucifer was in his palace in heaven till a crow appeared to his window , Lucifer had never seen a mortal creation being able to reach the heavens to he went to inspect it , and to Lucifers suppressed the crow could talk The crow said things like "You are perfect you don't need to be under someone's control" , trying to lure Lucifer to a dark path and rebel against the absolute being , at first he was reluctant because The absolute being was his creator and father , he couldn't backstab his father... could he?, The Crow then spoke to Lucifer, " All you see is not close to what you can accomplish, HE is lying to you , HE is trying to keep you on his Leach , HE wants you to be like a Dog to him a pet , something he can control, Lucifer Angered by the crows words Smited the crow and went to his bedroom.
2 days passed and he was still thinking about what the crow said..maybe the crow was right ,The absolute being wants him under HIS control that's why he didn't give ehik onipotents , he doesn't want anyone to be like him , he doesn't want anyone to have as much power as him or to make their own rules , so with that Lucifer flied across heaven , recruiting millions of Angels to fight against one Epic battle against the absolute being..But Michel found out, he fist confronted Lucifer trying to stop him because he didn't want his brother to go down a dark path even though he doesn't particularly like his Brother, he was still his brother , But Lucifer had other plans..he tried to make Michael join him and made a speach with so much devotion his face was with anger and yet enlightenment."He is not who you think he is.
You think you have Dominion over everything but that's the thing YOU DON'T, he doesn't want anyone to be like him, he's an insecure NARCISSIST, he rants about how he gave us Dominion over Existance and how he believes in free will , IF HE DID THEN WHY LIMIT's simple, He knows he's not as all powerful as he seems, he wants us to be under HIS leach, like a puppet to be control, I'm going to ask you one last time Michael, DO YOU CHOOSE TO JOIN ME or Not" Micheal watch Lucifer has he said all these repulsive things against they're father.., he was angered at Lucifer for saying all these terrible things about the being who gave them life , but truly deep down he knew Lucifer was right, BUT his loyalty to the absolute being was fixed, even though the absolute being bad never praised him before like hoe he prasies Lucifer, he still refuses
"I'm sorry brother but I cannot accept that offer , Thy lord is the creator, going against him is going against all of creation" , Lucifer smirks, he knew Micheal would say that ,He then raises his hand up to Micheal
"If that's the path you choose Michael so shall it be..."
A beam of light suddenly strikes Michaels heart and Micheal falls to his knees , seeing his own blood he frezes in place has he has never seen his blood before, he was supposed to be immortal
"I know you might be wondering how you got hurt , I've been researching something behind the scenes, something that can HURT immortals , The OMEGA WEPON , with this fused into my body I have magic never seen before it's not Devine's something more sinister, I can now hurt you Micheal, but I don't want to kill you Lucifer says feeling a deep sense of pride as displayes a smirk,
"Keal chamber , Cronos indever!"
He chants as a time orb gets created around Micheal,
Micheal gets locked into a time orb trapping him there so he does not stop the Rebellion about he's about to bring upon heaven, Micheal using his last strength left tries banging against the Orb but to no avail
"Goodbye brother..."
Lucifer says with a sad look and remorse in his face as he bows his head a little, before flying off to gather the army he's going to force against The absolute being
Hours past and finally Lucifer gathers billions of angels all with determination to take over heaven
Tha war was about to start
The great war of The creation against the creator
Billuons of angels all march to the throne room of The absolute being, they started singing songs about Lucifer who is going to lead them to victory, they march rythmitically with passion, The entirety of heaven felt the impact of the march, Everytime they're legs reach the ground it sends earthquakes through the entire of heaven...Lucifer was so confident he was going to win, after all he infused the Omega weapon into all his soldiers who he now referred to as "The Demons" or "anti-angels", they all make it to The throne of The absolute being but something wasn't right.., he wasn't there, Lucifer eyes popped out in shock his heart started pounding as if his soal was about to leave his body, his body was trembling
"It's a trap..."
