The Paradox of E

Chapter 14: The Story of E – Chapter 14: The Kingdom Runs on Bullsh*t


Previously on The Story of E

E is now the unofficial ruler of the kingdom.

The King has officially given up.

The Evil Lord is making more money selling villain merch than actually being evil.

The High Priest is convinced the gods are ignoring his calls.

The General still just wants a war.

And now… let's see how much further this nonsense can go.


1. The King's First Day as a Corporate Mascot

The King sat on his throne, staring blankly into the void.

His once-proud kingdom had become a medieval theme park under E's "supervision."

The dungeons? Now an escape room attraction.

The knights? They offer VIP tours and sell collectible swords.

The Evil Lord's castle? Five-star luxury resort with ominous décor.

The adventurers' guild? Rebranded as a reality show.

The King finally spoke.

"E… is there anything left that isn't a joke?"

E tilted his head. "Your life choices?"

The King slammed his face into his hands.


2. The General Finally Gets His War (Sort Of)

The General stormed into the throne room.


E snapped his fingers. "Done."

The doors burst open.

A giant crowd of tourists rushed in, cameras ready.

The General blinked. "What is this?"

E grinned.

"A battle re-enactment. You get to fight, and they get to watch. Win-win."

The General stared at the tourists. "You… you expect me to fight for ENTERTAINMENT?!"

The crowd cheered.

The General looked around.

The tourists were holding popcorn, souvenir flags, and novelty shields.

One kid waved a foam sword. "Go General! Smite thy enemies!"

The General slowly exhaled.


E patted his shoulder. "Great! Now put on this sponsored armor."

The General looked at the armor.

It had corporate logos all over it.

He silently wept.


3. The High Priest Tries to Quit Religion

The High Priest sat at the temple, head in his hands.

"Oh divine ones… please send me a sign that you still exist."


Then—a knock on the door.

E peeked in.

"Hey. You free? We need someone to officiate a mock-sacrifice event. Great marketing."

The High Priest took a deep breath.

"I am leaving."

E blinked. "Leaving what?"


E nodded. "Cool. I'll get the paperwork."

The High Priest froze. "Wait. There's PAPERWORK?"

E grinned.

"Of course. I'm running a civilized kingdom, after all."

The High Priest let out the longest sigh in history.


4. The Economy Has Ascended

The Merchant Guild Leader slid a very thick stack of papers onto the King's desk.

"Your Majesty, the economy has reached an all-time high."

The King stared at the report.

Everything was profitable.

Even getting arrested was a paid experience now.

Crimes had scheduled time slots.

Bribes were processed through an official guild.

The King slowly looked up.

"Is… is corruption legal now?"

E nodded. "Of course not. It's just… monetized."

The King rubbed his temples.

"That's the same thing."

E smirked. "Not if we call it an efficiency tax."

The Merchant Guild Leader nodded in approval.

The King felt himself aging another ten years.


5. The King Finally Snaps

The King stood up.


E clapped. "Great! I'll get the tour guide to show you around."

The King froze.

"Tour… guide?"

The Court Mage walked in, holding a brochure.

"Welcome to the Royal Palace Experience™! We offer three tour packages—"

The King screamed.


6. E Talks to the Audience (Again)

E turned to the reader.

"Ah, yes. The slow and inevitable collapse of sanity. Truly a work of art."

The King threw a goblet at him.


E dodged effortlessly.



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