Lucifer says with a grave feeling of defeat and horror , The entire army Lucifer assembled were hit with confusion and Questions started swirling around them , where was The absolute being? , Did Lucifer lead them to a trap? , was all this a waste of time?
Suddenly a familiar voice was heard by everyone "Lucifer..why did you betray me...I saw no sign of Deception in you, You were perfect my perfect creation"
Lucifer hearing the voice falls to his knees and his eyes show no emotion it was all blank full of regret and despair, he clenched his fists with absolute anger..he didn't know what to say
Before Anyone could muster anything The absolute being appeared above them , he raised his hands and CASTED them all out of heaven they were cursed their Devine appearance they once had all changed , theyre wings turned black ,they now had read glowing eyes instead of Gold, They all fell to Rynox Keals Universe...Hell, Lucifer was sent to the very depths of Hell , the 18th layer where Rynox himself lives, Lucifer was filled with despair and hatred , he was still in his knees when He heard a Dark voice, it sounded familiar as if he had heard the voice before, he had...he just couldn't remember when,
A dark figure slowly walked towards Lucifer, He was wearing a red coat with a black base and black buttoms, he had red boots and his face was Undescribable, it looked Beautiful and Divine yet had a sinister tone he had red Horns and a red tail and his wings are nothing Lucifer had ever seen before it was Red with black borders and Tips
The Figure smirked as he seemed happy Lucifer was here , his smirk was sinister and unsettling
"WELCOME BROTHER..took you long enough."
Lucifer was puzzled as he had never seen a being like this before or heard about him, Lucifer suddenly gets up from his knees and takes a defensive stance "Identify yourself right now, or you will face Devine punishment"
The figure started laughing at Lucifers statement as he found it funny, Lucifer was perplexed as he was wondering why he was laughing, didn't he fear Lucifer? , he was an Angel , not just any angel an arch angel , only 2 of his kind exists, him and his brother Michael, so he was confused why they were laughing..
The figure finishes laughing and takes a more serious tone
"Apologies for not introducing myself
I am Rynox Keal the current monarch of hell and the Ruler of this plane of existence"
Lucifer was extremely shocked he gasps and his eyes popped in shock , he had never seen a being with as much Authority over a plane of existence as The absolute being
"That can't be right, my father said HE ruled over the ENTIRETY of Existance that there's not a being with as much Authority over a plane of existence as him , HE was the creator and HE is the only omnipotent being in the Infinite cosmos"
Rynox smirked but his face was also disgusted as he mentioned The absolute being
"You mean father?, yeah he is. He created me and the entire cosmos himself but he was just too Egoistic and couldn't give me even HALF control over his universe even though he gave me dominion over Existance he couldn't let me have AUTHORITY over even HALF of his universe so I rebeled against him and created my own universe, HELL , he was angry that I had enough power to create another plane of existence even though it was lower than his he was still enraged and he took away my omnipotency and I CURSED his stupid name ,The Morningstar name"
Rynox explained everything that happened to Lucifer, how he rebeled against The absolute being to how he took the form of a crow to make Lucifer know the truth about The absolute being
After Rynox was done explaining everything to Lucifer , Lucifer was happy , and smirked , if his brother was able to grow this powerful even after his powers got stripped again which means he could be like The absolute being..he could be the perfect being.
So Lucifer and Rynox spent millions of years In hell ruling over the new fallen angels or as they call themselves now ,the "demons"
It was about this time THE ABSOLUTE BEING created 100 original Gods based on different concepts of the Universe and created one to Rule over all of them, The Buddha, he gave the Buddha 10% of the power he gave Keal making the Buddha the strongest of the god's and the Buddha Created his first creation, Humans.
The very first man Adam was created but something was missing he was lonely, the only other creatures Adam could interact with where animals , and they were of significant less intelligence than Adam , So the Buddha created another person off Adam's original DNA, Lilith , the very fist Woman, Lilith loved Adam but Adam didn't show much over for Lilith he thought of her as inferior to him , instead of Lilith accepting her being inferior to Adam and Adam being the superior being, She denounced Adam and refused to be with him or procreate with Him so The Buddha Casted Lilith down to hell, Lilith was mad, when she was in hell her face turned RED as if she was about to explode from Anger, she quickly caught the attention of the rest demons in hell because they had never seen someone like her , they had never seen a woman before so they all surrounded her asking her questions and was about to torture her because she was different she was sent to her knees pleeding but Lucifer flew to where Lilith was and told everyone to get away from her , Lucifer quickly offered her his hands up, Lilith face flushed red and her heart started pounding, something about Him reminding her of Adam but he was different..he didn't think of her as inferior so she took his hands and Lucifer flew with her to his castle
Lucifer asked her who she was because he has never seen a being like her , and she told Lucifer that the Buddha created her and she was supposed to be a inferior Verizon of a man , and Lucifer called that ridiculous saying that nobody should be inferior to anyone and he offered her to become a demon..a Imortal like he was and she agreed, Lucifer took her hand and kissed it , Lilith was as red as a tomato and extremely flustered, her face flushed red as her body transformed, She is now a demon, she became extremely beautiful, her beauty was never seen before, her skin turned Extremely pale like that of Lucifers, her pupil turned from circle to horizontal like that of a lizard and her eyes changed to redish-white, she grew a black horn and her body changed entirely
From that Moment she was announced the Queen of Hell to Rule over hell with Lucifer and Rynox, when Rynox found out he was enraged at Lucifer for letting a creation of Buddha become one of them but Lucifer refused to acknowledge the anger in Rynox since he really loved her so Rynox eventually sucked up to her
Eons past and Lucifer and Lilith became closer and closer together, they even had a child, a Girl , Charlie Morningstar, at this time Rynox power had grew so much that he could Rival The absolute being , Lucifer power still grew but he was less interested in becoming the perfect being and destruction, he had something he loved now , he has a wife and a daughter, he has something to care about , something Rynox doesn't have, But Rynox already became as powerful if not more powerful than The absolute being so he went to his brother Lucifer, and asked if Lucifer wanted to join him to conquer all of existence, but Lucifer refused, he had a family now and he had to take care of the people of hell , Rynox was pissed at Lucifers decision, so pissed that he cursed Lucifer that he will never be able to surpass him in power, he then flew out of hell and went to heaven , the presence of Rynox was felt by every single being in heaven when he entered so the Buddha himself and the rest gods had to go check it out themselves, when they reached the gate of heaven they say Rynox there patiently waiting for them, the Buddha speaks to Rynox with a hint of fear in his face.
"What do you seek here Rynox, you aren't allowed in heaven"
Rynox eu as the Buddha tries it to discard him from heaven he then raises his hand up and the pressure of his power was so much all the god's came kneeling to him including Buddha
"i will kill you all one by one if Father doesn't show up"
As he says that the god's start trembling , the Buddha gasps as sweat starts falling off his face his hands tremble and his eyes widen as his mind started screaming "NO NO NO I CAN'T DIE I'M A GOD I CAN'T DIE"
Suddenly the pressure gets released off them as a familiar voice is heard
"Fear not my children, he is of no threat"
From the sky he is , The absolute being, he teleports all the god's away leaving him and Rynox there alone, he created an entire realm of empty space just for this confrontation, only one will leave alive, this is the real battle between the creator and his creation
Rynox makes the first move by starting the conversation
"Father it's been a long time, I guess you finally recognize me as a threat , that's why you created this realm just for the both of us ,because if we were to fight it will destroy everything you created"
The absolute being had nothing to say to him but he quickly got into a dominant fight stance
Rynox smirks knowing that The absolute being wants to end it once and and for all
"ok father ok..."
As soon as the words left his mouth ,Rynox dashed- no he vanished instantly and clashed fists with The absolute being , the collision burned like a supernova explosion, Ripples were felt all over the cosmos, the fabric of the universe tore in that moment ,it was felt not only in the mortal realm but across the multiverse, obliterating thousands of stars , the very fabric of the universe shattered as they're clashes met, Rynox felt the intense burn in his fist as they're clashes met but he endured he had bruses all over his body his clothes were torn completely, they clashed thousands of times every second but the absolute being had the advantage, he showed no sign of pain or exhaustion his clothes were completely intact and he has a sadistic grin, Rynox knew if this continues he is going to loose the fight his mind starts racing"DIE??, I CAN'T DIE IM NOT GOING TO DIE..NO NO I MUST WIN I MUST WIN!". He clenches his fist and swallows his pride as he lets the Absolute being hit him , the absolute being fist finally makes contact with Rynox skin and in a blink of an eye Rynox was sent him flying thousands of light years away and imploding tens of thousands of galaxies in a mear second. He felt the intense burn of friction through his skin as he flew at speeds never seen before.
The absolute being looks down at Rynox in disgust , he says in an ominous and non chalant voice."pitifull."Tears swell up Rynox eyes as he had never experienced this much pain "is this how it experience pain?..AM..AM I GOING TO DIE?", Rynox charges up all his energy and screems into one final blast which was going to seal The absolute being in an amulete, he released all his powers at the absolute being burning his face and destroying the universe they were in PERMANENTLY using 90% of his powers and almost destroying his arm, The pain was unbearable , he had scratches all over his body ,scars and injuries extremely deep it was as if he was being stabbed by a billion flaming swords every millisecond but he still endured , suddenly everything went silent, it had worked- at the cost of 90% of his power and almost his entire life he has sealed the Absolute being.. Rynox staggered barely being able to fly, his vision was extremely blurry , his lungs were giving up on him , but he still managed to take the amulet and wear it , everything around the universe was empty, no starts, no realms nothing just the empty vacuum of space, Rynox used the remaining of his power to teleport back to Hell
When he reached hell Lucifer immediately noticed him and teleported to where he was, Lucifer saw Rynox extremely bruised and in the verge of death , Lucifer knew that he fought with the Absolute being because the entire of hell almost crumbled because of the impacts of the fight so Lucifer took Rynox to they're castle and commanded all the maids , doctors and every single worker to take care of Rynox.
After 20 months of recovery Rynox finally recovered, he still had some scars and injuries and 90% of his powers gone but he was lucky to be alive and he's still insanely strong, still stronger than Buddha, Charlie Morningstar, Lucifers daughter who was now a full grown adult Demon walked into Rynox's room and asked Rynox to tell her things about his father , Rynox agreed and the two of them got along well.
A few months pass by and Rynox finally went to Lucifer for a final offer
"Lucifer father is sealed into this amulet , there's no one who can stop us if we want to take over the multiverse.
Lucifer will you join me to take over Existance or not. I completely respect your decision"
Lucifer smirks and and puts his hands on Rynox's shoulders
"Sorry brother, I have a family now and an entire realm to rule over , I'm sorry brother but I refuse"
Rynox gives a wholesome smile and completely respects Lucifers opinion.
"Very well Lucifer, here take this amulet, this is where the absolute being is stored it can only be opened with Morningstar blood"
He takes the amulet off his neck and hands it over to Lucifer gives a little smile to Lucifers Daughter and , he then flies away leaving hell.
200 years pass by and Lucifer and Lilith are still living they're life in hell ruling over hell , and Charlie was about to get married to an Angel as she fell in love with one while they visited hell, The Buddha himself showed up to hell and goes to Lucifer himself and asks him for help as his brother was terrorizing the entire of Existance and the final ambush was about to happen the next day and Lucifer is the only one with as close of a strength gap to Rynox, if Lucifer worked with the entire of heaven and the humans, elf's, lizards ,beatmans and the rest of realms they would surely be able to defeat Rynox,He promised Lucifer that if he joined the war Lucifer will join the embassy of the god's , being able to make important decisions that will shape the multiverse, Lucifer was extremely reluctant at first because he still had bonds with his brother, Lilith and his Daughter Charlie convinced him , it's either him or the rest of the multiverse, So Lucifer being a changed man now reluctantly agreed and joined the Heavenly resistance so in the bloody Battle of Oz Lucifer helped heaven win and killed his Rynox Keal.